Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 220 Guo Dongsheng has improved (3/4)

After talking about this, Ye Zishu began to chat with Guo Dongsheng about Wancheng Foundation, and he said, "How are you doing with your preparations?"

Wancheng Foundation has been established for too short a time. He doesn't expect them to do too much work in such a short period of time. He only hopes that the basic work will be done well.

Because the time for them to build the industrial chain will not be very long. The ideal state is to complete it within one year, and at worst he does not want to delay it until one and a half years later.

However, building a construction industry chain is a relatively cumbersome task. Although it seems that there is not too high technical content here, it is not.

Building materials seem to be reinforced concrete, but in fact these materials also have high technical standards. Take cement as an example, there are many types of cement used in various scenarios.

And not all cements are common materials. Some high-standard cements are not low in technology at all. They are just the cement we usually come into contact with, and they are only used to build family houses.

In addition to the conventional building material industry chain, what he wants to build is some special building materials, and he wants to greatly increase the service life of the building.

Even the anti-seismic technology mentioned above has a higher technical content, which cannot be realized by ordinary technology, and belongs to the absolute high technology of the construction industry.

There is also a building material he is going to provide, which can be mixed with cement. After pouring the building, it can make the building not only have strong strength, but also have a certain degree of toughness.

The most important thing is that if the building is only slightly damaged, the cement material mixed with this material will slowly heal when it is in contact with the air, and then become a complete whole.

Although it seems that the effect is slow, it allows the building to have a certain self-healing ability, which is also the key to ensuring the long life of the building. With this material, the service life of the building will last for hundreds of years.

It may even stand upright for thousands of years, because this self-healing ability can resist the aging of building materials, and it also has a strong resistance to wind and frost erosion.

No matter hundreds or thousands of years later, whether these buildings belong to their own enterprises or not, at least they can leave precious wealth to future generations.

"The passing of geese leaves a sound, and the passing of a man leaves a name." When a person travels in the world, he must leave something for future generations. With the passage of time, technology will gradually become obsolete if it is not interrupted.

But for the living of basic human needs, architecture is the most intuitive gift left to future generations, and it is also one of the most important cultural heritages in our country's traditional culture.

"We are selecting locations for each subsidiary, and at the same time expanding manpower. In addition to workers, we are also recruiting R\u0026D personnel, designers, market analysts, etc. on a large scale." Guo Dongsheng said seriously.

"Be more specific!" Ye Zishu said.

"Based on the relevant suggestions and information provided by Mr. Ye, we will build 100 subsidiaries, which will be responsible for major links in the industrial chain.

Since we have no practical experience at present, and the initial scale should not be too large, we plan to set up one or two factories or production bases for each subsidiary.

At present, the recruitment of workers has not yet started. This needs to wait until the production process has almost entered the stage, and the factories and other buildings of these production bases are entrusted to the state-owned construction enterprises to be responsible for the construction.

Based on policy support and the principle of proximity to industries, most of our subsidiaries are headquartered in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other places.

The production bases adopt the method of industrial chain clusters, and build a large number of production bases together, or in places not far apart.

For example, in order to develop Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, we will choose among the three areas, and our first batch of production bases was built in Jiaxing. "

When Guo Dongsheng said this, Ye Zishu nodded. The construction materials are all heavy materials, and they are relatively close to the project location, so they can be transported nearby to reduce transportation costs.

At the same time, the establishment of production bases in the form of industrial clusters is conducive to the sharing of infrastructure, and at the same time has a greater role in promoting the local economy and can get more support from the local government.

Of course, not all materials can do this. For example, the sand and gravel used in construction needs to adopt the principle of the nearest place where the materials are collected, instead of being piled together like this.

"What about the recruitment situation of your headquarters?" Ye Zishu asked.

"We have set up a special research institute at our headquarters, and have recruited personnel from major domestic universities, but the effect is not obvious so far, and only 100 construction materials researchers have been recruited.

However, we also know the current situation, so we will cooperate with colleges and universities, adopt the method of project subcontracting, and use talents from colleges and universities to assist us in this research. " Guo Dongsheng said.

"This is too small. Even if you want to cooperate with universities, your own researchers should not be less than 1,000 people. In terms of your future size, this manpower is definitely not too much.

