Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 216 The Way to Break the Situation in the Music Field (3/4)

Based on the development strategy of streaming media, he also thought of music players. He also wanted to make CD players before. According to the above assumptions, he would definitely not be able to make them.

However, if he does not develop and manufacture CD record players, he will jump directly to music players. How to obtain global digital music copyrights is a headache he faces.

Of course he hopes to win the digital rights of all record companies in the world, but he knows that this is impossible, and the people in these record companies are not fools.

Different from film and television programs, since film and television programs need channels to broadcast, in addition to selling video tapes, they need public media to broadcast, and video tapes are only one of their sources of income.

Purchasing the copyright of film and television programs is just an additional distribution channel for the production unit. Even if the old film and television program content in the film library is sold, they will not think there is any major problem.

Because these film libraries are still dusty, the older the content of the film and television programs, the less profitable it is for the production company, so it is better to sell them to get a one-time return.

But music is different. Music playback media are basically small devices that can be owned by private individuals, which leads to considerable sales of records.

Although music will also be gradually forgotten by people as time goes by, the diminishing effect is much weaker than that of film and television programs, and it can still bring long-term benefits to record companies.

More importantly, the release of records is the main source of income for almost all record companies, accounting for the vast majority of the record company's revenue, and it is an income that cannot be lost.

This makes it almost impossible to acquire music copyrights. Not to mention that he doesn't have that much money, even if he has so much money, it will be difficult to do this.

To put it bluntly, if these record companies sell the digital copyrights of music in their hands, it is not much different from selling a business.

This road is doomed to fail, so is it possible to cooperate with global digital copyrights to allow record companies to put their own music resources on the music platform under Leaf Book?

If it is a European or American company, the probability of success in doing so is much higher. Apple did this in the previous life, but as a mainland company, it is much more difficult to do this.

The most important thing is that the world's major record companies are basically European and American record companies, so they naturally have an arrogant attitude. Let alone now, even decades later, this arrogant attitude will still remain unabated.

Want to cooperate with them and let them put music resources on his music platform,

The price paid is much higher than others.

Coupled with the fact that compact disc records have gradually emerged, and the sales of compact discs have become more and more popular with consumers. It is a very promising period for these records.

The last one is to acquire these record companies, but the price paid is too high. In 1997, the French media giant Seagram acquired PolyGram and spent 10.6 billion US dollars.

If it is acquired by a company under Leaf Book, the price will rise a lot, and it may reach 12 billion US dollars. This is still one of the five major record companies.

Not to mention whether he has so much money, even if he has, he is not willing to spend so much money to acquire a record company that is about to enter a recession.

The most important thing is that even if he is rich, it is impossible for him to buy all the record companies. Buying one will require a huge price. After buying two or three, the government will intervene.

Besides, other commercial competitors will not allow one company to monopolize the overall record industry, so since it cannot monopolize, the decline of record companies is inevitable.

If after the monopoly, you can rely on the monopoly position to barely maintain the current operating profit and have absolute pricing power, this is the guarantee of interest.

As he said before, now is the best era for the record business, and the value of record companies is very high, even if they want to acquire it, they have to wait until later.

When digital music becomes mainstream and recorded music gradually declines, the value of record companies will shrink sharply, so that these record companies can be acquired at a relatively small price.

But there is not enough music library at present, even if the music player is good, the appeal to consumers is very weak, and no one wants to spend a high price to sell something that is not useful.

Shengshi Records has acquired a lot of Chinese music libraries, but they are mainly mainland music, and the proportion of pop music is relatively low, and their appeal to young people is also low.

How should this game be broken, and at a relatively low cost. If the cost is too high, the price will naturally be very high when it is fed back to the consumer terminal, and companies cannot do business at a loss.

If this problem is not resolved, and the music player is pushed to the market regardless, it can only be used as an object for others to imitate. With their greater advantages, they can completely catch up from behind.

This is tantamount to making a wedding dress for someone else, and he definitely doesn't want to do it. Ye Zishu closed his eyes and thought about how to break the situation in his mind.

After thinking for about 5 minutes, Ye Zishu suddenly remembered the self-media in his previous life. It is because of the existence of self-media that the news platform has richer content.

If you want to solve the problem of record shortage, can you also use the self-media method to allow many independent musicians to join your own platform.

In this way, independent musicians bypass the distribution channels of record companies, and their songs can be released on their own platforms, and then they can get a share of the profits.

Although the price of a single song is much lower than that of a record, but it faces more user groups and the number of purchases increases, they can also get a lot of money.

Moreover, this part of the income does not need to be shared with the record company. The proportion of the share is much higher than before, and the overall benefit is much higher than before.

According to Ye Zishu's plan, the platform and the music producer will get a 50-50 share. If they are an artist of a record company, they will definitely not get such a high share.

After having this idea, the next step is to evaluate how many independent musicians there are, and whether they can support the development of the platform in the early stage.

If there are few independent musicians in the initial stage, the music produced will naturally be less, and the music content competition will naturally fall into a disadvantage.

So how to increase independent musicians, he decided to do it from two aspects. On the one hand, he launched incentives in the early stage to encourage independent musicians to enter his music platform.

This process is a process of distributing money. With effective incentives in the early stage, it will still attract the attention of many independent musicians, especially those musicians who are talented but cannot be recognized by record companies.

Everyone who embarks on the road of music hopes to show off their talents, but the resources of music record companies are limited.

Because it allows resources to be distributed among many musicians, they are more willing to concentrate more resources on musicians with more potential.

As Ye Zishu said, top artists bring more income than dozens or even hundreds of ordinary artists. This is the characteristic of the entertainment industry.

Such a music platform, although it doesn't look as grand as joining a record company, can provide them with living space and the capital to continue making music.

This gives many people another choice. If they do well, they can also set up their own team and studio to continue to make better music.

On the other hand, it is to solve the problem of the quantity and quality of independent musicians' production. Due to limited resources, independent musicians are either two or three people, or one person.

How can a single player compete with the formal team of the record company? Their weak competitiveness is equivalent to the weak competitiveness of the music platform.

Ye Zishu wants to defeat the current record giant in a shorter time. This method is the wolf pack strategy, but if you want to establish a wolf pack strategy instead of a dog pack strategy, you need to improve the combat effectiveness of independent music producers.

As for how to improve combat effectiveness, what he wants is to use technology to reduce the difficulty and cost of making music for independent musicians, and even provide independent musicians with more combat-effective black technology.

When independent musicians hold sharp tools and can complete the creation of a song in a day, they can provide a large number of songs for the platform in a short period of time.

How will traditional record companies that still use traditional music production methods compete? Plus they need to maintain a large team, and the cost is much higher.

Once such a situation arises, it will only take one year to completely defeat the traditional record giants. At that time, they can't wait to find someone to take over, instead of being aloof like they are now.


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