Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1018 The 1st Monster Siege Battle


On July 1st, Sunday, Ye Zishu deliberately took the time to take a look at the fantasy world, just to see how everyone reacted to the monster attacking the city.

It may be the first time playing this kind of game, but not many people choose to give up. Even parents who bring their children to play temporarily entrust their children to the service staff.

According to the voting results obtained by Ye Zishu, 80% of the people agree to the battle, which is actually quite high. Only 8% disagree, and the remaining 12% have no clear attitude.

With their own strength, they would definitely not be able to deal with the monsters that attacked the city. Even a strong adult man would have enough to deal with the little monsters inside.

What's more, the larger the battle, the more it needs unified dispatch and command, especially for such a large city, if the defense is not strict, it will also be breached.

Therefore, if you want to win, you must have the blessing of the goddess, so that you can gain strength far beyond your own limit, and even temporarily obtain powerful equipment.

The voting was held on Saturday night, and more than half of the votes means that the event will start. On Sunday morning, the service staff suggested that everyone eat more, because once it starts, it will be difficult to end for a while, and there may be no time to eat .

So the things prepared for breakfast are different from usual. They are all high-calorie foods that can keep you full. Therefore, they are mostly meat-based. They even prepare a lot of alcoholic drinks for courage, of course, only for adults.

After breakfast, at eight o'clock sharp, everyone can pray to the goddess statue in the center of the square according to their own economic situation and their own tactical ideas, so as to obtain powerful abilities.

If Pei Qing was there, she would find that the goddess statue in the central square resembled her a bit, because the leaf book was originally set up by artificial intelligence to look like Pei Qing.

Ye Zishu came over at eight o'clock, but these people couldn't see him. He stood high in the sky, overlooking the bustling city and the huge goddess statue in the center.

This goddess statue is named the Goddess of Fantasy, and it does not usually stand in the square. It only lands in the central square in the early morning when it is confirmed that the monster siege will start on Sunday.

The statue is hundreds of meters high, and the whole shape is in ancient costumes, but there are not too many bells and whistles. It seems that the whole body is made of high-quality white jade, but the facial features and expressions are lifelike.

Tourists who had breakfast early did not choose to stay in the residence to pray, but came to the goddess statue, looked at the huge goddess statue, and prayed on the spot.

There are no rules for the prayer ceremony, but you cannot use insulting actions on the goddess statue. If it happens, you will be punished, not only in confinement, but also in financial punishment.

Those who go to the goddess to pray,

Either you want to see the girls' lineup, after all, it's only one day a week, and you can't usually see it. For those who plan to play for a week, this opportunity is rare.

Or they really want to pray and hope to use their piety to impress girls so as to gain better abilities. There should be quite a few such people.

In the past, no one would have worshiped a virtual goddess that had never appeared before, but after a week of travel, some people's mentality has changed when they are faced with various phenomena in the fantasy world that are beyond common sense.

Although the explanation given by Wancheng Jiye that everything in the fantasy world is made of technology, this statement cannot convince everyone, after all, it is too far beyond scientific common sense.

So it is not ruled out that some people really think that the fantasy world is a world created by divine power, so for this rare opportunity, it is natural to come to worship the only god in the fantasy world.

Ye Zishu also saw something in the eyes of these people who came to pray. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it. This is the 21st century, and there shouldn't be many people who believe in God.

But the facts are in front of us, in the face of things far beyond human cognition, there must be human beings who attribute it to the mighty power of the gods, so modern people are not wiser than ancient people to some extent.

As time went by, more and more people came to pray in person, and it was not limited to praying for great strength in the upcoming monster siege battle.

Some tourists actually pray for themselves like the Taoist temples outside, hoping to use the power of the gods to make themselves successful in their careers, academics, and everything goes well.

This makes the leaf book hidden in the sky a little unbelievable. This is to worship the gods when they see the gods, regardless of whether it really works.

Just when Ye Zishu was full of emotions, he found that the statue was originally only a god statue with very exquisite material and workmanship, and he felt a little sacred, and he didn't know if it was his own illusion.

After praying, the desired ability will not be obtained immediately. All the ability blessings will be released half an hour before the monsters attack the city. Only then will everyone know what their abilities are.

Time passed by, and at 10 o'clock in the morning, a beast's roar resounded through the sky, and everyone in the huge city could clearly hear it.

It was the roar of the beast that made the originally peaceful city suddenly tense, because the roar and the coercion made many people feel the fear from their hearts.

