Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1076 Take your family to


On the night when Ye Zishu completed the transformation of Mars and Venus, Kirin Industrial Group, on behalf of all its industries, officially issued an announcement announcing its sovereignty over Venus and Mars.

In addition to the starships that were originally staying near these two planets, two fleets were immediately mobilized to Mars and Venus respectively, preparing to completely take over these two planets.

This time, there are also a large number of general-purpose robots who are going to build new buildings on these two planets, providing residential houses and related supporting agricultural, industrial and commercial systems for the first batch of immigrants.

When this announcement was sent out, it immediately attracted the attention of the whole world, because although everything about the outer space planet has been mentioned many times, there is no final conclusion.

In the past, the environment of the two planets was harsh, and it was impossible to settle for a long time. Mars only opened a lot of tourist bases, and it could not be fully self-sufficient. It needed to transport materials from the earth.

In addition, the transformation of these two planets is also quite limited. Naturally, it cannot claim sovereignty over these two planets. Now it is different. These two planets already have the conditions for long-term settlement.

Although the credit does not belong to companies like them, it is done by the owners of these industries. As long as Ye Zishu does not object, they have enough use to do so.

When this announcement was sent out, there was no excitement as imagined, because they knew that it would be okay even if they disagreed, and their satellite equipment in Earth orbit could also take pictures of the conditions of these two planets.

The situation is just as they said, they have completed the transformation of these two planets, and they should also enjoy the rights logically, can't they just say nothing and enjoy the same rights?

What's more, strength is the most important thing. His industries didn't declare sovereignty until after the two planets were transformed, which is considered very restrained. If he was a "bandit" before, he couldn't wait for this time.

The strange thing is that there is no obvious support from our side, nor is there any clear opposition, which is similar to the international reaction, and seems to have a tacit understanding to some extent.

Ye Zishu also paid attention to the reaction that would be caused after this announcement came out, and the result basically met his expectations, but he was not particularly satisfied.

"I moved here suddenly, do I want to talk to the leaders?" Pei Qing asked while eating.

Of course, she knew about the announcement issued by Kirin Industrial Group. In fact, it was authorized by the collective of his industries to do so, which was also what Ye Shu meant.

"Although this is also a reason, I haven't lived in this house for a few days. If I don't live now, I won't have a chance in the future." Ye Zishu said.

After hearing this, Pei Qing smiled and said: "That's true,

But it's not something that will happen in a short while. "

Pei Qing didn't wait for Ye Zishu's response, and asked again: "If we directly declare sovereignty over these two planets, will it cause some people to be unhappy!"

Ye Zishu knew what she meant, and said with a smile: "It is impossible to make everyone happy by doing anything, we only need to do what we think is right."

"Having said that, I'm just afraid of side effects, which will lead to a slower processing speed!" Pei Qing naturally understands this truth, but she is a little worried about the next thing.

In terms of his strength, he naturally didn't have to worry so much, but before he left, he didn't want to use brute force, and he could negotiate amicably, so he just tried to do so.

"From a higher level, this is the most beneficial thing for our Chinese civilization. No matter what the process is, the final result should not be bad." Ye Zishu said.

After dinner, Ye Zishu accompanied Pei Qing to the gazebo to sit and watch the moon. This time, "moons" were arranged for Mars and Venus, hoping that people who can live on these two planets can also experience this leisurely feeling. .

"You are exactly 50 years old this year, and I am 56 years old!" Pei Qing looked at the moon and couldn't help saying with emotion.

If she didn't have a long life, she would have considered retirement at this age. Normally, she would even have grandchildren. Before, she had been worrying about Ye Zishu, but Pei Qing didn't pay attention to it. Now she realized that time flies.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "Actually, there is one thing I didn't tell you before. We have never had children because of me."

"Actually, I already knew it!" Pei Qing said with a smile.

Although he was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he took it for granted. After all, Pei Qing was in charge of the Taiji Group before, so it is very easy to find out.

