</> There is a very large and soft carved bed in the room, and there is a desk on the other side of the room. There are a stack of folding plaques on the case, several treasures, various pen holders, pens inserted in the pen, such as woods. . There is also a vase of blue and white porcelain on the table, with white flowers in the vase, which is collected by Lan You Nian himself. There was a large scroll in the middle of the room, and a woman with a lazy cat on the scroll was looking back and smiling. It seemed that the smile was amazing.

Fengyi Xuan is sitting at the desk and looking at the folding, while Lan Yunian is basking in the sun on the soft couch in front of the window. The white blanket covers her body but she can still see the high abdomen, woman The appearance of the face seems to have not changed a bit, even the body has not become fat, with a smile on her face like a spring breeze, a small hand still placed on her abdomen seems to be communicating with the child in the belly, not far from the wind Wing Xuan just looked at the woman in front of the window for a while.

"The accused master, our army has won again and again, this is the letter from Lan Jianjun!" A dark guard stood outside the room a few meters away and said, Fengyi Xuan put down the fold in his hand and went out but only returned to the room for a while. Sitting on the soft couch where Blue Nian Nian sleeps.

"How?" Lan You Nian looked at the look of some satisfaction. Feng Yi Xuan took the letter and looked down. Feng Yi Xuan never concealed the blue secluded thoughts. Nothing is different for Feng Yi Xuan. Can't know each other.

"It seems that it will not take long for the father to return to the class!" After the blue mourning read the letter, they were relieved. They used to receive the battlefield every day, and the soldiers of the wind country always attacked the moon. They won a number of cities, and in these days, the soldiers of the flower country were also led by the flowers and the morale of the soldiers of the month. The wind country and the flower country surrounded the soldiers of the country and seized the city. In the past few months, the city of the moon has been lost, and it is feared that it will not be long before the country can be completely destroyed.

"Yeah!" Fengyi Xuan took the letter that Lan Younian had read and put it down. "The ability of the month is not strong, and the combination of the flower country and the wind country can last for so long because of the support of the snow country. However, even if there is support from the snow country, it will not last long!"

"In the future, it will be the state of the Three Kingdoms. After the battle, the land of the wind country and the flower country have been filled. I am afraid that the snow country should be stable for some time!" Lan Younian said with emotion, after all, the snow country is indeed a difficult one. Wrapped opponents, and Blue Nian Nian also affirmed that the future of the snow country is inevitable.

"Do not worry..." Feng Yixuan comforted, in fact, it is also a kind of inconvenience, because Xue Guofeng Yi Xuan has long been thinking of incorporating into the wind country, not to mention the fact that the country is about to be destroyed now, and the country is The Allies, Feng Yi Xuan still believe that Hua Xiu will not be greedy.

"Going out and walking?" Feng Yixuan asked, after all, today's sunshine is just right and he has seen a lot of medical books now that pregnant women need to walk properly.

Lan Nian nodded and nodded by Feng Yi Xuan to help himself get up, because the body of pregnant blue sorrow became bulky and people became lazy, and the two took their hands to the garden that came every day. Walking, and the entire Pluto Palace is very quiet because it is afraid that it will affect the blue secluded thoughts. When Feng Yixuan is pregnant, he orders that the whole government must be quiet.

"Miss!" The blue song took something to the side of Lan Younian and said, "This is the dress made by the queen. I look at it when I look cute! Let the blue song say that I will take a few clothes in my hand." For the blue secluded look, Blue Nian Nian really likes it. These days, whether it is Yuebailian or Lanqu, etc., as long as they have time, they will make clothes for the little baby in the belly. There are all kinds of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and Lan Younian looks cute at the time and wants to do something for the child. However, it was severely rejected by everyone. Fengyi Xuan is strictly forbidden to take the needles from the blue singer. I am afraid that the blue sorrow will be hurt. After the protest is not effective for a long time, the blue mourning can only look at other people’s own children. make clothes.

"Xuan, do you look very cute?" Lan Younuan asked with a happy dress. The two sets of clothes made by Yuebailian are behind the style of the little tiger. There is a tail behind the blue singer. After the child is born, it is sure to be cute and explosive.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the happy and gentle face, and the heart of Feng Yi Xuan had an indescribable slyness and softness, as if his whole heart had to melt this happy childlike face. .

"Well, he will be worn by him after he is born!" Feng Yixuan said, as long as he doesn't care for the stinky boy, he doesn't mind, and the clothes he wants to do can only be his own, but Feng Yixuan The stingy thoughts are not known to everyone, or they must be saddened by this unborn child. It is really tired to meet such a jealous father!

Lan You Nian took the clothes to the blue song and then went on a walk with Feng Yi Xuan. From time to time, he communicated with the children in the abdomen. "Baby, have you seen it? That is the clothes your emperor gave you, do you like it?"

The voice just fell blue and the belly of the voice came a slight fetal movement, perhaps because of the warning of Feng Yi Xuan, although the child is also naughty in many cases, but it is not so strong, but also let Lan Younian suffer a lot of suffering, blue quiet I often wonder if my child is a genius. I always feel that my child knows everything smartly.

"Oh, do you like it too?" Lan Younuan asked the child who kept kicking in his stomach. He always felt that today's baby seems to be very active. He usually stops only after a few kicks but today Nothing keeps going.

