Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 41 closed network

"Is it leaving today?" Hua Xiyi looked at the two people who were resigning and asked with a smile. There is no banquet in the world.

"Yeah, it’s been a long time since I have lived here for a long time. Is there anyone waiting in Xiaoyao City?" Lan Nian Nian stood in front of Fengyi Xuan and said warmly, she has already spent the rest of her life as a person. A friend who wants to make friends, she thinks that Fengyi Xuan is definitely also.

Hua Xiuyi nodded and expressed his understanding. After reading the wind wing, Xuan was very difficult to say, "If there is time, your husband and wife will come to spend the country!"

Feng Yi Xuan also nodded, although the sound is still cold but not alienated "take care!" After that, he took the blue mourning and sat in the carriage and left the Regent Palace, and Hua Xiuyi saw the carriage slowly sighed and sighed. I will return home.

"Master!" Amu stood behind Hua Xiyi, and looked at the more lonely boy who was walking in front of him.

Hua Hugh should wave his hand, maybe he is really lonely now... but Hua Xiu should hold down his chest, but his heart has never been warm for so many years, so in the future, no matter where he is in the temple or where In fact, it is not lonely. If a person is lonely, it is really sad!

Lan Younian was sitting in the carriage by Fengyi Xuan. In fact, she was still very relaxed in the flower country during this time. If she had nothing to do, she would go to the place where the famous country and famous waters of the country would go around, and then I would not look at the customs of Huaguo. It is also a rare relaxation.

"Don't face!"

"Kill her!" The insults of the outside screamed and let Blue Nian read a gap in the curtain, and I saw a drama that made Fengyi Xuan and Lan You Nian more happy, although the drama It was they planned by one hand. Lying on the side of the street is a woman who can't see her face, and Lan You Nian recognizes that this woman is the unparalleled snow in the flower country. In fact, when the snow returned to the snow house on the same day, Feng Yi Xuan sent a dark martial art to the snow, but the martial arts that they expected were unmistakable, but it was not bad compared with the dark one. After the dark ruin of the unparalleled martial arts, he left and did nothing.

But the dark one did not do anything to spend, but the national book gave a snow country, accused the Snow Princess of the country in the flower country's misdeeds and ignorance, even if the emperor of the snow country wants to protect and no face, then give this daughter I have been recruited back to the country, so the national book has been removed from the unparalleled princess of the snow. I have not said that I have also withdrawn the identity of the people of the snow country. Originally, the snow is nothing but a play, saying that I became a citizen of the flower country but did not expect it to come true. Yes, no, now she is not even a fan of the country.

Without the love of the flower country, there is no such thing as the Princess of the Snow Country. Today, the snow is nothing but a lonely woman. So everything she has done is of course revenge. In the past few days, she was a few officials. The son of the son gave him a lot of insults. These sons used to be sincerely loved by snow. But the snow unparalleled at that time only used these people. Now they see the true face of snow unintelligible being cheated, so it is more like treating the snow than the enemy. Fierce.

But this is not the most sad thing. Sadly, Feng Yixuan sent people to throw the untidy snow into the brothel in the lowest country of the flower country, and let Hua Xiuyi send people everywhere to spread the snow. The news of the embarrassment, so the green building was really good at a time, and the snow unparalleled was almost killed by the men of various colors.

The original blue secluded thought that this snow unparalleled will always die like this, but Feng Yixuan found a sick man to go to the brothel to point the snow unparalleled, so the snow is undoubtedly a sexually transmitted disease, even the brothel no longer tolerate her. Throw out her as a garbage.

Today's Snow Musou is not only without the proud identity and face, even a healthy body is gone, what she has disappeared, she became her most shameless person, It’s awkward to linger in this street, but unfortunately at this time she did not have the courage to commit suicide, but also to do her own good dreams.

Feng Yixuan followed the line of sight and saw the snow-stained eyes that had been lying on the ground and could not see the human eyes. Then he took a look and sat in his arms but his right hand was just in his hand. For the sake of peeling out the walnut shell, a horse-drawn carriage was thrown. The walnut shell suddenly inserted into the unparalleled throat of the snow. The snow of the unparalleled neck was lying on the neck, and the people who were still laughing at the insults were still laughing. When I saw the dead, I ran away in horror.

The carriage stopped for a while until it was confirmed that the snow was unparalleled, and the carriage left without incident, and the once-slung snow unparalleled died on the street, and no one died for her.

When Wuyi Xuan and Lan Younian returned to Xiaoyao City, no one knew it, and when they returned to Xiaoyao City, they stayed in the house and waited for the message of Mo Lingshan. Now, as long as Lan Yunian knows which Jianghu people It is okay to return to the hands of Mo Lingshan, so that either it will be removed or it will be gathered, and there will be nothing for them.

