Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 339 Lack of money is always with me (2/4)


On the day after the meeting, at the hotel at the headquarters of Phoenix Software Company, the initial team of Kirin Industrial Group was invited to a banquet to celebrate the establishment of Kirin Industrial Group.

The next day, these personnel started to go to Wuhan. Although the headquarters of each sub-group are not all in Wuhan, only a big city like Wuhan can accommodate a large number of people.

Like Ye Zishu’s hometown, Xunyang, the city is very small, and there is simply no way to set up such a large stall, so everyone temporarily works in Wuhan, and at the same time begins to carry out the necessary infrastructure construction for their respective headquarters.

The initial scale of the headquarters will not be particularly large, as long as it can arrange management personnel and R\u0026D teams, it will mainly focus on building factories.

Ye Zishu especially emphasized that when negotiating with local governments, it is necessary to leave enough margin on the land to prepare for future expansion of production capacity and construction of employee communities.

However, there are some people under my command who think that doing so is not necessarily useful. They have found in practice that sometimes the promised conditions may not be fulfilled when they are implemented.

Sub-groups like Kirin Industrial Group will have a large scale in the future, but the current scale is limited. It will be very difficult to obtain the ideal land area.

This is something that Ye Zishu did not expect, but it is indeed possible to happen in practice. Not all local governments are as supportive as the Nanshan District government.

Basically, Xuanwu Technology Company will give as much land as it wants, as long as Xuanwu Technology Company builds according to their master plan.

It is precisely because of the support of the local government that Xuanwu Technology Company was able to obtain a large area of ​​land with a mere few hundred million yuan in the first place. In order to support the company's development, the district government even deliberately left a large area of ​​open land.

This also allowed Xuanwu Technology Company to basically face no other problems except for financial difficulties during the development process, and the development was quite smooth.

Therefore, the advice of the subordinates is to buy as much as possible in the early stage. If you don’t buy it as soon as possible, the land price will not be the same when it really develops.

Ye Zishu is not worried that the land price will skyrocket too high. In these areas deployed by Kirin Industrial Group, except for Wuhan, the land in other cities is very cheap.

Yueyang in Hunan and Xunyang in Jiangxi are small cities in this era. Even Xianning next to Wuhan is not a big city, and prices will not go up much.

However, he realized that although the investment of 5 billion yuan seems to be a large scale, the scale of funds is indeed limited when it is distributed to various sub-groups and then to various subsidiaries.

It is difficult to get VIP treatment with such a scale of funds. If the local government is not particularly cooperative,

For industrial construction, there is still a certain impact.

Sometimes Ye Zishu would think, why bother, he would have to worry a lot less if they put them all in cities with relatively active economies such as Shenzhen and Guangzhou.

It’s just that the size of his industry is too large. Regardless of the fact that Kirin Industrial Group only has an investment of 5 billion yuan, if it really develops, the value created by this group will be as high as several trillion yuan, or even more.

If so many huge groups accumulate together, the scale of output value created is too large, which will lead to large-scale population gathering. At the same time, such a dense industrial layout, Ye Zishu is not particularly relieved.

Everything has two sides. When he relies on a huge industry to obtain great convenience, it will also become a place that restricts its development. There has never been an absolute advantage or an absolute disadvantage.

When Kirin Industrial Group has established a firm foothold in Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei, it can greatly promote the economic development of these regions, and these three regions can rely on these industries and strive for more in terms of policies.

Political enlightenment is closely related to economic development. Although investing in these places faces more uncertainties, he still wants to give it a try.

However, Ye Zishu also thinks that the scale of investment should be increased so that the three regions should pay attention to the leading role of the Kirin Industrial Group in economic development instead of treating them as ordinary enterprises.

The economic development of any region requires the presence of one or two leading enterprises in order to develop better and establish its own unique advantages in economic development.

If they don't seize this opportunity, if the economy wants to develop, they can only wait for the coastal cities to transfer industries, which will take more than ten years, or even decades.

Decided to increase investment, so where does the money come from? The Taiji Group has already supported too much, and almost all the profits that could be taken out before have been given to Xuanwu Technology Company.

The rest of the funds had to support Wancheng Jiye's basic industry construction. It was precisely because of this that he borrowed 5 billion yuan from Taiji Group, and he didn't dare to borrow more.

The development and operation of other industries cannot be affected just because of the development of Kirin Industrial Group. To be honest, apart from the textile and garment industry, other industries of Kirin Industrial Group are not particularly urgent.

It doesn't matter if it's earlier or later. Without dairy products, we have lived for so many years without their cooking oil, and we have never seen a shortage of cooking oil for the common people.

Now to increase the investment, Ye Zishu searched and decided to borrow 5 billion yuan from Qinglong Technology Company. This money was actually provided by Lingtong Technology Company, which had just started making money.

Although up to now, Lingtong Technology Company has completed 40 billion yuan of communication equipment and service orders, but a considerable part of this money has to be paid to Xuanwu Technology Company.

In addition, Qinglong Technology Company is about to make big moves, such as establishing sales channels around the world, and this investment will be used immediately.

After their personal computers and other products come out, they will spend a lot of money on advertising and promotion, which is also a lot of money.

As a new brand, even if it has great advantages in products, it still needs to be advertised. After the brand recognition is established, the investment in this area may be much smaller.

In fact, during this period of time, Phoenix Technology Company has also received a lot of funds. With the Phoenix operating system and office software, they have always had a relatively stable income.

It's just that Phoenix Technology needs to support the operation of so many subsidiaries, and it is difficult to spend a large amount of money.

Moreover, in order to cope with the next tough battle, the staff of Phoenix Technology Company has expanded a lot, and at the same time, a sum of money has to be allocated for promotion.

After all the calculations, only 5 billion yuan of funds can be deducted from Qinglong Technology Company, and 10 billion yuan of initial funds can be collected for Kirin Industrial Group.

Although the 10 billion yuan is not particularly large among Ye Zishu's many investments, it is a properly super large project in the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei.

The announcement of such an investment project will definitely carry a lot of weight. It is enough for the three provinces to pay enough attention to Kirin Industrial Group.

Ye Zishu heard Pei Qing's report some time ago, and thought that his cash should be stable, but he didn't expect to find out in a blink of an eye that he seemed to be quite short of money.

It was a bit strenuous to collect 10 billion yuan for Kirin Industrial Group. After sitting at the desk and calculating for a long time, I thought that taking 5 billion yuan from Qinglong Technology Company would not affect its development.

Don't think it's over. Huanyu Group is also waiting for his investment. Before that, it only invested a few hundred million yuan, which was just enough for them to establish a motorcycle industry chain and a battery industry chain.

Later, if he wants to enter the automobile industry, the scale of investment will increase in a straight line. 10 billion yuan is not too much, and 50 billion yuan is not too little. This will also be a very costly business.

As for their shipbuilding, aircraft manufacturing, and high-speed rail manufacturing businesses, there is no need to think about it now, at least until their automobile business is on the right track and brings stable profits to the company.

It is impossible to rely on the profits obtained from the automobile industry to supplement the development of the industry in a short period of time. In the end, there is a high probability that Ye Shu will invest in it. After all, he is not willing to wait too long.

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