Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter One Thousand and Thirty-One: 5 Divine Beasts Appear and New Year's Eve Fireworks Show A

, the reborn tech upstart

On February 4th, Ye Zishu finally saw the finished products of the four elephants and the central unicorn in his laboratory, and five suspended balls were placed in front of him.

Since the four elephants are too big, his laboratory simply cannot accommodate them, so the entire manufacturing process is completed in these small space balls.

Although these four small balls are only the size of a basketball, in fact, their normal size is 1 km long, and they are like covering the sky outside.

The most important thing is that their body shape can also be changed. If necessary, it can become longer than 10 kilometers, or even a hundred kilometers.

It stands to reason that it can also be made smaller, so that it does not need to be placed in the space ball for manufacturing. The reason is that there is no ability to change during the manufacturing process.

Looking at the small space balls emitting different lights in front of him, the small ball containing Suzaku exudes a red color, as if there are infinite fire elements inside, but there is no burning feeling.

The small ball filled with the Azure Dragon is a piece of turquoise, as if full of wood elements, while the small ball filled with basalt is a piece of water blue, as if full of water elements.

The small ball containing the white tiger beast is full of golden yellow, as if it is full of gold elements, and the small ball containing the central unicorn beast is full of earthy yellow, as if it is full of earthy yellow.

The five small balls correspond to the five elements of our country. Putting them together is really pleasing to the eye. If it weren't for the beasts inside, he would have wanted to collect them.

After carefully observing the five small balls in front of him, Ye Zishu didn't delay, he just waved his hand, firmly controlled the five small balls, and then came to the ground.

Looking at the gloomy clouds in the sky and the cold winter wind, Ye Zishu thought for a while, and threw the five imprisoned balls into the sky.

The five small balls that were honestly in the middle immediately disappeared in front of my eyes, and when they reappeared, they were already at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The ball came to a high altitude, suddenly enlarged, gradually changed from the size of a basketball to a diameter of tens of meters, and then burst suddenly, and the originally quiet clouds rippled away, leaving a huge hole.

After the light from the exploded sphere disappeared, the five divine beasts showed their true bodies, and their bodies returned to their original size. Five behemoths suddenly appeared high above the sky.

Originally above the clouds, the ground could not see the scene here, but due to the shock wave caused by the explosion of the space ball before, the clouds were scattered, leaving a huge hole.

This kind of scene is easy to attract people, and five huge beasts appeared in the hollow, which immediately attracted the attention of a large number of people, and they all stopped to watch this wonderful scene.

Maybe it was because Jiu was trapped in the space ball and felt that his body could not be stretched. After the beast escaped from the trap, it immediately rolled up in the sky, causing the clouds to scatter in all directions.

The originally gloomy sky was suddenly accompanied by the sunshine, presenting a radiant scene, which added more mysterious colors to this wonderful scene.

Followed by the roar of the five divine beasts like rolling thunder, that soul-stirring sound almost spread throughout the area for hundreds of kilometers, as if it exploded in people's ears.

Although it wasn't harsh, it frightened many people. No one had ever seen such a scene. Some even knelt down and worshiped on the spot, as pious as they looked.

The people can't be blamed for doing this. For thousands of years in China, the image of the five mythical beasts has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. What's more, in their eyes, this is the manifestation of the divine beasts. Even if they believe in science, they can't ignore what they see and hear.

Fortunately, the five divine beasts only stayed here for a while. After a brief release, the five divine beasts began to disperse in accordance with the predetermined rules, and each went to the predetermined area.

In fact, the five divine beasts do not need to stay in a specific area. They belong to the conceptual functional division, not the geographical formation, so there are no strict regulations.

But since the five beasts all need to absorb energy,

If you want each beast to have enough energy-absorbing space, it must be spread out, and the energy-absorbing effect will not be very good if they gather together.

Therefore, he made some arrangements. In non-essential circumstances, the white tiger beast among the five gods and beasts will stay in XZ, Sichuan, Qinghai, XJ and other places in the west, where the space is the widest.

The area of ​​the Azure Dragon God Beast is mainly in the eastern region, including Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Ah, Shandong, Hebei and other places. The area where the Xuanwu God Beast mainly stays is Gansu, Ningxia, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, and the three provinces of Northeast China.

The main activity areas of the Suzaku mythical beast will be in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan and southern Jiangxi, and the main activity areas of the Central Kylin mythical beast will be in Henan, Hubei, Chongqing, Hunan and northern Jiangxi.

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Although the size of the regional space is different, it seems that the range of energy absorption is also different. In fact, although they exist as separate bodies, they can share capabilities and energy with each other.

