Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter One Thousand and Nine

After the crowd dispersed, Ye Zishu didn't go to work directly, but went back to sit in the gazebo. To be honest, he didn't expect the folks to become enthusiastic about cultivating immortals.

The intelligent assistant will remind him of general problems in time. From the perspective of artificial intelligence, cultivating immortals may not be worth mentioning, or it may not be feasible at all.

But Ye Zishu is seriously thinking about this question. Is there another way of human evolution other than modifying genes along the path of modern science.

No matter how technology develops, the ultimate pursuit is the evolution of human beings, that is to say, to make human beings stronger and stronger. Only in this way can civilization survive more easily.

Judging from the past evolution, human beings have made remarkable achievements in the evolution of intelligence, but the evolution of the body is actually in a state of regression.

The reason is actually very simple. The less advanced the technology, the higher the requirement for manpower, and the more advanced the technology, the lower the requirement for manpower.

Just like the current domestic development trend, people will not even need to do ordinary jobs in the future, and everyone will move closer to high-end mental work, which will further promote the evolution of people's intelligence.

So is there an evolutionary method different from the genetic route, which can allow human beings to achieve comprehensive evolution, instead of performing a special evolution according to needs?

When other people encounter this question, they will definitely not be able to answer it. Even if the people are keen on cultivating immortals, there are actually many people who do not believe it. Even those who are passionate about cultivating immortals themselves are skeptical.

Everyone just had nothing to do and wanted to try it out, but for him, it was a question worthy of serious consideration, whether it was possible.

As mentioned earlier, the human body itself has its own life field, and it can even be said that almost all living things have life fields, but some are very weak, while others are stronger.

Before Ye Zishu was only studying and researching biomedicine, he had a certain understanding and research on the field of life, and developed a lot of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods for this.

However, he was limited to thinking that the life field played an important role in medicine before, but he never connected it with human evolution, nor did he think about whether the life field could be improved by itself through some way.

And if the life field is enhanced, what will happen to people? Is there no impact, or is there an unpredictable impact? These leaf books were ignored at first.

It can even be said that the existence of the life field was only proved at the beginning, and it was not a direct proof, because direct proof cannot be proved, just like the space field, it is difficult to observe through experimental instruments.

As for the principle of the birth of the life field, he didn't study it carefully. After all, these were not his main research directions at that time, and there was no need to waste time on this aspect.

Looking back now, I may have seemed a little ignorant at the beginning, or I was too utilitarian at the time, and only focused on research that could bring benefits in time.

Unlike now, I am more focused on the research I am interested in. Among the many field theory researches, the space field has gone the farthest, while the life field, energy field, and matter transformation all seem a bit rough.

He didn't know whether the ancient great power was a legend, or even whether the ancient monks existed, whether they became powerful through self-cultivation, or if they really had powerful abilities through technological products like him.

No one will give him an answer to these, and he doesn't plan to go to archaeology, because it can't solve the fundamental problem, but if he is asked to guess, then the cultivation must start from the cultivation of the life field.

In other words, through cultivation to strengthen one's life field, after reaching a certain level, there may be unexpected effects, and thus possess various miraculous abilities.

Through so many years of field theory research, he has been able to confirm that there is a certain connection between fields, and they do not exist in absolute isolation, just like the combination of energy field and space field to achieve super equipment.

Whether there may be some connection between the life field and various other fields, and the possibility of obtaining and constructing other fields through the life field,

To have incredible abilities?

It's just that he really doesn't have time to study this now, at least at the current stage, the research of space field and the study of life field don't have much overlap.

It is not a good practice to temporarily change the research direction now. The space field and related material transformation are also very important in his opinion.

Thinking of this, he thought it would be good to hand over this task to Ye Ziqin, but at Ye Ziqin's current level, it is still very difficult to study the life field.

Any field is actually invisible and qualityless, but it will actually exist in the future and profoundly affect the world. To study any field requires a profound accumulation of knowledge.

Obviously, Ye Ziqin's current knowledge accumulation is not enough, not to mention the biomedical materials he has not produced yet, even the scientific achievements in the real world, she has not studied and researched thoroughly.

When Ye Ziqin has the ability, it is estimated that he may have time to study the life field again at that time, after much deliberation, it is better to forget it, and he is too lazy to tell Ye Ziqin about it.

Of course, another direction of evolution is also worth studying, that is to make the human body more complex through genetic technology, and use the human body as a furnace to achieve certain functions.

At this time, the human body is not much different from any functional equipment. Through the special human tissue structure, people themselves have some incredible abilities.

As mentioned earlier, bio-robot enhancement technology can enable bio-robots to have abilities similar to supernatural powers, which are actually realized through special body tissue structures.

