Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 121 Talent is Hard to Find (4/4)

Ye Zishu and Zhang Guoli stayed at the Phoenix Special Effects Company until after get off work, and then left together, but when they came downstairs, they noticed that Zhang Guoli was a little awkward.

"What's wrong?" Ye Zishu asked.

Seeing Ye Zishu's question, Zhang Guoli hesitated and said, "Boss Ye, you should buy yourself a car!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu suddenly understood that he wanted to buy it during the Chinese New Year, but he was busy with work, and he didn't usually use a car, so he forgot about it.

Now Zhang Guoli came by car, but the boss was walking, which made Zhang Guoli a little embarrassed, so he was coy.

Although he doesn't care about these things, he is not one of those people who can't see that his subordinates enjoy more than himself, and besides, the company's car allocation was his own decision at the beginning, and there is no reason to vent his anger.

But seeing Zhang Guoli like this, he realized that even if he didn't need a car, he still had to buy one in order to keep his subordinates from feeling awkward. Whether he needed it was another matter.

"You reminded me that I was busy with work during this time, so I forgot, so if you take me to the bank to get the money, can you help me buy a car?" Ye Zishu said.

"Of course it's no problem!" Zhang Guoli said happily when he heard Ye Zishu's words.

Ye Zishu got into Zhang Guoli's car and headed towards the bank. In the car, Ye Zishu said, "How is the new brand management doing?"

"The ability is quite strong. Now we have negotiated with North American videotape distributors on the cooperation of "The Lion King" videotape distribution. Other regions are also following up, and many of them have already negotiated cooperation." Zhang Guoli said.

Hearing what Zhang Guoli said, Ye Zishu was relieved a lot. The income from video tapes may even be more than the box office income from movies, and it is a long-term income that must be taken seriously.

As for the toy company he wants to establish, it will not be under the banner of the film and television company, but will exist in the form of an independent company, which is conducive to the better development of the toy company.

Liu Qiannan, the person in charge of Shengshi Toys Company, has already taken up his post. He is a Hong Kong native. There are still very few talents in this field in the Mainland, especially those with an international perspective.

The reason why I am willing to work in this unestablished company is because the investment scale is not small, and the registered capital is 10 million, which is not a small number whether it is in the mainland or Hong Kong.

On the other hand, she is very optimistic about the company's development potential and has obtained the exclusive toy authorization of "The Lion King".

With the current popularity of "The Lion King", the company can grow rapidly.

The operation of a toy company is actually relatively simple. There is no need to establish its own production factory, and it is enough to place an order directly from Guangdong, China. There are many toy factories there, and many of them are factories run by toy companies in Hong Kong.

The main business of a toy company is the market operation of toys, followed by the research and development of toys, which is an industry with high added value and light assets.

Of course, my country's current toy market is basically OEM, and there are very few toys with independent brands. The market is only limited to the domestic market, and it is difficult to enter the international market.

In addition, piracy is also serious in the domestic toy market. Many companies directly produce other people's toy models without authorization.

So at present, Shengshi Toys' main market is still overseas, and the toys look cheap in China, because most of them are pirated.

In fact, genuine toys are not cheap at all, and the profit margin is very high. In China, genuine toys cannot beat pirated toys at all, but a low-price strategy will affect the reputation of the international market.

Therefore, in the domestic market, the toy market may be properly operated in big cities, but in other places, it may be left alone, and it cannot be managed. Even if it is a lawsuit, it will not get much compensation.

Ye Zishu took out 300,000 yuan from his personal bank account and handed it to Zhang Guoli, asking him to buy a car at this price.

This car is just a decoration most of the time. In the capital, he basically works, sleeps basically in the office, and doesn't have much entertainment.

It is more troublesome to drive to other places, and you may encounter unexpected situations such as road hogs. It is not as convenient as taking a plane or a train honestly.

Back at the company, Ye Zishu went to the HR department and started to ask how the catering director of "China Little Master" was doing, but the HR department said that they hadn't found a suitable person for the time being.

There is no shortage of chefs who can cook well. There are many talents in this area in China, but these people generally have low education and cannot manage this company at all.