In fact, it is not the reason for Ye Zishu. It is mainly because Ye Zishu's body has undergone some changes since he was lodged in the virtual space, causing the cells to have higher energy.

Although it can't be compared with the present, after being transformed by the energy of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he has already left the category of human beings. He can be any creature or a pure energy body.

According to his estimation, the energy he absorbed at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was more than the energy at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty that was born in this universe for countless years. It is precisely because of this that the Eye of the Universe dare not casually start a war with him.

After he released his goodwill, the cosmic eye embodied by the will of the universe did not target him. If he was weak, he would have been wiped out long ago.

Although he knew this before, he didn't have a good solution, but there was a solution that took a long time to solve the problem.

That is to make Pei Qing have the same divinity. This method was thought of when everyone prayed in front of the fantasy goddess in the fantasy world. When I came back, I found that doing so could add divinity to Pei Qing.

This is the power of belief. Although it is slow, it will produce a certain effect over the years. As long as the life is long enough, one day you will be able to believe in God.

However, this kind of god cannot escape the jurisdiction of the universe, because half of each person's soul actually belongs to him, and the other half is controlled by the universe. This is something he only understands after waking up.

Because the eyes of the universe are targeting him, apart from his powerful strength, another reason is that his soul has completely broken away from the constraints of the universe and has become a truly free man.

"In the past, I really didn't have a good solution, but now there is no such problem!" Ye Zishu said.

"Really? What way?" Pei Qing said happily.

"Of course it's true. In fact, the solution is very simple, that is to make you like me!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

When Pei Qing heard what he said, she didn't show a happy expression. Instead, she thought about it and said, "Are you still human beings after we change?"

Ye Zishu has the ability to penetrate the heavens and the earth. She is very clear that no matter how powerful human beings are, they should not be able to reach this level, so this question arises.

"You mean I'm not human anymore?" Ye Zishu asked with a smile.

"That's not what I mean, I'm just a little confused!" Pei Qing quickly explained.

"I'm just joking. In fact, it doesn't matter what form it is. What matters is the soul and thinking. It's culture or civilization. The body is just a shell." Ye Zishu said.

Countless years later, human beings may not be what they are now, not to mention that this is the evolution of the life level, which is more advanced than ordinary evolution, so there is no need to worry about it.

In the end, Pei Qing agreed to his suggestion. If she wants to travel the vast universe, she will be greatly restricted by her current physical body. Only higher life forms can come and go freely.

Ye Zishu went to the highest department the next day, and they had contacted them before. They also knew what Ye Zishu wanted to say. This time, all the top officials were in place.

The first day of discussion was the issue of the sovereignty of the two habitable planets, and the announcement had already been issued, indicating that there was no possibility of Ye Shu's thinking being changed.

The issue around is not the issue of ownership, but the issue of relationship management. The two planets are still very primitive. The development requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and it needs a certain amount of support here.

Of course, if Ye Zishu is willing, he can also solve these problems at will, but he thinks it is unnecessary, and he must always leave something for the people under him to do, and he cannot be required to take care of everything.

The atmosphere on this day was a bit tense. After all, Ye Zishu’s actions put a lot of pressure on them. So many countries around the world did not express their opinions, just waiting for this side.

Fortunately, it ended in a harmonious atmosphere, because it is inevitable to do so, even a small earth can be divided into so many countries, let alone the interstellar era.

Although he adjusted the orbits of Mars and Venus, it also takes a long time to travel to and from the Earth, ranging from a few months to years.

It is simply not feasible to adopt the previous rule mode for these two planets, and it is possible to accidentally find settled planets in the solar system in the future, especially so.

Therefore, after negotiation between the two parties, it is finally planned to establish the Chinese Civilization Development Council to coordinate and deal with the relationship and problems between them, which is conducive to maintaining the long-lasting Chinese civilization.

