The frontier should be in the city, and Fengyi Xuan led the 50,000 soldiers to quietly lurk in a prominent forest behind the city.

"Wang Ye!" He Chuyang came to the side of Fengyi Xuan in a black armor. "The place we are in now is a difficult position to defend, the soldiers have been arranged, and the hidden is very good from a distance. Don't come out there is an ambush!"

Fengyi Xuan stood on a high place, and the cool breeze of the night blew the robes of the winged wing. He stood there like a silent statue, as if he could be destroyed only by standing alone between the heavens and the earth. Ground.

"Come on..." The cool and thin voice of Fengyi Xuan is very light in the night wind, but it is heavy in the ears of everyone.

Darkly quietly came to the side of his own master, a black armor made his murderous body more intense, but when he saw his own master, he instantly became admired and respectful, even if the master had to pay 50,000 to 200,000 There is no hesitation to follow the master.

"How?" At the beginning of the darkness, Fengyi Xuan had already removed his gaze and looked at the dark one. His keen insight did not have any occlusion in the dark.

"The soldiers are all ready, and now they are waiting for the arrival of the soldiers of the Moon!" Dark one said with some flexibility, every man may have liked this kind of coziness and impulsiveness to kill the battlefield.

Windwing Xuan nodded slightly, the pair of glasses in the night, like a wolf, looked at the mountain passage below, and the left hand of the man standing there like a **** of war was gently stroking the purse at the waist, as if The army of 100,000 is not as precious as a purse on his body.

Suddenly, Feng Yixuan’s body flashed into the hill, and the original ones who stood by him immediately hid. They hid in an uphill position and watched the following as fast as an ant. Flower country soldier.

Twenty thousand soldiers were wearing the armor of the moon, but the footsteps of the march were very light. Even if there were so many soldiers, if they heard from a distance, they could not hear that there were a large area of ​​soldiers moving forward and marching from them. In terms of speed, they are also preparing for a sudden attack, and the homeopathic city can win the wind.

Closer, closer, Fengyi Xuan led 50,000 soldiers to watch the soldiers of the Moon below slowly approaching, and the soldiers of the month who concentrated on the road did not find the lurkers on their heads one by one. Black armor, like a beast-like soldier, only waits for the lord to give the enemy a blow.

"Break!" Feng Yi Xuan looked at the endless moon soldiers marching under the mountain where they were, suddenly reaching out and thinning lips.

"Kill!" At that time, 50,000 soldiers were screaming, and the deafening voice was introduced into the ears of the soldiers of the Moon under the mountain. It was obvious that there were only 50,000 people but they were shouted by hundreds of thousands of people. The momentum, for a moment, the underlying soldiers of the Moon State were scared to escape, and those who were riding the horses of the Moon State were kicked by the murderous voice, and they did not wait for the wind. When the soldiers attacked, the soldiers of the Moon State lost their momentum and opportunities.

Just as the soldiers of the Moon State were terrified, they took down a huge piece of sharp stone from the top of the mountain. Even if the soldiers of the Moon State were well-trained soldiers, it was inevitable that they were injured one by one. life.

For a time, the soldiers on the top of the mountain peaked up and hoarded the stones in advance. They were very happy to bow down to the soldiers below. Every time they squatted, there would be a painful voice. The soldiers of the wind country were more and more happy, and the following The soldiers of the Moon State lost only a part of their strength after half an hour.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the soldiers of the Moon State below who wanted to retreat, but because this aisle was narrow, because of so many soldiers and everyone wants to run out, it was more crowded, which also attracted them time.

"Let!" Feng Yi Xuan's mouth reveals a cruel smile, like the devil in **** who controls the evil spirits, but the momentum of the whole body is as high as the gods.

In the voice of Feng Yi Xuan just fell, and some of the heart-wrenching He Chuyang took the soldiers out of the bow and arrow, and each of the bows and arrows of the arrow was wrapped with a thick layer of diesel burning stars The fire illuminates the faces of the soldiers of the wind country on the mountain one by one in the night.

"Hey!" The arrow rain with the fire flew like a falling meteor to the soldiers of the Moon under the mountain, while the soldiers of the Moon watched the arrows and did not shoot at people, but they were still relieved, but not yet When they were lucky, they found that they were stepping on the layers of dead leaves under their feet. When the fire fell into the dead leaves, they ignited a fire. When the soldiers of the Moonland destroyed this place, they began to burn. The soldiers of the Moon State, who had a time of more than 100,000, wanted to resist like a headless fly, but they looked at the soldiers who were tall above their heads. They simply Can't fight.

“Dark one!” Feng Yixuan stood there as if he was the strongest city wall. His cold commanded “to lead the 20,000 soldiers to block the exit. The king wants one person to stay!”

Feng Yixuan looked at the following soldiers of the Moon State under the leadership of the generals and began to slowly withdraw. At the exit of the aisle, the soldiers of the Moon began to go out. If the soldiers of the Moon Island fled here, they would look again. There is not such a good terrain to besiege, and if the soldiers of the month of the country go to ventilate the letter, then the blue army will definitely have problems in front of them.

