Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 415 Responses from all parties (1/3)

As the Nanshan District Government of SZ City, which has always supported Xuanwu Technology Company, it can be regarded as a big surprise for them.

At the beginning, Xuanwu Technology Company was just a relatively ordinary electronics manufacturing company. The reason why it supported it was because ordinary electronics manufacturing companies were still high-tech companies in China.

Because at that time, my country's electronic manufacturing equipment and production lines still needed to be imported from abroad, and the imported equipment was not the most advanced.

In addition, the development of Nanshan District itself is lagging behind other old urban areas. Enterprises that can invest more than one billion yuan in the electronics manufacturing industry at once belong to the category of large enterprises in the local area.

It's just that they didn't expect that this company, which only wanted to do ordinary electronics manufacturing, would realize the construction and development of the advanced semiconductor industry so quickly. This was beyond their expectation.

More importantly, Xuanwu Technology Company had millions of employees in less than two years, making Nanshan District, which was originally a little empty, suddenly become an urban area with a large population.

Xuanwu Technology's personal computer manufacturing business alone can generate about 300 billion yuan in revenue every year according to the current sales boom. No matter which city it is placed in, the benefits it brings to the local area are obvious.

At present, domestic tax is collected according to the location of the headquarters, which will bring a lot of tax to the Nanshan District government. Even if the tax rate of high-tech enterprises is low, there are tax rebates and other measures for export.

However, relying on the huge revenue scale, the low tax rate will still make the total tax revenue very high, not to mention that Xuanwu Technology has greater potential, and the Nanshan District Government feels that it has found a treasure.

Business tax is the main type of corporate tax now, which will lead to the problem of double taxation. If there are multiple independent legal person enterprises, the phenomenon of double taxation will be particularly serious.

For parts and components products of Xuanwu Technology Company, business tax needs to be paid according to the sales revenue, so this tax must be added to the products and sold to the next family.

And Qinglong Technology Company purchases these parts and assembles them into personal computers, then it has to pay business tax according to the sales revenue of personal computers, and the natural tax expenses are added to the selling price.

This is tantamount to levying business tax twice on parts and components, which is why the business tax was later changed to value-added tax, in order to avoid double taxation in the circulation link and increase manufacturing costs.

This is also the reason why Leaf Book likes to build a complete industrial chain, because it can avoid the problem of double payment of business tax, reduce manufacturing costs, and improve the profitability of enterprises.

A large group like Xuanwu Technology,

Although there are many subsidiaries under his hands, these subsidiaries are actually in name and do not have independent legal personality, which is a measure made for the convenience of management.

This leads to the circulation of products in the entire industrial system, which belongs to the internal circulation of enterprises, and there is no need to pay business tax repeatedly, so that the burden on enterprises is relatively light.

It is precisely because of the double taxation of business tax that it was later changed to value-added tax, so that double taxation can be avoided, which is considered an improvement, but the previous life did not change from business tax to VAT until 2012.

In addition to the above emails, Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company also sent dynamic information from their peers, mainly to let him understand the current market environment.

The advent of the personal computer of Qinglong Technology Company must have touched the cheese of many people, and they must always pay attention to the dynamics of their peers. There is a special team responsible for the collection of such information.

According to their news, after their products came out, many personal computer giants have requested cooperation and wanted to purchase their components to produce personal computers.

For PC assembly companies, at this time, they can no longer care too much about it. They can use whose parts can get rid of the current predicament, and they don't have any psychological burden.

As for the fact that it is impossible to work together with the original component manufacturers, in the shopping malls, it often happens that dead friends don't die.

It's just that neither Qinglong Technology Company nor Xuanwu Technology Company has any plans to open up the sale of parts and components at present, which makes many computer assembly companies sit on the wax.

According to their information, these computer brand companies are still active, and they want to change the attitude of these two companies as soon as possible, so as to get out of the current predicament.

Because since Qinglong Technology's personal computer was launched, the sales of their products have basically stagnated, and no consumers are willing to buy them at all.

As long as consumers who know the situation of Qinglong Technology's personal computers will not spend huge sums of money to buy backward products, even if they give them away, they will dislike taking up space.

Because with the launch of a large wave of application software, the previous computers are worthless in the eyes of many consumers, and have no much value.

As for the parts colleagues, after the products of Qinglong Technology Company came out, they issued announcements one after another, expressing that they would launch more advanced products as soon as possible.

As for whether they can really produce products of the same level in a short period of time, they are actually not sure, because the two companies have used too much force this time, resulting in a particularly obvious gap.

But it does not prevent them from releasing positive signals in advance and stabilizing the current situation, especially their stock prices. The stock prices of many companies have fallen by at least 50%.

