Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1051 Lunar scientific research cooperation and travel plans start


Three days before the Spring Festival, Ye Zishu finally sorted out the technical materials related to improving human immunity and compensating human immunity, and distributed a copy to Ye Ziqin and Taiji Group respectively.

There is no need for Ye Ziqin to worry, and it will not be too late to be busy after the new year, but Taiji Group needs to enter the research and development stage immediately, and try not to delay time.

Fortunately, Taiji Group also employs a large number of general-purpose robots as scientific researchers. Other scientific researchers need to go home during the Chinese New Year, but these general-purpose robots do not.

Universal Robots can do the preparatory work first, and after other researchers go to work, select some people to join the team to carry out research in this area.

To be honest, according to the two materials of Ye Zishu, it can basically solve more than 99% of the virus problems. The reason why I am not full is that I am afraid that super viruses and bacteria will appear in the future.

In fact, these two immunity-enhancing products can not only treat diseases caused by viruses and bacteria, but also subtly promote the evolution of human immunity.

Because he knows that if it is just a simple treatment, the human body will be unable to bear it one day, because the spear and the shield are always in a complementary relationship, and each will evolve.

In reality, the evolution of human immunity is often in a passive state. In fact, it is the result of selection by nature. It requires human beings to suffer great pain, often accompanied by the death of a large number of lives.

The products produced by these two technologies can effectively promote the evolution of individuals, not only solve problems, but also avoid the natural elimination mode and reduce human mortality.

Ye Ziqin received the information he sent, and immediately entered the stage of study. Compared with before, the technical information provided by Ye Zishu now is much more detailed about the pharmacological analysis part.

By studying these analysis contents, it is helpful for researchers to improve their biomedical knowledge, which is often not covered in school books.

Although he now writes the textbooks of domestic medical schools, many of the things written in them are relatively basic, and biology is often a complex aggregate.

In fact, living things are in a state of evolution all the time, but in a way that is imperceptible to us, so it is impossible to cover all the contents in a few books.

Of course, in order to protect the interests of the Taiji Group, he actually did not write a lot of content. Protecting the interests of the Taiji Group is not only protecting his interests, but also protecting the interests of the country.

The export business of Taiji Group is very large every year. Compared with other industrial products, their export profits are very large, and many of them are necessities, which have earned a lot of international benefits for our country.

Whether it is public or private, it is impossible for him to contribute unreservedly,

This will only create a large number of competitors for Tai Chi Group, which is completely unnecessary.

And Taiji Group's scientific research personnel can obtain more advanced biomedical knowledge than public information through the technical information written by him, thus gaining stronger competitiveness.

Ye Ziqin stayed in her room and read all day, read all the analysis part in front of the technical information, and after understanding to a certain extent, she found Ye Zishu.

Because there are still some content that is not so easy to understand, and it needs to be discussed with him. If it is someone else, he will not bother to talk about it, wasting his time.

But facing Ye Ziqin, he had to put down his work and answer Ye Ziqin's doubts one by one until she couldn't ask any more questions. In fact, he hoped that Ye Ziqin would have endless questions.

If there is a problem, it means that he has thought more deeply. If there is no problem, it means that he has not thought carefully at all. Of course, if he does not think carefully, he can also develop the product step by step according to the technical information he gave.

After answering Ye Ziqin's questions, Ye Zishu and Pei Qing will also start preparing for the New Year. They are now living alone, and they need to be busy with a lot of work.

Most of the family's New Year's goods are purchased by the general-purpose robot at home, but there are also many gifts that Pei Qing needs to buy. This time, Ye Zishu plans to accompany Pei Qing to go shopping.

After purchasing the presents, Ye Zishu accompanied Pei Qing to her parents' house to pay New Year's greetings one day before the new year. It stands to reason that the New Year's greetings should be before the new year's day, but he hadn't finished his work at that time, and it has been delayed until now.

After paying New Year's greetings to her parents, the two of them went home immediately, and they didn't even go to see the house in the capital. Now I feel that it was a bit wasteful to build such a big house, and they didn't live together for a few days.

This year's New Year's Eve, everyone has one more expectation, and that is the fireworks show on New Year's Eve. Last year's fireworks show left a deep impression on the people across the country.

It's just that it's still not clear who set off the fireworks show on New Year's Eve last year. The authorities sent people to investigate at the beginning, but it still didn't matter in the end. There is no clear statement.

Ye Zihua's child was born this year, adding a new member to the family, which made his parents' house much more lively than before, especially the smiles on the parents' faces that couldn't be concealed.