"A Xuan, Nian!" The plume came to the house in black, and Fengyi Xuan and Lan You Nian were sitting there to see the moon. It was not unexpected, but Feng Yi Xuan looked at the plume. Black clothes are still somewhat disgusting. After all, wearing such a black suit is not fortunate to be killed by the dark guard around the house.

“What is it?” Feng Yixuan asked dissatisfiedly, he was so hard to go to the moon tonight, but how come another person who doesn’t have long eyes? Feng Yi Xuan now really misses the days in the medical valley, although the master always picks himself up, but at least no one is bothering him and thinking.

Feathers can't see the disgust in the eyes of Feng Yixuan, but he doesn't want to! He has been in this Happy City for so long. Beijing has no idea how many letters he has urged. He also likes Feng Yixuan to do so earlier so that he can return to Beijing as soon as possible to accompany him.

"Mo Lingshan recently recruited a lot of rivers and lakes organizations, it is time to close the net!" asked the plume, it is really the two people are simply to enjoy the game, and he is busy in the city. To die, think about your heart and feel sad.

Lan Younuan took back the look of the moonlight in the sky, watching the blue blade with a piece of paper in his hand and came in. After the blue mourning was taken over, the eyelids blew like a breeze, but there was a faint aftermath but it was calm again.

"It's time to close the net!" Lan Younian sighed back to the room.

And the plume left in the spot is looking at Fengyi Xuan, but will Fengyi Xuan explain it to him? of course not! So the two of them sat there like they were so dry, and they didn't even say a word. It wasn't the feathers that didn't want to talk, but the wind wing Xuan simply ignored him.

When Lan Younian was dressed in a white man's hair with a high-rise man's dress, the beautiful face was covered by a mask, the feathers disappeared and understood the meaning of the blue secluded, it seems that tonight is indeed a time to close the net.

"Be careful!" Feng Yi Xuan reluctantly kissed the lips exposed outside the mask, the restless martyrdom.

Lan Nian nodded and left with a blue mask with a mask. Just what she received was Mo Lingshan’s news for her to go to Qingshan to gather, because Mo Lingshan thought she was controlled, so These days are very self-sufficient, but I don't know that the ruthless pavions she knows are false.

Yu Liliu also knows that the matter tonight is very serious. He immediately left after nodding to the two people. If you let people see the world’s first owner, it will be irritating. Sometimes, you can make it a thousand years. ferry.

"The ruthless son!" Far away, I saw Mo Lingshan standing there in black, but when he saw the ruthless son, he took the black cloak on his head. After all, in the eyes of Mo Lingshan A ruthless son is already his own embarrassment, although there are still some ideas of his own.

The ruthless son nodded slightly, "Mo girl!" But when Mo Lingshan wanted to come and pull him, he still let go.

Mo Lingshan felt very dissatisfied with the movement of the ruthless son, but when she looked up, she saw that the ruthless son seemed to be very painful. Mo Ling’s kindness in her heart was such that her charm could be escaped, even if she could not completely control her ruthlessness. But the son is almost the same.

"Today, let the ruthless son come to discuss with many martial arts people, it is also known, and everyone will be a party in the future!" Mo Ling said with a smile, in fact, because if there is a ruthless son sitting in the town then The martial arts people will be even more afraid of themselves.

The ruthless son nodded to the Qingshan faction, and Mo Lingshan behind him re-applied his cloak, and the breath of the whole person changed in a flash...

When the ruthless son followed the black man into a secret room of the Qingshan School, he saw the heads of several sects sitting in the rivers and lakes there. They stood up and saw hello at the first sight of the ruthless son. They are all for the sake of benefit or forcing and tempting. But now they see that the ruthless son has a bottom in everyone's heart. Even those who are ruthless sons are certainly not afraid.

"Since everyone is here, then I will talk about what to do next!" The black man sat in the upper position, and the hoarse voice filled the entire secret room. Everyone was serious, but only the ruthless son was still a pair. Indifferent appearance.

"I don't know what you are letting us do?" asked an elderly chief.

"The emperor and the prince who killed the wind country!" The sound of the darkness sounded up, and the sound of the whole room was quiet, and the sullen eyes of the ruthless son filled the killing, and the corner of the mask smirked. The flowers are extremely cold.

------Off topic ------

(Title name: Reborn Prince 狠 hook man / once, she is a modern and fascinating devil head 殇 大 大 大 , , , , , , , 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看

Today, she is a prince who is weak and sick and has no heart. It seems that under the surface of the power is difficult to walk.

When the weak, unintentional death ushered in is a brand-new soul, unintentional, unintentional and ruthless, cruel as a demon. When she becomes her, when weakness becomes cruel, when ignorance becomes wisdom, when goodness becomes killing, who is the eyes of her who is lost? Whose heart was stolen? When she stood above the peak, who else would hold her hand to cover her life's loneliness and desolateness?

Magic Moche, the first son of the capital, the son of the son, the civil and military, is the dream of all women, but the prince is at first sight, loved all his life.

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