Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 194 No ideals, what is the difference from salted fish (1/4)

"To be honest, I am very moved, but I still have to explain some things. I know a little about batteries, but I don't know anything about motorcycles.

Not to mention the manufacture of other means of transportation. If I understand correctly, Mr. Ye should want to enter the field of automobile manufacturing. "Wang Chuanfu said.

"It should be all means of transportation, including automobiles, high-speed trains, airplanes, ships, etc. As long as the group has enough capacity and energy, I will support it infinitely." Ye Zishu explained.

When Wang Chuanfu heard that Ye Zishu actually wanted to enter the field of manufacturing aircraft, ships and other means of transportation, it was quite different from what he thought.

In this era, it is very bold for a private enterprise to enter the automobile industry, because it is not an easy task to do well in the automobile field alone.

What's more, aircraft manufacturing, known as the crown of the industrial age, is currently only in the hands of Europe and the United States, and other countries only produce small passenger aircraft.

Although Russia also has a civilian airliner manufacturing business, its competitiveness is incomparable with that of Boeing and Airbus. Basically, it has no international market and can only be used internally.

He believes that Ye Zishu wants to enter the aircraft manufacturing, it must be based on the global market, even if it does not compete in the global market, at least the domestic market must occupy a considerable market share.

Then it is required that the manufactured airliner needs to be highly competitive, so the technical content must not be low. Can this be accomplished by a private enterprise?

"I can feel Mr. Ye's ambition, but there is a huge gap between airplanes and motorcycles, and they are not so easy to manufacture." Wang Chuanfu said.

Wang Chuanfu's words are actually very polite. If it were someone else, it would be foolish to say that he has not yet learned to walk and wants to run away.

Let alone a private enterprise, it may not be able to handle the manufacture of aircraft even if it uses the power of the whole country. It is a master of various industrial strengths.

"Although you are right, we are all people with one head and two eyes. We have no reason to be inferior to others. Even if we don't have the conditions now, we must have great ambitions.

A person without ideals is a living corpse. We can set our ideals higher, take our actions more down-to-earth, and move towards the set goal step by step.

"But if you do good deeds, don't worry about your future; if you have a bright future, don't forget your original intention." I think our ideal will definitely be realized in the end.

Just like Phoenix Software Company develops its own graphics operating system and programming language,

I was also questioned at the time.

But looking at it now, it has only been more than two years, and all of this has become a reality. It is not scary to encounter difficulties, but the most sad thing is not even daring to think about it. "Leaf Book said.

Wang Chuanfu was six years older than Ye Zishu, but he could feel his blood boiling when he heard the words of the young man in front of him who still looked childish.

The reason why he had doubts before was mainly because the plane was too far away from ordinary entrepreneurs, so far away that he dared not even think about it.

But the young man in front of him told him that if you dare not even think about it, then what is the difference between life and salted fish? Life is alive and living for ideals is more meaningful, and it is not in vain to travel the world .

The more Wang Chuanfu thought about it, the more excited he stood up and said to Ye Zishu, "Mr. Ye's ideals are incomparable to mine, but I am willing to be driven by Mr. Ye to realize these great ideals."

Hearing what Wang Chuanfu said, Ye Zishu knew that he had agreed to be the person in charge of Huanyu Group, so he also stood up, stretched out his hand to Wang Chuanfu, and said, "From now on, we will be comrades-in-arms!"

After the two reached a verbal commitment, they both sat down, and then Ye Zishu said: "To achieve the goal of aircraft manufacturing, we must first consolidate the domestic industrial base.

The Xuanwu technology company I established before is mainly engaged in electronic semiconductors. When building the electronic semiconductor industry chain, it has achieved good industrial capabilities.

But this is not enough. I went to the Canton Fair a few days ago and saw that domestic manufacturers have already exported motorcycles. I thought about building motorcycles, automobiles and other industries to continue to strengthen my country's industrial manufacturing capabilities.

At the same time, through the process of building these industries, a large number of high-level industrial workers will be trained to realize my country's high-tech industrial manufacturing capabilities.

For this reason, I also asked Yu Minhong, who teaches at Peking University, to set up a professional vocational education institution to provide a steady stream of high-quality talents for my country's industrialization and modernization.

In order to achieve this goal in the future, I may enter more industries, continue to improve the overall domestic industrial strength, and at the same time improve the domestic economic level.

To be honest, with the current economic strength of our country, even if we can produce aircraft, it is basically impossible to export them, because we have no backing to compete for the international market at all.

Developing an enterprise is a matter for businessmen, but the free development of an enterprise is inseparable from the strength of the country where it is located.

Therefore, one or two independent high-tech technologies cannot actually change the overall environment. Only by improving the overall strength of the national economy can we enhance our confidence in doing business internationally. "

Some of his words are true, but some of them are rhetoric just thought up, such as vocational education, he did have the idea of ​​improving the strength of domestic industrial workers.

However, the development path he envisioned was not for the purpose of building airplanes. For him, although building airplanes is complicated, it is not impossible for him to do it if he really wants to do it.

What he said later is the reason why he doesn't want to build airplanes right away. Before the country has enough strength, it won't have good results in building airplanes, but it may affect other industries under his banner.

This was also said to Wang Chuanfu, because the machinery manufacturing technology he provided to Huanyu Group would definitely be very advanced, and might even reach the standard of manufacturing airplanes.

He was afraid that what he said with enthusiasm just now would make Wang Chuanfu always think about the matter of building airplanes, and he would talk about the difficulties encountered in building airplanes so that he could make a judgment on the current situation.

Airplanes are important, but they are not what the country needs most at present. For a long period of time in China, only a small group of people can fly freely.

As long as a complete industrial chain is established and a large number of high-tech industrial industries are established, the manufacture of aircraft will come naturally, and there is no need to rush for a while.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Wang Chuanfu thought for a moment, nodded, and agreed with his words, but when he was about to speak, the waiter had already brought the food.

"Come on, let's eat first, I'm a bit hungry." Ye Zishu greeted Wang Chuanfu to eat first.

When Wang Chuanfu heard Ye Zishu say this, he didn't say it out of his mouth, and started to eat honestly, until the meal was almost finished.

Ye Zishu said: "Although you are the only one in the Huanyu Group, and you have a heavy burden, you are also given full autonomy and will completely entrust this group to your hands."

Wanting to get this group company up as soon as possible, he knew that he could not overly interfere with Wang Chuanfu's work, which would make Wang Chuanfu at a loss.

But when Wang Chuanfu heard what he said, he stopped doing it, and said directly: "There is no shopkeeper like you."

"Maybe you misunderstood, I'm not saying that I don't care at all, I will provide you with all the technical information of the company's initial stage, which means that you have mastered the entire set of advanced manufacturing technology from the beginning.

I can even provide you with a lot of product design. These two tasks solve most of your work.

You only need to set up the enterprise structure, do a good job in production and marketing, recruit enough R\u0026D personnel, and turn the technical information I gave into reality.

You don't even need to worry about financial issues at the beginning, I will provide sufficient financial support in time, and I have done all the hardest parts. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

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