Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 129 Development of Advertising Company (4/4)

"How is the business of the advertising company doing now?" Ye Zishu asked.

He is indeed short of money now, but he doesn't think that the advertising company can make up for his funding gap, at most it can benefit him, so he is not in a hurry to ask how much money is free.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Ye's move as an agent of CCTV's advertising business is wonderful. In addition, I successfully held the first advertising investment promotion conference for CCTV, which gave birth to CCTV's first advertising "Biaowang".

Since the King of Advertisements was acquired by the Confucian Mansion Banquet, during this period of time, their baijiu sales have been very gratifying, and their sales have increased by 10 times compared to before.

Only then did everyone discover that advertising can bring an incomparable competitive advantage to sales performance, and it also made CCTV's advertising value rise rapidly. "Wang Changtian said.

In fact, Ye Zishu had expected this result a long time ago. After all, he still knew the power of King Biao in his previous life, and this time he just copied it in advance.

However, although the former Biaowang brought huge sales results to the company, the sudden increase in sales also disrupted the normal rhythm of the company's operations, leading to chaos in the company's operations, and even resorted to fraud.

So he was more concerned about this, so he asked: "Have you provided them with follow-up business consulting services to avoid hidden harm caused by over-expansion?"

Hearing Ye Zishu's question, Wang Changtian shook his head and said, "We haven't provided them with such a service for the time being, and there are several reasons for this.

First, we do not have a solid foundation in business management consulting services. Although we are working hard to build it, the foundation is still relatively weak, and it is difficult to take on the big task for a while.

But this is not the main reason. You have also reminded CCTV of the potential threat brought by the "Biao Wang" before. We have long been psychologically prepared, and there is no problem in providing appropriate suggestions for enterprises.

The problem lies in the second point. At present, domestic enterprises do not care too much about enterprise consulting services. Everyone is still concerned about products and markets, and is not eager to improve management.

It can even be said that not many people even pay attention to the product itself, and most of them only care about the market, as if if they occupy the market, everything will be fine.

They have not yet realized that if a company wants to be successful, it is not enough to be outstanding in a certain aspect, but to make the company have no obvious shortcomings and make up for the shortcoming of the "barrel effect". "

Hearing what Wang Changtian said, Ye Zishu seemed to have seen the future of banquets in the Confucian Mansion. It seemed that there were no previous failures.

It is impossible to alert the latecomers.

"If you have a chance, you should remind the Confucian Mansion Banquet Bar. As for whether they listen to it or not, it's their business. At least after they die, your reminders will become more virtuous." Ye Zishu said.

In order to make the business management consulting services of Shengshi Advertising Company develop greatly, in addition to talents, there must be one thing to accelerate the advancement of this business, and the Confucian Mansion Banquet is the key.

Although it seems a bit cruel to build one's commercial success on other people's corpses, the world is so realistic. It's not that Shengshi Advertising Company is cruel, but that they are not responsible for themselves.

"Heaven's evil is still alive, but self-inflicted evil is not." Many failures are actually his own problems, so he doesn't have the slightest psychological burden on this matter.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Wang Changtian nodded, expressing his agreement. Anyway, doing so is only good for Shengshi Advertising Company, and has no harm.

Then Ye Zishu asked: "How are other businesses doing?"

Hearing Ye Zishu's question, Wang Changtian's eyebrows brightened immediately, his voice raised a lot, and he said, "Because of our success in CCTV's advertising agency business.

It prompted other local media who want to change their own situation to also start to contact us. In addition, we are interested in mastering resources in this area. The two sides hit it off.

We use our corporate customer resources to bring a lot of advertising revenue to these cooperative TV media, and the effect has also satisfied the corporate customers.

Such things have further strengthened our position in the field of TV media advertising. In addition, we have taken the initiative to cooperate with various provincial TV stations.

At present, 90% of the national provincial TV stations have reached a strategic advertising cooperation agreement with us, and we are also working hard on the remaining TV stations. "

"Achieving these agreements is only the first step for us to master advertising resources. If we want to continue the cooperation for a long time, we need to strengthen our own strength so that all parties can benefit." Ye Zishu reminded.

"Mr. Ye said before that we are also earnestly implementing it, and we are currently strengthening our strength in this area mainly from three aspects.

The first aspect is to help companies that need to advertise to find a suitable advertising platform and help them maximize the effect of limited resources.

According to Mr. Ye, this is called resource matching. Only by fully grasping the resources at both ends can we maximize this area. Obviously, we are currently doing the best in this regard.

The second aspect is to help companies make more attractive advertisements, provide companies with market analysis reports, so that their advertising can hit the point and reduce their investment in ineffective advertising.

The third aspect is to try to find more attractive program resources for TV media, which can greatly increase the advertising value of TV media and bring more advertising revenue to TV media. "

After listening to Wang Changtian's words, Ye Zishu expressed his approval for his work from these three aspects. As long as these three aspects are done well enough, the basic market can be stabilized.

The work in these three aspects is actually to benefit all parties in this industry chain. As the creator of this platform, Shengshi Advertising Company will naturally benefit a lot.

"What about radio advertisements and print media advertisements?" Ye Zishu asked.

When the development plan was first formulated, although TV media advertisements were the first, radio advertisements and paper media advertisements still cannot be ignored.

Especially in the era without the Internet, radio, newspapers and magazines are important media for users to understand information, and still have high advertising value.

"We are currently trying to contact the broadcast media, but we will not be deeply involved for the time being, because we don't have so much energy to do this business yet.

As for the paper media, there is no plan to intervene at present, the reason is the same, we must do a good job piece by piece, instead of being greedy for everything. " Wang Changtian explained.

Although Ye Zishu believes that these two areas still have great potential, since Wang Changtian said so, he will not urge them to speed up their entry into these two business areas.

Just now he was discussing that the Confucian Mansion Banquet might bring management hidden dangers due to the rapid expansion of business, but he couldn't see his own situation, which is ironic.

"We are currently focusing on three areas:

The first one is the cooperation of TV media advertising platforms, which is also the field where we currently control the highest concentration of resources, and it is also the field we attach the most importance to.

The second is the business we had before, which was to develop a unified brand business for the company. Now this business has been refined, and we have begun to build a corporate image for the company and improve the reputation of the company.

The third is that we have started to deploy offline advertising business, but this one is more complicated to do, and it will be one of our long-term work contents. "Wang Changtian said.

After hearing Wang Changtian's report, Ye Zishu didn't have any major problems. Basically, they developed according to the direction he had indicated to Wang Changtian at the beginning, but they slowly realized the blueprint he planned at the beginning.

"By the way, has Chen Xiaoxu, who plays Lin Daiyu, contacted you?" Ye Zishu asked suddenly.

"Maybe he didn't tell you that he has been with the company for more than a month and is currently the manager of the advertising production department." Wang Changtian said.

"I'm looking forward to her advertising talent. You can let her go to multiple departments to exercise and let her grow up as soon as possible." Ye Zishu said.

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