“How?” Feng Yixuan looked at the frowning thoughts and worried. “Is the child bothering you?” He said that he was swearing at the belly of Lan’s mourning, and Feng Yixuan really wanted to stink this. The kid gave him a fight, so how to make it so hard.

"You..." Blue You Nian is preparing to say that he has nothing, but suddenly his face is almost white, and the whole person is almost falling down, or the wind wing squinting around him will quickly take the blue secluded into his arms and look at it. The painful look of a sudden pale face and pain was frightened by the whole person.

Lan Younian endured the pain, and said weakly, "Xuan, I seem to be born!"

"What!" If it is not relying on strong self-control, it is afraid that Fengyixuan will really panic and walk at this moment. After all, it is only after more than seven months of pregnancy that it is not in production. In a flash, I think of the danger of a woman giving birth to a child, not to mention the bad thoughts of the body. If it is... If it is... Feng Yi Xuan can't even think about it.

"Come, call the maternity, let the master come over!" Feng Yixuan screamed and then ran to the room with a blue voice that couldn’t speak. The pace was messy but the speed was very fast. Xuan kept pacifying the woman in her arms. "Don't be afraid... I miss.... Not afraid..."

Although it has not yet reached the date of production, there were several midwives who had innocent experience in the house of the King of the Kings, and the darker ones immediately took over the ghost doctors and the ghosts, but the room was for a while. It is already full of people.

Lan Younian felt pain in the bed, the cold sweat on his forehead kept flowing, his fingers clutched the palm of Fengyi Xuan, and the nails of the wings of Feng Yi Xuan had already caught the blood, but Feng Yi Xuan I didn't even care about watching the painful thoughts but I couldn't do anything. This feeling of powerlessness made Fengyi Xuan want to kill everyone.

A few midwives in the room were busy in a flash, but a few of the maternity babies who were lying beside the bed were shaking with fear. A mother-in-law trembled and said, "Pluto, the delivery room is unlucky and asks Pluto to wait. !"

Feng Yi Xuan directly pinched the neck of the mother-in-law. "I don't see Wang Hao hurting very much! If you have something to do with Song Wang, you don't need to live!" How is it possible to leave him at this time? What is the unreasonable delivery room? His thoughts for himself in the pain between life and death, how can you leave, he will not leave without leaving!

The midwife looked at what Phantom was so terrible, and dared to say something, and said that Pluto himself would not mind if they would not talk too much.

The ghost doctors and other people standing outside the door are also very anxious. After all, although the man is a doctor but not a mother, the ghost doctors and others can’t help but can only stand outside the room anxiously waiting, but for a while Even Feng Xia and others have already arrived, but the blue secluded thoughts in the room are still painful.

Feng Yi Xuan keeps sweating for the painful blue sacred thoughts. Blue sorrow can feel the wind wing porch around him, but the whole person feels the pain of tearing. She feels so tired and wants to sleep well. what.

"Wang Hao, use some more power!" The voice of the mother-in-law rang in the room, and several of the mother-in-law were a little scared because they found that the baby of Pluto seemed to be really difficult.

Lan Younian had no strength to look up in a moment, her child was still not born, she could not sleep, blue secluded and gnashing her teeth, originally for fear of Fengyi Xuan’s concern, she always refused to speak, but now Because of the pain, I screamed.

"Ah!" Feng Yi Xuan shook the whole voice because of the painful voice. The purple eyes were red and filled with tears. The powerful man now sees his beloved woman so painful. Eyes.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the pot of blood that went out, and something deep inside broke into it, giving a slight and heavy impact, the voice tearing her soul, the curbing pain that could not be stopped Wing Xuan almost fainted.

"Wang...Wang Ye..." The expectant mother looked at the blood of the Pluto under the trepidation and said, "The situation of Pluto is not difficult to produce. If it is... If it is... Is Pluto to be big or small?"

When the maternity’s words were finished, they were shot by Feng Yixuan, and everyone outside the room heard the words of the mother-in-law. Everyone was scared. The ghost doctors and others walked into the room and could not see the inside. The situation may be due to the closeness of the crowd.

"Protect the big man, be sure to protect the grown-up!" The chill of chill and the grief of anger in Feng Yixuan seems to have used all his strength. The purple eyes are full of sorrow, but there is no trace of water. .

The midwifes were surprised. They didn’t have a family. They have met men who don’t protect their children. What’s more, this is still a high-ranking prince, but the maternity also knows that they should not try to keep Pluto. life.

Is Wind Wing Xuan not happy? No, he is actually very painful! Even if he is disgusted with this child, he will be jealous, but he is more expecting to be more sorrowful, but he is more interested in thinking, but the child is very heavy and heavy in his heart. The weight, so now he is licking his own flesh and blood.

"Xuan, protect the child!" Blue secluded face is white but terrible but stubbornly glaring at the eyes that have been wet with tears and sweat. "Xuan, please!"

Feng Yi Xuan ignores the pain in his heart and directly opens the words "protecting adults!" In a few short words, it suppresses countless grief and innumerable countless grievances and countless grievances. It spits out from the infarct's throat and seems to vent him. A strength.

Lan Younian wants to say something but has no strength, her heart is bleeding, this is their child, she should not give up her children, don't! Lan You Nian prayed for Feng Yi Xuan, but Feng Yi Xuan just gently kissed the blue and lingering pale to the cracked lips "Missing, sorry..."

Even if you will blame me for hating me in the future, I want you to live...<\"><\"><;\">

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