Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 208 Next year's film and television plan (3/4)

This year, Shengshi Film and Television Co., Ltd. has completed international distribution of three animation films and one live-action film, as well as several film and television works invested and shot by Shengshi Film and Television Company itself.

Next year, he plans to shoot three animated films and two live-action films, all of which will be distributed internationally for the purpose of making money.

At the same time, he also wants to rely on these works so that Shengshi Film and Television Company can grow up as soon as possible and independently produce industrial blockbusters as soon as possible, so that his workload can be reduced a lot.

When choosing a movie, it is naturally more advantageous to choose a series of movies. The reason why I chose a single movie before was mainly because the box office was so eye-catching.

Whether it is "The Lion King" or "Titanic", the box office performance of a single film is not much lower than that of a series of movies, which is very important for short-term accumulation of capital.

This time he plans to use "Frozen" as the head animation film next year. The box office of this series of animation films in the previous life is not low, so let's take a hole first.

He chose "Finding Nemo" for his second animated film. Since "Toy Story" has already been filmed this year, it seems logical.

In the history of animated films, many animated films with good box office rankings are named after a certain mobilization, such as "Cars", "The Incredibles", "Ratatouille" and so on.

The purpose of filming "Finding Nemo" this time is to strengthen the brand recognition of the "Finding Nemo" type films of Shengshi Film and Television Company, and to further expand the series of animated films.

This will be of great benefit to the promotion of movie releases in the future. As long as they hear that it is "General Mobilization" shot by Shengshi Film and Television Company, people will not consciously think of similar animation movies that were good-looking before.

He chose "Ice Age" for the third animated film. The box office of all the films in the entire series of this film is very high, not much worse than the "Frozen" series.

He doesn't expect to be able to get the same high box office in this era as in his previous life, because the time gap is relatively long, but a good movie is a good movie, and there will not be a big box office gap due to the large gap between the times.

Unless it is a movie adapted from a hot event, stepping on the beat of the times, obviously this is not the case for these animated movies, and the probability of box office is still very reliable.

When it comes to movies, he never thought about creating his own originality. First, doing so is very risky. There are successful cases, so why take risks? As a reborn person, this advantage cannot be lost.

The second is that he doesn't have so much time for originality.

Don't think it's easy for him to write a movie script and it doesn't take much time, but let him create an original, the situation is completely different.

You must first have a general story theme, then sort out the story line, and finally enrich the content, and finally consider whether the audience likes it, and some plots need to be modified.

Even for him, if he wants to make an original movie, he can't make it in a month or two, unless it's a burst of inspiration, but there are several opportunities like this in life.

Having selected three animated films for next year, Ye Zishu began to search for two high-value live-action films in his mind.

Originally, his first reaction was "Forrest Gump". The box office of this movie is still very good, but the filming of this movie will start in August next year.

According to the usual practice, it is estimated that the script is ready at this time. Even if it is not ready, at least there are related plans. When they collide, it will be unclear.

Moreover, the filming of "Forrest Gump" was a one-shot deal, and the follow-up income was relatively small. As for the Oscar awards, for Shengshi Film and Television Company, it is good to have them, and it would be a pity not to have them.

For him, making money is the most important thing. If he really has pursuit and ideals, there is no need to engage in plagiarism, so "Forrest Gump" was killed immediately after it appeared in his mind.

He still wants to take advantage of the Phoenix Special Effects Company's advantages in film and television special effects, and it needs to be a series of movies, so that there will be greater follow-up benefits.

So he thought of two very popular series of movies. The first is the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series. There are a total of five movies in this series, with a total box office of 4 billion US dollars.

In other words, the average box office is 800 million US dollars, which is much higher than many single-film movies, especially in this era, the effect of special effects is better than that of later generations.

For such a movie, in this era, the box office may not only not be low, but even higher, because the technology is more difficult, more novel, and naturally has more selling points.