In addition, the process of establishing diplomatic relations was also discussed. As long as the two planets are recognized as having independent sovereignty, diplomatic relations must be established immediately, and early coordination is required.

Ye Zishu came here again the next day. This time, he was negotiating about the disposal of his assets. After so many years of accumulation, the scale of assets under his assets is unimaginable.

This side definitely does not want to let him take these assets away, which will seriously weaken the strength of this side, so this issue is the core interest of the discussion, and it is also a problem that must be faced.

Through friendly negotiations between the two parties, the current assets such as the Star Fleet and the Space Dock have been inherited by two planets, because it is difficult for these two planets to develop without these assets.

Doing this does not mean that there is no star fleet here, and they can be entrusted to build it, and the payment is paid here in the form of industrial chains, technology patents, funds, etc.

However, in view of the fact that the two planets are waiting to be built, these materials will be paid in advance, and then they will deliver the built fleet to this side. This is a special practice in a special period.

Doing this seems to be a disadvantage here, but it is not, because the materials that are used to pay are originally from Ye Shu, but the name has changed now.

Then there are the assets inside the planet. Ye Zishu directly donated them to the Social Security Foundation, and established an economic department under the Social Security Foundation to operate these assets, and the ownership was changed to be owned by the whole people.

On the third day of the meeting, the two sides discussed immigration. At present, the country has a population of about 2 billion, which is still enough for immigration.

Therefore, he believes that on the basis of voluntary immigration, it will take three years to immigrate 100 million people to Venus and Mars each, and there will be more immigrants in the future, but no more favorable measures will be given.

Since they plan to immigrate, they naturally need to determine the social system first. The two planets will also adopt a socialist system, but the existence of private economy is not allowed for the time being, and they will operate according to the economic and political theories written by Pei Qing.

Because the two planets are so far away from the earth, they are relatively independent and closed, so they are good experimental fields for implementing a fully public economy and a fully service-oriented political governance system.

The content of the fourth day of the meeting was discussed at the request of the high-level officials, that is, his inheritance, which was specially added after they learned that Ye Zishu planned to wander in the universe.

The current situation is inseparable from his contribution. If he is allowed to escape like this, the loss will be very heavy. Whether it is the scientific knowledge he possesses or the powerful personal ability he possesses, it will make people greedy.

Ye Zishu originally planned to leave it at that, he had already done enough things, the way to go next was entirely up to them, and they were ready to let go completely.

It's just that this kind of thinking is a bit naive. Now it is a few high-level officials who want to leave his legacy. After returning, it is estimated that the people in the decision-making committee know that he is going to leave, and they will also have such a request.

Just release all these scientific knowledge, the result is not necessarily a good thing. A civilization that has not experienced hardships, after all, is like a flower in a greenhouse, unable to withstand the wind and rain.

So he planned to set up the Yuchan Palace and leave his clone to sit in the Yuchan Palace. In the future, wherever the Chinese civilization reaches, the Yuchan Palace will set up branches.

The Jade Toad Palace will not interfere with secular affairs, and will only come forward when civilization is in crisis, or when extremely destructive warriors appear and need to be restrained.

He advocated the beginning of cultivation. Up to now, the highest cultivation level is the sixth level of body refinement. Only at the Qi refinement stage can one be regarded as a real master. According to this speed, within a few decades, there will definitely be a master of Qi refinement stage.

As the cultivation system becomes more mature and the supporting science and technology become more advanced, it is estimated that monks in the Qi refining period will be very common in the future, and it is not ruled out that there will be super masters in the future.

If the character and aptitude are good, you can be admitted to the Yuchan Palace. As a disciple in the palace, you can not only train them specially, but also restrain them, so as to avoid bad influence in the secular world.

Conversely, if there is a master who disturbs the secular world, the Yuchan Palace may have to take action to rectify it. With the Yuchan Palace, it can play a very good restraint on the top monks.

After talking with the higher-ups, Ye Zishu held a meeting with his former subordinates, briefed them on the contents of the discussion, and asked them to make relevant arrangements.

