Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1012 Personal experience of monster siege and operation ideas


Just as Ye Zishu and Pei Qing were chatting, the monsters attacking from the bridge had already approached the city. A huge monster grabbed the little monsters around it and threw them towards Ye Zishu and Pei Qing.

This group of monsters seems to have lost their minds. As long as they can attack the city, all the monsters around them can be sacrificed, and the little monsters have no fear at all, and they have no fear of being used as tools.

I saw that the little monster that was thrown over showed its claws and fangs forward, and made a gesture of attacking with all its strength, as if it would choose to eat someone as soon as it came to the body.

Pei Qing no longer had the original nervousness. Seeing the little monster flying towards this side, she also imitated Ye Zishu's movements. She stretched her arms forward and directly set the flying little monster in the air.

Then, with a flick of the hand, the little monster was thrown to the other side of the lake, and there was a dog eating shit, as if this action angered the monsters who came to attack the city, and the monsters that had climbed the city wall all gathered here from both sides.

The battle between the two sides was about to break out, and Ye Zishu and Pei Qing also made a response gesture. The two stood back to back, and then the gorgeous clothes on their bodies turned into a pair of armor in an instant, and a spear with a cold light appeared in their hands.

When the monster is approaching, the two of them will deal with each other. In fact, neither of them has specially learned martial arts moves, but it does not affect their performance, and they become generals in all battles.

Because as long as they wanted, the armor would help them adjust their posture, and the movements didn't need to be tempered, and in the face of such an attack, all the bells and whistles were useless.

Dealing with monsters only requires a few simple actions, that is, blocking, stabbing, and sweeping. Simple and rude, the more complicated the situation, the more simple actions are needed.

The same is true in ancient wars. How to kill the enemy efficiently and how to save energy are important considerations for soldiers at war in ancient times. Various martial arts moves are mostly used in one-on-one contests.

The two held spears in their hands, like gods of war. Most of the monsters that came to besiege them fell to the bottom of the city wall after being swept away by them.

In fact, it is also possible to make blood flow like a river, but it is too bloody. If it is really done, it is estimated that not many tourists will be able to adapt.

After all, this is just a game, there is no need to make it so real, just let every tourist have a sense of participation, and at the same time increase cohesion in the concerted efforts.

The battle lasted for more than half an hour. Pei Qing no longer had her original heroic demeanor and began to show signs of fatigue. Even Ye Zishu felt a little tired.

Although the spear in his hand didn't require much effort from him, even if he kept waving it empty-handed, it would be tiring for half an hour, and they were not supermen.

So the two discussed,

He stopped fighting, disappeared in place, and came to the high altitude, but unexpectedly, he was besieged by flying monsters.

In the future, when facing flying monsters, there will usually be archers to deal with them, so the two have a tacit understanding, and the spears in their hands suddenly become bows and arrows.

I saw two people pulling up their bows and arrows. Originally, there were only bows and no arrows, but an arrow was transformed into an instant. With the hand pulling the string, a beam of white light went towards the attacking monster, instantly piercing the monster and transforming into an arrow. A little bit of white light dissipated.

The two worked hard for half an hour, and finally killed all the flying monsters within sight of the naked eye, but the monsters below climbed over the city wall and headed into the city like a flood.

These monsters are not completely brainless. The small monsters actually set up a meat ladder outside the city wall, and other monsters directly stepped on their bodies to climb up the city wall.

There were also monsters constantly attacking the city gate, or came inside the city gate, and began to try to open the city gate. After the two of them watched quietly in the air for a while, the city gate was finally opened.

A monster like a flood passed directly through the city gate, screaming excitedly and rushed into the city, as if it was about to burn, kill and loot, the scene was quite shocking.

Sure enough, the monsters that entered the city were not gentlemen, they destroyed everything they saw, and everywhere they went was devastated, as if locusts had passed through the territory, not a single blade of grass could grow.

"Won't the whole city be destroyed if you do this?" Pei Qing looked at the scene in front of her with a tired face and said worriedly.

"It's okay, if it is broken, it will be broken. Important things will not be damaged. Damaged things can be easily recovered by using the power of space. Only in this way can everyone know how serious the consequences of failure are.

Only in this way can everyone try their best to resist the outside world. If there is no punishment, it is estimated that many people will hold the mentality of watching the excitement and have no determination to resist tenaciously to the end.

This is a game, and it is also a good project that reflects the strength of the collective. It also allows tourists to truly experience the scene of family ruin, exercise their will, and unite the hearts of the nation. "Leaf Book said.

