Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 39 City West Snow House

Today, Fengyi Xuan went out to deal with things, and Huaxiu is in charge of the entire flower country is very busy, so Lan Younian came to some industries under the ruthless pavilion to see.

When Lan You Nian just entered a restaurant under the ruthless pavilion, he suddenly shot a dart from the dark. The dark one immediately knocked down the dart, while the blue blade went to chase the person who started in the dark.

But after a while, the Blue Blade came back. "Miss, I didn't catch anyone!"

Blue secluded nodded and not surprised, this person's hidden weapon is not a person who wants his own life, and this person is also very smart to know that he can not change his life, and... Blue secluded with a transparent silk glove to take When I got the hidden weapon, I saw a note attached to the hidden weapon.

"City West Snow House, you must see the truth!" There are only four words on the note. After reading the blue singer, the paper will be destroyed, as if I have never seen it.

"The mother, fear of fraud!" said the dark, such a note that is not clear and still in their hands, it is not normal to see how it is, and I feel that this matter should wait for the master. Come back and say.

Lan Nian Nian shook his head and asked, "Where did Xuan go today?" In fact, this morning, Feng Yi Xuan told her what he was doing today, but when Lan Nian was very sleepy, he didn’t listen to it and then fell asleep. Now, I want to see what it is like.

"Yes, today the master went to the west to deal with some things!" said the dark one, because he worried about the safety of his mother, he left him, and he felt that there would be no problem with the master's ability, but if If this person wants to lead the mother to go, it is worth pondering.

Lan You thought about it or walked out of the restaurant. "Since someone has spent so much effort to lead us, we will have a post when we don't go. It's better to go and see it now!" Go on the carriage and head toward the west of the city.

Sitting in the carriage, Lan Youn’s thoughts were raised at the moment. She knew that the incident was not simple and it was probably a trap, but the people who arranged it were very smart because they had to go whether they were trapped or not. This is the case.

"Master, it is!" The carriage stopped, and the voice of the dark one came, and the blue meditation converged and thought out of the carriage.

The "Snow House" on the plaque hangs high, and the blue mourning is very clear. This is the home of Xue Wushuang in the flower country. I have carefully looked at the house, and it is also fresh and unconventional. The white stucco wall is combined with light red. Roof tiles, continuous arches and cloisters are also a good place to stay.

But what is surprising is that there isn't one person in Fuchu, and there isn't even a small watchman. This is a lot strange.

The blue singer flies into the snow house, and the blue blade and the dark one are closely following the feeling of concentrating on it. I am afraid that there will be any unknown danger that will come suddenly, relative to the two. The tension of blue sorrow is obviously a lot easier. She knows that this person is definitely not his own life. What is wrong with it is not known.

Although the entire mansion is not very large, it is not bad, but at the moment it is empty. The blue secluded mind feels calm and careful, and then feels the movement of someone in the wing. The three quietly go to There is no sound in the wing, but the closer the three people are, the more eccentric the face is, and the blue-blade and dark-faced faces are very pale from the beginning of the eccentric to the last, dark and even the whole body. Sweating.

When the three people came close to each other, they heard the voices of men and women in the room. The woman’s petite and the man’s low voice were very obvious. This is what the three people didn't think of. The special Blue Blade and the Dark One are very embarrassing. They saw a lot of things like this when they performed the task, but at the moment they are standing in front of them, Miss (Master), this It’s just awkward.

But when the three were preparing to leave, they suddenly heard the voice of the woman. The voice of the woman they had heard was the unparalleled voice of the snow.

"Wing Xuan..." Snow's unbelievable voice slammed out the three people outside, but did not wait for the three to understand the unparalleled voice inside and then came out. "How can you come to me today, no? The good king who is with you?"

"Looking at her every day, she has already let the king be annoyed!" A good voice came, like a little bit of nectar, with a touch of magnetism, listening to people’s ears, it would make people feel very Comfortable, but to the surprise of the dark one and the blue blade is the sound of the wind wing Xuan, and it is also the sound of the wind wing Xuan when talking to the blue secluded speech.

I didn’t know what to do in a moment, and the Blue Blade was even more angry, but the blue singer who stood at the forefront was indeed indifferent.

No matter what kind of minds are outside, the unparalleled voice in the snow continues to come. "Since you don't love the Pluto, why are you yelling at her? And also say that you only marry her, if you really like her, Don't come to me!"

It was silent for a while before the voice came out. "This king is only for the power behind her. The forces of the Blue General and the Blue House are not small. If you marry this woman, you will have the power of the Blue House." When it comes to love, does this king still prefer you to this little goblin?"

When I said that there was a voice of emotions between men and women, the main mother who was looking at the same color was afraid that the mother would misunderstand the master. Although the mother did not seem to have anything, how could a woman endure it? And the sound inside is really exactly the same as the voice of the master.

