Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 268 Candidate for Chief Engineer of Qinglong Technology Company (3/4)

In any case, the development of global trade is the general trend now, and it is generally not to directly use administrative orders to prohibit other people's products from entering the country.

So even if his high-tech industry poses a serious threat to the high-tech industry of developed countries such as Europe and the United States, they will not act immediately, and they may even think of using external forces to promote industrial upgrading.

After all, they have enough reason to be confident. They have the world's highest intellectual resources, a huge global talent pool, and strong economic support. There is no reason why they can't do his business.

So in the early stage, he will not use aggressive means to sanction his high-tech industry, and as long as they are a little careless, he has the ability to completely defeat other competitors.

When the industry is withered, even if they want to take action, they will be powerless, because they are already inseparable, and even if they reorganize to counterattack, it will take time.

But will Leaf Book make them successful? It is obviously impossible, even if they have huge intellectual resources and wealth resources, they will not be able to get them out as fast as Ye Zishu directly, and the cost will be even lower.

What he said is mainly to let these responsible persons know the situation they may face and have a psychological preparation, so that they can make better decisions in the process of business operation, and at the same time avoid panic when things happen.

"By the way, the heads of various companies should try not to go abroad if they can." Ye Zishu said.

Ye Shu made such a strange request, and everyone was stunned. They didn't know why he made this request, so they looked at him, wanting to get an explanation.

Originally, Ye Zishu didn't intend to explain, but seeing everyone's skeptical expressions, Ye Zishu said: "I'm doing this for your safety.

In the face of interests, Western developed countries such as the United States can do anything, and they can frame someone for any reason.

As you can imagine, if you want to kill a company, it is easier to do it. Of course, it is to kill the person in charge of the company. Even if you are not convicted of the crime, it can be delayed for five or ten years.

At that time, when the company lacks a person in charge, the development will definitely be affected, but if you want to save it, the price you have to pay is too high, even unbearable.

So I am not a suggestion, but an order. I know that your overseas business will increase in the future. You must hand over these businesses to other people, and you must not let yourself get stuck in the mud. "

Ye Zishu's words are not very convincing, at least Laomei is still relatively disciplined at present, and the case of Alstom will not happen until more than ten years later.

It was also because he felt that his own words were not convincing enough, so he changed the suggestion into an order, which became a compulsory measure.

In fact, one can judge the situation of a country from the means and plans adopted by a country to deal with the problem. If the problem can be solved lightly, it shows that the country has a great influence.

If a country has to adopt indiscriminate methods to solve problems, it means that the country's capabilities are no longer good enough, and it can only adopt more insidious and drastic means to solve problems.

The reason why he raised this point was that he didn't want to take risks. If it really happened, would he save it or not? If it is saved, the price will be too high. If it is not saved, it will affect the morale of the army and it will be difficult to lead the team.

So he simply cut across the board and banned the heads of these companies from going abroad. At least the heads of high-tech companies must follow the requirements, and the heads of the Shengshi family are much more relaxed.

Because even if something goes wrong at that time, the loss of the Sheng family will not be great, after all, their industry determines that their status will not be very high.

After talking about this question, Ren Zhengfei suddenly approached Ye Zishu in a low voice and said, "I have found a chief engineer for Qinglong Technology Company."

When Ye Zishu heard this, it was a good thing. He mainly worked in Phoenix Technology Company. Although he provided the technology of Qinglong Technology Company, he did not have the position of chief engineer.

The main reason is that he did not find someone capable of taking up the position of chief engineer. After all, this position is very important, and it is to make an overall plan for the technology research and development of all subsidiaries of Qinglong Technology Company.

At the same time, it is also necessary to take the lead in tackling key problems in research and development. In this sense, he actually holds the position of chief engineer himself.

It's just that Qinglong Technology Company didn't have many businesses before, it was a Lingtong technology company, and its business only involved in the communication field. In addition, the technical information he provided was very complete and mature, so he didn't spend too much energy.

But this situation will gradually change. In the future, the business scope of Qinglong Technology Company will be very wide, so wide that he may not even be aware of the businesses involved.

In this case, if there is someone who is capable of being the chief engineer to take over this burden, he will be completely freed from Qinglong Technology Company.

Even if he still needs to provide some technical support in the future, he only needs to provide technical information. Having a chief engineer to solve the data conversion can still reduce his workload a lot.

The reason why Ren Zhengfei wanted to set up the position of chief engineer was based on the consideration of enterprise development. Although Ye Zishu provided a lot of technical information, he did not have much energy to focus on specific R\u0026D projects.

When Ren Zhengfei wanted him to pay attention to the development of the company's chip industry, he had to find a reason to remind him, so he still agrees with Ren Zhengfei's approach.

"It's a good thing, who are you looking for?" Ye Zishu asked.

When Ye Zishu asked who it was, Ren Zhengfei whispered, "It's Lenovo's chief engineer, Ni Guangnan."

Hearing Ren Zhengfei's words, Ye Zishu couldn't believe it. It's not that he didn't think about poaching Ni Guangnan before, but he thought the probability of success was very low.

After all, he has developed quite well in Lenovo, and it is still a national unit. It makes no sense to come to work in his company because of some money. At least at that time, his company had not performed particularly well.

"How did you dig him?" Ye Zishu asked.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei said shyly, "He hasn't agreed yet!"

"Then talk about a hammer." Ye Zishu said angrily.

"Although he didn't agree, he didn't refuse either. He hoped to have a face-to-face chat with you before making a decision," Ren Zhengfei said.

In fact, the conflict between Ni Guangnan and Lao Liu will gradually become more intense this year. In the previous life, it became more intense in 1994.

At present, Ye Zishu is not clear about the specific situation of Lenovo, but at this time, Lenovo is actually very strong. The switch they developed is actually much stronger than the C\u0026amp;C08 developed by Huawei.

It's just that the dispute over the company's business line has completely ruined Lenovo's good development momentum at the beginning, and it has completely embarked on a trade-oriented enterprise from a company focused on scientific research.

Everyone is quite clear about the latter situation. Although Lenovo’s revenue is growing every year, its profit is actually very low, and indigestion caused by the acquisition.

As a result, although they have entered every industry and entered very early, they cannot develop everything, and the result is always "getting up early and catching up late".

It is because of internal indigestion of the assets acquired with huge sums of money, which leads to internal management disorder, coupled with too much personal selfishness, the result is what we see.

However, Ni Guangnan's technology is still very good, especially in the technical strength of electronic hardware, which is absolutely at the top level in China. The Chinese card he developed is the foundation for Lenovo's development and growth.

And the central office switch system he led is also very competitive, but for various reasons, it ended up cheaper than companies like Huawei and ZTE whose original technology is not as good as it used to be.

"Then make an appointment with him, I have time anytime." Ye Zishu said.

As for Ni Guangnan not rejecting Ren Zhengfei's invitation, he also has some guesses. After all, Ni Guangnan realized the importance of chips very early, and Qinglong Technology Company is preparing to make great achievements in this field.

He didn't even need to ask. Ren Zhengfei must have told Ni Guangnan about the plan prepared by Qinglong Technology Company. There is no need to be afraid of leaking the secret, because even if they know it, they can't make it.

Chips are an industry with very high technical barriers, and because of this, Ni Guangnan probably doesn't particularly believe in Xin Zhengfei's words, so he insists on talking to him face to face.

A considerable number of people still recognize his technical ability, and everyone is willing to believe him based on his current achievements in industrial development.

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