Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 425 No confidence to

What Ye Zishu said really made people full of passion, and Wang Chuanfu was also quite encouraged, but things had to return to reality, and it was not easy to do this.

At least Wang Chuanfu himself doesn't have much confidence, he just hopes to make his auto products sell well in China and compete with domestic joint venture brands.

Because the domestic joint venture brand cars are all technologies eliminated by foreign capital, and even some key parts need to be imported, there is no way to hand over all the technology to these joint ventures.

Competing with such a lame car company, he is still very confident, and he will definitely have an advantage in technology. It is also a local battle, and the winning rate is much higher.

It's just that he can't express his inner thoughts in front of Ye Zishu. After all, the boss's ambition is worthy of recognition. If he pours cold water on this pawn, he will appear incompetent.

Ye Zishu also noticed his expression. Shouting slogans can certainly boost morale, but to make him confident, he needs to come up with something practical.

So he said: "I'm not just shouting slogans. Technically speaking, as long as you can fully realize the technical materials I have provided, it is not difficult to hang them century-old companies.

The technical information has been placed on your server, and you can view the relevant technologies according to your own authority, and you will know that what I said is true. "

After speaking, Ye Zishu stood up, walked towards Wang Chuanfu's desk, took out his computer, and logged in to an IP address, which contained information about automobile technology.

Wang Chuanfu followed behind, and he was shocked to see that there were tens of thousands of technical documents. Not to mention how advanced the technology is, the number alone is daunting.

You must know that Ye Zishu has put all his power into order to sort out these materials. Apart from eating and sleeping, he only does these tasks, but he doesn't slack off at all.

Most of these technical materials are related to automobile manufacturing technology, because in order to build a good car, the basic industry must be solid.

There are still many technologies that have a good foundation in other companies under his umbrella, such as industrial machine tools. Xuanwu Technology Company has many advanced products, and Huanyu Group can buy them directly without research and development.

There are also general-purpose electronic technologies and equipment in cars. Xuanwu Technology also has products that can be used, and Huanyu Group does not need to manufacture them independently.

Even if the electronic equipment used in the car has its own particularity, the technical specifications and standards can be provided to Xuanwu Technology, and its subsidiaries can produce according to the standards.

There are also quite a few technologies,

It will be provided by Kirin Industrial Group, such as solar power paint and surface coating technology. Leaf Book is not going to be included in Huanyu Group.

There is also tire technology. Generally, the tires we use are made of natural rubber into synthetic rubber, which is very dependent on natural rubber.

However, my country's rubber industry is not developed, and there is no absolute right to speak in this field. Although the rubber is produced in Southeast Asian countries, the actual controller behind it is unknown.

Therefore, Kirin Industrial Group will undertake the task of completely synthetic rubber production and get rid of the dependence on natural rubber, which is also in line with the positioning of Kirin Industrial Group.

After all, rubber is still a carbon-containing substance, and Kirin Industrial Group has the strongest technology in the carbon industry, which uses carbon dioxide in the air to synthesize inorganic and organic substances. For them, the basic raw materials are the same.

In addition, there are special tires, such as run-flat tires, which will not be described here. Anyway, the technology is as comprehensive as possible.

With the support of these technical materials, Huanyu Group's strength in automobiles will be greatly increased, and its technical advantages are very obvious. As long as it has the best market, it is not difficult to defeat those automobile giants.

Of course, he was able to complete so many technical arrangements in such a short period of time, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, which saved him a lot of time.

In the past, he could only describe each item of technical information slowly with text descriptions and drawings. Even if he used software to increase work efficiency, he still couldn't ignore this process.

But with artificial intelligence, it is completely different. Many technical materials that are very simple in his opinion do not require him to do it. He can just use his words, and artificial intelligence can help him complete most of the work.

Especially for work related to mechanical design, the processing efficiency is higher for artificial intelligence, because Ye Shu wrote a special mechanical design simulation program for artificial intelligence.