That is, after this roar, the blessing of the fantasy goddess was finally distributed to everyone who participated in the prayer, and they each obtained corresponding abilities according to their wishes and the money they spent.

People who acquire powerful abilities are naturally ecstatic. This kind of ability does not simply come from equipment, but makes people really feel the improvement of ability.

Not long after he acquired the ability, someone couldn't hold back and hit the ground with a punch, smashing the entire hotel down on him. There is no doubt that he would have to pay a large sum of money.

There were also people who prayed for magical abilities and threw a fireball outside, which naturally caused a raging fire. If everyone was not protected by the power of space, it is estimated that there would be heavy casualties.

For this kind of people who have acquired powerful abilities but cause damage in the city, they will receive a large list of losses and need to pay a large amount of financial compensation.

However, the person who can obtain this kind of powerful ability must be the owner who spent a lot of money, and should have the ability to compensate for the loss, because ordinary people will not be willing to spend so much money to obtain this kind of superpower.

Like this kind of ability with magic skills, praying will cost tens of thousands of yuan, so that people can fully appreciate the joy of being a magician, and there are more advanced magic, the price is even more expensive.

For example, if you want to have the ability of a great magister and the devastating "Thunderbolt" skill, you need to pay a price of millions of yuan. This is already the highest profession for a magician.

In addition to the Western fantasy occupation system, there are also Eastern Xianxia system occupations for tourists to choose from. For example, monks in the Mahayana period have the same ability as the great magister, and the price is naturally the same.

Most people will only choose the ability in the Qi refining stage, because the price at this stage is very cheap, ranging from a few hundred yuan to thousands of yuan, which is still affordable for ordinary tourists.

Of course, there are other weird professions, such as the wizard profession, which are also divided into many levels. The highest level also has the ability to destroy the world, which is not weaker than other professions.

There is also the sci-fi-oriented Mecha God of War series of occupations, which allow tourists to drive various levels of mechas to fight, and their power does not belong to the previous occupation system.

In order to highlight the upcoming battle, the sky in the entire fantasy world has become a bit gloomy and depressing, as if there is a feeling of black clouds overwhelming the city, which is completely different from the situation in the morning.

This kind of atmosphere is very good for players of the summoner professional system. The highest level summoner can summon dragons to participate in the battle. With this kind of atmosphere, it will definitely make people's adrenaline soar.

At this moment, the fantasy goddess statue suddenly emitted a ray of light, and then gathered into a beam of light that shot straight into the sky, as if to disperse the thick clouds above and bring light to the entire city.

This kind of spectacle has naturally been seen by tourists, making many people feel that it is very worthwhile to participate in this game. If you don't participate, you won't be able to see this kind of scene.

Just when everyone hadn't fully adjusted their mentality and made defensive preparations, the entire ground of the city felt vibrated, as if there were huge footsteps rushing here in all directions.

Before the tourists could react, these tourists who participated in the battle were teleported to the city wall. When they looked outside the city wall, a large number of monsters had begun to gather outside.

Ye Zishu looked at it, and he was a little surprised that there were more monsters attacking the city than the monsters he tested last time, and they were bigger and more diverse.

This shows that among these tourists, a large proportion of tourists have activated powerful abilities. Otherwise, it would be impossible to make such a big battle. The reason is that the overall strength of the players is very strong.

Players have never seen such a battle before, seeing more and more monsters gathering, getting bigger and bigger, with hideous faces, explosive muscles, and all kinds of weapons in their hands that are not very easy to provoke.

Everything indicates that this is not an ordinary game. There was a mentality of playing games, but now it is completely gone, and some people even want to run away.

It's a pity that these players who wanted to escape were teleported to the city wall before going down the city wall, and they were not given a chance to escape at all.

Tens of millions of players gathered on the city wall, and the city wall was completely occupied. When the artificial intelligence allocated manpower, it was divided according to the average, and the number of people in each place was almost the same.

Each player has the equipment bestowed by the goddess of fantasy, some have a fairy-like appearance, some have a gloomy appearance as a whole, and some have a fairy sword on their feet and look down condescendingly outside.

The so-called Yigao people are bold, and before the monsters outside have gathered, there are high-end players who take the initiative to attack and fly directly outside the city wall, trying to annihilate the monsters in front of them in advance.

When everyone was watching these powerful performances, they didn't expect that the other side was not a vegetarian, and there were also monsters rising into the sky, directly facing these powerful powers.

No one expected that the beginning of the war would be a battle between powerful people. They thought that the small ones would go up and consume a wave first, and the big ones would come out later to determine the outcome.