The second part he decided is the "Lord of the Rings" series, which can also be called the "Lord of the Rings" series, which is based on existing fantasy adaptations. If you want to shoot, you need to buy the copyright.

Leaf Book asked Zhang Guoli to buy a large number of film and television adaptation copyrights last time. I don't know how they implemented it. It would be good if they bought it. If they didn't buy it, they can buy it now.

"The Lord of the Rings" is the sequel to "The Hobbit". Since they want to purchase the film and television adaptation copyright of "The Lord of the Rings", they must also purchase the copyright of "The Hobbit".

In the previous life, these two copyrights were in the hands of the Weinstein brothers, one named Bob and the other named Harvey. They were the founders of Miramax Film and Television Company.

This company will be acquired by Disney next year. This company has also produced many well-received films, such as "Chicago", "Shakespeare in Love", and "No Country for Old Men". It is a strong independent film company.

He is going to give Shengshi Film and Television Company the priority to acquire the copyrights of the two film and television adaptations in their hands. If they fail, they will directly acquire the company.

In the previous life, this company was sold to Disney for 80 million US dollars. Even if the current Shengshi Film and Television Company is not as influential as Disney, it can be regarded as a small celebrity in the past two years.

Therefore, he expects to spend 100 million US dollars for the acquisition, and there is a high probability that it will be successful. It just happens to be able to block Disney, and it will also allow Shengshi Film and Television to have its first Hollywood film company of its own.

At present, Shengshi Film and Television Company has only one office in Hollywood, which is mainly responsible for the distribution and cooperation of Shengshi Film and Television Company in North America. There are not many people.

If the Miramax company is acquired, it will really allow Shengshi Film and Television to extend its tentacles to Hollywood, which will be very beneficial to the expansion of Shengshi Film and Television's influence.

What's more, although this company is an independent film company, its performance is still good, otherwise it would not be favored by Disney, the king of the acquisition industry, which shows that the acquisition of this company is not a loss.

Ye Zishu spent four days writing all the scripts of the three animated films "Frozen", "Finding Nemo", "Ice Age" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 1".

As for "The Lord of the Rings", we need to see if we can get the copyright. If not, we can only change the movie. Writing it now is useless, so there is no need to waste time.

With four movie scripts, Ye Zishu came to Shengshi Film and Television Company and met Zhang Guoli. They were holding a film shooting planning meeting for next year.

Last time, Ye Zishu asked Shengshi Film and Television Company to independently shoot a film next year. Don't always wait for him to provide the script. Such dependence is not good.

According to the tradition of Shengshi Film and Television Company, the films shot must be aimed at overseas markets, because the domestic market can't make money at all, so the films shot may still be Hollywood-style movies.

As for the type of film, there is no limit, whether it is a blockbuster film, a literary film, or a niche film. The purpose is not to make a lot of money, but to train the team. Of course, making money is even better.

If a film and television company wants to grow up, it must pay a lot of tuition fees, but it is hoped that the tuition fees taught are worthwhile, and the tuition fees should be paid as little as possible.

Ye Zishu didn't go in when he saw them having a meeting. If he went in to listen, if he didn't like it, he probably couldn't help pointing fingers, and then it wouldn't be able to exercise the effect.

So just don't listen to it, out of sight and out of mind, and they usually make blockbuster movies as soon as they come up, maybe start with small-budget movies.

Maybe the secretary informed Zhang Guoli that half an hour later, the meeting was over, and Ye Zishu followed Zhang Guoli to his office.

"What about the filming plan for next year?" Ye Zishu said.

Zhang Guoli poured a cup of tea for Ye Zishu, and said distressedly: "Don't look at Boss Ye making it like an antelope's horns, but when we people started to make it, there were many difficulties.

It is estimated that several meetings will be held before it can be settled, and it is also difficult for us to shoot foreign films in China. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Guoli suddenly asked: "Mr. Ye suddenly came here when he was free. Has the script for next year's filming been written?"


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