Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 270: Kill it directly (1/4)

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, Ren Zhengfei came to Ye Zishu's office, opened the door and said, "I have already contacted Ni Guangnan. If possible, I can come and meet you this afternoon."

Ye Zishu thought it would take a while to come and meet, but it turned out that they had just communicated with each other on the first day of work in the new year, and it was still the official working hours of the enterprises under Ye Zishu.

"I'm curious, how did you get in touch with Ni Guangnan and trick him into coming to Qinglong Technology Company?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

Hearing Ye Zishu say that he was fooling around, Ren Zhengfei didn't take it seriously, instead he said with a smug expression, "I'm not bad at all when it comes to finding talents!"

"You're not bad, but it costs a little money!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

If Ren Zhengfei was the person in charge of Phoenix Technology, he would definitely say that it is not short of money anyway, and it is very worthwhile to use money to recruit talents, but Qinglong Technology has been in a state of loss until now.

"Mr. Ye said 'common prosperity' not long ago. I give high salaries to employees. Is it one of the ways?" Ren Zhengfei finally found a reason.

"I'm not opposed to giving high salaries, as long as their abilities are worthy of their salaries, but you should know the actual situation.

Although there is nothing wrong with giving high salaries to skilled employees, there is a certain degree. If unreasonable high salaries are given, it is also a form of polarization between the rich and the poor.

After these people get high salaries, it is impossible to consume them all at once. They must invest, so invisibly they are actually plundering capital.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this. This is the instinct of human survival and should not be blamed. But have you ever thought about whether a slack mentality will arise if the income is too high.

Anyway, in just a few years, it is possible for him to earn money that ordinary people can't earn in a lifetime, and his mentality will definitely change. Do we have to keep changing people?

In addition, the benefits provided by our company are very good, and the hidden benefits are not much less than those of state-owned enterprises. The actual cost is not reflected in the salary.

And I'm worried that after a long time, there will be a group of veteran soldiers, and they may even hire others to help them with high salaries, and they only need to earn the difference.

So I think you should take it easy and keep their salary within 10 times of the social average salary, which is obviously too much at present.

"Leaf Book said.

If he only needs to take care of the company's internal employees, he doesn't mind paying a slightly higher salary, but he still needs to use the funds to distribute to more bottom-level people.

And he did this with confidence, because he provided the technologies of these industries, and in fact he paid the most, and he had a clear conscience for flowing these funds to the lower-level people.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu continued: "The salaries of employees in many industries under my umbrella are already far ahead of the average social salary, and more funds should flow to the lower class people.

Rather than blindly benefiting a small number of people, our high-tech companies, no matter how big they are, only have tens of thousands of people, and hundreds of thousands of people are already great.

As for the number of poor people in the country, although we do not expect to benefit all the people at the bottom, we must try our best to do our best within our ability.

In terms of the speed of making money, Taiji Group is the strongest, and it can beat all other industries under my umbrella. However, the salaries they give to their employees are reasonably formulated according to their ability and social salary conditions.

Then most of the profits are invested in Wancheng Jiye, a real estate company, and through the development of real estate, the funds flow to the vast urban poor and migrant workers.

We have no way to directly invest in rural areas for the time being. First, there are no good projects for the time being. Second, it is difficult to realize and face many practical problems. Third, domestic transportation is not very convenient, especially in rural areas.

But it doesn't mean we don't do anything. We can transfer these funds to rural areas through the labor of migrant workers to improve the living conditions in rural areas.

If the development situation is better, I also want these migrant workers to settle in the city and completely get rid of the previous living situation of facing the loess and facing the sky.

As the person in charge of a company, you only need to be responsible to the company and me, but as the person in charge of such a huge industry, I naturally have to think at a higher level.

Because if we don’t think about problems at a higher level, we will eventually get ourselves into trouble, as I said last time, what if we are really sanctioned.

Then you can only rely on the domestic market. If you high-tech companies are not willing to share profits with more people, how can ordinary people make more money? The market will not be able to expand in a short period of time.

The ultimate victims are you high-tech companies themselves. This is why we sometimes have to think at a higher level to resolve problems that may be encountered in the future beforehand.

If the domestic market expands, it will not be like what it is now. We rely heavily on other people's markets, and other companies' companies also rely on our market, which creates an interdependent relationship.