It's just that the "supernatural powers" he saw at the time were not too powerful, so they didn't arouse his interest, and at that time he also insisted that the reason why human beings are powerful is because they can use tools.

Now his thinking has changed a bit. Although he still feels that the advantage of human beings lies in the research and use of advanced tools, if possible, why not make himself stronger!

Numerous experiences tell us that improving the overall strength is the last word. Although developing in one direction can save the world, but looking back, we will find that many scenery along the way have been ignored.

If it is extremely serious, there will be instability, which will make civilization a lame civilization, and it will seriously affect the possibility of civilization developing again.

His current problem is that there are too many things to study, and there are not many people who can help in this process. In the short term, he can only move forward alone, and it seems that there is not enough time.

After thinking so much, Ye Zishu sighed, drank the cup of tea in his hand, then stood up, walked to the door of the private laboratory, and started today's work.

The next day, Pei Qing asked Ye Ziqin not to go to work in the hospital. In order to increase her practical experience, Ye Ziqin spent three days a week working in the hospital during this period.

If you don't want to come back, you can just rest in the house that Ye Zishu gave her in the county. The decision to increase the practice time is not Ye Zishu's request, but Ye Ziqin's own request.

She believes that the combination of practice and study is more conducive to her understanding of the knowledge in books, Ye Zishu does not comment on this, and lets her do it according to her own ideas.

Ye Ziqin is different from him, he has a virtual space, and many experiments and practices can be done in the virtual space, and the effect is definitely much better than the practice in the real world.

After all, in the real world, some subjects must be practiced with conditions and need to be lucky, and sometimes there are not many opportunities, and if you encounter them once, you will be lucky.

Therefore, he cannot impose his own experience on Ye Ziqin, and he especially likes people who have their own ideas, even if the ideas are not necessarily right, at least it is much better than having others arrange everything.

Just after the notification here, Ye Ziqin appeared in the living room of their house not long after, seeing Pei Qing and Ye Zishu eating breakfast, she quickly sat down, and at the same time saw the bowl flying directly from the study to the dining table in front of her.

Seeing Ye Ziqin's actions, I don't know whether to be happy or helpless. The happy thing is that she is more proficient in using this set of equipment, but the helpless thing is that she doesn't even bother to take the bowl now.

This kind of life lacked a little sparkle over time, and he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. Fortunately, she still took the fast food by herself, and she was not so lazy that she didn't even want to take the fast food by herself.

After a quick breakfast, Ye Ziqin asked, "Sister-in-law, what's so interesting about today that you specifically told me not to go to work."

When Pei Qing heard her asking, she stopped and said, "Wait a minute, your brother is going to Jurassic Park to see the situation, and you can go play with us."

Hearing this, Ye Ziqin immediately had a smile on her face, and asked with a smile: "Brother, are there really dinosaurs in Jurassic Park? Is it fun?"

"You'll know if it's fun, we still have to eat, so don't disturb us with talking!" Ye Zishu said angrily.

Hearing this, Ye Ziqin really didn't say anything, stood up and went to the living room, turned on the TV and watched it, maybe this was her hobby since she was a child.

After the two had breakfast, they didn't have anything to prepare. After all, they were free to come and go now. If it was a few years ago, they would have to prepare well for a long trip, and even bring some dry food.

"Do you have anything to prepare?" Ye Zishu asked.

Seeing that the two shook their heads, Ye Zishu continued: "Okay, let's go there now, you wrap the space shield around your body, and don't let your body be exposed outside."

The current time flow in Jurassic Park is too fast. If you don't fully use the space shield to wrap it, you will be affected by time when you enter it.

If you want to deal with the power of time driven by space, you also need space to deal with it, so he has such an order, which can temporarily isolate the whole person from the external space.

Seeing that the two nodded and prepared according to his statement, Ye Zishu took Pei Qing's hand with one hand and Ye Ziqin's hand with the other.

Without saying anything, he quietly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already inside the Jurassic Park space.

The three of them stood above a vast primeval forest, white clouds fluttered in the distance, the roar of giant beasts came from the depths of the forest underground, and some flying creatures flew in the distance.

The sudden appearance of the three of them obviously broke the peace here, and the pterosaur flying beside was frightened and hurried to

Although these dinosaurs, it can even be said that all the creatures inside are biological robots, they are now under the unified management of the artificial intelligence in the space equipment, and Ye Zishu cannot directly give orders.

Pei Qing saw the vast virgin forest stretching as far as the eye can see, and said with a smile: "This is the Jurassic Park you mentioned. Except for dinosaurs and other Jurassic creatures, other performances are also average."

If it was changed to before, seeing such a scene would definitely be shocking. After all, it is very shocking to go to another world.