Not all research projects are suitable for outsourcing. Our core technology research and development must be completed by our own people, and it is also easy to do in terms of technical confidentiality. "Leaf Book said.

When Gu Guodongsheng heard what Ye Zishu said, he immediately said: "I know, it just takes a little time. Our country's research in this area is relatively backward, and the talents in this area are relatively tight."

Ye Zishu did not continue on this question, but asked: "What about the others?"

"Another important department of the headquarters is the architectural planning and design department. At present, we are partly recruiting domestically and partly preparing to recruit foreign architects.

In doing so, we can use advanced foreign architectural design experience to train our domestic architectural design personnel, and at the same time enhance our architectural design capabilities as soon as possible.

In addition, we are also preparing to cooperate with internationally renowned architectural design firms and reach strategic partnerships with them. In addition to cooperation in architectural design, we will also cooperate in talent training. " Guo Dongsheng said.

Hearing Guo Dongsheng's words, Ye Zishu's eyes lit up. He didn't expect Guo Dongsheng to know how to do this. Although the cost of doing so is relatively high, it is very beneficial to the company's development.

Although it can provide architectural design software with high intelligence, after all, it needs people to use it. If the level of people is low, the effect will be greatly affected.

It can only be said that there will be no structural problems in the designed buildings at that time, because the intelligent building design software system can calculate the defects by itself.

But it may not have much to do with aesthetics, and even comfort will be affected. Since he intends to keep these buildings for a long time, these two aspects are particularly important.

Obviously, in terms of architectural design, foreign architectural designers have richer imaginations, especially those famous architectural firms, which are not even a little stronger than domestic ones.

He even thinks that aesthetics and comfort are the top priorities, and whether the technology can be achieved is a question that can be further studied. Only the research institute established by Wancheng Foundation is valuable.

This is also a process in which architectural goals promote the development of related industrial technologies. As long as they are overcome one by one, the level of architectural technology will be significantly improved.

"As for the marketing department, there is no special research on this in China. At the same time, foreign talents are not very adaptable to the domestic environment, and there will definitely be acclimatization.

After our analysis, we believe that the analysis of the real estate market is the most important of policy analysis, and policy plays a decisive role in the development and prosperity of real estate.

Therefore, we have recruited some domestic policy research talents to study national policy documents, and then based on these research results, we will determine the places that are most likely to prosper first, and invest in advance. "

When Guo Dongsheng said this, he glanced at Ye Zishu. Obviously, he was not particularly sure about such an approach, but he thought it should be this logic.

"There is some truth in thinking this way. In an environment that is not fully market-oriented, policy research is indeed necessary. It is good that you can think so.

It's just that I think it's not just about studying policy documents at the national level. Some local governments also have a strong initiative to develop the economy, and it is possible to grow against the national policy plan.

Therefore, you also need to strengthen your research on the policy documents of various local governments, and you also need to have a comprehensive understanding of the actual local conditions.

You are in the real estate industry. Once you invest in construction, you cannot move away. If you lack understanding of the actual local conditions, the loss will be very heavy. "Leaf Book said.

"What Mr. Ye said is that we will make relevant arrangements later!" Guo Dongsheng said.

"However, overall, I am quite satisfied with what you said. It seems that letting you manage real estate is indeed much better than managing a record company before. It has made great progress!" Ye Shu said.

Guo Dongsheng was a little embarrassed when he heard Ye Zishu praise himself, and smiled shyly: "As long as you are willing to work and think, you will always make some progress."

Seeing Guo Dongsheng's expression, Ye Zishu thought about it. Guo Dongmei must be responsible for this, but he didn't intend to expose it, so he just pretended he didn't know anything.

He just said: "I'm glad you can think that way, but as a leader, you must be decisive and at the same time not be self-willed, this is a taboo in the development of the company.

How to not be self-willed, I think the only way is to enrich yourself and enrich your mind, so that when you listen to other people's opinions, you will not be swayed by other people's opinions.

Before making a decision, you must fully listen to the opinions of all parties, and you must not listen to one side. At the same time, you also need to have a full understanding of the actual situation of the company and have your own thinking about the future.

Only by synthesizing more information can it be possible to see the whole picture of the matter more clearly, and the decisions made will be more valuable. In this regard, you can communicate more with your sister to promote it together. "

"What Mr. Ye said is true!" Guo Dongsheng said with a serious expression.


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