Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 218 Moving into the new headquarters (1/4)

This year's Chinese New Year is a bit early, January 22 is New Year's Eve, less than a month away, he hopes to write a smart music production system before the Spring Festival.

Because after the Spring Festival, there are a lot of urgent things that need him to be busy, the most important of which is the semiconductor industry.

At that time, regardless of whether the semiconductor production line of Xuanwu Technology Company is completed or not, Qinglong Technology Company must first design many chips.

The most important chips are of course general-purpose CPU chips and GPU chips. If he wanted to enter this chip field before, it would be extremely difficult.

Because general-purpose chips also need to pay attention to the application ecology. If there is no application or even an operating system that does not match, it is no different from garbage.

The binding between Intel and Microsoft in the previous life is because of doing so, it can always maintain the ecosystem of Intel chips, so that Intel's CPU has always occupied an absolute market share.

Of course, Intel's chips are still relatively powerful, but he doesn't think other chip companies can't produce better chips than Intel's. Motorola has produced chips that are even more powerful than Intel's chips.

Now the Phoenix Operating System of Phoenix Software Company occupies the mainstream graphics operating system in the market. Although the market share has not reached the level of monopoly, the proportion has reached more than half.

This is still in the absence of the support of many large application software manufacturers. At present, only some small application software manufacturers write applications for the Phoenix operating system.

However, due to technical and financial problems, these small software manufacturers are still unable to develop large-scale application software or high-tech application software.

At present, only Phoenix Software, a subsidiary of Phoenix Technology, has successively released its own relational database software, non-relational database software, and personal security protection software.

Jiufeng Software Company, which he placed high hopes on, has not released a large number of application software developed by them, just to avoid arousing the vigilance of the other party.

According to the current situation, those conspirators think that only Phoenix Software is independently supporting the development of large-scale application software on the Phoenix operating system platform.

In this way, they can relax their vigilance and slowly wait for an operating system manufacturer such as Microsoft to develop their own graphics operating system.

Among them, Microsoft should have the greatest probability. After all, they made a lot of money with the DOS system before, and they are also the one with the strongest operating system technology accumulation.

At the beginning, Ye Zishu listed more than 300 application software fields for Jiufeng Software Company. The application software varies from large to small, and mainly large-scale application software and application software with high professional and technical requirements.

In order to complete these tasks as soon as possible, their staff size is the largest under the Phoenix Technology Company. At present, the number of R\u0026D personnel has reached 10,000, half more than the employees of Suzaku Software, which focuses on the field of industrial software.

Even so, they are still desperately recruiting and cultivating talents, because even with 10,000 people, it is not an easy task to complete all tasks in a short period of time.

Even if an application software project requires a team of 100 people to develop, they can only carry out 100 software projects at the same time.

And to complete all the development work of an application software, even if Yeshu provides technical, design and architectural support, it will take about half a year.

What's more, the employees they recruited need to be trained while working, and the efficiency is much lower than that of skilled workers. According to this situation, it will take at least 2 years to complete more than 300 software development projects.

In other words, even if the past six months are excluded, it will still take one and a half years to complete, which is the result of their overtime work.

Although Microsoft released their Windows 95 in August 1995 in the previous life, the situation is definitely different now, and they definitely hope to launch a graphics operating system comparable to the Phoenix operating system as soon as possible.

Therefore, the time estimated by Leaf Book should be at least one year in advance, that is to say, Microsoft will launch its own next-generation graphics operating system, which is estimated to be in mid-1994, and may even be in early 1994.

There is not much time left for Jiufeng Software Company. The completion time of all their projects cannot be a little earlier than Microsoft's operating system, at least half a year earlier.

Because it still needs to spend a certain amount of time to promote the application software system to users, and let users get used to the use of new application software, and completely abandon the original application software.

Therefore, Jiufeng Software Company is still desperately recruiting software R\u0026D personnel, hoping to increase the number of R\u0026D personnel to more than 20,000. Only so many people can be enough.

These are still R\u0026D personnel. After the R\u0026D tasks are completed, a large number of marketing personnel are needed to promote so much software to the market.

And they are facing the global market, so at that time, these market personnel alone may reach tens of thousands, plus the company's supporting department personnel.

At that time, Jiufeng Software Company will expand to a scale of 40,000 to 50,000 people, and it will also be the company with the largest number of employees under his umbrella. Even in this era, it can be said to be the software company with the largest number of employees in the world.

So far, Jiufeng Software has completed or will complete only about 50 software projects, and nearly 300 application software projects are waiting for them.

When choosing the priority of the project, it is also particular. First of all, the software that takes a long time will enter the research and development process in advance.

Secondly, it is determined according to the degree of common use. The more commonly used application software, the higher the priority, because it can meet the needs of as many people as possible.

Finally, it is necessary to consider the overall coverage. The software cannot be concentrated in one or two fields alone, but should be spread to as many fields as possible to meet the needs of users in different fields.

After such prioritization, even if all tasks are not completed in the end, more than 90% of user needs can be met, which is already a very high coverage rate.

When these application software are about to be put on the shelves, Phoenix Software will modify the operating system simulator, so that various problems will occur in the software that relies on the simulator to run.

In this way, users can abandon the existing application software at a faster speed, and thus invest in the embrace of the application software of Jiufeng Software Company.

Therefore, although the development model of the whole industry chain is very expensive, the management complexity is very high, and the technical implementation is also very difficult, once the construction is completed, the dependence on the outside is very low.

And he is not particularly short of funds at present, the company has just been established, and there is no big enterprise disease, and he will provide assistance for difficult technical parts.

It can be said that only he can confidently build a development model of the entire industry chain. It is undoubtedly a dead end for others to do so, but doing so is an extremely critical development model for breaking through foreign blockades.

As the number of employees of Phoenix Technology's subsidiaries is increasing, in order to accommodate so many people, they have rented almost all the idle office space in Zhongguancun.

But even so, the office space of employees is still compressed to the extreme, because the total number of employees in these companies exceeds 30,000.

Even if the overseas employees are removed, the number of employees in the head office has exceeded 20,000, and the office space is already one of the important factors restricting the company's development.

Fortunately, at this time, the construction of the headquarters of Phoenix Software Company was finally completed, and Wancheng Foundation passed the acceptance of the project. Ye Zishu also went to take a look and felt that the relocation standard had been met.

Therefore, the relocation date was set on January 1, 1993, and the office equipment had been relocated in advance one after another two days ago. By January 1, only a small amount of equipment was needed.

At the beginning, Phoenix Software's headquarters was based on a scale of 20,000 people, but this was when the average office space per person was very ample.

And there is a lot of space for placing equipment and servers. There is not much demand for this now, and the overall floor area ratio of the office space is 2.5, which means that on a land of 1 million square meters, the construction area is as high as 2.5 million square meters.

If the ancillary functions are not considered and all of them are used for office work, even if the average office area of ​​20 square meters is calculated, it can accommodate 125,000 people working at the same time.

The floor area ratio of 2.5 is a very low level in the office center. Ye Zishu did this to provide employees with a garden-like office environment. Anyway, the land is cheap, so there is no need to make the floor area ratio so high.


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