This made Pei Qing a little jealous, but she and Ye Zishu didn't take any measures recently, they just didn't get pregnant all the time, and they even suspected that the two of them might have physical problems.

I didn't pay attention to these things before, but now that the two of them haven't conceived for a long time, Pei Qing asked Ye Zishu to study, which of them has a physical problem.

The result is that neither of them has any health problems. Ye Zishu can be said to be the most powerful person in medicine in the world today.

If there is a real physical problem, Ye Zishu will definitely not hide it. With Ye Zishu's ability, treatment is not difficult, so Pei Qing still believes his words.

The two could only attribute this matter to fate, but Ye Zishu didn't say anything, and their bodies were fine, but when they got married, some weird phenomena appeared.

As if it was inherently difficult to integrate and completely violated medical common sense, he suddenly remembered that his adventure might be related to the virtual space, otherwise there would be no explanation at all.

Ye Shu hasn't thought of a good solution yet, because this has touched his blind spot of knowledge, which is contrary to his biomedicine for so many years.

However, he also included the research on this issue into his plan list, and he would also take time to study this issue after work, because he felt that there might be a big secret in it.

Although Ye Shu has a wealth of biomedical knowledge, he rarely studies his own body. After discovering this abnormality, he wants to conduct more detailed research on his own body.

Although it is not sure whether there will be a fireworks show on New Year's Eve, the whole village, after the New Year's Eve dinner, everyone moved the coffee table to the square in the village.

Even if there is no fireworks show, sitting together and chatting or playing cards is much more interesting than staying at home watching TV. At 7:30 in the evening, the village square is very lively.

When the time came to eight o'clock, as if a button was pressed, the sky suddenly exploded, like a powerful flash bomb, suddenly illuminating the dark sky like daytime.

As the light gradually dimmed, colorful fireworks replaced the original "day", covering the entire sky and appearing in front of the world.

The following fireworks show, like last year, lasted until one o'clock in the morning. Although there are still people discussing who organized the fireworks show, it is no longer so important.

After New Year's Eve, the next step is to visit relatives. Ye Zishu now only visits relatives on behalf of his own small family. Fortunately, the relatives here are very close, and the relationship beyond the three generations basically does not need to visit.

Every day when relatives came back, Ye Zishu would write books related to acupuncture and moxibustion at home. It happened that Pei Qing was fine, so Ye Zishu didn't finish writing part of Ye Zishu, so she followed behind to read some.

Originally, he planned to give some acupuncture methods directly, but after thinking about it, he wrote a part of the principles of acupuncture and moxibustion in front, which can be regarded as providing more scientific theoretical support for acupuncture and moxibustion.

For each method of acupuncture and moxibustion, it also gives a methodology based on the previous theories, introducing why it is done and why it makes sense, which will play a very positive role in promoting acupuncture and moxibustion research in my country.

Acupuncture and moxibustion medicine based on meridians and acupoints is a unique view of medicine in my country. Although he did not write everything he knew in this book, it is of great significance.

From now on, acupuncture and moxibustion is no longer regarded as a summary of experience, but has solid theoretical support, which can be mutually confirmed with the traditional Chinese medicine theories written by him and ancient Chinese medicine theories.

"Do you have any personal arrangements for this year?" Ye Zi asked Pei Qing who was sitting next to her after finishing a part of her writing.

"Originally I wanted to continue writing books related to economics, but now I want to write an autobiography of you." Pei Qing thought for a while and said with a smile.

"I'm so young, there's no need to write an autobiography now, right?" Ye Zishu said in surprise.

"It stands to reason that it's a bit early, but I also know that you are getting less and less involved in outside affairs now." Pei Qing explained.

He understood what Pei Qing meant, that is to say, he didn't have much to write about his future affairs, and he couldn't just record the trivial things about him staying at home. At the same time, there were many things that were inconvenient to write.

For example, the super equipment he developed, many incredible technologies, etc., are not convenient to disclose to the outside world, so the part that can really be written, and the valuable part, is what he did when he started his business.

By writing that period of experience, the outside world can have a clearer understanding of his entrepreneurial process and how much effort he has put in for this country, which is conducive to deepening the outside world's understanding of him.

Now he is still too mysterious to the outside world, and there are many speculations about him that are too outrageous. It is necessary to publish an autobiography to decipher some rumors.

"If you want to write, I have no objection, but I suggest that it is more appropriate to write an autobiographical novel." Ye Shu suggested.

He is still not used to someone writing his autobiography, he is suspected of boasting, and even feels a bit like an ancient epitaph, anyway, he doesn't particularly like it.

"Okay, but you need to provide a lot of information. Although I have personally experienced many things, I don't know much more." Pei Qing said with a smile.

