"The stomach is so big, is it going to be born?"

In the courtyard of the Blue House, Lan Younian accompanied the flowers of the stomach and walked slowly. Hua Mu has been pregnant for many months, and now the stomach is very big, but unfortunately, the blue Jianjun and the blue ink string are in the frontier, so the entire Lanfu is relying on Huamu to take care of one person, and the blue secluded mind is not at ease from time to time. Just go back to the blue house to see.

Hua Mu is all bathed in the sun, and the temperament of the past has become very mild because of pregnancy. It is no longer so sloppy to do things. Now the blue house is also taken care of by the flowers, even if it is good, even if it is The two men in the blue house are not there, but no one dares to do anything about the blue house.

"Yeah, there are still two months old children will be born!" Hua Mu caressing his bulging belly, the eyes are the joy of being a mother.

"I hope that the ink string can be brought back before the child is born, so that he can see the child's first side!" Hua Mu said with some eagerness, although she is not ordinary everyone, but I still hope for myself at this time of pregnancy. Fu Jun can accompany himself.

Lan Youn thought that the two had already gone for a while, and then they took the flowers and fell to the courtyard of the still-negative secluded pavilion.

"You don't have to worry about your nephew. Now you have a pregnant mood and you need to put some of the children born so that you will be healthy." Blue Nian Nian let the blue songs go to the cup of hot water to give the flowers to the body and then say "and Xuan letter said this仗 has already won, the moon has surrendered to the wind country, and the next step is to deal with some things in the frontier, my father and brother will return to Beijing! I think my brother must also miss the scorpion, as long as things are done Will come back immediately!"

Hua Mu listened to the comfort of the blue sorrowful smile and climbed up to the cheek, letting the cockroach take the needlework and slowly do the clothes of the unborn child.

"I don't know the responsibility of the father-in-law and the ink string, but it is a complaint. When the frontier wars, the ink string hesitated for a long time before going away. I was afraid that I would not feel at ease in the house. Where are I? Will it block his ambition? As long as he has children in my heart, I am not worried about anything!"

Lan Younian looked at the flowers and looked a little embarrassed. This kind of flower-like massage really changed a lot. The woman who used to be a woman is now a good wife and a good mother. The gentleness of her personality has also become strong. Become the mother of this blue house. But why haven’t you changed a lot?

I used to be worried about this worry. Now she has these friends and family members, so she has more responsibility and concern. She used to be silent and now she is joking with everyone. There will be small tempers, and they will become alive and well. These are because these people are more because of the love of Feng Yi Xuan.

Hua Mu whispered but did not hear the sound of blue secluded thoughts. When I looked up, I saw blue mourning and looked at the baby clothes in my hands. I don’t know what to do, and I gently put the needles in my hands. I took a picture of Lan Yu and said, "If you are bored, why not learn to make clothes with me?"

Although I know that the embroidered work of Lan You Nian is really bad, but they also see the degree of care that Pluto cares about the purse, so a man can actually see an embroidered ugly purse on his body. Blue mourning cares, Hua Mu thinks about which woman does not make clothes and shoes for her husband? Even the woman who is so embarrassed by her has now picked up the needlework to do this, not forced, but really what she wants to do for her husband.

“Doing clothes?” asked Blue Nun, muttering, thinking that their clothes were made by the best embroidered mother. I didn’t really make anything except for an ugly purse embroidered for Fengyi Xuan. What the lady should do.

Lan Younian is somewhat heart-throbed but thinks that his embroiderer is a little embarrassed. After all, if the clothes are not purse, if it is not good, she can be sure that Feng Yi Xuan will definitely wear out with great fanfare. When I don’t know how others laugh at it!

"I still don't want it, don't you know that my embroidered work is simply not eye-catching? When is the time when the Emperor Pluto wears an embroidered seven-twisted clothes to go to the DPRK?" Blue Nian thinks that the scene is inexplicable. I feel very happy, and it is completely different from the powerful gas field of Fengyi.

Hua Mu let the blue song back to the king's palace to take the cloth, and then advised "how is it so clever and now stupid, let you make clothes for Pluto do not have to wear a coat, do not have a coat for Pluto, just wear it inside. I can't see but complete your mind, how good!"

Blue Nian thought about it too, and then went back to the government to get the good clothes.

Then the next few days, Tianlan Younian was in the blue house accompanied by flowers and embroidered clothes in his hands. Although after so many days of tempering, the embroidered work of Lan You Nian is still not very good, maybe she is not That talent, but fortunately, the middle clothes are worn inside and there is no fancy, so it is much simpler.

It was not too late when I went to the palace of the royal family in the night when I had dinner in the blue house. I just received a letter from the daily wing wing when I returned to the blue house.

"Dark three, Xuan will still come back in a few days?" Lan Younwen asked, in the past few days, when Feng Xingxuan wrote a letter, he had already told Lan Youn that they had begun to go back to Beijing in the finishing of affairs. It doesn't take a few days for everyone to come back.

"Wang Hao, Wang Ye, their march is not slow, I am afraid that I will be able to return to Beijing after three days!" The secret three hearts are happy for their own masters. They have always looked at their masters and mothers, while the mother is cold and indifferent. It seems that the mother is also very fond of the prince, but the performance of the mother is not obvious.

