Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 34 Maple Leaf Forest

"What do you want to do? You don't want to mess around, I am..." The three men looked at the dark and suddenly took out the weapon and looked cold and thought it was dark. They wanted to kill them. The three were very powerful but they were very strong. It is nothing but an official son who has not experienced the storm. It is good to cry without fear.

The darker ones did not pay attention to the panic of the three men opposite. They knew that things were wrong when they suddenly found the maple forest, but they also knew that if they escaped, they would encounter bigger problems. At the moment, the Blue Blade was somewhat self-blaming. He did not expect that this would happen today. If he returned to Beijing, Lanqu knew that he was out of his own ideas. He was afraid to keep up with himself. In any case, he would protect Miss. Leave here safely.

However, after a while, people felt murderous, but at the moment they felt murderous, their hearts were slightly relaxed. From the murderousness of these people, the martial arts of these people are not particularly high, a good killer. You can hide the murderousness, even if you release the murderousness, it is not the current murderousness, and they can already conclude that they are not particularly angry, so they can retreat.

However, after a while, Lan Younian saw more than 20 masked killer dressers appearing in front of them. Careful look at these people’s footsteps and blue sacred thoughts can be judged that these people are not killers but instead are guards. But she has just arrived at the flower country and has not enemies with people. Why do these people want to kill themselves and find themselves? At this time, Lan Younian did not think of it. He was unconsciously being treated as a rival by others, and this time she was obviously innocent.

More than 20 people looked at the blue sorrow and obviously saw whether it was this person. The blue secluded thought did not evade. Standing on the side of the blue blade and the dark one, it was as straight as Qingsong, and the black people were murderous. The amount of attention is obviously a woman who is more determined than any man.

After looking at each other, the black men confirmed that this person was the person who the prime minister and the lady told me. More than 20 people immediately attacked the three people who were blue and missed, while the three sons hiding in the distance were afraid to see. In the scene of this horror, I couldn’t escape and dare not call, and one of the sons was scared, but more calm than the other two. He looked at the amazing woman and the two guards. The heart has already estimated who is the party to victory, and this man does not know that the light that has just flashed in his eyes has been paid into the eyes of the blue.

When more than 20 people surrounded the blue sacred three, the blue blade and the dark one moved. The two took out the long swords that they carried with them and went out to swim in each black man. The **** flowers and the squeaking sound of life disappeared, and the blue secluded mind stood there as a warm and beautiful person admiring this moving scenery. It seems that this **** red blood reflects the fiery red maple leaf and makes the blue secluded look not move. Open your eyes.

However, there were only a dozen or so people left in the future. The black people were also scared by the blue blade and the dark one. But at this time, they were not retreating. They looked at the blue mourning that stood still. I thought that if I robbed this woman or killed it directly, I would have completed the task. I thought that the rest of the black people attacked the blue mourning.

The dark one and the blue blade quickly solved the black people around him, and several black people have already killed the blue singer. When the black people feel excited that they have completed the task, they find that they look The weak woman didn't even take out the weapon. A pair of white, seemingly transparent hands directly crushed their throats. They didn't even look at the woman's movements and lost their lives.

After cleaning up a few black people close to him, Lan Younian took out the handkerchief that he carried with him and carefully wiped his hand, even if her hand was still very clean and not stained with blood, but the blue sorrow was still very clean. Carefully, each finger is carefully wiped again.

However, the black people of more than 20 people who have come here will be solved. The blue secluded thoughts did not leave a live question carefully, because she saw from the beginning that these people are very loyal guards and could not ask. What is a waste of time is not as good as it was solved earlier.

"Blue Blade, pack it up!" Blue Yuen said, and then saw the blue blade took out a bottle of carrion water and poured it on the bodies, but after a while the bodies turned into a blood.

In fact, the carrion water is very rare, even if there are blue sorrows, there are not many, because the production of carrion water is very difficult, each time the ghost has made some of it, it gives blue mourning, so it is rare in the rivers and lakes. Seeing the carrion water is really worth the price!

The man who had been unloaded from the chin had been fainted by such a scene, and the other man couldn’t get anywhere. The whole person shivered and said that even his eyes became stunned. To the man who looked a little white but looked calm.

"Do you know that I will win?" asked Lan Younian. At the beginning of the appearance of the black man, Lan Younian discovered that the man had just begun to show his worried eyes, but then he was very determined that he could be safe.

The man let go of the hand holding the companion and smiled slightly at the blue singer. "Miss is not only a lady, but the guards around me also explain that the lady is not an ordinary woman. If you don’t pay attention to the chin, but you don’t have the slightest arrogance, you can see that the lady is not a woman who doesn’t understand the world. When I encounter so many people, I can see that the young lady seems to face it often. This shows that the lady should be shocked!"

Lan Younuan gently patted the palm of his hand. He was originally interested in the attitude of this man. Now he sees that this man’s accurate observational blue sorrow has to admire a few words. This man’s character is stable and intelligent. If ever She will definitely use this man for a few purposes, but now she has owed a few words to the flowers, this man will be a gift to give him a flower!

The man didn't know why he felt that there was something else in the woman's appreciative eyes. Inexplicably, he felt that the back neck was cold, and he did not know that he had been sent out as a gift by Lan Younian.