The industries they manage will be placed under the Social Security Fund, and the basic structure will remain unchanged. As for the work related to the two planets, the Jade Cicada Palace will temporarily take over, and they just need to cooperate.

"Where is the headquarters of Yuchan Palace?" Pei Qing asked privately.

"I plan to open up an independent hidden space, and I will not set up headquarters on any planet." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

After Ye Zishu finished speaking, he saw his hand move slightly, and suddenly a hole made of energy appeared in the void, and he pulled Pei Qing into it.

I didn't know if I didn't come in. Once I entered, I found that there was no limit, but there was nothing inside. Ye Zishu waved his hand, and a huge continent suddenly appeared at their location.

The radius is hundreds of billions of kilometers. Anyway, even the transformed Pei Qing can hardly explore the border. Ye Zishu waved again, and the originally desolate land suddenly became full of life.

But where he is, there is a huge fairy palace complex, with high mountains and flowing water, misty clouds and mist, all kinds of rare and exotic animals are in their own place, which is a blessed place for fairy families.

After doing all this, Ye Zishu didn't stop, and with a wave of his big hand, countless planets appeared outside this vast continent, shining like a river of stars, and the originally monotonous sky suddenly became brighter.

This space is no longer a simple dimensional space, but a huge universe, but it is not an independent universe, but relies on the dimensional space of his universe, adding half a dimension.

The size is the same as the previous universe. The reason why it is called half a dimension is because entering here from the original universe will not cause a strong sense of discomfort.

If it is one dimension short, it is not that simple. At least in the current state of human beings, it is difficult to cross over. He has no interest in creating a universe with a complete dimension, and consumes more energy in the beginning of the world.

Just when Pei Qing was amazed by his supernatural powers, after Ye Zishu finished these tasks, he lifted his finger slightly, and a drop of golden blood floated on his middle finger. Before Pei Qing had time to observe, it immediately transformed into a human form in front of her eyes.

The appearance is exactly the same as Ye Zishu, but he felt that his avatar was too monotonous, so he took a drop of blood from Pei Qing's finger, and then used his Yuanchu energy to turn it into an avatar exactly like Pei Qing.

From now on, these two avatars will sit in the Yuchan Palace and manage this vast sub-universe at the same time. Ye Zishu's avatar and Pei Qing's avatar can also have children and will not be too restricted by them.

Although the avatar is billions of times lower than him, it still has a strong enough deterrent effect in the current universe. If one day someone who is more powerful than his avatar appears, it means that the universe has evolved to a very high level .

After doing this, Ye Zishu didn't stay any longer, and pulled Pei Qing out and returned to his original home. However, the affairs here have been dealt with, so he directly sealed off the house, and took Pei Qing back to his hometown directly.

Back home, Ye Zishu didn't waste any time, and directly called his parents, Ye Zihua and his wife, Ye Ziqi and Ye Ziqin, and held a family meeting.

He talked about his next plan, and if they were willing to stay, he would not interfere. If they were willing to follow him, he would naturally be happier.

They and themselves don't need to live a life of ups and downs. They just need to build an identical solar system or Milky Way in the universe they created. There is no difference in the environment here.

This is very important to his parents. If there is no such condition, it is estimated that his parents will not agree to follow. This kind of thing cannot be decided immediately, and they need to think about it.

Just when Ye Zishu was holding a family meeting, the important state issued an important statement to the outside world, acknowledging that the two planets have independent sovereignty, and expressing the establishment of diplomatic relations as soon as possible, and sending diplomatic personnel.

When other countries heard this statement, they felt that there was no hope, and they had to issue similar statements one after another, recognizing the independent sovereignty of the two planets, and establishing diplomatic relations and sending diplomatic personnel at an appropriate time.

At present, the two planets are in disarray, and they are not ready yet. It is estimated that it will take three years to straighten things out. Many things do not need to be so urgent.

