Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 19No one is more important than you

The morning sun shone like a drizzle on the beautiful house of the Valley of Medicine, and sprinkled on the corner of every medical valley. The air is filled with the fresh smell of various herbs, and the garden is full of strange flowers and grasses.

At this time, there was a beautiful woman lying on the garden soft couch, a face that was not applied to the powder but still beautiful. The eyebrows are like a new moon, and the autumn waves are flowing. The jade fingers are like green onions, and the skin is tender and jade-like. It seems that the water comes from the water, and it is definitely a beautiful woman who cares about the country. There is only a piece of white clothing on the body, and there is a big flower of Manzhu Shahua in the hem of the plain clothes. The style is special, although it is plain, but it is not too generous. The blue silk dances with the wind, giving off fragrance, slender waist, and a fairy-like temperament.

Lan Younian felt that she was slumbering when she was basking in the sun. She and Feng Yixuan had been in the medical valley for more than half a year.

In the past six months, the daughters of the blue ink string and Hua Mu’s daughter have been born. After they have gone back, they have returned to the medical valley to live. In the past six months, Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian have lived a life of love in the Valley of Medicine like a fairy monk. Blue Yu Nian is also very satisfied with this kind of life. When he is fine, he will return to Beijing for a few days and then come back, such a life. Too happy, but the only thing that makes Blue singer speechless is that they have been married for almost a year, but the wolf nature of Fengyixuan has not changed at all. She has toss her tonight very late, she even feels the wind. Wing Xuan and his own stay in the Valley are just to do that kind of thing.

"Second brother, Master?" Lan Younian suddenly remembered one thing and asked, and today Feng Yi Xuan is just out of the valley to deal with some things, and she also took the opportunity to ask some things she thought of some time ago.

"Master is in the medicine garden!" Ghost II carried some things to the courtyard. These things were some of the things that Master had obtained outside the valley. When Master saw it, he gave it back to the younger sister. Put it in the courtyard, and this time because the younger sister is in the medical valley, everyone can clearly feel how good Master is.

After the blue nod, he nodded and went to the medicine garden.

The medical garden of Shigu is located behind the mountain forest. The medical garden is well managed by the disciples of the medical valley. From a distance, you can see a green color in the medicine garden. One of the various herbs is worn. The old man in gray clothes squatted in the medicine garden, holding a shovel in his hand and constantly rumbling for those herbs. The clothes of the old man were contaminated with mud but his expression was very satisfying.

"Master!" Lan Younian trotting into the medicine garden, kneeling beside the ghost doctor, picking up a shovel around him and helping to start renovating the soil for these precious herbs.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The ghost doctor took the shovel in the hands of Lan Younian and said with some blame, "What about the stinky boy? Why don't you stay with you! This garden is all mud sun. Big, don't get it, this time there are disciples to get it!" The ghost doctor said, he took the blue sorrow and walked out of the medicine garden and sat down at a wooden table next to the medicine garden to wash the dirt in his hand. After that, the ghost doctor sat there and watched as a granddaughter like his granddaughter tea for himself.

The blue singer’s mouth is hooked with a smile, and the ghost doctor is brewing tea. This old man always cares about himself, and he doesn’t need to do anything when he is a child or now, even if he lives in the valley. In the medical valley, the ghost doctors came over from time to time to see that Feng Yixuan was not good for himself. Such an old man asked Lan Younian to think that such a master is the most fortunate thing she came to in this world.

"Master, I have something to ask Master today!" Lan Younian said that the tea was handed to the ghost doctor and said directly, this thing she was irritated in these days, if not daily Feng Yi Xuan is around, she has come over and asked.

The look of the ghost doctor flashed, and my heart also knew a little about what my apprentice wanted to ask.

"What do you want to ask?" The ghost doctor put down the tea in his hand and looked kind. He had collected a few apprentices in his life, but only the youngest apprentice, he became a pro-grandmother.

Lan Younian put his wrist on the table and seriously looked at Master's saying, "Master, I have been with Xuan Cheng for a year, but I have never been pregnant. I have also pulsed myself for myself, but I feel that There is nothing wrong with my body. But the medical skills of the mind are not high, so I want to let Master see if something is wrong!"

If other things are not afraid of blue, it is as if she used to be poisonous, she does not care, but now she has begun to panic, inexplicably afraid of the blue mind.

The ghost doctor sighed, and then seriously took the pulse for the blue secluded, although he had already known what happened.

However, after a while, the ghost doctor took back his hand and looked at his apprentice to think about it or directly said, "In fact, this stupid boy has been looking for a teacher before you became a relative! At that time, you got married, that stinks. The kid said that you are still afraid that if you are pregnant, your body will not be able to load it, so you want to let the teacher open some medicine that does not hurt the body for him!"

At that time, the ghost doctor was very satisfied with the practice of Feng Yi Xuan. This man is really thinking about the little thoughts. Not only worried about the body of Xiao Nian, but also made such a decision, even if he was drinking medicine, he would not let the little thoughts drink. The ghost doctor felt that it was very important to give his most beloved apprentice to such a man. Good thing.