"Yes!" After the death of the dark, he took the 10,000 soldiers and retired the mountain. He quickly flew to the exit of the mountain gorge.

Windwing Xuan picked up the bow and arrow and took the arrow and completed it in an instant. Even in the middle of the night, Fengyi Xuan also saw the head of the soldiers of the following month. He also saw the leader in the calm commanding the soldiers of the month to pick up the shield to resist this. The above stone and gas fire, this person is a talent, but unfortunately is not the talent for his use!

Feng Yi Xuan’s cold eyes slammed into the arrow in his hand and went straight to the month-old general who sat in the armor.

"Hey!" The kingdom of the moon looked at the long arrow of his chest in disbelief. The pure black arrow pierced his chest. He felt the loss of life at a very fast speed. He tried to squint at it. On the top of the mountain, who can kill himself? From the far side, I saw a man wearing a black robes standing at the top of the mountain. He could not see the man’s eyes but the generals could clearly feel. Despise to that person!

"Ming..." The soldier wanted to name the person who killed him, but unfortunately he fell straight from the horse, and those who did not know who was screaming "General" Dead! The general is dead!"

For a time, the soldiers of the whole country were demoralized. Although the dead soldier was not as famous as the Fengyi Xuan, it was also a rare general in the country. He was also a loyal loyal loyal loyal to the loyal patriarch, but he The death did not allow the soldiers of the Moon State to fight back but to make the soldiers of the Moon State feel scared.

He Chuyang looked down on the death of a general who was turned into a loose sand. The soldiers of the month of the country were scornful. A soldier should not have any confusion when he encountered anything including death, and the soldiers of the month saw their own generals. Death without anger, no desperation, but fear and fear, such soldiers really let the soldiers of He Chuyang and the peak winds of the country look down, these soldiers can not be called a soldier!

Feng Yixuan looked at the soldiers of the Moon State below and had already lost more than half of them. At this time, Feng Yixuan’s eyes swept a little to estimate that the soldiers of the Moon State had lost more than 100,000, and the remaining soldiers of the Moon State still have Many disabled people, and more importantly, these soldiers have begun to surrender their intentions. The arrow rain on the mountain has been used up, and there are few stones left. This is the best time to attack.

Feng Yixuan took out his long sword and screamed "kill!" The cold voice was like a swept vortex, with an irresistible momentum, and the people in the room were rolled in it, cruel and cold purple eyes. It seems to be the devil's eye, just a glance, the entire battlefield can be frozen.

The 30,000 soldiers on the mountain peaked with the Pluto and rushed down the mountain, with unstoppable killing and warfare!

At this time, the dark one was intercepted at the exit of the mountain gorge with 20,000 soldiers, which blocked the exit of the mountain gorge in a net shape, even those soldiers who were lucky enough to escape the soldiers of the month. To kill, really do not let one escape!

The 20,000-strong soldiers blocked this exit layer by layer. When the soldiers of the month of the country came out from the first floor, they were strangled by the second-level soldiers of the wind country. When the soldiers of the wind country waved their swords and slashed, they slowly The bodies at the exit slowly piled up, and a body was piled up like a mountain to block the exit of the mountain gorge, and blood spread throughout the land.

At this time, in the aisle of the mountain gorge, it was even more murderous. Tianfeng Xuan led the soldiers of the wind country to rush to the soldiers of the month like a lone wolf. The wind wing Xuan was the first sword to be seen. Clear, but whenever he passes there, he will lay down the body of a soldier with a moon.

The soldiers of the wind country watched the imperial power of the adored Pluto being provoked by the inspiration. The strength of the wind country was very strong, and many soldiers were veterans who followed the wind wing Xuan to fight the battlefield, more important. It is these soldiers who have been carefully trained, so the morale of the soldiers of the wind country and the low morale of the country are incomparable.

When the morning sun shines on the valley full of dead bodies and blood, Fengyi Xuan is standing on the battlefield and watching the soldiers of the wind country clean up the battlefield.

All night, the soldiers of Fengguo, under the leadership of Feng Yixuan, slaughtered the 200,000 troops of the Moon State with 50,000 troops. This will be another pioneering work in history!

"Wang Ye!" He Chuyang's armor has been covered with blood and looked tired but still can't block his admiration for Fengyi Xuan. "If this is not Pluto, we are afraid that we will be defeated. You are really a gods!"

Feng Yixuan’s eyes are so cool that the person who has just led the soldiers to kill him is not him. He can’t see any joy in his eyes. He seems to be a cold machine, or his warmth is only in the blue. It will be revealed in front of the mourning.

"This time we can win a large part of the time is good!" Feng Yi Xuan said coldly, this time they occupy the convenience of the terrain, so they can win so easily, or they will definitely lose a lot tonight, but Everything is not important because they have won!

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