Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 332 Almost Ignoring the Enterprise Communications Market (3/4)

"Let's talk about brand management again. Personal computers are widely used and have different purposes. In order to meet the needs of more consumers, we need to launch a lot of models.

However, according to the existing brand management model, it is difficult for consumers to use a series of numbers to distinguish models, so the model positioning should be as simple as possible.

So I think it is better to create three brands, one for low-end brands, one for mid-end brands, and one for high-end brands.

Low-end computer brands use our low-end series of chips, which focus on cost performance and are positioned as entry-level personal computers. This market should not be low.

Mid-range PC brands use our high-end line of chips, but in a discrete solution that delivers robust performance to consumers.

However, due to the separate chip solution, there will be certain defects in the design, for example, it cannot be made small enough and thin enough.

Therefore, this brand is very attractive to consumers who have high performance requirements but are more price-sensitive. The only fly in the ointment is that it is not cool enough.

High-end computer brands mainly use integrated solutions, which must not only be strong enough in performance, but also cool enough in design to make consumers like it at a glance.

Due to the advantages of the integrated solution, their products can be designed to be thinner and lighter, which has a huge market in the high-end business office field.

At the same time, it can also meet the needs of most game players. It is the best choice for both office and entertainment. Naturally, the price is also the highest. Don’t divide the products into details, just provide the best choice. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Ren Zhengfei knew what it meant. Ye Zishu provided a lot of finished computer designs, among which the high-end models shocked Ren Zhengfei the most.

For example, a high-end desktop computer, the chassis is only the size of two palms, but the performance is not bad at all, which is very attractive to consumers who pursue individuality and fashion.

There is also an all-in-one machine that integrates the host and the screen, which can also be positioned in the field of high-end personal computers. Such products are also attractive.

What surprised Ren Zhengfei the most was the notebook computer, which uses an integrated solution and has been optimized in all aspects, so that the weight of the entire notebook computer is controlled within one kilogram.

Coupled with a closed system, when the hardware performance is not bad, the optimization of software and hardware can further improve the overall performance, and the sense of control is even better.

For rich people,

High-end brands are their ideal choice. Not only can they obtain a high-quality experience, but they are also a symbol of status, and they will not lose face when they take them out.

"Of course, this is what we are dividing now. In actual operation, each brand is operated independently, which can increase the competitiveness of each brand.

If low-end brands want to obtain higher profits in the future, they may launch products with mid-range prices. In the same way, mid-end brands will also launch products with high-end prices.

As long as the competition is controlled within a reasonable range, it will help the overall development, but vicious competition must be avoided, and Qinglong Technology will be the one that suffers.

Other products can also carry out such brand positioning to meet the needs of various consumers and try to grasp the market in our hands.

However, I don't think it is necessary to create several brands for each product, so the cost of brand marketing is too high, which will lead to a decline in overall profits.

Therefore, other products can be divided into the above three brands according to their positioning. In order to distinguish them more clearly, you can set up three subsidiaries to operate the above three brands respectively.

Because the technology we have produced is too superior, we can give priority to promoting high-end brand products during marketing, so that high-end brands can sell more and increase profit margins. At the same time, it is also very important for shaping the image of high-end brands.

Of course, this is just my suggestion. If you feel that this division is too detailed, which is not conducive to the overall operation, you can also reduce it to two. I hope you can conduct broader discussions and come up with a more mature plan. "Leaf Book said.

Still the same sentence, he just came up with some plans based on some memories of his previous life. Whether it is feasible or not depends on the specific situation. After all, the times are different, the strength is different, and the execution results are also different.

"We will discuss this issue when we go back, but I personally think that two brands are more suitable, and three is a bit much." Ren Zhengfei said.

"Didn't I say that you can discuss it after you go back. I'm just a suggestion, not a final decision, nor an order. After all, you are the closest to the market and have a greater right to speak." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Ren Zhengfei nodded when he heard him say this, and said, "I understand how to do it."

After talking about this topic, Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "The communication equipment orders you have received so far are all orders from operators, right?"

Ren Zhengfei nodded and said, "This is the case."

"This shows that you still have a vast enterprise market that you have not occupied. If the time is delayed, the enterprise market may be occupied by other enterprises.

You must improve the construction of the global sales team as soon as possible. Now that you have earned a sum of money, it should not be difficult to set up branches in various countries around the world.

Establishing such a global network not only serves enterprise-level services, but also provides after-sales support for operator services and improves user experience. "Leaf Book said.

Now relying on technological advantages, global operators are asking for Lingtong Technology, but the enterprise-level market does not have as high technical requirements as operators.

If you don't occupy it as soon as possible, and other companies take the lead, it will be a bit of a loss, and you can't ignore the larger market in order to reduce operating costs.

If he hadn't suddenly thought of this, it would probably take a while to get out of this step, because they are currently in the ecstasy of huge orders, and even feel that they are currently unable to develop the enterprise market.

After all, it is not easy to complete so many orders. With so many orders, we can take a while to develop the market, and it will not be too late to expand when we have the time and energy to spare.

This is not fully aware of the cruelty of market competition. In order to occupy the market as soon as possible, it is acceptable even if the management is a bit chaotic in the early stage.

Because once a company uses a certain company's communication products, it must be equipped with professional communication equipment maintenance personnel, and if it specializes in the maintenance of a certain brand, the probability of purchasing the same brand product again is much higher.

Few companies will use Wanguo brand products, because this will put a lot of pressure on operation and maintenance, and there may be compatibility problems.

"We will establish a global sales network as soon as possible!" Ren Zhengfei was also aware of this question and quickly replied.

"When you build a global sales network, you can ask Kunpeng Information Technology Company for help. They have already established some channels around the world and can provide you with some help." Ye Zishu said.

"I will communicate with Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd." Ren Zhengfei said.

"In fact, the establishment of such a global sales network will not only facilitate the sales of communication equipment, but also facilitate the sales of your other products, such as personal computers and future server products.

Information-based office is the trend of future development. Now that an enterprise has launched an internal communication network system, it will definitely use a large number of information-based office equipment.

At that time, when you promote communication equipment, you can also promote your personal computers, or promote your other office equipment, such as printers, copiers, etc.

Generally speaking, if your service satisfies the other party, many companies do not mind strengthening cooperation. After all, multiple suppliers will cause multiple troubles. During combined promotion, you can provide certain discounts. "Leaf Book said.

Although it mainly relies on retail channels to sell products, but through this method of enterprise sales promotion, it can quickly occupy the enterprise information market, which is not lower than retail.

Sure enough, when Ren Zhengfei heard what Ye Zishu said, his eyes lit up. You must know that the information office equipment of Qinglong Technology Company is not lacking at all.

If you can rely on the group promotion model, it is very likely that you will quickly occupy the market of other competitors, such as printers, etc., which have been occupied by traditional giants, and it is more difficult to develop.

Ye Zishu can't show much black technology in this aspect, at most it is only slightly better than them, and it is not so easy to crowd out other people's long-established cooperative relationship with this.

"President Ye is still thoughtful, and we almost missed a great opportunity." Ren Zhengfei said.

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