Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 341 Artificial Intelligence Brings New Development Opportunities (4/4)

It is very difficult for a government software service company like this to conduct international business. No matter how advanced the technology is, the governments of other countries will not have much trust.

As a company under Phoenix Technology that focuses on government software services, it must rely on the domestic market if it wants to develop, and how to open the domestic market is a long-standing problem.

Now it is not decades later, the government's understanding of government informationization is not very clear, and everyone does not have much experience in how to use advanced information technology to handle affairs.

There may even be some concerns about the security of government informatization. It can be said that Baihe Software's first step is very difficult.

So the person in charge of this company took the Skynet system as their stepping stone, which is a very correct approach, and it also shows that he has a very keen understanding of this.

Security issues have always been a very important issue in our country, especially in the 1980s and 1990s, the issue of security has not been fundamentally changed.

Although there are several very important actions, it is only to ensure temporary calm, and it will still recur afterward, and cannot be cured.

Obviously, the emergence of the Skynet system, although Ye Shu thinks it is not a radical solution, the people must become rich if they want a radical cure, and everyone will not work hard if they have money.

However, as an important measure, the role that the Skynet system can play is indeed important, and it plays an important role in alleviating public security problems and investigating and solving crimes.

"Our company will definitely go all out to complete the Skynet system as soon as possible." The person in charge of Baihe Software said immediately.

They are definitely not willing to miss such a rare opportunity. This is not only a stepping stone for them to open up the government information business, but also a rare opportunity for them to master advanced artificial intelligence applications.

Although they cannot control the real artificial intelligence technology, it is also a very good progress to be able to apply it proficiently, because it is not so easy to use.

For example, if they want the Skynet system to meet the requirements of Ye Shu, they need to make the rules as detailed as possible, and the premise of being as detailed and correct as possible is to have a deep understanding of image processing and security research.

This is not set casually. It is necessary to continuously optimize the parameter settings to achieve the best results. The time and energy spent are not a small number.

After the rules are formulated, enough images must be collected to train artificial intelligence, which is also a test of their abilities in this era.

Fortunately, the artificial intelligence that Ye Zishu brought out this time,

Substantially reduce the dependence on data, and if they are very good at rule making, they can further reduce the dependence on training data.

That is to say, the more advanced the rules are, the less the reliance on training data is, just like the richer the theoretical knowledge, the less the number of practice requirements for specific cases is the same.

If Ye Zishu does it by itself, it can directly collect relevant rule information from the virtual library, and even meet the requirements without data training.

"Although the artificial intelligence brought out this time is under the Phoenix Technology Corporation, all companies under my umbrella can apply for use.

This has epoch-making significance for the development of many industries. For example, the home appliance business of Qinglong Technology Company can be made into smart home appliances.

If you expand it, you can rely on artificial intelligence to make a smart home, so that the human living environment is full of high-tech elements, which can greatly improve the quality of human life.

The smart home based on artificial intelligence can make Qinglong Technology's products different from those of other home appliance companies, and it is an important weight to break through the iron curtain of the current world giants.

This will not only bring more lucrative benefits to Qinglong Technology's home appliance industry, but once users use one of our smart homes, they will unconsciously buy other smart homes.

Once our smart home occupies a consumer's home, it means that we exclude other competitors. This scene, Lao Ren should be able to imagine.

In addition, many novel products can be made around artificial intelligence, such as intelligent sweeping robots, intelligent doors and windows, intelligent door locks and so on.

Now is also a period of rapid development of the Internet. Around the Internet and artificial intelligence, if you do well, you will set off a new round of industrial revolution, give new meaning to traditional industries, and naturally the market will be bigger. "

Just now Ren Zhengfei just lamented that the boss's technology is so profound that he has even developed artificial intelligence, but he hasn't thought about it at this level.

After Ye Zishu's point, Ren Zhengfei had a feeling of enlightenment, and Ni Guangnan who was beside him also had the same feeling. It seems that the boss has a better understanding of artificial intelligence.

And other people also felt enlightened when they heard that Ye Zishu extended the application of artificial intelligence to the field of home appliances, and even to all household fields.

Just now, everyone's thinking was to limit artificial intelligence to the software field. They did not expect that the combination of artificial intelligence and hardware is when artificial intelligence can truly exert its power.

"Mr. Ye, although smart home is very attractive, it needs an operating medium. If you need an operating hardware to operate it, isn't it too troublesome.

Because you can use the remote control to turn on the air conditioner, taking out such intelligent control hardware to operate, still requires the same action, and may even face more cumbersome operations.

If I were a consumer, I would feel very troublesome, and it would be better than the simple operation brought by non-smart homes to make me more comfortable. "Wu Chaoqiang said.

What Wu Chaoqiang said got to the core of the problem. Just now, Ren Zhengfei and Ni Guangnan didn't think about it for a while. It is estimated that the idea is still on smart home, and they haven't realized this problem yet.

"This question is a good one, pointing out the key to smart home, and it can even be said that all smart hardware products will face such problems.

Human beings are inert. They can sit but never stand, and can lie down and never sit. This is also the driving force behind the development of human technology.

Therefore, we must free the hands of the users. It is enough for the users to directly tell these devices how to do it in words, and there is no need to do it at all.

Speaking of this, everyone should be clear, we need a voice control center, all smart hardware products can establish contact with this voice control center, and command the hardware to work. "Leaf Book said.

As soon as Ye Zishu finished speaking, Lei Jun suddenly patted his thigh and said, "This is a good note, and around this intelligent voice center, a complete intelligent hardware ecosystem can be established.

Moreover, the existence of this intelligent voice center can reduce the intelligent programming of the intelligent hardware itself, greatly reduce the workload, and reduce the overall R\u0026D cost. "

If there are only scattered smart hardware, it means that each smart hardware needs to be intelligently processed, and the connection between each hardware is networked, which will greatly increase the difficulty of communication between smart hardware.

Moreover, such a network-like smart home will lead to a smart home without a central nervous system, making consumers at a loss when using it.

With this intelligent voice control center, the smart home is built radially around this center, making it easier for users to use.

Wu Chaoqiang also said: "This method is good, and the problem will be solved immediately."

However, Ni Guangnan said: "This indeed solves the problem, but the technical requirements for the intelligent voice control center are very high.

Not to mention how many countries, how many languages, how many dialects there are in the world, but in our country, if we want to let consumers control freely, we face a huge test.

Not to mention ordinary people, even high-level intellectuals, there are many non-standard Mandarin. Their words are difficult for us humans to recognize, let alone artificial intelligence.

This requires artificial intelligence to have great speech recognition capabilities, and to be able to recognize various languages ​​and dialects. This workload and difficulty are not small.

This is only a structural language requirement. In real life, it is impossible for us to speak in accordance with the language structure. If it does not conform to the language structure, artificial intelligence will not be able to recognize it.

So if our requirements are higher, if we want to make the intelligent voice control center more humanized and intelligent, then we must solve the problem of natural language processing, and must meet certain requirements.

This is even more difficult! "

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