The dark one wants to kill but is stopped by the blue secluded, but the dark does not give up, if the mother really misunderstood the master, then his sin will be great, so the dark one can open a hole in the window to see Going inside, but just want to give yourself a knife at a glance.

Because the man’s face can’t be seen from this hole, but the back and the wing’s back are really like, the dark one doesn’t want to do anything, but the blue singer’s point is a bit, let the blue blade leave the place. House.

"Mother!" Dark one said in a carriage outside to the blue secluded inside. "The man inside is definitely not the master. You must believe in the master. The master is true to the mother. It is absolutely true!" ”

There is no sound in the carriage, and the dark one is even more panic. "If you don't believe it, go there and bring the man there!" The darker one thinks that the more the mother is, the more angry the mother is, if it is the Lord. Because the mother and the master have left the heart, the master does not know how mad.

Listening to the inside, there is still no sound. I want to say something to prove the innocence of my master, but I am stopped by the blue blade around me. "Miss has her own decision!"

In fact, at the beginning, the blue blade heard that scene and it was very angry. In his heart, not only the master or the sister’s family, but the blue blade was awake when she saw the lady’s tranquility. Come over.

When Lan Younian returned to the Regent Palace, Feng Yi Xuan had not returned yet. As soon as he saw this situation, he was even more anxious, but he did not dare to do anything privately.

When Feng Yixuan came back, he saw that the darkness stood at the door of the Regent’s palace and looked at himself with some entanglement. The wind wing Xuan looked coldly and asked, “What happened?” He still has some understanding of the temper. Unless it is difficult to encounter something, it is usually very calm.

"Master..." I don’t know how to express it at this moment. What about the relationship is not the feelings of the master. He really doesn’t know how to deal with it. If it’s not easy to make it, it’s broken. It’s been a long time since the wording was said. Mother, mother, mother..."

When I was dark, I didn’t say that Fengyi Xuan was nervously going to the room. The zoom asked urgently, “What happened? How did you take care of it!” Feng Yixuan even used it to go to the room. Run away, and the dark one behind him would follow what he wanted to explain but he had already entered the room before he opened the master, and he was locked out of the room!

The dark one stood outside the door and his eyes were full of entanglement. For a time, I really wanted to smoke myself a mouth. How could I help the more bad things? It was at this time that the Blue Blade came over and sympathized and took a dark shoulder. Then both of them stood outside at the same time. If something happened inside, they could persuade.

When Feng Yixuan walked into the room, he saw the blue secluded meditation lying on the soft couch in front of the window. The setting sun shone from the outside and seemed to put on a layer of orange gauze, which was originally white and jade. The cheeks are rosy, as if it is coated with a layer of rouge. The crystal clear skin is like a pink petal in this warm sunset, and the skin looks like a gelatin.

I heard the sound of blue sorrow and put down the book in my hand. I turned back and raised a faint smile on the lips. Just like the bright sunshine in the cold winter, the scorpion of the singer’s star was filled with sparkling light. Countless playful and cute.

“Is it okay today?” Feng Yixuan asked, not that I didn’t want to go there with me, but I’m looking tired and I’m so tired that I want to sleep for a while.

Lan Youn smiled and said, "It's very good. Where did you go today?" When he said, he got up and poured a cup of tea for Fengyixuan. His looks were as serene as a well-behaved wife, and the blue sorrow of this look was only This will be the case when facing Feng Yi Xuan.

Feng Yixuan took a tea and took a drink and said, “Go to the west of the city. There are some dark spots in the ghost field. I will go and see!” Feng Yixuan is very happy to read this question, and usually does not think about it. I will trust myself when I manage my own affairs, but now I feel that Feng Yixuan feels better. He even wants to go back every day and let him do everything he wants. He likes to be in charge. I am bound by myself.

Lan Nian nodded and continued to ask, "Which person can you meet on the road?"

Feng Yixuan thought about being prepared to say no, but he thought carefully when he saw the serious look, and then said, "It seems that on the way to the west of the city, I met a woman, that is what snow or something, and talk to me!" Feng Yi Xuan guarantees the general saying "But I absolutely ignored her, and I didn't even look at her even!"

“Do I have anything to say?” Lan Nian said with a funny smile. “How do I do the same with a daughter-in-law?”

Feng Yi Xuan smiled and pinched the cheek that had recently been raised with some flesh, but even if he gently pinched the blue cheeks, there was a red mark on his cheek, and Feng Yi Xuan’s distressed look, look Pampering said, "If you are a daughter-in-law, it’s my little wife, I like it!"

"The master, the mother, the snow is unparalleled to see!" said the dark one outside the room. In fact, he stopped at the beginning, but he had to say that this snow is really difficult to entangle with the national book of Xueguo. See the regent king and the master and the mother, this is not something that one of his subordinates can refuse.