This is because the positive signals released by these companies have played a role, otherwise the stock price will fall, and it will be good to have 20% left in the end.

Seeing this, Ye Zishu regretted not planning ahead in the financial market, otherwise this wave of market conditions would have allowed him to obtain a lot of financial benefits, not to mention a lot, at least billions of dollars.

On the one hand, he had a lot of things to do and didn't pay attention to making money from the financial market. On the other hand, he didn't have suitable financial talents to help him.

Faced with this situation, he kind of hoped that Ye Zihua could finish his studies as soon as possible so that he could come out and help him with financial work. Entrusting this kind of work to the closest people would make him feel more at ease.

With more and more industries under his umbrella and greater impact on the world economy and technology structure, there will be more and more opportunities to operate in the financial market.

Although these parts and components companies have issued statements one after another, providing investors with a certain degree of confidence support, the joint situation expected by Ye Zishu has not yet appeared.

Judging from the information they have collected so far, most parts companies still choose to do their own independent research. On the one hand, they are actively analyzing the products of Qinglong Technology Company, hoping to find a solution.

On the other hand, it is to organize scientific research forces more actively, hoping to achieve major breakthroughs in a short period of time by virtue of its own scientific research strength.

In fact, many semiconductor giants have their own hidden scientific research capabilities, and what they produce will never be their most advanced technological products. It is commonplace to keep a hand.

But this time, the products of Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company have far exceeded the technical level of their reserves, making these reserve technologies useless.

However, where is their strength? If they really encounter a life-and-death situation, they may be able to erupt with a stronger force and come up with products that exceed the technical level of the two companies. It is not impossible, but it is only a matter of time.

Of course, this kind of behavior is for powerful companies, and there are still many companies that are not strong in the first place, and they wisely chose to change their careers.

Because these companies that are not very strong, neither have strong scientific research strength, nor do they have huge capital reserves, they simply cannot support them to win this competition.

If it continues to drag on, the final result is that the money is gone and the product is still at a disadvantage. It is better to change careers earlier, and there may be a chance of survival.

Apart from some actions by these companies, there are no actions that the governments of various countries want to participate in, which makes Ye Zishu feel a little relieved.

In order to cope with the possibility of being surpassed by its peers, Xuanwu Technology is actively investing in the construction of the next-generation production line, mainly the construction of the next-generation chip production line.

At present, their chip manufacturing process is 130 nanometers, and the next generation chip manufacturing process is set at 90 nanometers. If the competitors are slow, they may launch it in 1995.

If the competitors are fast, it can be launched next year. Anyway, the industry chain is complete now, and the technology is not lacking. It is much faster to build a production line than before.

After competitors find that they cannot catch up with Xuanwu Technology in terms of chip manufacturing technology, they may end the current state of stragglers and join forces.

I just don’t know when this alliance will start. At present, the old M’s company is relatively superior in CPU and GPU technology, and the Japanese B’s company is relatively powerful in memory and flash memory technology.

As for the H-country companies and T-Bay companies that were very powerful in the previous life, they still belong to the second echelon and are still relatively low-end products. If they want to make a breakthrough, it still depends on the actions of the big brother.

After reading the information, Ye Zishu saw an email sent to him by Ni Guangnan, mainly to intercede for a certain person. After all, Qinglong Technology Company did this, and none of its competitors had an easy time.

Ye Zishu read it carefully. Although it was an intercession, it was not particularly strong. It was mainly to deliver a letter for the former owner. As for how to make a decision, Ni Guangnan didn't have any extra words.

Although Ni Guangnan is not as cunning and cunning as a businessman, he is not stupid. Some things before have made him a little discouraged, which is why he knows that Qinglong Technology Company makes chips, and he is so active.

Sending Ye Zishu an email this time is already doing his best. As for persuading him with all his strength, it is not what he, the chief engineer, should do.

One is that he didn't contribute much and he didn't have much credit for it. Second, he is not particularly good at business management. It is nostalgic for his old club to pass on news, and it is his duty not to try his best to persuade him.

Because the current business strategy is an established policy, if a hole is really opened, it will be completely unstoppable, and it may also need to be opened to other computer brand companies.

After Ye Zishu read it, he only replied with the word "read", and there was no other feedback information.

They are not important enough to make Qinglong Technology Company change its existing business strategy. Ni Guangnan also understands this. These two words have already explained his attitude.

As for whether he will invite more important people to speak in the future, he doesn't know. Anyway, no matter who comes, it won't work. Could it be that they can make their company unable to continue? They don't have that ability yet!

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