Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 203 Advantages of Industrial Cluster Development (2/4)

Kunpeng Information Technology Company currently only has a search engine listed, and it has been promoted along with the Phoenix browser, but its own sense of existence is relatively weak.

There are even people who use a search engine, but don't know which company the product is from, thinking that it is just an auxiliary function of the Phoenix browser.

Of course, for people in the industry, the Kunpeng search engine is an out-and-out top-notch technology, and it is also the best search engine currently available.

Originally, search engines had a natural advantage in content search of static web pages. In this era, the Internet content ecology mainly consists of static web pages.

Therefore, as long as the Kunpeng search engine is used, users can easily obtain search results, which is the best assistant for Internet users to surf the Internet.

In fact, let alone a static web page, this search engine was written by Ye Zishu himself, and all the key technologies were written by him. It cannot be so simple.

This search engine has a lot of advanced gameplay, and it also has very good search results for dynamic web pages, but it is not very useful at present.

Kunpeng Information Technology Company does not have too many ideas about the current operation of the Kunpeng search engine, and will not deliberately highlight Kunpeng's own brand. The main thing is to let users get used to the convenience brought by the Kunpeng search engine.

The e-mail system they are currently developing, and the Internet news portal they are currently developing, will easily build up their own brand value after these two products come out.

At that time, the mailbox will be used as the account system, the search engine will be used as the connection point, and the news portal will be used as the content, and most users will be directly delineated into their own application ecosystem.

And once their search engine is logged into the account and used for a long time, it will become more intelligent, which will qualitatively improve the user's search experience.

In addition to these two applications currently under development, they still have a lot of plans waiting in line, but there are still some shortages of R\u0026D personnel, which makes it impossible for many projects to be launched at the same time.

Because according to Ye Zishu, the industrial software research and development in charge of Suzaku Software Company needs more manpower, and many of the recruited personnel are assigned to Suzaku Software Company.

Even Seagull Interactive Entertainment, which is responsible for writing the game, has a higher priority than Kunpeng Information Technology's other projects.

Because currently providing too much content for the Internet does not bring obvious benefits, and there is no strong competitor at present, we can move forward a little bit.

After the chip manufacturing industry chain of Xuanwu Technology Company is established,

Qinglong Technology Company will immediately launch home game console products, as well as handheld game console products.

If these products want to be purchased by users, they must have a lot of high-quality game content, which is also the key to the success of these game consoles.

The income brought by game consoles is much higher than that brought by some Internet content, and Seagull Interactive Entertainment is a company that provides content for home game consoles and handheld game consoles.

At the same time, it also provides high-quality game content for the Phoenix operating system. If you want the Phoenix operating system to dominate the market, it is not enough to rely on a large number of work applications.

It also needs to provide a large number of general entertainment applications, and games are the most direct and main form of electronic entertainment, which adds another layer of weight to cope with possible future changes.

Currently their game development list has 50 games in development or waiting to be developed. With the game engine provided by Leaf Book, the speed of making games is much faster than the current traditional method.

There are not only large-scale 3A works, but also small-scale but very interesting mini-games, which can fully meet the game entertainment needs of users.

The reason why they are so anxious is because Sony's PS1 will be launched in 1995. Although the game console produced by Ye Zishu must be technologically advanced, it does not necessarily guarantee market dominance.

In order to dominate the market, next year, that is, in 1993, it must launch its own home game consoles and handheld game consoles, and occupy an absolute market share.

Before 1995, it was necessary to reach the level of monopoly and let Sony's PS1 die directly, instead of waiting for the PS1 to come out and compete fairly with the other party. Ye Shu didn't have this idea at all.

Moreover, the development of the game industry not only brings tangible benefits to Phoenix Technology and Qinglong Technology, but is also very important to the development of my country's entire chip industry.

If Gu wants to play the best games, he must have a very high configuration. The current GPU and CPU provided by chip manufacturers must be a bit difficult to play.

At this time, Qinglong Technology Company launched its own CPU and GPU products, and even its own computer products, which are easier to sell.

If you want to sell your products better, you must create demand so that users have to replace their computers, so that you can easily occupy other people's existing markets and future incremental markets.

Moreover, Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd. wants to sell more Internet equipment, and it also needs to provide users with higher Internet quality needs.

If you can easily surf the Internet with a network speed of less than 1MB/s, then you will naturally not complain to the existing Internet operators.

But when everyone finds that more and more applications are very inconvenient to use at the existing network speed, it is both a problem and an opportunity for Internet operators.

The problem is that more costs need to be invested to increase the network speed. The opportunity is that the more capitalized Internet operators are, the more they can achieve the purpose of expanding the market during the process of increasing demand.

There is not only one Internet operator in each country, and there is a relationship of competition among them. It was difficult for everyone to widen the gap before, because the needs can basically be met.

But once there is a big increase in user demand, operators with strong capital can achieve rapid upgrades, and they can also grab more markets and increase their market share.

Then with a higher market share and more income in the financial stock market, it will be able to grow like a snowball, and even other operators will have less and less chance to stand up.

And in this process, the Internet equipment of Lingtong Technology Company will be continuously purchased, and at the same time, Ye Zishu's goal of dominating the Internet communication equipment market will be realized.

In order to meet the needs of the Internet, many games developed by Seagull Interactive Entertainment have a networked game mode, which can interact with other game players for entertainment.

This is the benefit of the development of industrial clusters. Through cooperation between industries, it is easier to promote the development of things instead of passively waiting.

Whether it is Lingtong Technology Company or Kunpeng Information Technology Company, they act very quickly, and Ren Zhengfei has just made arrangements.

In less than three hours, the subordinates arranged the matter, and many media promised to let the audience meet the news the next day.

This time, the media they are looking for are all heavyweight media. In addition to funding to clear the way, there is another factor, that is, this news is indeed explosive for the West.

For a long time, Western countries headed by Laomei have been active promoters and pioneers of the Internet, and have always regarded themselves as the masters of the Internet.

Our country wanted to connect to the Internet of the United States, but was rejected by the United States because there were many government websites on their Internet. It was not until 1994 that China Unicom was realized. The network speed was also so slow that it made people vomit blood, with a network speed of 56K.

However, this is also the main ecology of Internet content today. All countries are dominated by government websites and academic websites, but there are very few websites that serve pure entertainment information.

This is also one of the reasons for the relatively slow development of the Internet at present. Without the participation of ordinary people, the number of users accessing the Internet will naturally be limited, and the cost of use for users will be increased as a whole.

In the Internet field dominated by the West, there has been an accident. From far away China, there is a supplier that can provide more advanced equipment, which is very eye-catching news.

More importantly, if China uses more advanced equipment to build the Internet on a large scale, then these developed countries will fall behind on the Internet.

They may not know how to fall behind, but they know that this must not be allowed to happen, and this news must be reported as soon as possible to remind domestic Internet operators.

This is also where the value of the news media lies, delivering the world's most valuable information to the country's citizens as quickly as possible, so that the country's enterprises and citizens can keep pace with the development of the times.


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