"That's no problem." Ye Zishu also said with a smile.

After the Spring Festival, the days returned to calm. Before the Lantern Festival, Ye Zishu finally finished writing this acupuncture book and handed it over to Shengshi Media Group for immediate publication.

At the same time, upload more acupuncture methods that I have sorted out during this period of time to the database of Taiji Medical Group, so that the robots and employees of Taiji Medical Group can learn.

Compared with the acupuncture methods written in the book, there are undoubtedly many more acupuncture methods uploaded, and the information is more detailed, which plays an important role in promoting the acupuncture and moxibustion treatment methods of Tai Chi Medical Group.

Just after the Lantern Festival, Baihu Technology announced that their permanent base on the moon will be completed in June and will be fully operational immediately.

This means that the earth can send scientific research personnel to stay on the moon for a long time. According to the information disclosed by Baihu Technology, the maximum number of long-term stays is 100.

The interior provides a very complete resource circulation system, as well as a complete energy system, which has the basic conditions for permanent operation.

Although it seems a bit early to announce it now, in fact they are seeking global cooperation, and it must be done some time in advance, because it will take a lot of time to negotiate and train in the middle.

According to the information disclosed by them, they will carry out limited cooperation with the international community on the lunar permanent laboratory. If any country is willing to cooperate, you can contact Baihu Technology.

Although the cost of the cooperation has not been announced, the price must be very high. The transportation cost for personnel to and from the moon and the earth is 2 billion yuan per person. If you want to carry equipment, the cost will be calculated according to the weight.

In addition, it will cost 5 million yuan to stay in the lunar permanent laboratory for one day. If you need to use experimental equipment, you need to pay additional costs.

If the laboratory is fully staffed and fully loaded all year round, it can bring 500 billion yuan in revenue to Baihu Technology Company every year, with a net profit margin of at least 50%.

In fact, the space of the lunar permanent laboratory is very large. The last time Ye Zishu went to see it, the underground part was already quite magnificent. It can accommodate 300 people to work and live at the same time. The space is very spacious.

The reason why the announced information does not match the actual situation is that the remaining 200 places will be occupied by scientific researchers from Baihu Technology Company and relevant state departments, and will not be used for cooperation.

It is not easy for Baihu Technology to use it by itself to calculate the benefits, but if the relevant state departments want to use it, they also need to pay a fee, but the fee paid is much lower than the cost of international cooperation.

In return, the state will no longer levy taxes on the income generated by this permanent base. After all, neither party is particularly at a disadvantage.

In addition to the underground laboratory, the ground buildings are also very luxurious. The last time Ye Zishu went to see it, it had already taken shape, and it looked like a huge hemispherical hotel.

The ground building can accommodate 500 people at the same time, not including the staff. This part will be used for the lunar tourism project and make more money for Baihu Technology.

Traveling around the earth or space station tourism projects are already quite cheap, while the moon tourism project is quite expensive and developed as a high-end tourism project.

According to their plan, the travel expenses for lunar tourism are the same as those for scientific researchers, 2 billion yuan for a round trip, but the cost of staying on the moon is 10 million yuan a day.

The reason why it is more expensive is mainly because the average stay time of tourists is shorter, and the window period needs to be taken into account. If it is not more expensive, the average time benefit will be reduced.

In addition, the supplies for tourists are all brought from the earth. Although the moon base can also realize the recycling of materials, it can also grow vegetables on the base.

And these are just to solve the basic survival problems. If you want to live better, many materials need to be transported from the earth, and the freight is quite high. These costs also need to be calculated.

In addition to these, there are many other costs. For example, if you want to go outside and look around, you need to pay an additional fee. The fee is calculated by the hour.

Because as long as you go out, the base needs to bear security risks. In order to ensure the safety of tourists, you need to bear additional costs. Naturally, these costs also need to be paid by tourists.

In short, after a trip to the moon, there is no 2.5 billion yuan of funds, which is just a trip to the moon. Many projects are difficult to experience. Only the real rich can enjoy such high-end tourism projects.

Sure enough, within two days after the release of the international cooperation information, Baihu Technology released a travel plan to the moon, and gave out the detailed travel expenses.

When the lunar travel plan was announced, there was naturally an uproar. According to the plan of Baihu Technology Company, if you want to go to the moon and experience all the projects, you will need to spend 2.5 billion yuan.

This is very expensive for ordinary people, but for the real rich, although 2.5 billion yuan is not a small number, it is not unaffordable.

Just when ordinary people lament that the cost of traveling to the moon is too high and the distance from them is too far, for them, it is more realistic to save money to travel to the space city once.