Ye Zishu didn't expect that such a plot was obviously reversed, but after thinking about it, he was relieved. After all, a person suddenly possesses powerful abilities, so he is naturally confident.

And looking at the monsters on the other side of the river, I didn't feel how powerful they were. In addition, some people have the idea of ​​showing off. Under the attention of so many people, if they show off their glory, they will become celebrities in the world.

In the end, I didn't expect that the other party was not a real player, but they hadn't played yet. Since the powerful people here wanted to show off their glory, they would naturally respond passively.

The first to attack was a player of the Sword Immortal profession, and he directly returned to the sect with one move, and the sword in his hand turned into countless sword shadows, flying towards the monster blocking him.

Unexpectedly, the other party directly activated the body protection magical skill. Although the attacked retreated steadily, they did not suffer much damage, but retreated a few kilometers.

After stabilizing here, he immediately launched a counterattack, using Sen Luo Shou, and saw countless claws shining coldly around the Sword Immortal player, trying to attack his vitals.

The Sword Immortal player managed to resist the opponent's first attack with a move of sword energy to protect his body, but it was also uncomfortable, as if his whole body was falling apart, with a dull pain.

The battle started here, and other places naturally did not fall. The two sides attacked and defended back and forth, which naturally caused huge damage to the little monsters below, causing a large number of casualties.

This is the advantage of attacking first. In other people's territory, everyone will be affected by the enemy's forces. But seeing this situation, the other party is not a brainless monster.

So he wanted to gradually move the battlefield closer to the city wall. Maybe it was because the battle was in full swing, but someone didn't discover the monster leader's intentions, and didn't see through the monster leader's plan.

It was too late to react, and players with weak prayer abilities were directly affected by the aftermath of the battle. Although they were not directly declared dead, they were not much better, and injuries and pain were inevitable.

As if it was a signal, the monster on the opposite side immediately launched an attack after a roar, and began to attack the city wall with all their abilities.

Ye Zishu actually saw a monster set up a meat ladder. This was a sight he hadn't seen last time, and it was obviously smarter than last time.

After a while, the two sides were completely fighting together. The lake surface of just a few kilometers could not block the monster's footsteps at all. The two sides began to devote themselves to the battle of siege and defense.

Ye Zishu stood in the sky and watched all this quietly. To be honest, the competition between the two sides was very fierce. He originally thought that these players who had never seen the world would show their timidity.

To his surprise, although some players were a little timid at the beginning, as the war unfolded, they seemed to have forgotten to be afraid, or maybe it was useless to be afraid, and they couldn't escape anyway.

It's better to go all out and start fighting these monsters. Players with relatives and friends who come to play together temporarily form a combat team and start to fight strategically, which is much better than fighting alone.

The battle lasted for eight hours from 10:30 am to 6:30 pm. The scene was so tragic that even Ye Zishu was a little moved.

However, there are also players whose hearts have collapsed. Before launching an effective battle, they are so scared that they pee their pants. Their mentality has already jumped, and it is meaningless to continue fighting.

And in order to protect such players from further physical and mental harm, the artificial intelligence directly sentenced these people to death, put them in confinement, and withdrew from the front line of the city wall.

As expected by Ye Zishu, the monster siege ended in failure, not because they didn't work hard, but because of their problematic coping strategies.

These powerful people consumed too much at the beginning, but they didn't expect that the other party would have an ultimate boss at the end, called the Bloodthirsty Demon King, who was very capable.

These powerful people couldn't resist at all, and were wiped out by the bloodthirsty demon king. There were many reasons for their failure. The first was that they consumed too much in advance, which led to weak resistance in the later stage.

Secondly, there is no rules and no perfect coordination with each other. They almost fight each other without any tacit understanding or strategy, so the effect will naturally be greatly reduced.

In the end, these people didn't have keen insight, and didn't find the weakness of the bloodthirsty big devil. They just blindly attacked. If this kind of reckless style of play had overwhelming strength, it would not be a big problem.

The problem is that they are already in a weak position, and they still want to be reckless. How could they beat the powerful super boss who is waiting for work, and it is reasonable to fail.

If you want to win the battle, you must have strong willpower, mobility, coordination and wisdom, all of which are indispensable. Obviously, the first monster siege battle was not perfect.

Seeing that the city wall was breached and all the participants were killed, the women, children and children who stayed in the city were naturally not spared, and were dealt with by bloodthirsty monsters.

What remained was the dilapidated city that Ye Zishu had seen last time, with flames and thick smoke, and the only intact building was the fantasy goddess statue standing in the central square.