Since the energy storage capacity of the four elephant beasts is relatively limited, if their own energy has been fully stored, they will transfer the excess energy to the central unicorn beast and store it as backup energy.

Although they are separated, they are actually one, and only in this way can they jointly present a huge ability, regardless of the current scope of protecting the country.

If they really encountered a real crisis, they needed to protect the entire earth, and they also had enough ability. Unless they encountered an opponent that was too strong to resist, they might lose.

Of course, the abilities of the five divine beasts are still limited at present. They have just been created, and despite their majestic appearance just now, they actually don't have much stored energy.

If it does not absorb space energy and other dark energy, it simply absorbs solar energy and other thermal energy and radiation energy, and it will take tens of thousands of years or even more time to fully store it.

It's not that these energies are very little, but that energy absorption needs to be measured and cannot damage the climate and environment, so they have great restrictions on energy absorption.

As for why they didn't absorb space energy, the reason was that Ye Shu was so worried. He didn't know if there would be unpredictable problems after space energy was absorbed on a large scale.

If it is used on a small scale, it may not be a big problem, but like these five beasts, if they are full of energy, the amount is very large, and he has to be more cautious if he has not thoroughly studied and understood the space energy.

What's more, their demand for energy is not urgent at present, and there is no need to be so anxious. If it really comes to a critical moment, they will absorb space energy supplements.

At that time, you don’t need to worry about it so much. Wherever there is energy absorbed by them, they will absorb it. Otherwise, human beings will be wiped out, and there is no need to follow the rules.

This time, the five divine beasts rushed everywhere, and did not hide their bodies, and their bodies were gradually getting bigger as they absorbed energy along the way.

In fact, they don't need to be so ostentatious at all. With space abilities, they can go anywhere silently, and the outside world can't perceive it at all.

The reason for being so ostentatious was specially arranged by Ye Zishu. For such an important event, the world must be known, and even the public was allowed to take pictures and record videos.

At the same time, it is also an official look. He promised to build a guardian beast, and he has fulfilled his promise. If he swaggers all the way, the official will definitely call.

The five gods and beasts are usually difficult to mobilize unless Ye Zishu gives orders, but it is not realistic to let the five gods and beasts be completely independent. When they are really needed, they need to act together with the people, and the effect will be better.

Therefore, he also prepared a product to communicate with the beasts. He didn't think too much about the shape, and directly made it into the appearance of the historical Jade Seal.

However, unlike the Chuanguo Yuxi, there is no "ordered by heaven, long life and eternal prosperity" in it. This sentence itself is not suitable for the current environment and is a product of feudal dictatorship.

So he directly engraved on it "Ordered by the people, civilization will last forever". This jade seal will be in charge of every supreme leader, and it can play an important role at critical moments.

Of course, the five gods and beasts don't listen to all orders. If there are orders that violate the above sentence, they will directly ignore them. This is the restriction made by Ye Shu to avoid other problems.

In addition, if there is public dissatisfaction, the five gods and beasts will not only not obey orders according to the actual situation, but will act in accordance with public opinion.

However, Ye Zishu is also very cautious about this kind of behavior, and will only intervene in extreme situations, so as to prevent the five gods and beasts from getting out of control and using this setting at will.

Within the enveloping range of the five divine beasts, all secrets will not be secrets, and it is because of this ability that they can gain insight into the world and will not be deceived.

The entire jade seal presents a five-color streamer, and the base color is not the only one, but changes one every year, and the five elements take turns to make the jade seal more mysterious.

The outside of the jade seal is protected by the power of space and cannot be damaged. It can be placed by your side and has the ability to protect the caretaker. It can be regarded as a preventive measure against possible future situations.

Now is the Internet age, it is very difficult to hide some secrets, not to mention that it is impossible not to expose it if it is so ostentatious. As soon as this kind of spectacle appeared, the video was circulated on the Internet.

Moreover, the platform's intelligent algorithm is too advanced. After analyzing the video content and not having special effects, it will immediately carry out strong promotion. Anyone who is still watching these platforms at this time can see the promotion of the platform.

At the beginning, many people thought it was special effects. How could there be such things as mythical beasts in the real world? After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, didn’t they say that animals were not allowed to become spirits, let alone divine beasts, which had to be hidden.

But as the five divine beasts swaggered across the city and ran in various directions, the sky would present a unique spectacle wherever they flew, and it would be difficult not to attract people's attention.

As more and more people witnessed the spectacle, and they came from different places, the voice of saying that it was a special effect disappeared, and began to discuss why there were mythical beasts.

Divine beasts are only found in ancient myths, and no one has even seen what they look like, and there are no pictures handed down. As for the current image, it is completely guessed and drawn by the ancients themselves.

