Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 231 What a pity! (two/four)

Ye Zihua followed Ye Zishu to look around. It wasn’t boring. After all, Ye Zishu’s company still had a lot of interesting projects, especially when animation was being produced. He watched it with gusto.

But when Ye Zishu works in the office all day, it seems very boring. Apart from reading, there is only eating and sleeping.

Ye Zishu also suggested that he go out and visit the shopping mall. It is the time of the New Year, and the shopping mall is still very lively. Going to the shopping mall is a very good pastime.

It's just that Ye Zihua doesn't think it's fun to go shopping alone, but Ye Zishu still has a lot of things on hand, and he has no interest in shopping malls, so he naturally doesn't want to go with him.

Fortunately, on January 20, Pei Qing approached Ye Zishu and talked about the business situation of Tai Chi Health Care Company in the past year. It was a summary of the past year and a plan for the coming year.

"Why are you here?" Ye Zishu was a little surprised when he saw Pei Qing.

Pei Qing's dress was much more fashionable than the last time he saw it. It made his eyes shine. She even made her hair wavy. This hairstyle is not very popular in the mainland. She is considered to be at the forefront of fashion.

"Why, you only go to my place once a year. If I don't come, I guess you don't plan to go there this year!" Pei Qing complained.

It's good that Pei Qing didn't say that, Ye Zihua was still reading quietly, but when she heard what Pei Qing said, she no longer opened her ears to this side, and her eyes flicked back and forth between Ye Zishu and Pei Qing.

"Your words will cause people to misunderstand. Come on, let me introduce you. This is my younger brother Ye Zihua. He is currently studying finance at Tsinghua University and is still in his freshman year." Ye Zishu said to Pei Qing with a smile.

Seeing her brother introducing herself, Ye Zihua immediately stood up and walked towards the two of them. Ye Zishu looked at Ye Zihua and said, "This is Pei Qing, my partner. Just call me Sister Qing."

When Ye Zihua heard Ye Zishu finished speaking, she immediately shouted: "Hi sister Qing, I thought it was my sister-in-law just now, it seems that I was happy for nothing."

His words got Ye Zishu's warning eyes, but Pei Qing laughed from ear to ear, and said with a smile: "Brother Zihua's mouth is really sweet, much better than some people."

"It's not my sweet talk, it's my true opinion, what a pity!" Ye Zihua said.

"Shut up, go back and read if you have nothing to do." Ye Zishu said to Ye Zihua.

"Don't be so hard on your brother,

I think it's boring for him to follow you here. Let's go out for dinner after we finish talking. "Pei Qing said with a smile.

Ye Zishu hesitated for a moment, but still agreed. Pei Qing was in charge of the property that he worried about the least, but provided him with the most financial support.

In addition, he still recognizes Pei Qing's character and character, and he is actually willing to communicate with Pei Qing more, but the headquarters of Taiji Health Care Company is too far away, and he is too lazy to go there if there is no special matter.

"Sister Qing still loves me, so my brother only let me eat in the cafeteria, and never thought of taking me out." Ye Zihua quickly said obediently.

When Ye Zishu heard Ye Zihua say this, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. He didn't usually see so many evil ideas from him, and felt that the person talking in front of him was not his younger brother, which felt a little strange.

Regardless of Ye Zishu's warning eyes, Pei Qing smiled even more happily, and said, "Your brother is just an elm-headed man, and his mouth is half as sweet as yours. I don't know how many girls like him."

"Sister Qing, I don't agree with you talking about my brother like that. Although my brother doesn't say anything, he doesn't necessarily think about it!" Ye Zihua said.

As soon as Ye Zihua finished speaking, Ye Zishu gave me a fried chestnut. The painful Ye Zihua quickly jumped away and stood behind Pei Qing, looking aggrieved.

When Pei Qing was painted by Ye Zi, her face turned a little red. Seeing this situation, Ye Zishu didn't want to let Ye Zihua talk nonsense.

So he said: "Let's talk about things first, Zihua, you go to the lounge and stay."

This was not intentional to distract Ye Zihua, but some of the topics they talked about were inconvenient for Ye Zihua to hear, so they simply asked Ye Zihua to stay in the lounge.

Ye Zihua knew that if she continued talking, she might only want to offend Brother Mao, so she left the office obediently, and she didn't forget to close the door when she went out.

"I didn't expect this kid to be so naughty. He was quite an honest kid before." Ye Zishu said with a smile after calling Pei Qing to sit down.

"I think it's pretty good. You're not very old, but you live like an old man. You don't have the enthusiasm of young people." Pei Qing said with a smile.

"Do you think I can manage so many subordinates if I'm as frizzy as him?" Ye Zishu said with a wry smile.

This is a real problem. No one likes a boss who is frizzy. Although it is easier to mingle with employees, it will also make many people have other ideas.

Everyone gathers in a company not to make friends, but for common interests. The boss is mature and stable, and everyone is more optimistic about the future of the company. This is the most important thing.

Every superior is lonely. They want to hide their true inner thoughts, and their actions and performances are all deliberate, with the purpose of sending the signal they want to send to the outside world.

Although Ye Zishu has not reached that level yet, he still needs to pay attention to his daily behavior, and his performance is also quite satisfactory, just to avoid sending out wrong signals.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing also nodded. She is also a manager now, and she still has a deep understanding of this kind of experience, and she also empathizes with Ye Zishu's words.

"Let's stop talking about this, let's talk about business, how is your headquarters going?" Ye Zishu asked.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Pei Qing's smiling expression suddenly became serious, and she behaved like a subordinate, clearly dividing work and life.

"The headquarters will not be officially completed until the end of August this year, and there is still a long time to go before we settle in. It's still a bit early to say this," Pei Qing said.

He has seen the headquarters of Taiji Health Care Company, and he has referred to the headquarters of Phoenix Software Company a lot in terms of design. He invited foreign architectural design firms to design it, and it is quite beautiful.

Although Ye Zishu took a lot of funds from Tai Chi Health Care Company to use in other places, the amount of funds they left behind is also not small, and with the continuous funds coming into the account later, it is not short of money at all.

Although so far, the overall revenue is not as high as that of Phoenix Software, but the sales of Phoenix Software's products are not continuous. After people buy a set of operating system or office software, they can use it for a long time.

But people who buy health care products, as long as they try it, they will continue to buy it. The sustainability and stability are not comparable to other industries under his umbrella.

Therefore, Pei Qing is also very willing to spend money on the construction of the headquarters. Although there are not many R\u0026D personnel and headquarters personnel at present, the construction scale is not inferior to Phoenix Software.

Pei Qing feels that although the main business is health care products, she will still enter the pharmaceutical and medical industry in the future, and may even enter the beauty industry.

These industries need much more R\u0026D personnel and marketing personnel than their current health care products business, and it is not a waste to build a huge headquarters.

In addition, they have other miscellaneous businesses. It is still unknown whether the headquarters they will build can accommodate all the personnel in the future.

Now the land price is very cheap, and Tai Chi Health Care Company is also a major taxpayer in the capital. Although the tax rate is only 10%, the revenue scale is very large and the profit margin is very high.

In mid-September last year, the gross profit of Tai Chi Healthcare exceeded 10 billion yuan, which was created in two and a half months, and most of the revenue came from overseas.

According to this development speed, in the remaining three and a half months of last year, the gross profit income will reach at least 20 billion yuan. Even after deducting the cost of building the headquarters, a large amount of taxes still needs to be paid.


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