But these monsters naturally would not let go of the fantasy goddess. The bloodthirsty demon king who had defeated all enemies began to attack the goddess with full of confidence.

It's just that I didn't expect that the goddess statue, which was originally made of white jade, suddenly became radiant, and the light that originally shot at the high-altitude clouds suddenly changed direction and went towards the attacking bloodthirsty demon king.

Before the Great Demon King had time to get excited, he was hit by the beam of light and had to stop to take a defensive stance, but these were all in vain. He persisted for less than 10 minutes, and directly penetrated the Bloodthirsty Great Demon King.

The bloodthirsty demon king, who was still invincible just now, turned into little rays of light under the light of the fantasy goddess, converging into the light ball above.

Naturally, these scenes were also seen by tourists who had died in battle. These tourists purchased third-party perspective services and saw everything in their eyes.

Just when these tourists thought it was over, the original white jade goddess suddenly became transparent, and then turned into a huge goddess made entirely of light.

With a bang, the originally tall goddess statue turned into a light shock wave and scattered from the position of the goddess statue. The monsters that had been burning, killing and looting in the city were swept away by the light shock wave and turned into ashes immediately.

Then it turned into dots of starlight and began to converge towards the light sphere above. The casualties of the soldiers defending the city, as well as the murdered corpses of women, children, old and weak, were also turned into dots of starlight and converged towards the upper light sphere.

I saw that the light ball in the center of the sky became bigger and bigger under the continuously converging light spots. When all the light spots were gathered, the huge light ball suddenly exploded, turning into a beautiful pop and spreading to the whole world. earth.

Just after these light spots fell into the ground, a miracle appeared. The dilapidated city was slowly being repaired. At the same time, during the repair process, a wonderful image of the battle just now appeared in the sky above the city.

These images seemed to tell these people that their heroic performance in the battle just now also realized that they wanted to give them a good memory. Although they failed, some of them were defeated.

Although it is over, this experience will become a precious memory in their lives, which is worth cherishing and recalling for a lifetime.

After the city was repaired, these dead soldiers were sent to the hotel beds where they lived, but it was estimated that it would be difficult for them to fall asleep, and they must still be replaying the process of their own battles in their minds.

Ye Zishu left the fantasy world when the city was being repaired. Generally speaking, the monster siege this time was much better than the last time he experienced it.

Of course, this kind of large-scale event can only be fun if many people participate. Last time, it was only him and Pei Qing, which seemed a bit boring, and they didn't use their superpowers, and even "run away".

When she got home, Pei Qing was lying on the sofa watching TV, apparently waiting for him, when she saw him appearing in the living room, she stood up immediately, and said with a smile, "Where did you go?"

"Today happens to be Sunday, so I went to the fantasy world to watch the monster attacking the city." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Don't ask me to play!" Pei Qing said angrily.

"Aren't you busy? And you want to play, just go there next Sunday." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"How's the situation?" Pei Qing didn't really blame him, and she didn't like fighting, so she turned around and asked again.

"Very good. The scene of thousands of troops fighting is fully reflected. It's much more fun than the two of us last time." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"I guess the player's side will lose in the end!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

Ye Zishu nodded and said: "That's true, because it is the first monster siege, there are many shortcomings, failure is a reasonable thing.

But after these people go out, they will definitely discuss strategies. With continuous improvement, the future winning rate may increase a lot! "

When Pei Qing heard Ye Zishu's words, she smiled and did not continue the topic. If the player's strength is strong, the monster's strength will definitely not be weak. It is impossible to win easily.

After dinner, the two were busy with their own affairs, but the fantasy world was shrouded in darkness. These failed players were still watching the whole process of the city's restoration.

The entire city was restored as new, and they had to wait until after midnight. During this period, they could only watch but could not move, and it would cost money to watch, which is not very expensive, just pay 500 yuan per person.

In the early morning of the next day, some tourists left the fantasy world. The educated tourists immediately chose to write their experiences in the fantasy world into articles and publish them on the Internet.

If it weren't for the fact that cameras are not allowed in the fantasy world, it is estimated that a large number of videos and pictures will be uploaded, which is where tourists want to complain.

It's not that they are not allowed to bring camera equipment in, but that the camera equipment cannot be used, or the machine cannot be turned on, or the pictures taken cannot be viewed.

The reason for this is to keep the fantasy world from being exposed too much, to leave more curiosity to the outside world, and to avoid overexposure and weaken the attraction.

At the same time, I also want to give tourists a memory that cannot be left behind, so that it will be precious and make tourists want to revisit the old place.

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