And the world's wealthy, after seeing the moon travel plan announced by Baihu Technology, immediately contacted Baihu Technology, wanting to book a place in advance.

Since this is a high-end travel project, Baihu Technology Company has not opened the online booking mode. If you want to participate, you need to call Baihu Technology Company to get in touch.

Then the two sides need to meet and negotiate. On the one hand, they need to investigate the identities of the participants, and on the other hand, they need to explain some issues in person. Compared with space tourism projects, the risk of moon travel is undoubtedly much higher.

In fact, Baihu Technology Company did not intend to launch the lunar travel project so soon. According to their thinking, it needs to operate on the permanent lunar experimental base for several years before opening up personal travel depending on the situation.

However, Baihu Technology Company is now facing greater financial pressure, so it can only develop more financial resources. At present, the project that is most likely to receive money is the personal travel project on the moon.

In fact, there are not so many things to see on the moon. Anyway, Ye Zishu and Pei Qing went there and didn't wander around, because they are all bare hills and soil.

But as a human being, if you don’t go to the moon, you will regret it. In the past, even if you had money, you didn’t have the opportunity to see it. So far, there are only a handful of human beings who have gone to the moon.

It’s different now. As long as you have money and your health is not particularly poor, you can also go to the moon to see it. This is very tempting for many rich people who enjoy life for a lifetime.

These rich people have enjoyed everything, except that they did not go to the moon to see it. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them. Even if the moon is really nothing to watch, the meaning of this trip in their lives is worth so much money.

What's more, the cost of the moon travel plan formulated by Baihu Technology Company is much lower than before, and the whole country did not send many people to the moon before.

Now they only need to spend a sum of money that is not astronomical, and they can easily go to the moon, and the conditions they enjoy are much better than those of the moon landers back then. They are really going to travel.

Sure enough, the White Tiger Technology Company has not waited for various countries to seek cooperation with them on lunar experiments, and rich people have already sent people to contact them, hoping to book a place.

The cooperation between countries is relatively complicated. Since the funds are fiscal expenditures, a detailed plan needs to be formulated internally, and it will enter the substantive negotiation stage only after it has been approved by various departments.

In contrast, the journey to the moon of the rich is not so complicated, as long as they personally have the will and prove that they have sufficient financial resources.

In the following month, although some countries had begun substantive contact with Baihu Technology Company, they started negotiations on experimental cooperation on the moon.

But the rich have already started queuing up. In just one month, the number of rich people who have booked a trip to the moon has exceeded 1,000.

According to the spacecraft of Baihu Technology Company flying to the moon, it can only take 20 people at a time, and the remaining space needs to be loaded with supplies. With so many scheduled personnel, it is enough for Baihu Technology Company to make 50 trips to and from the moon.

Originally, White Tiger Technology Company planned to develop a more advanced and larger lunar landing vehicle, but the construction of small interstellar ships had already started, so there was no need for research and development.

Compared with the technological content and carrying capacity of interstellar ships, the vehicles they developed themselves are no more than children's toys, no matter how advanced they are, so why invest so much energy and time in developing technologies that are not of high value.

Lunar travel and scientific research are actually the easiest part of the lunar program. The real difficulty lies in the lunar mining project. If this part of the project fails to meet expectations, the loss will also be huge.

It was planned to use intelligent mining machines to complete the collection of minerals, because most of the mineral resources on the moon are in the thick soil layer, and the concentration is not high.

Although this kind of mining method is not impossible, the cost is definitely very high. Last time he came up with a new mining technology solution, in comparison, the cost is much lower.

Therefore, Baihu Technology Company is now changing the way of resource mining, and is cooperating with Qilin Mineral Development Group to complete the research and development of new mining technologies and the construction of related industries as soon as possible.

In addition, Baihu Technology Company also needs to invest a lot of scientific research resources in the research and development of interstellar ship weapon systems and the construction of the industrial chain.

Therefore, they do not plan to spend too much energy on lunar travel and scientific research cooperation. Judging from their current travel to and from the earth and the moon, the relevant technologies are already very mature and the safety is sufficient.

The Mars project is no longer the same as before. Now they are sending probes to Mars at most, and they don’t plan to complete the construction plan of the Mars base according to the current technical conditions.

Because once the interstellar ship is completed, there will no longer be any problems in the construction of the Mars base. Compared with the current conditions, the cost is much lower, and it is the best solution.

If the Mars base is built, Baihu Technology Company does not plan to launch a Mars travel plan, because Ye Zishu already regards Mars as his own dish and does not want others to get involved.

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