Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 248 Cultivate Your Own Director (3/4)

In fact, he didn't particularly care about the acquisition of Miramax Films, the main purpose was for the film and television adaptation rights of "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" in their hands.

Of course, there are also advantages to acquiring this company. At least in the future, the distribution work in North America will be much easier than it is now, unlike now that we can only find Hollywood giants to cooperate in distribution.

"Your film distribution work in North America will gradually be transferred to this company in the future." Ye Shu said.

Zhang Guoli nodded and said: "What Mr. Ye said is that we will gradually transfer the distribution work to this company, but I don't think this matter should be rushed.

We will have 5 blockbuster releases this year, and I think it is enough to hand over one movie to them, so as to avoid a big backlash from the Hollywood giants. "

Hearing what Zhang Guoli said, Ye Zishu also agreed that the film distribution of many independent film companies is actually entrusted to Hollywood giants for help.

Distribution is actually a very professional thing, and it also needs to bear certain risks. Independent film companies generally hand over to professional distribution companies to complete the film distribution.

At present, the animated films of Shengshi Film and Television Company are basically handed over to Disney for North American distribution. This time, "Titanic" has asked Universal to be responsible for distribution.

On the one hand, Disney is indeed strong in the distribution of animated films, and on the other hand, it uses Disney's influence to make the release of films in North America smoother.

The main purpose of handing over "Titanic" to Universal Distribution this time is to expand partners and avoid over-reliance on one company, making the other party feel that they have to rely on them.

If the animated film is handed over to other companies for distribution, Disney may have opinions, but if it is handed over to its own company to be responsible for the distribution, they have nothing to do even if they have opinions.

"I agree with your cautious attitude. We don't know how Miramax Films' distribution capabilities are. We can't give them too many distribution tasks at once," Ye Zishu said.

"Have you obtained the film adaptation rights of 'The Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit'?" Ye Zishu asked.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Zhang Guoli nodded happily. The reason for their acquisition this time was the film adaptation rights of these two works, otherwise there was really no need to acquire this company.

"However, the film adaptation rights of these two works are not in the hands of the company, but in the hands of the Weinstein brothers. When we negotiated, we prevented them from seeing the purpose.

From the beginning, they bought the adaptation rights from the two brothers,

We won the film adaptation rights of the two works in advance, and we spent a total of 5 million US dollars. "Zhang Guoli said.

This price is naturally not high compared to their box office, but it is not low if calculated according to the market price, but Ye Zishu can still accept it.

"In this way, you will have your second live-action movie this year." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"We have to trouble Mr. Ye to write it himself, so that we can be more sure." Zhang Guoli also said with a smile.

"Don't worry, since I promised, I will definitely not break my promise, but the time may be later, there are too many things recently." Ye Zishu said.

"We are not in a hurry right now, as long as we have the script before May, we are sure to finish the filming within this year." Zhang Guoli said.

Hearing what Zhang Guoli said, Ye Zishu asked, "How is your preparation for "Pirates of the Caribbean" going?"

"Apart from being busy with the acquisition of Miramax, we are also preparing for the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series of films.

If it was before, we might have a certain difficulty in convening actors, because Johnny Depp is not an unknown person. He won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor for "Edward Scissorhands".

He has participated in many movies before, and his popularity is still very high, but the popularity of "Titanic" has made many Hollywood actors actively seek cooperation.

When we sent Depp an invitation to cooperate, he agreed on the spot, but he was a little hesitant when he heard that we were going to shoot five films in a row.

However, after careful consideration, he finally agreed, because cooperating with us will be his greatest opportunity, and it will transform him from being famous from a young age to a superstar. Zhang Guoli said confidently.

He understands Depp's thoughts. If he only shoots one movie, if it becomes popular, he can get a higher salary later. If it is not popular, there is no need to waste time later.

But this time, the opportunity to cooperate with Shengshi Film and Television Company is rare. No one else has the opportunity to cooperate with this company, but he got the opportunity to participate in the show while sitting at home, and he was the protagonist.

Gu's "Titanic" is being screened all over the world, and the two leading actors in this movie have also become popular with the popularity of "Titanic".

Although this movie has not been released yet, no one knows how the final box office will be, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that exceeding 1 billion US dollars is a sure thing.

A movie has made two newcomers popular, and it is still popular. How can other actors not have no ideas, but Shengshi Film and Television Company and Hollywood have always been separated by a layer, and many people have no way to find a way.

"It's fine if he agrees, have the other actors agreed?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Except for Depp, most of the other actors are newcomers. They will definitely not refuse, but Chow Yun-fat still needs to consider." Zhang Guoli said.

"What else does Zhou Runfa need to consider?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

With such a rare opportunity, there is still a fart to consider. There are not many movies that can arrange Dongfang characters, but one is finally considered.

"Chow Yun-fat's English is not very good, and he has never made a Hollywood movie before, so it is understandable to have concerns." Zhang Guoli said.

"The director is Chinese, so there must be no problem communicating with the director team. It doesn't matter if the English is not standard, and the post-dubbing is fine!" Ye Zishu said.

"We continue to communicate with him. If we haven't made up our minds, we can only change." Zhang Guoli said.

Ye Zishu also agrees with this. The shooting task is tight, and it is impossible to wait for someone all the time. Chow Yun-fat is well-known in East Asia, but not well-known in Hollywood.

It is not the character of a successful person to look forward and backward when encountering opportunities. Even if you don’t have the conditions for the time being, you have to agree first, and then slowly make up for the shortcomings.

"By the way, who are you planning to make the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series of films?" Ye Shu asked.

After Zhang Guoli heard this, he smiled embarrassedly, pointed to himself, and said, "I am going to be the director myself, after all, I have also participated in the filming of "Titanic", and I am the most experienced besides you. "

Ye Zishu suddenly laughed when he heard his words, and said, "So, you are really the most suitable director in Shengshi Film and Television Company."

"Of course I can't compare with Ye Zong, but I still have a certain degree of confidence in the selection of generals among the dwarfs." Zhang Guoli said.

"Okay, I'm not saying no, but what about the company management?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I'm planning to do the same as the last time I filmed "Titanic", let a director with potential in the company act as the executive director, and at the same time let Miramax assist in the filming.

So I don’t need to do many things in person, I just need to confirm. Except for the actual shooting, there may be delays, and other times are fine.

But after filming the first film, I will slowly hand over the work of directing to other directors in the company. This is also an opportunity to train our own directors. "Zhang Guoli said.

"This is a way. When you are shooting, send me the footage in time. I want to see your shooting situation." Ye Shu said.

He wants to see if Depp will still interpret Captain Jack as he did in his previous life, if not, it may cause this movie to be much inferior.

The directors of "Pirates of the Caribbean" in the previous life have no directing experience now, so he is too lazy to find the original director to shoot, and plans to use the director of Shengshi Film and Television Company to shoot.

Ye Zishu will act as the producer of the film, and check the style and shooting quality of the entire film. He will not shoot it himself, which is too time-consuming.

But he's not too worried. If the style deviates too much, it's a big deal to use the special effects system to directly change it to the look in his mind, but it will take longer in the later stage.

"With Mr. Ye in charge, I feel more confident." Zhang Guoli said hastily.

Regarding Ye Zishu's ability, Zhang Guoli already had some blind trust. He was a little worried that the filming would not be good.


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