After the script of the animated film was copied, he took the copy away and originally stayed at Shengshi Film and Television Company. After leaving Shengshi Film and Television Company, he immediately went to Phoenix Special Effects Company.

The technical department of Phoenix Special Effects Company, since some people were separated into Jiufeng Software Company, specialized in the development of picture, video, animation and audio software.

Phoenix Special Effects has recruited a group of new people, and the number of employees in the technical department is still around 200. In fact, their current work content does not need so many people at all.

As long as 100 people are enough to maintain and improve the existing film and television special effects software system, as for major upgrades, they do not have the ability.

The reason for recruiting so many is to cultivate talents for other companies under Phoenix Technology, and other companies have never stopped their thirst for talents.

As for the special effects department, the staff has also been greatly expanded, from the original 400 to 800, directly doubling.

Although the content of their work has increased a lot this year compared to last year, in fact, less than 800 people are needed. They are mainly training animation talents and talents familiar with film and television special effects for Shengshi Film and Television Company.

In addition to producing three animated films and one live-action film with special effects this year, they also have "The Little Master of China" as explained by Ye Zishu, and they have already completed the second film.

Ye Zishu didn't write the script for the second part, but gave it to the special effects department of Phoenix Special Effects Company to do it himself. He just read the script they wrote.

As long as there are no major problems, don't write the script directly to the end, there will be no major problems. With the existence of the first part, they are very clear about the overall style, and the storyline has rules to follow.

The first animation of "The Little Master of China" has already met domestic audiences on CCTV, and the animation series has been sold to many countries, and the evaluation has been pretty good.

Ye Zishu went to Phoenix Special Effects Company, found the person in charge of the special effects department, gave him the scripts of the three animated films, and said, "These are the three animated films that must be completed this year. In addition, there will be two live-action films. The special effects have to be done."

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, the person in charge didn't feel any pressure, and said with a smile: "We must ensure quality and quantity to complete these tasks within the specified time."

Ye Zishu has no doubts about their words, although the special effects of the two live-action movies appear to be more special effects than those of "Titanic", in fact there is no difference between them.

Because when Ye Zishu filmed "Titanic\

,"The environment and venue are also very casual, mainly focusing on the roles of the actors, and the special effects that the special effects department needs to do are also very large.

"For these three animation films, I will work with you to complete the character image design and the overall style design. You need to complete the rest by yourself." Ye Shu said.

This is what it should mean, and it was done like this before. It is impossible for Ye Zishu to spend a lot of time on this. With a perfect script, style setting and character image design in the early stage, he doesn't need to worry about it later.

Just when the person in charge was about to say yes, Ye Zishu suddenly said: "Your special effects department has increased a lot of manpower, and this project obviously cannot meet your workload.

So in addition to the production of three animated films and two live-action special effects, I hope that you can play your own initiative and complete the production of animated films or animated series independently. "

"In fact, we are already working on our own animation series production plan. Currently, in addition to the "China Little Master" series, we are preparing to start an animation series from the perspective of Zhu Bajie.

We are currently writing the script of this animation series. In the future, we also want to adopt a more interesting narrative method for traditional Chinese mythological characters, so as to present a different character image to the outside world.

Our country's history and culture are very bright. Just absorbing nutrition from history and culture is enough for us to be busy for a very long time, and the development potential in it is also very large. " said the person in charge.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu nodded. There are too many animated movies from the perspective of Zhu Bajie and Monkey King in the previous life, but the effects are very good. It is a feasible idea.

And he suddenly remembered that the "Lotus Lantern" produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio in his previous life was just an animation film.

He didn't plan to let Phoenix Special Effects Company produce animation films. Shanghai Animation Film Studio had already begun to be lonely. They desperately needed a work to inspire people's hearts. There was no need for him to snatch it.

Gu But this story can generate many topics, and can produce many animation series. He still wants Phoenix Special Effects to produce this.

"Have you ever thought about the story about the Lotus Lantern, the San Shengmu was suppressed by the Jade Emperor because she violated the rules of heaven, and her son Chen Xiang went through untold hardships to save his mother and finally rescued his mother.

I think this is also a very good theme, and it is still very good for making animation series. You can organize people to study it. "Leaf Book said.

After Ye Zishu finished speaking, the person in charge of the special effects department was really interested. He said that after returning, he would set up a special project team to study the theme of this story.

He is basically satisfied with the current performance of the special effects department, and he is positive about them actively wanting to produce more animation works by himself, which is worthy of recognition.

However, the animation produced by the special effects department before was owned by Shengshi Film and Television Company, not to mention the animated film, but the animation series "The Little Master of China", the copyright is still owned by Shengshi Film and Television Company.

This kind of copyright structure, if things go on like this, is very unfavorable to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff of the special effects department of Phoenix Special Effects Company, so this state must be changed.

So he said: "Although your main business is special effects production, you can also carry out projects on your own, not just animation projects.

In fact, using the film and television special effects software system, it is possible to produce a live-action movie completely starring virtual characters, which can confuse the real one with the real one. You can try it.

This may save a lot of cost, and at the same time, it will also show your technical strength in special effects production, which is very beneficial to the development of your special effects business.

In order to increase your enthusiasm for this work, the copyright and income of the projects you start yourself belong to Phoenix Special Effects Company. If the income is good, the year-end rewards will be even more generous. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, the person in charge of the special effects department's eyes immediately lit up. Ye Zishu saw his performance and felt that doing so should be a good move.

Since he is not particularly satisfied with the development of Shengshi Film and Television Company, creating a competitor for them will put a lot of pressure on them.

For a professional film and television company to be compared to a company that focuses on special effects for film and television, it would be a real embarrassment.

And doing so is also a warning to his other companies. If he feels that the development of any company is not satisfactory, he can completely establish another competitor.

Then, in order to reduce the appearance of competitors, his companies have to develop more proactively. This method of "knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger" is hoped to be effective.

"You can set up a special film and television development department to do this, and you can recruit a large number of professional screenwriters, which will be very helpful for the development of your own film and television business.

Professional things should be handed over to professional people, so as to make the whole team play a stronger role in the case of close cooperation. "Leaf Book said.

The person in charge of the special effects department accepted Ye Shu's suggestion. Although they had some storytelling skills before, they mainly focused on animation and special effects production. Compared with professional people, they may still be lacking.

"By the way, you should not blindly seek inspiration from history and culture. Our glorious history is certainly an inexhaustible treasure, but it is not advisable to rely too much on it.

And using historical culture to develop, we get less income, because many of them belong to public assets, and everyone can use them.

Believe it or not, if you become popular with a certain theme, a lot of companies will follow suit. In the future, homogeneous competition will be very fierce, and your derivative income will not be guaranteed.

You can draw nutrition from traditional culture, but I hope you can come up with more original things, so that our interests can be maximized. "Leaf Book said.


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