"Who are you the son of?" asked Blue You, because he looked at this man's blue sorrow and knew that this man was only so young, but he was not so young, but he was so young, but As long as it is slightly polished, it will definitely become a right-handed arm. Such a person has a Xuan also, but Hua Xiuyi does not. He has only one dark guard Amu, and Lan Younian has now regarded flowers as friends. Friends Blue Nian Nian never swears.

When I heard the blue mourning, I was very vigilant and looked at the man in front of my eyes. This man’s green shirt looks very ordinary but looks very comfortable. It is similar to the temperament of the master’s master. He also settled down. If he came to a rival of the master, he must annihilate as soon as possible.

The man was very surprised that the woman would actually ask herself. He had just seen that the woman was a cold-hearted person even though she was a petite person, but he still respectfully answered, "I am the big man of the flower country. Son!"

Lan You nodded and nodded, "Work hard!" Then he left with the blue blade and the dark one, leaving the man who swears from the blue and the blue.

"Blue Blade, you can do this thing, this man is not bad, it will be given to Hua Xiuyi, it is also a small piece of mind of me and Xuan!" Lan You Nian said, these things she did not want to personally ask, also I don't want to spend too much with Hua Xiu, but she still remembers that there is a vinegar jar in her house.

When Lan Nian Nian returned to the Regent Palace with a blue blade and a dark one, it happened to meet the Fengyi Xuan who was preparing to come out to find her. Far away, I saw that the corner of the wing of Fengyi Xuan unconsciously evoked gentleness. Smile.

Feng Yi Xuan and Hua Xiuyi discussed the matter and found out that they were not in the government. After listening to Amu, she went to the Maple Leaf Forest in the country of the country to play. After Feng Yixuan listened, she was ready to look for it but did not expect to read it. I remember that I came back so early.

When the wind wing Xuanyi took care of it, he smelled the faint **** smell. Even if the blue sacred deliberately did not use the dagger to make the smell of his body dissipate on the way, but still did not pass the wind wing. Xuan.

"What happened?" Feng Yi Xuan asked a little cold, but this cold is not against the blue secluded but against the dark one.

However, Hua Xiyi, who was still walking in the distance, also saw that the atmosphere was not right, and then he heard the secret narrative. It was very angry that Lan Younian had spent such a thing in the flower country.

"Which person did the investigation come out?" asked Feng Yixuan.

Lan You Nian let him secretly go and answer himself "I didn't see who did it, but since this person does so, it will definitely not take a good stop, just wait for the next move!"

Feng Yi Xuan also knows that this thing can only be done like this, and this person sent such a killer to explain that it is not a familiar person, afraid of being an innocent disaster! I have to say that Feng Yi Xuan thinks that the matter is really clear, but Feng Yi Xuan does not dare to care. Although this time is sent some incompetent killers, if he really hurts, he will regret his life, Feng Yi Xuan I think that these days must be accompanied by the thoughts, as for the state of the discussion is still handed over to the emperor.

"Sorry!" Hua Xiuyi looked at Lan You Nian and Feng Yi Xuan. In fact, this time, using various methods to let Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian come to the flower country is just for their own private thoughts, because I want to see The woman had a good time, thinking that even if she couldn’t have it, she would like to see her blessing her, but she did not expect that such a thing would happen in the flower country today. He knows more clearly that Feng Yixuan’s little temper can bring this time. It’s not just because of her to play with her, but more importantly, it’s a confession between men.

Lan Younian shook his head. "How can you blame you for this? I don't know if I am not good at wherever I go. I can meet such a thing. If you feel sorry, let the cooks in your house do something better." Eat, I am a little hungry!"

Feng Yi Xuan is also looking at the eye, although he loves to read the bones, but at this time will not be so irrelevant to others, and Hua Xiuyi has a life-saving grace for the mind, also help the wind country Well, they are also friends, how can they see this outside.

The meaning of Feng Yixuan’s eyes is that he can see clearly that he is somewhat surprised. He knows that this former enemy is not a good one, but now he is so afraid that he really regards himself as a friend. There is also a lot of funny in my heart. Who can think of the enemy once because a woman has become a friend?

Hua Xiuyi nodded and ordered to let people prepare for dinner, and Lan You Nian and Feng Yi Xuan were also ready to go back to the room to wash it. Blue You Nian did not like his **** smell, but the blue secluded is leaving. At that time, I still looked at the blue blade, and said to the flower, "I and Xuan live here for a few days, I am afraid that I will trouble you, so I specially gave you a gift!"

To be honest, it is really troublesome for Lan Younian and Feng Yixuan to live here, because Feng Yi Xuan’s love for the blue secluded thoughts is so good, the whole Regent’s palace has become wary because of the arrival of the two, for fear of themselves. The poor regents who waited for them picked their heads.

Although Hua Xiuyi was puzzled, but still listened to the blue blade, then Hua Xiyi had to admire the gaze of the blue lover, because in the days that the man did become his right arm, more loyal Hey, follow him around.


And Lan You Nian also clearly told the story of Feng Yi Xuan, Feng Yi Xuan is not jealous, he already has to go to help the right arm does not need this person, and Blue Nian Nian do this is also a People's feelings, Feng Yi Xuan also agreed.

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