Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 210 Animation Talent Training (1/4)

He originally felt that there was little hope for this matter. As the only professional animation production company with certain influence in China, no matter how poor it was, the government was not willing to sell it.

Just like several major state-owned film studios in China, not to mention now, even in later generations, they have less and less sense of existence, but they have never been acquired by private companies.

Mastering the pen is as important as mastering the gun. Ye Zishu just went there with an attitude of trying. He hopes to use their platform to train more animation professionals.

Now the animated films produced by Shengshi Film and Television Company are all computer-made, but this does not mean that they are against hand-made films. Animated films are both business and art.

And Shanghai Animation Film Studio has a good foundation in Chinese national style animation. If it can be acquired, he will invest more funds and train more talents.

Now that this way of thinking can no longer work, Ye Zishu can only let Shengshi Film and Television Company cultivate it by itself, so he asked, "How many of their employees have you recruited?"

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Zhang Guoli showed embarrassment, and said with a wry smile: "Originally, we were confident about poaching people, after all, we paid very high salaries.

But the fact is contrary to what we thought. After we contacted them privately, we found that they didn't think so. Although they were indeed short of money, no one would dislike having more money.

But if they want to change jobs, they are not very happy. They only agree to work part-time, that is, to earn extra money. This way of making money is very common now. "

He still underestimated how obsessed the current state-owned enterprise workers are with the iron rice bowl of state-owned enterprises. Of course, it is also possible that they have stayed for a lifetime and have that feeling.

"If this is the case, the animation studio you established must be struggling, right?" Ye Zishu asked.

Zhang Guoli nodded and said, "Boss Ye guessed right. We haven't found the right person yet, not to mention the establishment of many animation studios before, and none of them have been established yet."

It seems that the Phoenix Special Effects Company was able to recruit a few experienced professional animators. It seems that they were lucky and let them miss it.

The reason why he proposed the idea of ​​poaching people was because there were successful cases before, but the gap between the facts and his imagination was still a bit big.

Although there was a big discrepancy between the matter and the plan, Ye Zishu didn't feel lost. The plan still had to be implemented, but it just didn't work out according to the previous thinking.

Then change to a new way of thinking,

So Ye Zishu said: "Have you ever thought about training a large number of animators?"

"How to train?" Zhang Guoli asked.

The cultivation of an artist cannot be completed in one or two years. It not only requires a long time of practicing drawing, but also has a certain animation talent, otherwise, it will be a mere artist.

"You, I still can't make up my mind. Since we want to do this, we have to be willing to pay the capital. Let alone one or two years, it is three or four years, so what about five or six years.

Could it be that Shengshi Film and Television Company can't afford the money? Now that the plan has been formulated, we must try our best to complete the plan as much as possible. "Ye Zishu said with a serious face.

The reason why he said this is because Shengshi Film and Television Company has made quick money in the past two years, and has not experienced the hard work of making money, nor the difficulty of starting a film and television company.

He hopes that the management of Shengshi Film and Television Company will operate Shengshi Film and Television Company with the mentality of an entrepreneur. What is a startup company means that everything must be started from the basics.

Only those big factories hope that small companies will help them cultivate talents, and then they will recruit talents from these small companies with high salaries, so that they can use other people's resources to continuously transport talents for themselves.

Obviously, in this day and age, it is impossible to do this. The talents are all in the state-owned enterprises. Except for some quick-witted people, most people just can't get rid of the pot and are reluctant to leave the state-owned enterprises.

If you still recruit talents with the mentality of a big factory, then this plan will not make any progress, at least in the next few years.

Zhang Guoli didn't know how to respond when he heard Ye Zishu's harsh words, but seeing that Zhang Guoli didn't speak, Ye Zishu calmed down and said, "We can't think that we are a big company just because we have a lot of revenue.

In fact, there is no difference between us and other start-up companies. You know the company’s situation best. It is not too much to say that we are a grassroots team. "

Zhang Guoli nodded when he heard what he said, and did not deny this point. Even Zhang Guoli himself is not a professional, and he is still clear about this.