“What is the flower?” Feng Yixuan asked, after all, it is the regent palace, the pick-up should also be a flower, and since Snow is unique, they know that there is nothing to hide here, and Feng Yixuan usually acts. I don’t know what is low-key at all.

"The Regent King has been in the hall to entertain the snow!" said the dark one. I remembered that the voice I heard in the west of the city was still a little drumming. I don’t know if the master and the mother explained it clearly. This snow is unmatched here. There is certainly no good thing. If the relationship between the master and the mother is provoked, it will be broken.

When Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian went into the hall of the Regent’s palace, they saw that the main position was a red flower, and in the lower place, sitting in a white snow, the wind wing Xuan La The blue sacred thoughts sat opposite the snow unparalleled under the flowers.

"I don't know what happened to the flowering country of the Snow Country Princess today." Huaxiu should let the tea come in. In fact, when the snow comes in, it should be tea, but the flower is not suitable until the wind wing Xuan and blue When you enter the tea, you can see the attitude of flowering.

Xue Wushuang looked at the two men carefully when they entered the wind wing Xuan and Lan Youn, but it seems that they have found that the relationship between the two is very harmonious and there is no suspicion at all. Snow is unmistakable and afraid of it. It is this princess who is just an ordinary woman, so she has no courage to question.

Xue Wushuang tasted the tea and said, "It’s just that the father looked at the princess and stayed in the flower country for so long. I want the princess to replace the father and come to the regent, but the Pluto is also there!" Snow Muscle intentionally ignored the blue secluded Read.

For Snow's unparalleled neglect of Fengyi Xuan is very dissatisfied, but Blue Nian Nian does not matter, such a woman if he really cares about himself, he really has to worry.

"Pluto, really fate has just seen in the west!" Snow unparalleled low-browed smile, but the voice revealed a sly breath, as if she and Pluto how familiar.

Feng Yi Xuan frowned and his eyes were not placed on the snow unparalleled body, the voice was indifferent. "This king is not so fat, but it is so cheap, but in the west of the city, you don’t want to entangle the king. The king does not feel that you have seen you. It just stained the eyes of the king!"

The words of Feng Yi Xuan can be described as very heavy or even insulting to a woman, but Feng Yi Xuan has no gentleman style. Since this woman dares to ignore him, she will make her heart uncomfortable. Feng Yi Xuan is very short.

Snow unparalleled face turned black, why have she ever encountered such an insult? Or a woman almost never encounters such insults, but what else can she do if she is unparalleled in snow, but what can she do when she meets Pluto, martial arts? Who does not know that Pluto’s martial arts are strong and powerful? The Emperor of the Wind Kingdom trusts the army of the wind and the country, and there are several people who can provoke Pluto.

"Ping Wang 妃..." Snow undoubtedly screamed unclear, but did not wait for her to say anything, was interrupted by Lan You Nian.

"You make me unhappy!" Lan Yu Nian said a word without a head straight out, Feng Yi Xuan and Hua Xiu Yi do not understand but does not mean that Snow is unparalleled, but Snow is unclear and does not understand Pluto. What means.

Snow unparalleled watched Pluto want to see sly or panic from Pluto's eyes, but there is nothing black eyes. Isn't it normal for a woman to encounter the situation today?

"How can you blame the princess when you are unhappy?" I can only say that my life is not good!" Snow said with irresponsible irony, it seems that the love of Blue Nian Nian is false.

Lan Younuan looked at the tea in his hand and looked at the tea in the cup for a long time before he said, "What do you want to do? I didn't mean to take care of it, but since the courage of the Snow Princess is so big, then Wang Hao will definitely send you a big gift. Oh, yes, you must enjoy the rest of your life!"

"Ping Wang, cautious!" Snow has no choice but to blame, but her heart is slightly scared, she does not know what she is afraid of.

"Cautious?" Blue secluded converged and converged, the complexities in the eyes are difficult to distinguish, like the waves are rushing "Is it not you to lead the king to the west of the city?"

"You..." Snow Musou did not think that Pluto will directly tell this thing, but at this moment she can't let Pluto continue to say "Ping Wang said what the princess does not understand, what leads you to the west, will not It’s the Pluto King who has been investigating Pluto in the back, or is Pluto King simply not trusting Pluto so that he is so worthy of this princess?”

"You are very smart!" Blue Nian Nian suddenly came to the snow unparalleled side, and the extremely fast speed also made Snow unparalleled to know that this Pluto is a kung fu. "The sound is very similar and even the back is very similar, but unfortunately, then How to imitate is not Xuan!"

After finishing the blue secluded thought, he left the hall, followed by Fengyixuan, and Huaxiu even did not even leave the etiquette of the guest. The entire hall was left with only Snow Man, who was afraid of sitting there.

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