Lan Youn nodded and thought that after three days, Feng Yi Xuan would return to the mood very well. Although she looks good on these days, there is nothing wrong with it, but in fact she is still not used to it. She always feels that she has It was warm, and the warmth was given by Fengyi Xuan.

"Blue song, you put this dress!" Lan Younian handed the embroidered shirt to the blue song, and then went to the study, even if she is indeed a pick-up treasurer, but a big ruthless pavilion There are still a lot of things to deal with.

In the study room of Pluto, the light of the night pearl shines, and the blue sorrow licks his own sour eyes. At this time, someone suddenly begins to massage her shoulders. After a glimpse of the blue, she relaxes. Let the person behind him evacuate his fatigue.

Feng Yi Xuan led his own terracotta warriors to Beijing to go back to Beijing, but he himself was quickly returning to the government, but did not expect to return to the house but found his own thoughts in the study room to deal with things, when When he walked into the study and saw his thoughts, he was very angry. He was angry that she did not take care of herself and blamed herself for not taking care of her.

After a while, Feng Yi Xuan discovered that he was sitting and falling asleep. Feng Yi Xuan’s heart was a pity. He slowly bent down the noble knee that would never bend, and took the blue back. The waist of the mind, like holding a fragile treasure, holds her whole person into her arms like a child.

Blue mourning these days is not tired, just miss the wind wing Xuan can not sleep, and now meet the familiar embrace of blue secluded mouth corner micro-hooked head and also joined the wind wing Xuan's chest, that depends on the look The wind wing Xuan was itchy and dumbfounded. It seemed that the tiredness of the road was disappearing when she saw the woman in her arms.

Feng Yi Xuan will be immersed in the room and put on the bed, and is preparing to go to the bath to wash, but the gimmick in his arms is holding his clothes, and Fengyi Xuan is reluctant to prepare to lie for a while, but suddenly I saw a man's middle coat on the bed.

In the wing of the wing, Xuanzhong still holds the thoughts, and gently squats and sleeps, but the free hand picks up the set of clothes, and the wind wing Xuanguang is slightly stunned, suddenly the lips are slightly raised. From then on, a smile bursts silently. At that moment, there are fresh branches and leaves growing, flowers blossoming, and a beautiful scenery. The beautiful mountains and rivers are eclipsed. All the beauty in the world is against the silent smile of Fengyixuan.

Some carefully put this set of clothes on the bedside, and Fengyi Xuan kissed the sleeping blue secluded forehead, and said softly, "Thank you!"

When the sun rose in the next day, Lan Younian woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the wind wing of Xuan Xuan as he looked at himself.

"Do not sleep more?" Fengyi Xuan is swaying, the soft and soft tone contains a touch of pet, the heart of the listener is crisp and numb, the hot and humid breath of goose feathers over the ears of blue secluded.

Lan Nian Nian shook her head. She really slept very well last night, because Feng Yi Xuan was around, so she slept very well.

Suddenly, Lan Nian Nian saw the middle-fashioned shirt worn by Feng Yixuan. He bent out his fingertips and pokeed the clothes of Feng Yi Xuan. "I like it?" She did not think that Feng Yi Xuan would have come back last night, and so I’m going to wear it on my body.

“Like, I like it!” Feng Yixuan was happy when he saw it last night. He didn’t know how to express it, but at that time he fell asleep and he couldn’t bear to wake up and read, and he kept sleeping and waiting for it. In the middle of the night, I couldn't help but put on the dress and immediately put on the coat.

Feng Yi Xuan felt that this middle suit was particularly fit, and the style was particularly good. He had to wear a coat to go out.

Although I know that Fengyi Xuan will love it, I still feel very happy when I hear that Fengyi Xuan’s mouth is blue, and her man is always so easy to satisfy. A piece of clothes can make him so happy. In the future, I should do more for the wind wing Xuan.

"Is there still a few days? How come back so early?" The voice of Lan Younian just woke up with a soft sleepy, and the wind wing Xuan Xin was soft.

The wind wing Xuanyuan smashed the indigo and lingered some long hair. "If you missed me, you will come back earlier. Do you want to be a little unconscience?"

"Thinking, I really want to think about Xuan." Blue Yu Nian is very clever nod.

The blue mourning voice is soft and soft, and the "thinking" is like the whispering whisper of the lover. The sound is gently and gently lingering in the ear of Fengyi Xuan, and the heart of the wing is opened. Layers of cymbals, the kind of turbulent turmoil, can't stop anyway.

Feng Yi Xuan suddenly became dry and dry, and the fierce kiss was like a nerve that swept the blue sacred mind. The big tongue of the wind wing Xuan slammed the blue teeth and teased. With her soft and delicate lilac tongue, the sound of the lips and teeth intersected in the room, and the whole room became hot all the time.

After a long time...

"Bastard!" Blue singer is mad at the wind and wings of the body that is still exercising on his body. From now on, it’s time to wake up. But Feng Yixuan has never stopped, she is really tired. Can't stand it.

"Hey..." Feng Yixuan blocked the blue mouth and wanted to swear the little mouth, and continued the next round of indulgence. <!--over-->

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