Then he left behind the clone guarding Yuchan Palace, and began to send personnel to take over the work related to the two planets, and when everything was on the right track, they would evacuate.

A week after the family meeting was held, everyone finally made a decision. Ye Ziqi and Ye Ziqin were unmarried, but they had no worries, so they were naturally willing to follow.

Ye Zihua's side is more troublesome, mainly because his daughter-in-law can't let go, but in the end the decision is left to Ye Zihua, and finally Ye Zihua plans to follow, maybe the future life will be even more exciting.

His parents saw that their children were leaving, so they naturally didn't want to stay, so they also agreed to follow. After reaching an agreement, Ye Zishu secretly heaved a sigh of relief, at least the worries here were gone.

Then, in the universe I created, I built an identical Milky Way. Even the geography and landforms on the earth are exactly the same as here, but there are not so many people.

If they are not used to it, just create human beings again. If they are happy and quiet, they don't need to be so troublesome. Anyway, there is no need to rush this matter.

The next step is to deal with the finishing work. Ye Zihua, Ye Ziqi and Pei Qing are all members of the decision-making committee. They need to find a successor and hand over the matter at hand.

The two companies managed by his father are also included in the social security fund, and they also need to handle all aspects of work. Ye Ziqin is much simpler.

After staying like this for a year, all the things that the family needs to deal with have been dealt with. The two planets are in the stage of high-speed construction. Although they are not completely on the right track, they are still proceeding in an orderly manner.

Ye Zishu thought that there was no need to stay any longer, so he held a family meeting again and placed them in the universe he created, leaving himself and Pei Qing outside.

"It's a bit reluctant to leave like this all of a sudden!" Pei Qing couldn't help saying sadly as she watched Ye Zishu seal up the house where she had lived for a long time.

"It's not that I won't come back. One day I really want to come here, and I can come back." Ye Zishu hugged her and said with a smile.

"Even so, it's just the two of us along the way, doesn't it seem too lonely?" Pei Qing put aside the sadness just now and said with a smile.

The speed of this face-changing made him a little stunned, and he couldn't help but said, "Then how?"

I saw Pei Qing approaching his ear and said a few words, Ye Zishu said angrily: "You are so generous!"

"I'm not afraid of your loneliness, I'm doing it for your own good!" Pei Qing said angrily.

"I think it's for your own good, I want someone to chat with you to relieve boredom!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Pei Qing didn't bother to talk to him, she just waved her hand, and Guo Dongmei appeared in front of her eyes, seeing Pei Qing and the two of them, Guo Dongmei was not surprised at all, obviously they had passed their breath before.

"Do your brother and mother know?" Ye Zishu asked.

Guo Dongmei nodded, blushing on her face, although she is not young, but when it comes to the real face, shy heart is still unavoidable.

"Dongmei is still shy. Isn't it because of this day that you have been single for so long?" Pei Qing generously took Guo Dongmei's hand and said with a smile.

Seeing this, Ye Zishu didn't continue talking. In fact, he didn't particularly care about the number of women around him. It was like this when he was still a human body, and now he won't be controlled by hormones.

Moreover, Guo Dongmei could keep Pei Qing company by following him. People like them were destined not to have many friends. It was rare for them to be able to chat, so he naturally did not object.

Ye Zishu waved his hand to protect Guo Dongmei, then suddenly disappeared in place, reappeared, already outside the solar system, waved his hand lightly, and a huge planet appeared in front of him.

This planet is similar in size to the earth, but the scenery inside is more beautiful. This is his tool for preparing to wander the universe. While living and wandering, he will never treat himself badly.

"In that case, let parents, Ye Zihua, and Ye Ziqi also live on this planet." Pei Qing looked at the planet in front of her and couldn't help but say.

"I think so too!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

The three found a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters and pleasant scenery, built a small market town with all kinds of living facilities, and then released their parents and family members from their own universe.

This is how the wandering life full of life began, and the solar system will leave his eternal legend!

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