With the improvement of per capita income and the improvement of various welfare systems in China, the pressure of survival will become less and less. Over time, he is afraid that a group of people will appear without illness, and their strong will will be worn away in a long-term prosperous and peaceful environment.

Through this kind of large-scale war game, it is a good exercise program to gather millions or even tens of millions of people to participate in the war and jointly resist the enemy's invasion.

Although these participating tourists are protected by the power of space, they will not be fatally injured, but it is still possible to suffer minor injuries, and they will also feel corresponding pain when they are hit, but it is weakened countless times according to the human body's endurance.

If there is really no feeling at all, the sense of participation will be much weaker, and what he said about exercising will has no meaning at all. People must go all out and dare not slack off in the slightest.

And if it fails, not only the city will be devastated, but all the tourists in the city will also suffer huge economic losses. The reason is that they were ransacked by monsters.

In addition, these tourists will also be locked up for half a day. The reason is that they have been killed. During the lockup period, all they can see is the surrounding darkness, and they cannot move, they can only sleep.

During lockdown, of course, AI is actually harnessing the power of space to restore cities to their former prosperity.

There will be punishment for failure, so there will naturally be rewards for victory. The most direct reward is to reward each person with a consumption coupon, which can be spent in the city with the consumption coupon.

The amount of consumption coupons depends on each person’s performance. Those with low contributions may only get a few hundred yuan, while those with high contributions may get tens of thousands of yuan, and even the money spent in it will be returned, which is tantamount to free Traveled once.

The monster siege is held once every Sunday. There will be a referendum on the day before the holding. More than half of the people who agree will do. There must be a reason for such a procedure.

Because failure will result in losses, some people may not be willing to do so. Only through voting can some problems be avoided. If it is only decided by the city management personnel, failure will result in losses, and complaints will inevitably be unavoidable.

If the vote is not passed, everyone will be awarded the title of "coward", and all consumer prices in the city will be temporarily increased by 5% for a week, which is regarded as a punishment for evaders.

The rising money will not be collected by Wancheng Foundation, and will be directly handed over to the country to enter the fiscal revenue. The meaning is obvious, that is, the peace of you cowards is carried forward by other people.

When the Ministry of Finance gets the money, it can be rewarded to brave deeds and heroes, or used as military expenses, just to make them spend more money and be convinced.

If it entered Wancheng Jiye's pocket, it would probably be said that Wancheng Jiye had a dark heart and wanted to make money by any means. Obviously, Wancheng Jiye didn't need to bear this infamy.

And for Wancheng Jiye, they made enough money in the fantasy world, and they didn't take this little money seriously. After all, even if they made money, they still had to return it to the people.

Compared with this, directly handing over to the finance department for special payments, and providing incentives to special groups of people through money can be regarded as a means of resource tilting, and it can also encourage the bravery of the people.

Ye Zishu does not encourage unnecessary sacrifices, but it also does not want to see a group of cowardly people. It is hoped that through this activity, their hearts can be baptized, which can be regarded as educational.

After hearing Ye Zishu's plan, Pei Qing showed sincere admiration on her face. She just thought it was a simple money-making project before, but she didn't expect such considerations behind it.

In this way, the game has a different meaning. It is no longer a purely entertainment project. The meaning is completely different from before, and it will also receive support from all sides.

At the same time, when monsters attack the city, those rich people can't stay out of it. Those who live in the floating continent will be safe and sound. They will also be forcibly recruited to come to the city to resist the monster's attack.

If they evade, they will be fined a huge amount, which may be as high as hundreds of thousands of yuan. Anyway, Ye Zishu will not feel bad about the money they are fined.

The meaning of doing this at the same time is to tell them that in the face of a crisis, neither the poor nor the rich can escape. In the face of a disaster, everyone is a community of interests. Only by cooperating with each other and resisting together can we tide over the difficulties.

If it fails, the losses of these wealthy people will only be greater. Ordinary people may only lose hundreds of thousands of yuan, and they may lose hundreds of thousands of yuan.

As for whether they agree or not, it is completely up to them. The rules of the entire fantasy world are formulated by Wancheng Foundation. As long as they come in, it means accepting Wancheng Foundation's management system, so that they have no chance to complain.

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu's arrangement, she held back and said, "It's too cruel for you to do this. This is killing rich people like pigs!"

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu shook his head and said, "Although there is such a taste, the reality must be the same. In terms of property losses, the rich will definitely lose the most if they lose any war.