"It turned out that Xuan had already searched for Master. Was it because Xuan had taken the medicine?" asked Blue Uncle, because she had never seen Fengyi Xuan taking medicine, and she always felt that things were not too good. Right.

Ghost doctors stretched out their rough old hands and touched the blue lingering hair, just like when they were young.

"Stupid child, your body has been so poisonous in the past few years. When you are young, it is very difficult to get pregnant. If you are pregnant, are you still need to drink any medicine? And you have not found that you are married to that. After the stinky boy, is there a medicinal porridge in the daily diet?” The voice of the ghost doctor revealed a deep sigh. He himself always hoped that the two could have a child earlier, so that he would have hope for an old man. You can teach the little martial arts Sun Wugong and medical skills. When you think about it, you feel very good, but...

Blue Nian Nian’s eyes are shrinking. It’s really her own problem. She doesn’t know her physical condition, but because the poison has already solved her, she has been very normal, so she didn’t think much, but she didn’t think it would happen. The situation. She did not even think that Feng Yi Xuan knew the things early but did not tell herself not to let herself hurt. I thought that I used to drink those medicinal porridges in the daily life of the Wings House in Pluto. The precious medicinal porridge is for the body, but I did not expect that there is such a possibility.

"That..." Blue whispered white teeth bitten his lips and endured his heart and asked, "Is my body really difficult to get pregnant? Is it possible to conceive?"

Lan You Nian knows that Feng Yi Xuan is definitely a child who belongs to their children, although he has not said it. And since they became married, Feng Yixuan never mentioned the child's things. I never thought about it now. I am afraid that it is feared that Feng Yixuan is afraid of causing such a topic. This is never mentioned, the man is really true to himself. It is a kind of conscience.

"Little thoughts, it is really difficult for your body to want to get pregnant. Nowadays, you can only slowly make up for it. These things are urgent!" Ghost doctors advised, but looked at the eyes of the disciples in front of them. And the sad-hearted doctor still changed the mouth inside. "But your master is a ghost doctor. The doctor's medical skills are very good, so don't worry, you know?"

Blue Yu Nian can't hear that Master is comforting himself, trying to show a peace of mind... Blue sorrow is actually fearful, the child actually has no meaning to her once, but since she married to Fengyixuan After that, she hopes to have a child, watch them grow and teach them to be a man, will this be more happy?

Ghost doctors looked at some embarrassing blue secluded thoughts, and they were trying to persuade them but they didn’t know what to say. When they were in trouble, they saw that they were standing outside the medicine garden, not the wind wing Xuan, the ghost doctor’s heart. I was surprised to know how long the wind wing Xuan came. It seems that the martial arts of this stinky boy is much higher.

The ghost doctor gave the wind wing Xuan a look, then quietly immediately the medicine garden...

"What are you thinking about?" Blue Nian Nian was suddenly hugged from behind, and then the whole person was hugged and sat on the wing of Feng Yixuan. The two looked at each other face to face. It is a deep affection for each other.

The wind wing looked at the twin eyes and flashed and looked at his own eyes. It was big and round, and the black and white clearly seemed to have thousands of stars in it. It was so fascinating that the dazzling eyes were clear. It was amazingly clean, but Feng Yi Xuan saw fear from that eye.

"Xuan, you all know, isn't it?"

"A fool!" Feng Yi Xuan's voice with a magnetic, surrounded by blue secluded thoughts, leaving no traces of blue secluded thoughts to drive away the tension and worry in my heart...

Holding the woman in her arms, the eyes of the wind-winged singer look at the blue eyes and look deep. "I love you, if we have children, it is because you are a child." I like it, if it is not better, then I can be alone, no need to give up any thoughts to take care of others! I miss, no one in this world is more important than you, as long as you are by my side, I don’t care anything..."

When I knew this thing before I became a relative, Feng Yi Xuan did not have any panic. For him, as long as he had a good read, he did not care about the child. He didn't plan to be a relative and talk about children before he met him. Later, all the mind and body that met him were placed on the mind. In fact, he did not want to have a child to disturb their life. He did not want to worry about worrying about a child in the future. But he also longed for a child to be like, so that he can make up for the life that he did not participate in when he was young, but the premise is because of his thoughts. He is selfish in his bones, as long as his thoughts are good by his side, then what about children?

With the heart of Feng Yixuan’s words, Lan Yu’s heart slowly settled down. She also knows that the child’s affairs can only obey God’s will. If she has a child, then she is lucky. If she is not in this life, then she will not Let go of the wing wing.

Windwing Xuan politely kissed the blue fornocent forehead, this silly girl...

Since then, Lan Nian Nian has eaten those medicated diets every day, and usually pays attention to his own body, but even this has never heard the news of pregnancy, but fortunately, Fengyi Xuan has always accompanied the blue secluded She comforted, so the blue sacred thoughts gradually opened up. I felt that this kind of thing should be taken for granted, and the mentality was slowly released. This matter was also put on hold, and everything went along.

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