"So we have to deal with the problems encountered by the company with the attitude of entrepreneurs, only in this way can we achieve greater success.

The mentality of Gu Hewei as an entrepreneur is to try his best and think of various ways to achieve his goal. If he can't achieve his goal, he will die.

Now the company feels that the revenue is not bad, even if the plan cannot be implemented, it can still live happily and will not go bankrupt because of this. This kind of mentality is unacceptable.

Only by putting it to death and then reviving, and only with such a mentality, can we create greater brilliance. "Leaf Book said.

"What Mr. Ye said is that we will learn from the spirit of what Mr. Ye said just now, and strengthen the ideological construction of the management. We must never have the previous ideas. I will also write a review myself!" Zhang Guoli sighed and said firmly. .

Ye Zishu nodded. Whether he can do it is one thing, but he agrees with this attitude. If you don't even have an attitude, don't expect to be able to change it.

"Since we want to cultivate talents by ourselves, let me talk about my views. I think there are two sources of talents. The first is existing college students.

Compared with talents who are already in state-owned enterprises, if we recruit talents from colleges and universities with high salaries, the probability of success is still very high. Most of the Phoenix Special Effects companies are recruited through this way.

For such people who already have a good foundation and have received professional education, they are directly handed over to the people of Phoenix Special Effects Company to continue training. These people are trained as the backbone talents of the animation studio.

Even these talents can enrich your live-action film talent pool. After all, they were cultivated by Phoenix Special Effects and have a better understanding of Phoenix Special Effects special effects production.

In this way, when you shoot movies, you will be more targeted, knowing where special effects can be used for production, and it can also reduce shooting costs.

The second source is those who have not been admitted to professional colleges and universities, but have certain art skills, or have a strong interest in art, but have no chance to contact them before.

For such people, Shengshi Film and Television Company can entrust New Oriental Vocational Education and Training Institute to be responsible for the training. After they pass the training, Shengshi Film and Television Company can continue to train their talents. "Leaf Book said.

"Is there such a school?" Zhang Guoli asked curiously.

"This is a vocational education institution that I asked Yu Minhong to establish just now. It focuses on providing various vocational education for the society. Due to the short time, it is currently only accepting employee training from companies under my umbrella.

For example, Phoenix Technology Company entrusts them to cultivate software talents, recruiting students who have graduated from high school, or students from colleges but not software majors.

Provide them with basic software training and some basic development training. Once they have a certain foundation, it will be much easier to follow the company's R\u0026D project training.

The purpose of this vocational training institution is to provide a large number of professional talents for the society. Whatever the society needs is their training business scope. "Leaf Book said.

After Ye Zishu explained the situation of this vocational training institution, he went on to say: "In the future, the development of animation will definitely be as prosperous as animation, and the demand for talents will be very large.

It takes a very long time to cultivate a qualified animation talent, so you must hurry up now. I suggest that you try to entrust them to train more than 5,000 people every year.

Even if this continues for 10 years, there will only be 50,000 people. Now it seems that there are many people. In fact, after the animation industry really develops, this number of people is simply not enough. "

"Is it a little too much?" Zhang Guoli asked.

"Not much, not much at all. It is normal for the domestic animation industry to reach an output value of hundreds of billions of yuan in the future. We need to focus not only on the present, but also on the future.

You have already obtained the first-mover advantage, so you must maintain this advantage. How to maintain it is to have enough talents. Only with enough talents can Shengshi Film and Television Company continue to prosper. "

Seeing Ye Zishu's resolute attitude, although Zhang Guoli still had doubts, he didn't refute it, and planned to do what Ye Zishu said.

Although Ye Shu sometimes has problems in decision-making due to negligence of practical problems, he still has no major problems in predicting the future.

Moreover, Shengshi Film and Television Company's current operating income scale is not a big problem to support this training plan. Even if Shengshi Film and Television Company does not need so many people in the end, it can still contribute to society.

Zhang Guoli thinks so, but he is still a little skeptical about the scale of the animation market that Ye Zishu said. After all, it is very difficult to raise even a Shanghai animation film studio in China.


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