But this time, everyone really saw the beast, and it was so ostentatious and undisguised, it was like a catwalk specially for the public.

Not long after the news broke, Pei Qing, who was still working at home with peace of mind, also ran out and saw Ye Zishu standing in the open space of the yard, looking up at the sky.

"Zi Shu, did you make this?" Pei Qing asked.

Pei Qing naturally saw the spectacle in the sky, but she would never think that the five mythical beasts above were real, but if anyone could figure it out, the man in front of her was none other than the man in front of her.

Ye Zishu nodded and said, "It took more than two years for these five beasts to be completed, and they will serve as guardian beasts to protect Chinese civilization!"

Pei Qing didn't know what the functions of the five created beasts were, but she didn't ask directly, but stood with Ye Zishu and looked at the wonders in the sky.

Aside from knowing that it was made by Ye Zishu, the spectacle is still very eye-catching. In the ten thousand rays of light, the five divine beasts toss up and down, reflecting each other.

Like the two of them, almost all the people here ran out of their homes to watch the wonders in the sky. There were superstitious people, and they kept saying that fortunately, these were auspicious beasts.

No one thinks about the bad side, not to mention that the country has grown rapidly in recent years, and people's living standards have risen linearly. Although some natural disasters are inevitable, they can definitely be called Guotai Minan on the whole.

Many people regarded the appearance of these five divine beasts as a good omen, and what they chanted were also prayers. After all, compared to worshiping Bodhisattva and Sanqing, there was a living scene in front of them.

Just after the five divine beasts flew away in all directions, Ye Zishu received a call from the leader. After explaining the situation in detail, he finally dispelled the leader's concerns.

At the beginning, the leaders suggested that Ye Zishu use part of the technology of the fantasy world for each city, but he rejected it, but promised to develop a set of homeland protection equipment.

It's just that it didn't say anything specific, and this level of technical research can't be done in a short while, so the leaders didn't take it seriously.

Besides, the current reliance on this protection system is not high, and the domestic military strength is sufficient to protect domestic security, so everyone is not so urgent.

I just didn't expect that Ye Zishu was really researched, and I didn't expect that it was five divine beasts that made such a big commotion.

The leaders didn't know whether these five mythical beasts were products of science and technology, or creatures developed by Ye Zishu. They also had a deep understanding of Ye Zishu's biological technology.

There are also various animals from the Jurassic period in the fantasy world. There are countless types of dinosaurs alone, let alone other species, and the types are even more numerous.

In the field of biotechnology, Ye Zishu said number two, and no one dared to say number one. If he developed a remarkable creature, the leaders would not think it was so strange, but they were afraid that it would be too harmful.

When he learned that he still had items related to the five divine beasts, the leader immediately planned to send someone to pick them up, but Ye Shu refused, and just let Yuxi go there by himself.

After making the phone call, Ye Zishu took out the five-color jade seal from his storage space. Although it is a jade seal, it is not actually made of jade. It is made of materials that do not exist in the world, so it cannot be faked at all.

What's more, the multicolored light flowing on it cannot be realized by ordinary technology, and at the same time, this multicolored jade seal cannot be hidden by anyone who can hide it.

It has the attribute of space itself, and communicates closely with the five gods and beasts. It is basically impossible to hide or take it out. This is also to prevent someone from hiding it privately.

He took the five-color jade seal in his hand and looked at it carefully for a while. Unlike traditional jade seals, the top of the five-color jade seal is a statue of a unicorn and a beast, surrounded by four gods and beasts.

In addition, the top also makes up for complicated lines, and there are streamers passing through the lines, as if the colorful light outside is emitted by the streamers in these lines.

It is similar to the red filling of ink pad, but it is not ordinary ink pad, and there is also a streamer on it.

Ye Zishu spent a lot of thought when designing this five-color jade seal, and now he is a little reluctant to hand it over. Maybe he has put a lot of energy into this aspect, which is why he is so.

After scrutinizing it, Ye Zishu didn't delay, and directly touched the five-colored jade seal with his hand, and the five-colored jade seal that was originally suspended in the air disappeared without a trace.

But in a certain office in the capital, there was a clear and crisp sound, which attracted the people working here. When everyone followed the sound to the scene, they saw a jade seal with colorful streamers floating in the middle of the compound. .

When someone wanted to get closer to take out the suspended jade seal, but found that the five-color jade seal could not be touched at all. Only when the rightful owner came, the five-color jade seal could be touched.

When the Lord Lord picked up the five-colored jade seal in front of him and looked at it, he was sure that this was the contact object that Ye Zishu mentioned, which could contact the five gods and beasts at critical moments and use some of the functions of the five gods and beasts.