At that time, if they want to ban us from the market, they have to consider that we will take the same measures, and no one will have a better life in the end, so the probability of this happening will be much lower. "

In fact, if our domestic market is enough to support our own high-tech companies, then it will not be others who prohibit our companies from entering, but whether we will prohibit selling to them.

After hearing Ye Zishu's analysis, Ren Zhengfei gave a thumbs up sincerely, and said: "'Listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of books', old Ren, I have been taught."

In his previous life, Ren Zhengfei also had a grand strategic pattern, but now he has not experienced so many things, and his thinking has not yet reached that height.

Now that I heard Ye Zishu's words, I realized that real estate, which was a bit looked down upon before, was related to such a large strategic structure, and it turned out to be one of the key industries to realize the prosperity of the country and the prosperity of the people.

As long as Ye Zishu doesn't blindly push up housing prices like in the previous life, the benefits of their massive construction now will actually far outweigh the disadvantages.

Of course, the real estate companies were not entirely to blame for the high housing prices in the previous life. In the end, the government took the bulk of it away, and then turned it into various high-end urban infrastructure. This is how a road is built every year. Anyway, it is not bad for money.

After reminding Ren Zhengfei, take it easy when giving employees a salary increase. Don't see that you have made a lot of money, and desperately give salary increases regardless of the actual situation. This is very unreasonable.

If he really does this, Yepshu may charge a high patent fee, making them feel that the success of the company is not entirely the result of their efforts.

"By the way, you haven't said why Ni Guangnan agreed!" Ye Zishu said.

"Didn't you interrupt me!" Ren Zhengfei said angrily.

"It's actually quite a coincidence that our chip project team has recruited someone from XX. Ni Guangnan actually wanted XX to carry out chip research and development, but there was a lot of internal resistance in XX.

Therefore, some of the accumulated talents have seen hopelessness one after another. In addition, we have been desperately recruiting chip-related talents during this period of time, and many of them have switched jobs.

One of the employees met Ni Guangnan once and told about our situation, which aroused Ni Guangnan's great interest. After returning, the employee reported the situation to the company, and we took the initiative to contact Ni Guangnan. "Ren Zhengfei said.

In fact, the chip project team of Qinglong Technology Company is nothing special. It has not carried out any project research and development so far, but it is not that there is nothing to talk about. At least in terms of chip design software system, it is definitely the most advanced.

Chip project R\u0026D personnel have also learned a lot of very advanced theoretical knowledge of chip design by learning chip design software systems, many of which are unique thinking concepts.

Of course, most of them cannot be disclosed to the outside world, otherwise it will violate the confidentiality agreement. Qinglong Technology Company signed a non-employment agreement with these employees to avoid technology leakage.

After listening to Ren Zhengfei's story, Ye Zishu nodded and said, "I have time in the afternoon, let's see if Ni Guangnan has time. If it is suitable, I can meet him in the afternoon."

"That's great, I'll go back and communicate with him." Ren Zhengfei didn't talk nonsense, he stood up and walked out.

Seeing that Ren Zhengfei had left, Ye Zishu was thinking about the problems caused by Ni Guangnan's job-hopping. After all, the dispute between Ni and Liu was so famous in his previous life that almost everyone knew it.

And a certain company is currently the largest PC company in China. Last year, it just completed its own PC research and development work, and has changed from the previous full agency business to its own brand.

At this time, it's fine if Ni Guangnan fails to come here. If he achieves great success, it will make a certain old Liu think about how to deal with himself. At that time, the grievance between the two is likely to become a grievance between the company.

Then it may affect the operating system business of Phoenix Software Company and a certain company that wants to cooperate, and a certain company may not choose to use the chip of Qinglong Technology Company.

But he thought about it, and if he doesn't cooperate, he won't cooperate. Anyway, Qinglong Technology Company is not a vegetarian, and his plan will not be affected without them.

He even felt that it might be better if the two companies were at odds. It wasn't easy to tear up their faces inexplicably before, so he could find an excuse and kill them directly.

Anyway, according to Lao Liu's development ideas, this company does not have much future, and it is even very likely to become a shit-stirring stick for foreign forces in the country to disgust him.

At that time, Qinglong Technology Company will launch a personal computer with a price of 2,000 to 5,000 yuan.

The national unit should not buy cheap and easy-to-use computers, but buy more expensive and backward computers. He can't find a reason not to buy them.

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