With this cooperation, the artificial intelligence can reasonably calculate the best rendering based on his dictation, and also help him match the technical description text.

In addition, the intelligent supercomputer is used by him alone. As long as he dictates fast enough, the supercomputer will process these tasks in parallel, and it is possible to complete hundreds of thousands of mechanical drawings in a day.

And he spends most of his time and energy on technologies that artificial intelligence cannot effectively handle, such as the technical route of all-synthetic rubber, which cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence.

There are also photovoltaic paints, scratch-resistant coatings, precision spraying, materials technology, etc., which are either highly original technologies or very complex precision equipment technologies.

Wang Chuanfu randomly clicked on the technical information he was interested in, and found that the technical description in it was very detailed, even for a layman like him to read it, he felt a bit long-winded.

Wang Chuanfu did not major in mechanics, but looking at these technical materials, there was no obstacle, and he could easily understand what these technologies were talking about.

This can greatly reduce the difficulty for R\u0026D personnel to understand, especially for complex technologies and mechanical structures. Through reading these technical materials, they can quickly grasp the key points without requiring them to understand again.

In the past, when Ye Zishu wrote the technical information manually, in order to save time, many non-critical details were ignored, and only the overall technical implementation and key technical details were written.

After the technicians get the technology, they need to read it and ponder it carefully, and even pass some experiments to verify and correct it, which takes a lot of time.

Just like the technical information he gave to Xuanwu Technology Company before, the R\u0026D personnel still need to constantly adjust the parameters in the laboratory, generally to achieve the best effect that can be achieved under realistic conditions.

After Wang Chuanfu read a few documents, he felt that there was no need to read on. Through several technical documents, he could understand how powerful these technologies are.

Although he may not be clear about many details, he can clearly see those technical parameters. Since Huanyu Group is positioned as a transportation R\u0026D and production enterprise, he has long been mentally prepared.

In the interval between managing Huanyu Group, he also learned knowledge about cars, and he can still understand the parameters related to cars.

In addition to the technical information on this platform, there is also an industrial design software system, which is a software system written by Ye Zishu himself, and has been submitted to Phoenix Technology Company.

With this software system, the industrial design work of his companies will become very simple and efficient, less prone to errors, and even more intelligent than humans.

In fact, this intelligent industrial design software is the one he uses to sort out technical information, so you can know how powerful this software is.

The industrial enterprises under his banner have swelled a bit, and the scale of domestic talents obviously cannot keep up with the speed of industrial development under his banner, and this phenomenon will become more and more common.

In the case of a limited number of talents, how to meet the technological needs of enterprise expansion is a question he has been considering, and artificial intelligence is the key.

How to make full use of artificial intelligence technology to explosively improve the efficiency of human resources will be a long-term question for his companies.

Phoenix Technology, in particular, will take on a very important task, because other industrial enterprises have a limited number of software technicians, many of whom are only doing embedded software research and development, and have a serious lack of experience in developing large-scale software.

The industrial design software is just the beginning. In the future, we will design material R\u0026D software systems, clothing design software R\u0026D systems, industrial process design software systems and other fields, and they all need to be overthrown and rewritten.

There is still no big problem for them to do simple ones, but they can't do anything about complex software systems, such as material research and development software systems.

Not to mention artificial intelligence, even human beings are only based on experience, which requires Yeshu to come up with quite a lot of material research and development theories to support the development of this system.

So this system, Ye Zishu is going to make it himself, but the theoretical knowledge of material research and development is still in preparation, and he can start to develop it after he has accumulated a certain amount of knowledge.

For the current material technology, he can only come up with an example technology, which is also copied from the ready-made technology found in the virtual library. He himself does not have a deep understanding of this.

Wang Chuanfu downloaded this industrial design software system, and then logged in with his common account password to see what functions it has.

However, these software systems are also required to be paid by brother companies, and they are much more expensive than outside. Since these software can only be used internally, Phoenix Technology can't actually make much money.

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