The purpose of doing this is also to warn them, the rich, how important social harmony is. Behind their wealth, it is also guarded by countless ordinary people. This must not be ignored. "

Pei Qing was convinced by his statement, and it was indeed the case. Every time a dynasty changes, it is actually a process of wealth redistribution.

Because in the past, it was because the rich were unwilling to share wealth, which led to excessive concentration of wealth and serious social problems. Small reforms could not get rid of the ills, and could only be forced to advance through drastic methods such as regime change.

Through such rules of the game, it is to make these rich people not to be excessively greedy at ordinary times. While harvesting, they must also give back to the society and the bottom, otherwise they will inevitably face the same ending in the end.

While the two of them were talking, the city covering an area of ​​more than 2,000 square kilometers was completely destroyed by tens of millions of monsters.

I can't see the orderly and beautiful appearance before, and there are even violent explosions in some places, and raging fires in many places, which is a completely doomsday scene.

At this point, the resistance was actually declared a complete failure. All the resistance troops were wiped out, and those who did not participate in the resistance were also wiped out. The scene was horrible.

"Won't the little animals in the city be killed just now?" Pei Qing asked worriedly.

"No, in fact, after being attacked, these small animals are just in a state of suspended animation. Although the power of space can do many things, it takes too long to grow their lives.

If these animals are all killed, it will not be easy to grow up, let alone recover in just half a day, so the animals and plants must be protected to avoid being unable to recover.

As for other substances, as long as the basic materials are present, even if they are burned, they can be restored to their original state. After all, the energy released by combustion is collected, and the burned substances can be reused. "Leaf Book said.

Although the city is so miserable, in fact, as long as the total amount of energy and material does not decrease, the power of space can be used to restore it. Without this ability, he would not dare to let the city be destroyed like this.

Because once the damage cannot be restored at a low cost, it means a huge loss. In order to make this little money, the loss is huge, and the gain is not worth the loss.

"Then what about the monsters that occupy the city?" Pei Qing asked.

"What else can I do? Anyway, everyone has been wiped out, so they will naturally disappear. After all, transforming these monsters consumes a lot of energy, so they will naturally return to the energy state." Ye Shu said.

Now the monsters are still wreaking havoc in the city, the two of them did not leave immediately, because there is no resistance, and the monsters are all powerful, and the destructive power is astonishing.

Just watching quietly like this, in less than three hours, such a large city was almost completely destroyed, only a small number of buildings were extremely solid, not completely destroyed, but turned into ruins.

It may be that the destruction was almost the same, the monsters that were extremely arrogant stopped suddenly, and then all turned into a little rain of light, flew upwards, and gathered into a bright ball.

The ball gradually grew larger, perhaps reaching its limit, and exploded in an instant, turning into meteors and falling to the entire city like an explosion.

After touching the ground, it seemed to be absorbed by the ground, and disappeared without a trace in an instant. At this time, the originally dilapidated city slowly changed.

It seems that the epidemic that just fell has injected new vitality into the city, and the city is slowly recovering. As more and more meteors fall, the city's recovery speed is getting faster and faster.

This is completely different from the day before yesterday when I came to see the city's construction. It seemed a bit fantasy, or a bit aesthetic, as if the end of life was death, and the end of death was new life.

This was not arranged by Yeshu, it was made by the artificial intelligence itself, maybe it was for them to see, maybe the artificial intelligence thought it was more meaningful to do this than to repair it directly.

This process lasted for 8 hours. The city that had been destroyed before became completely new. The dead streets, animals and plants reappeared and became full of vitality.

This process was really shocking. The two of them watched quietly for eight hours, but they didn't feel bored at all. The feelings in it cannot be described in words.

"Isn't it a pity that the reconstruction process is not shown to tourists? After all, the shock of the whole process gives people a feeling of spiritual baptism." Pei Qing came back to her senses and said to Ye Zishu.

Ye Zishu originally planned to complete the restoration and reconstruction so quietly, because all the people in the city were "dead in battle", so naturally such a scene could not be seen.

And he didn't intend to show it to tourists. After all, the process was very shocking, completely beyond the scope of people's understanding, but Pei Qing's words were not unreasonable.

Although he wants to give this city a different meaning, it is still a tourism and vacation project after all, and the purpose is still to make money. This purpose will not be changed by adding meaningful activities.

What's more, are there still few incredible things here? The suspended land, the train built in the air, the monster attacking the city, and the wild virgin forest outside, all tell tourists that this place is different.

