Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 258: Go to Guo’s House for New Year’s Eve Dinner (1/4)

Pei Qing sent Ye Zishu out, and when he got outside, Ye Zishu said, "It's so cold outside, let's go back!"

"You've been drinking, be careful driving on the road!" Pei Qing whispered.

In fact, Pei Qing felt that it was a foolish thing for her to invite Ye Zishu to her home, and she was very annoyed, but the thing had already happened, so there was no point in talking about it.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Ye Zishu said.

"That's good, you get in the car first, and drive slowly on the road!" Pei Qing said.

Seeing that Pei Qing didn't intend to enter the house, he had no choice but to get into the car first with Ye Zihua and sat in the car. The two of them fastened their seat belts, rolled down the window glass, and waved to Pei Qing.

Then he started the car and headed home. Ye Zihua, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked hesitant to speak, and Ye Zishu asked, "Is there anything you want to say?"

"I feel that Sister Qing's family is so strange!" Ye Zihua said.

Hearing Ye Zihua say this, Ye Zishu smiled, and said after a while: "Every family has difficult scriptures to recite, as outsiders, we should not get too involved."

When Ye Zihua heard her brother say that, she shut up and didn't speak. After a while, she couldn't help but said, "Sister Qing is such a good person, it's a pity."

"What do you think is a pity?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

Ye Zihua heard her brother's question, but she didn't speak. She stared at the front without any intention of answering, so Ye Zishu didn't continue to dwell on this question.

It was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon when they got home, neither of them wanted to move, they just lay down on the sofa. In the end, Ye Zihua couldn't bear the silence and went to the study to read.

And Ye Zishu immerses his consciousness in the virtual library, and reads more books during the time when he is not working. Since he went to university, his study has basically been in a state of interruption.

He doesn't know what conditions are needed to open a virtual library with higher authority, but he feels that it should be a certain number of current books, or a certain depth of mastery.

But every time he saw the seemingly endless sea of ​​books, he felt frustrated. He really didn't have the confidence to read so many books, even if the time in the virtual space was several times longer.

He is now reading books related to semiconductor chips. Before that, he was only busy copying various manufacturing equipment and technology materials, and he didn't read much about chip design.

However, he has already selected the chip technology that can be used by Qinglong Technology Company, and this time he is preparing to systematically learn chip-related technologies.

During the learning process, time passed very quickly. Just as he was immersed in the ocean of knowledge, suddenly someone pushed him outside. When his consciousness launched the virtual library, Ye Zihua was already sitting next to him.

Seeing Ye Zishu wake up, Ye Zihua said, "It's already half past six, we should go to Senior Sister Dongmei's house."

Ye Zishu looked at the time, it was indeed getting late, it was already dark outside, Ye Zishu sat up, went to the bathroom to wash his face, and said directly: "Let's go."

When they went downstairs, they saw Guo Dongsheng's car slowly approaching their building, Ye Zishu waved his hand, which caught Guo Dongsheng's attention, and the car stopped beside them.

"Why did you drive here? Are you afraid that I won't find your home!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"That's impossible, anyway, it doesn't take long to drive here, so I just come here." Guo Dongsheng said.

"Okay, you turn around and drive ahead first, and Zihua and I follow behind." Ye Zishu said.

When Guo Dongsheng heard what Ye Zishu said, he turned around on the spot, and Ye Zishu took Ye Zihua to find his car, then drove out slowly, and followed Guo Dongsheng's car out of the community.

It took more than 30 minutes to finally arrive at Guo Dongsheng's house. Seeing the familiar door, Ye Zishu felt a cordial feeling, which was completely different from going to Pei Qing's house.

The two of them came casually and came empty-handed, because he didn't know what to prepare, and there was nothing meaningful at home, and Guo Dongsheng didn't need ordinary things at home now.

Although Guo Dongmei is still in school, she is well paid for her salary. With Guo Dongsheng's salary, the Guo family is definitely a wealthy family now, and there is no shortage of ordinary things.

It was still Guo Dongmei who opened the door. After Ye Zishu entered the house, he followed Guo Dongmei to the kitchen. Seeing Guo Dongmei's mother, Ye Zishu said with a smile, "Auntie, I'm bothering you again this year."

"You child, you are so polite with your aunt, you can just come, but I heard that you are busy all year round, so I am embarrassed to invite you, so I can only invite you during the Chinese New Year." Guo Dongsheng's mother said.

"I'm busy all year round!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"This is my younger brother Ye Zihua, who is currently studying at Tsinghua University, so I brought him here for dinner this time," Ye Zishu said.

When Guo Dongmei's mother heard that Ye Zihua was also a student of Tsinghua University, she was surprised and said, "Your parents must be great people, and they have trained two outstanding students in a row."

Regardless of whether it is this life or the previous life, the proportion of people who can be admitted to Tsinghua University is relatively low. There are not many people in a province, let alone two people in one family.

Ye Ziqi is already in high school, and I learned from her parents' phone call that her grades are also very good, not much worse than Ye Zihua's original grades. If she maintains this state halfway through, she might be able to be admitted to Tsinghua University.

As for Ye Ziqin, she is still in junior high school and her grades are good, but good grades in junior high school does not mean good grades in high school, it remains to be seen.

He is not particularly strict with his younger sisters, as long as they can be admitted to university, unlike Ye Zihua, he is much stricter.

The preparation of the New Year's Eve dinner was very long, and now that the Guo family has become richer, the ingredients are also very particular, making it even more troublesome.

Ye Zishu saw the busy figure of Guo Dongsheng's mother. Although Guo Dongmei was helping, she still said, "Let me help too. It's not a problem to start the fire."

Ye Zihua heard what her brother said, and hurriedly followed Guo Dongmei, and started to get busy. She was much more active than at Pei Qing's house, which may be caused by being comfortable.

Seeing that Ye Zihua was already working, Guo Dongmei's mother hurriedly said, "It's just a few things, and you don't need so many people to do it. Wash your hands quickly and sit in the living room. It will be ready soon."

"Let Zihua help, he's fine anyway," Ye Zishu said.

It hasn't started yet, Ye Zishu wanted to light a fire but there was no place to burn it, so he simply left the kitchen, followed Guo Dongsheng to the living room, and was going to talk to him about things.

Coming to the living room, Guo Dongsheng poured a cup of tea for Ye Zishu, then sent another cup of tea to the kitchen for Ye Zihua, and poured himself a cup when he came back.

"Did your sister tell you about the transfer of Wancheng Foundation to Taiji Group?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Well, I have no objection. To be honest, I didn't have much confidence in paying off so much money before. Now that the borrowing has become an investment, it can also reduce our pressure.

And if I need support for anything, I can justifiably go to Taiji Group, and the work may be carried out better. " Guo Dongsheng said.

What he said was trying to make it sound good. Although Wancheng Jiye could gain a lot of benefits, it would also be subject to certain restrictions, but this kind of restriction was a good thing in Ye Shu's opinion.

I just don’t know if Guo Dongsheng thinks it’s a good thing. If he doesn’t have too many ideas and just wants to run the company well, the sense of restraint won’t be great. After all, Taiji Group won’t point fingers at random.

But if you want to control everything, you will feel very uncomfortable, because Taiji Group will review the financial data of Wancheng Foundation, and at the same time, it will also conduct assessments on personnel appointments.

This is equivalent to having an extra mother-in-law in charge, but looking at Guo Dongsheng's expression, it seems that he is not particularly opposed to this, which reassures Ye Zishu a lot.

At least Guo Dongsheng's current thoughts are still on the development of the enterprise, and he is not particularly keen on fighting for power and profit. This is a good sign.


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