But these days, they are running all over the world, where they have never seen the spectacular natural scenes, drinking tea on the top of Mount Everest, and playing with marine life in the Mariana Trench.

I went around inside all the pyramids, and even took a trip to the unexcavated Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, so I have seen a wide range of worlds, and it is difficult for them to be shocked by the scene in front of them.

Ye Zishu didn't speak, just stood in the air and looked down quietly. The original lush virgin forest was slowly turning yellow under the eyes of the three of them.

The pterosaur, which had been hiding from them before, changed its size at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving a pile of bones in the end. The outside world seemed to be fast-forwarded, and it was a spring and autumn in an instant.

At first, she wondered why Ye Zishu didn't refute, but when she saw the scene in front of her, Pei Qing was greatly shocked, and Ye Ziqin, who used to be talkative, didn't speak all the time, and quietly watched everything in front of her.

After all, she was doing research, and she found something was wrong when she came in. Everything around her was speeding up, so she didn't tease like Pei Qing, but was shocked from the very beginning.

"Did time speed up outside?" Pei Qing asked after realizing it.

Ye Zishu nodded and said, "You're right. The time outside is tens of millions of times longer than the time in the main space. One day outside means tens of millions of years have passed here."

Although some grass has grown here before, the land still retains traces of the original desert, but now, except for a small part of the desert environment, the land in other places has been wrapped by a thick humus layer.

I can't tell at all that this is a barren land, which is in huge contrast with the previous impression. Pei Qing knows this, because she came here with Ye Zishu when it was still a desert.

"Brother, how did you do it?" Ye Ziqin came back to her senses, looked at Ye Zishu and asked.

"I can't explain this for a while, and I will tell you slowly after you have accumulated enough knowledge!" Ye Zishu said.

[To be honest, I have recently followed up, changed sources, and read aloud with many voices, yeguoyuedu. Android and Apple are both available. 】

On the one hand, it is difficult to explain what he said. Once he starts to explain, there will be countless questions waiting for him later, so he will not explain it at all.

On the other hand, it is to set a goal for Ye Ziqin so that she will not slack off in her studies. There is a huge gap between learning without a goal and learning with a goal, in terms of efficiency and enthusiasm.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ye Ziqin didn't continue to ask. If the elder brother really wanted to say something, he would definitely not refuse, and there must be his reasons for not saying it.

While they were chatting, several springs and autumns had passed. Putting aside the initial shock, it seemed that the feeling was no longer there, so the three of them did not intend to stay.

It came directly to the center of the entire space. It was not covered by the surrounding forest, but some small bushes grew. The time flow here was the same as that of the main space, and it did not accelerate.

This place was left to build the Central Magic City, which covers a very large area, about 2,000 square kilometers, and was completely prepared according to the size of a metropolis.

It's just that the outside has been accelerating, so there is no need for construction here. There are a lot of building materials piled up in the distance. These are all sent by Wancheng Foundation over the past year.

Ye Zishu said: "Didn't you think there was nothing new just now, now let you experience super powers and use the power of space to build a city!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Zishu floated directly into the air, and then got in touch with the control system here, ordering it to use space management to control the construction of a city according to the original design drawings.

Seeing Ye Zishu's movements, Ye Ziqin and Pei Qing quickly rose into the air, stood on both sides of Ye Zishu and waited quietly, even holding their breath, wanting to see the next miracle.

I saw that the originally quiet ground was divided in an instant, some ground collapsed, and some ground swelled, and after a while, the entire ground became potholed.

However, compared with the situation in the natural environment, it is obvious that these potholes are much more regular and standard, and these actions are all preparations for laying the foundation.

After these were done, they didn't stop. They found that there were a lot of building materials in the originally empty space, and the scene became chaotic.

This city is different from the previous cities. The whole city is not mainly made of reinforced concrete, but is built with special wood. Anyway, it is blessed with the power of space, so there is absolutely no need to worry about durability.

Moreover, the main material of special wood is carbon, and the raw materials are very extensive. It's just that the production process is more troublesome, but it is definitely more environmentally friendly.

The most important thing is that the sturdiness and toughness of special wood are not comparable to that of reinforced concrete, nor does it have that rough feeling, and it looks more beautiful overall.

Moreover, after so many years of urbanization, the consumption of domestic qualified sand and gravel has been extremely high, and the price has also risen, and even some sand and gravel mining sites have restricted mining.

Since the Central Magic City is going to be built, there must be something different. In addition to the architectural design, even the building materials must be different.

After that, the eyes of the three people couldn't see it, and the ground began to become densely packed.