It requires a good education background, management experience, a good understanding of the catering industry, and even a passion for the catering industry. When the conditions are combined, the number of people who meet the requirements will shrink sharply.

Going to university now is all about getting ahead, and among the options for getting ahead, there is absolutely no option to be a cook. Everyone is staring at the high-level industry.

The emergence of this situation is due to the relative scarcity of highly educated talents in our country. Naturally, there will be no overflow of talents into the catering industry. Even the state-owned catering industry is actually not particularly well-run.

On the other hand, due to traditional habits, gentlemen stay away from cooking. Although this is not exactly the case, it is definitely unwilling for senior intellectuals to take cooking as a career.

To solve this problem, we need to wait until there are more college students and they are no longer scarce. Naturally, many talents will overflow to other industries, which will bring prosperity to other industries.

If you just open a restaurant in China, you don't have to pay so much attention, but if you want to go international, the requirements for talents are much higher, and it is not like traditional Chinese restaurants, where you have to consider much more.

"Mr. Ye, it may be difficult to find suitable candidates in a short time in China!" the person in charge of the personnel department said helplessly.

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "If you invite a Japanese to take charge of this matter, what do you think?"

The person in charge of the personnel department was shocked when he heard Ye Zishu's words. In his opinion, Ye Zishu is still very patriotic and has a strong Greater China complex, which can be seen from daily contact.

It's just that he suggested hiring a Japanese to manage the company, which was beyond the expectation of the person in charge of the personnel department, and his expression was a bit astonished.

"Don't make such an expression, the current domestic situation is not only about funds and technology, but also about management. There are many things to learn from others.

It is impossible for me to manage the catering company myself, that would be a huge waste, and if our catering wants to be internationalized, necessary standardization must be carried out.

In terms of standardization, the Japanese have a natural obsession. It is not a big deal to invite the Japanese. The problem is that we have to learn from them, which is the most important thing.

Moreover, the main market of the "Chinese Little Master" in the early stage was in Japan. If they want to make better money from others, they naturally have to let them be the person in charge. After all, they know themselves better. "Leaf Book said.

Japan's ability to make unremarkable Japanese cuisine world-renowned shows that they are still very talented in business operations. Although my country has many delicacies, its international reputation is much lower.

He is in business, as long as he can make money for him and train relevant talents for him, he doesn't mind inviting people from other countries to take charge, because in his opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

After the cartoon "The Little Master of China" is broadcast in the mainland, the associated brand effect will not be great, but in Japan, where manga is prevalent, the brand effect will explode.

Taking Japan as the first market, he thinks it is very necessary, and it is also the region most likely to bring him more income. As for the domestic market, there can be, but it will not be spread on a large scale.

In the past, Japanese people who met the requirements may not be able to hire, but now Japan has just experienced the real estate bubble and stock market crash, and the social economy is still greatly affected.

In this case, it shouldn't be difficult to find qualified people, but he still put forward additional conditions, which are definitely different from the requirements for domestic talents.

He said: "There are a few additional criteria for recruiting people on the basis of the original ones. The first is to have a good understanding of Chinese cuisine. If you don't understand, you can't do this job.

The second is to be friendly to China. I and my family have no historical stains. This is very important. You need to do corresponding investigations.

Thirdly, you need to be able to speak Chinese. Even if you don’t know Chinese, you need to be able to write Chinese and have a strong desire to learn Chinese. Effective communication is one of the keys to the success of an enterprise. "

After the person in charge of the personnel department wrote down these conditions, Ye Zishu continued: "The personnel department cannot stop the recruitment of domestic talents.

We invite them to come here, of course to make the business successful, but also to cultivate our talents. I don't want the company's senior management to be all their people. "

The reason why he did this was not only that he could not recruit suitable talents, but also that time waited for no one. The production progress of "The Little Master of China" was very fast, and he hoped that the related work would be ready before the animation was broadcast. .

In the end, he asked the person in charge of the HR department to come over and meet with him if he found someone. He still had a lot of ideas in this regard, and it was necessary to communicate with the person in charge.

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