Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 206 We need to speed up the progress (1/4)

"It seems that the current Internet development is about to enter the fast lane. The replacement cycle of technical equipment we set before should be properly advanced to avoid being copied from behind.

So you have to urge the staff of Lingtong Technology Company and Huawei Technologies Company not to be slack, and must immediately invest in the research and development of the next generation of products. "Leaf Book said.

When to adopt new technologies depends on the progress of other communication equipment companies, but these two communication companies must have dry goods in hand in order to deal with the complex and changing situation more calmly.

The faster the Internet develops, the more capital will enter the field of Internet communication technology, because they see the huge benefits, and they cannot be willing to let his companies enjoy it exclusively.

"I will urge, and at the same time, continue to increase manpower, because now they have to develop the 3G communication system, and the manpower is not enough." Ren Zhengfei said.

Hanging up Ren Zhengfei's phone call, Ye Zishu still seemed to be dreaming. In this era, 100 billion yuan in revenue is a huge number, which is different from Tai Chi Health.

The health care products of Tai Chi Health Care Company are equivalent to food. As long as they have the ability, they are basically the necessities of life. The Internet is still unable to do this.

This harvest made him both ecstatic, apprehensive, and even a little uneasy, but he didn't know where this uneasiness came from.

He sat in the chair and thought for a long time, but he still didn't understand the cause of this uneasiness, but he felt that many plans had to be accelerated.

Some things have changed a lot because of his arrival. He was also in the entertainment industry before, and his impact on the world economic order is still very small.

At most, it provides spiritual food for ordinary people and brings him a lot of wealth, but when his technology industry exerts its influence, the changes are very big.

He came to Kunpeng Information Technology Company to check the progress of the two projects they are currently carrying out, one is the e-mail system and the other is the portal website.

Although in the past life, neither of these two tasks can be said to be difficult, it is because there are many mature technologies that can be used, and there is no need to build wheels.

In this era, it is not easy to build such a simple system, not to mention that what they require is to be more advanced than others, so naturally a lot of basic work has to be done by ourselves.

The first is the research and development of the front-end framework. Although the Phoenix browser provides a very complete page rendering standard, it also has a scripting language specially used for dynamic web page display.

But these are just basic technologies. If you want to use these technologies in Internet projects, you must use these technologies to develop your own front-end framework.

Of course, if you don’t develop the framework, you can use it directly, but the maintainability will be very poor, and the probability of problems will increase greatly, which should not be done by a large company.

Moreover, the research and development of the front-end framework is much simpler for the application systems developed in the future. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, and more energy can be spent on actual business.

Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. builds a complete front-end application framework through the development of e-mail and portal websites, and builds the wheels in advance for subsequent research and development.

Ye Shu looked at the progress of these two projects, and the front-end framework needed has basically been written. Although it is not very advanced in his opinion, it is still very advanced and sufficient for use in the current era.

For some non-critical technologies, Ye Zishu is unwilling to get involved too much, and completely leaves it to the R\u0026D personnel to solve it by themselves, which can also exercise the capabilities of the R\u0026D personnel in the company.

If these non-critical technologies have to be busy by themselves, Ye Zishu will not be able to complete it even if he is exhausted. This is where the value of the company's R\u0026D personnel lies.

In addition to the front-end framework, the back-end framework is equally important. At the beginning, Ye Zishu only gave some ideas to solve the problem, and the specific R\u0026D work was also solved by the R\u0026D personnel themselves.

However, compared with the front-end framework, the back-end framework still has a certain foundation. In order to develop the operating system more efficiently, Leaf Book wrote some back-end frameworks.

It’s just that the back-end framework written by Ye Zishu is relatively basic, because the more encapsulated, the lower the operating efficiency, and the operating system is a software system that has very high requirements for efficiency.

Even if the leaf book has advanced algorithms, it does not dare to over-encapsulate. It only uses the most basic encapsulation. Doing so will still greatly improve the writing efficiency of the operating system.

Kunpeng Information Technology Company took these basic frameworks for analysis, and then based on the overall idea provided by Ye Zishu, it will be much easier to build.

Leaf Book took a look at their back-end framework, and there are still a lot of shortcomings, but it doesn't seem to have too many problems when used in the current business.

Now the number of Internet users is not very large, and the processing capability of the backend does not seem to be so demanding. Later, we can continue to develop more advanced frameworks according to business changes.

Moreover, there will be actual application scenarios at that time, which will make the R\u0026D personnel's R\u0026D work more targeted. Even if they talk about it now, it is difficult for them to have actual experience.

Their two projects are developed synchronously with the front-end and back-end frameworks, but some parts need to wait for the framework to be completed before development, so it is still only a semi-finished product.

However, after reading their page design, Ye Zishu found that although it was somewhat different from the style of the previous life, it was much ahead of the current style.

Internet products have high requirements for visual design and user-friendly design, although their designs are currently very advanced.

But Yeshu still wants to strengthen the design capabilities of its various companies, not just Internet companies, but all software companies and industrial companies.

Strong technical strength is one thing. Whether the products realized by technology can be sold at a good price, design is the most important thing, especially for products for individual users, which is particularly critical.

Ye Zishu asked Kunpeng Information Technology Company to continue to increase manpower and speed up the research and development progress of these two projects. Before the Spring Festival holiday, he must see that the two projects meet the requirements for going online.

It is already December now, and the Spring Festival holiday is on January 18, which is about a month away. If you want to achieve his goal, you have to work overtime.

However, this year, the year-end bonus will be greatly increased for employees other than Huawei Technologies, which should reduce a lot of complaints.

The reason why a large number of year-end bonuses are not given to the employees of Huawei Technologies is not discrimination, but to compensate the employees of these companies with lower salaries.

In order to attract highly skilled technicians to Huawei, Ren Zhengfei paid high salaries regardless of the cost. Even the employees of Phoenix Software Company are much worse than them.

This high year-end bonus is to flatten the salary gap among employees of his companies, basically reaching the overall salary level of Huawei Technologies.

After the substantial salary increase next year, the subsequent year-end bonuses will not be so generous, and will gradually enter the stage of institutional year-end bonuses, and will not be so willful.

Originally, they wanted to let them study streaming media-related technologies to pave the way for the next streaming media business, but seeing their busy state, Ye Zishu gave up.

If you want to increase users' demand for Internet speed, the streaming media business is a good idea, and it also has the ability to make users willing to pay for membership.

Not to mention the current internet speed, it is not easy to watch streaming media content smoothly even with the communication equipment of Lingtong Technology Company.

Especially when the quality of streaming media content is high, it will definitely not look smooth. He still remembers his experience of watching videos with a 4MB/s network speed, which is really terrible.

And his solution is streaming media decompression technology, which can effectively reduce the demand for high-quality streaming media on the network, but if you want to watch high-quality streaming media, you must be a member to watch smoothly.

Of course, there are many other means to allow users to become members, such as exclusive content that only members can view, and the latest content that only members can view, etc.

This business must also be launched earlier, because the speed of Internet improvement is faster than in previous lives, and when the Internet speed increases later, more and more companies will enter the streaming media field.

The current streaming media decompression technology in his hands does not have much room for development. He must seize as much market share as possible before the network speed increases significantly.

As for monopolizing the market, it is basically impossible. Streaming media is not a high technology, and there is no way to achieve the goal of monopoly through technology.


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