"It is the creation of heaven and earth. If it is not known that it is made by man, no one will believe it when it is told." The Lord said to the surrounding staff and colleagues.

This matter is not private, many people know what is going on, and also know the function of this five-color jade seal, but when they see it with their own eyes, they are still shocked by its exquisiteness.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are such exquisite man-made products in the world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the exclamation just now is the creation of heaven and earth.

After Ye Zishu handed over the five-colored jade seal, this matter is completely over, and he will focus more on other aspects of research.

After the five divine beasts arrived at the target area, just as the people wanted to see where the divine beasts would land, they did not choose famous mountains and rivers, but chose a very common place to land.

When the public wanted to see what the divine beast looked like after it landed, they found that there was nothing there, and no trace of the divine beast was found. However, these unknown places will become tourist hotspots in the future.

When the five divine beasts landed on the ground, they immediately chose to blur, and then communicated with other divine beasts, forming an invisible and intangible giant barrier.

After the formation of the enchantment, all the people within the territory of the country seemed to be swept across their bodies and hearts by something, but this feeling was fleeting, and if they tried to find the feeling, they couldn't find anything.

Even all the animals within the territory of the country stopped their movements at the moment the barrier was formed, and then returned to their original state, as if nothing had happened.

He sincerely hoped that the five gods and beasts would not appear in front of the world in the future, because if they did appear, it would mean a major crisis or a major disaster.

But the impact of this incident is far from over. Others still don't know how to publicize this incident. Anyway, after his father came home, he immediately ran to his house and wanted to talk to him about this incident.

Because his father didn't know that it was made by his son, and he was still telling him what he saw just now, while sighing again and again.

"Is it true that there will be a prosperous age where the five gods and beasts will appear together? It is estimated that there is no such record in the history books. According to the ancient rules, it is estimated that the emperor will pardon the world." His father said excitedly.

Originally, Pei Qing wanted to tell his father what was going on, but seeing that Ye Zishu didn't intend to say anything, so she didn't explain much, just treat it as an after-dinner conversation.

To be honest, Ye Zishu did not intend to explain, because firstly, the explanation would not make sense, and secondly, he was afraid that his father would spread the word everywhere. Although his father was strict with his mouth, the best way to keep it secret was not to speak out.

If he couldn't hide it from Pei Qing, he didn't even intend to tell Pei Qing. After all, Pei Qing has been with him for so long, even if he doesn't admit it, he can still guess that he did it.

After his father left, he received messages from several younger brothers and sisters. After all, they were afraid that the eldest brother would not know about such a big matter.

In fact, his father came here because he was afraid that he would not know, because he usually stayed in the underground laboratory when he was free, and generally didn't pay much attention to outside things.

Just after replying to the messages of his younger brothers and sisters, the presidents of his subordinates also sent him messages. The reason why they sent them was because he was the starting point of this spectacle.

It is inevitable that people will have some associations. Whether someone thinks he made it or really thinks that auspiciousness appears, they can have some relationship with him.

After all, in their eyes, Ye Zishu is different, not to mention that this time auspicious appearance in his small place, it is difficult not to think of him.

After all, in his small county, there were really no big shots other than him, so after they knew the news, they sent messages as soon as possible. Of course, some of them confirmed the authenticity of the matter.

It is estimated that this incident will become an important topic of discussion for a long time. Originally, Ye Zishu planned to end it like this, but seeing such a big impact and such a wide range of discussions, he suddenly had a good idea.

That is to let the five mythical beasts put on a firework show all over the country on the New Year's Eve of the Spring Festival, which can be regarded as adding a new mythical color to this event, and at the same time, it can also bring a different kind of expectation to the increasingly boring New Year's Eve .

Due to urbanization, more and more cities do not allow setting off smoke and firecrackers, and it is also to avoid major safety accidents.

Now the small county where he is here has also begun to ban fireworks and firecrackers. Fortunately, the fireworks shows sponsored by his father have always been there, which can be regarded as bringing a touch of New Year to the people in the county.

If the fireworks show of the five beasts is successful this time, then there will be such a grand show every New Year's Eve in the future. Anyway, for them, it won't consume much energy.

Doing so can not only make the five mythical beasts have a sense of existence every year, but it is not to show off, but to remind some people. At the same time, it can also increase the fun and expectation of the New Year and continue the tradition.

It is very likely that the annual national fireworks show can also bring in huge tourism revenue, and it will also have certain benefits for economic development. It is simply a win-win situation.

Ye Zishu thinks this is really a good idea, and New Year's Eve will not be so boring in the future.

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