Letting tourists see the process of urban restoration is equally shocking, but it will not be so different, and this is also a fee-based item, which can make a lot of money for Wancheng Foundation.

As long as tourists are willing to pay viewing fees, they can recover from confinement, but they cannot move around freely, and can only stand at a high altitude like them and watch everything in front of them.

Moreover, the fees charged will be different according to the contribution made before death, which can be regarded as making each tourist pay an extra price for himself.

Of course, if they win, the city will definitely be destroyed to some extent, but it is not so complete. At this time, it does not matter whether it is the survivors or the people who died in battle.

They can all watch the city restoration process for free as a reward for their bravery, so that more people will want to win and will not give up easily.

As for the winning ratio, it will definitely not be particularly high. If the probability of winning is high, not only will Wancheng Foundation not make money, but it may take money in.

After all, after the victory, all tourists need to be rewarded with consumption coupons. The value will not be particularly low. If it is very low, it will be meaningless. Tourists must be willing to pay for it.

And victory is easy and not to be cherished. It must have enough resilience and heroic self-sacrifice, and enough teamwork to win.

Only when victory is hard-won, will it be cherished and have a more positive meaning. It can be said that under normal circumstances, the probability of victory is about 10%.

The victorious tourists, if they go out, definitely have the capital to brag. After all, they have achieved such a low winning rate, and they are definitely qualified to be proud.

There are two most important things in life. The first is survival, how to make yourself survive better, and the second is honor and status, which can bring spiritual satisfaction to people.

As long as the two conditions are met, it is worthwhile for a person to go through the world alone. It can even be said that when the material of life is satisfied, spiritual satisfaction becomes more important.

Even the city, in the name of the goddess of fantasy, distributed bravery medals to the victorious tourists. When the tourists left, they could receive them and take them outside as proof of their victory in the war.

The medal must be exquisite enough, and the material must not be available outside, so as to highlight the preciousness of the medal, and it will not be easy to be copied, as a collection of victorious tourists.

You must know that it is not easy to win once in a large-scale event like this. Even if the tourists are brave, they are already lucky if they can win once. After all, the victory does not depend on the individual, but on the strength of all the tourists in this session.

Obviously, the composition of tourists in each session is different, and they all come from all over the world. Therefore, in each session of the monster siege game, the strength of the tourists is also different.

It was said earlier that the probability of victory is 10%. In fact, if it is really run, the probability of victory is probably not so high, so the Medal of Valor is very valuable.

Moreover, the heroic medal is also graded. The greater the contribution and role in the monster siege game, the higher the medal level, the more precious it is, and the higher the collection value.

With these ideas, he communicated with the artificial intelligence that manages this space, and added these into it, and the artificial intelligence is responsible for the specific improvement.

I didn't expect to come here this time, and I suddenly remembered such a small episode, which delayed them for so long. Now everything has returned to calm, and Ye Zishu started to get down to business.

First of all, let the artificial intelligence pass through the space equipment to slow down the flow of time outside. The basic work outside has been completed. Even if a small part needs more time, it can be targeted separately.

The second is to limit the time flow function of space equipment, and no longer allow artificial intelligence to have this authority. After all, this function is too against the sky. If the artificial intelligence makes a mistake one day, things will be serious.

Now it is controlled and managed by the artificial intelligence in the space equipment alone. When it is officially operated in the future, the number of leaf books will be increased and restricted.

That is an important and dangerous agenda, which needs to be formulated by the artificial intelligence of the space equipment here, approved by the artificial intelligence in his private laboratory, and submitted to Wancheng Foundation for manual review.

Some functions of the space equipment can only be activated after everything is passed. These measures are just in case. Although it is cumbersome to add a few more procedures, it will not delay much.

Then it is to establish an entrance and exit for external communication, so that people from Wancheng Foundation can come in and make arrangements. At present, most of the city only has buildings. As for the various objects in the buildings, they have not yet prepared.

These things don't need to be specially transported by Wancheng Foundation after production, but need more detailed design drawings organized by Wancheng Foundation, or designed by artificial intelligence itself.

Wancheng Foundation assisted from it, and then sent in raw materials here according to the design. Artificial intelligence can use the power of space to generate the required products according to the design drawings, and place them where they are needed.

After finishing these things, the purpose of coming here is also fulfilled, and then he and Pei Qing went outside the city to have a look. Unfortunately, after the monster siege just now, they were not interested in playing.

After reading it hastily, it generally met his requirements and reached the standard of opening to the outside world, so the two went home directly, after all, they didn't have lunch.

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