What surprised them was that although the whole process seemed extremely busy, there was no noise. Standing in the air, no noise could be heard. Everything in the house was going on quietly, and tall buildings seemed to grow out of the ground.

Although it seemed boring to watch the whole process, none of the three wanted to leave, and wanted to witness a magnificent city being built under their noses.

Waiting like this for a few hours, as if it was like city construction in a game, the important Ye Ziqin couldn't help but said: "I thought it was quite interesting at first, but standing and watching like this is not an option."

Although the construction process is very fast, the scale of the city is huge, and it cannot be built in three to five hours. According to the plan, the construction of the entire city will take three days.

It is obviously impossible for Ye Zishu and the others to wait here all the time, and there is no need for it. It is just like playing a game just now, seeing a city being gradually completed under their noses, and they are a little excited.

"Then let's build some other landscapes. What your sister-in-law said just now is indeed true. Just looking at these dinosaurs seems a bit monotonous, and there is no too strong contrast with the outside world." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Then how do you plan to build the landscape?" Pei Qing asked curiously.

"Have you ever seen a floating continent?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Can the mainland still float?" Ye Ziqin asked quickly.

"It's definitely not possible outside, but here is shrouded by our own power of space, and the rules are set by ourselves. Naturally, there are no impossible things." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Then let's see how the mainland floats!" Pei Qing, who was at the side, was also full of curiosity, and said.

Hearing what Pei Qing said, Ye Zishu said, "Then watch it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the originally quiet central magic city suddenly shook. Even the three of them stood in the air, as if they felt the vibration of the ground.

If it weren't for the ground being blessed by the power of space, the vibration would have been even greater. It can be seen how much the surrounding movement was, and the vibration did not last long. The three of them saw land of different sizes rising slowly on the outskirts of the city under construction. .

This is the suspended continent that Ye Zi mentioned in the book, it is in the shape of an inverted cone, there are still trees on it, and there are some animals that haven't escaped in time.

These land areas are not very large, the largest is only five square kilometers, and the small one is even smaller, only about 1 square kilometer. Compared with the huge central city, it is a bit small.

But there are a lot of them. There are as many as 36 big and small pieces together. According to the distribution of gossip, it adds a touch of fantasy to these floating lands.

In order to avoid the problem of central magic city, the 36 pieces of floating land are still some distance away from the central magic city, and the naked eye can only see the outline of the central magic city.

The scenery of each suspended continent is also different. Some continents are full of mountains and rocks, with steep peaks, some continents are flat land, and there is a huge lake in the center of the continent.

Levitation alone doesn't make much sense. Ye Zishu's next step is to design these suspended lands, like a continent with many rocks and steep peaks, directly raise the height, and then build fairy palaces and gymnasiums on it.

In order to be able to complement these magnificent fairy palaces, a fairy-like scene will be created around, as if there is such a fairy palace in the sky.

Like Flatland Continent, it is planned to be built into a residential area. Compared with the Central Magic City, the price is higher, and it will give rich people a different experience. It is also more face-saving when it is said, after all, they are people who have lived in the sky.

The land with a water park in the center is designed as a hot spring area, and there are many supporting facilities around it. As for other lands with beautiful scenery to show off their wealth, they are designed as scenic spots.

The reason why he thought of the floating land was because he remembered the movie "Avatar" in his previous life. The floating land in it impressed him deeply, and it was not uncommon in other special effects movies.

These floating continents are just small scenes. He intends to cover the entire Badain Jaran area with floating continents of different sizes. On the one hand, it can create more wonders, and on the other hand, it can increase the sense of space.

As for the excavated potholes on the ground, they will be filled up, and then around the central magic city, a water area with a width of 5 kilometers will be formed around the city, enveloping the entire central city pool.

There are a total of eight bridges distributed around the central city and connected to the surrounding land. These arrangements are much more interesting than building a city on the ground alone.

It's just that Ye Zishu doesn't need to worry about these. Some materials don't even need to be sent over by Wancheng Foundation after they are manufactured, and the artificial intelligence can use the power of space to complete the manufacturing of materials.

"It won't be finished here for a while, let's come back in three days and have a look!" Ye Zishu said.

It's boring later, and there's nothing interesting here, so I might as well go back first, wait here for three days to finish, and come over to see how the effect is.

After finishing speaking, holding Pei Qing in one hand and Ye Ziqin in the other, they disappeared into this space in an instant, as if the three of them had never been here before, leaving only the busy city built on the ground to prove that they had been here.

The three of them showed up again, and they appeared in the living room at home. It was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Before Ye Zishu could speak, Ye Ziqin said, "Why isn't our super equipment so powerful?"

"One is the lack of energy, and the other is that the function is restricted by me. If you use it indiscriminately, won't you mess it up?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

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