Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 457 Seems Not That Simple

This is not the most surprising thing for Ye Zishu. Kirin Energy Industry Group has even obtained the construction permit of the transmission network. Although it is only a private network construction, it is also unexpected.

The reason why a power grid construction was added to the application materials was to further save costs and try not to cause excessive loss in power transmission, resulting in high terminal costs.

Especially for the production of basic livelihood materials, the terminal sales price should not be too high, otherwise the living cost of residents will be very high, just like the food production he mentioned earlier, it is caused by the high cost of energy.

There are two ways to solve this problem. The first is to arrange industries close to the energy source, so that the cost of power transmission can be saved, but this does not completely solve the problem.

Because after the product is produced, it also needs to be transported to the consumer side, which also requires a lot of cost. He even thinks that the product transportation cost is higher than the power transmission cost.

The current energy production areas are generally located in the vast and sparsely populated northwest region. No matter what is transported from there, the transportation cost will be ridiculously high.

He has never considered placing the grain production base next to the energy base, but will build bases in every province, which can provide food supplies to the nearest provinces and reduce transportation costs.

Products like natural gas are more suitable to be produced near energy bases, and then transported to various demand markets by pipelines, and the loss and transportation costs will not be particularly high.

The second way is to build a special power transmission network, and use advanced power transmission technology to transmit electric energy to various production bases at a lower cost. This is an ideal state.

The current power transmission technology cannot meet his requirements. You must know that solar power plants are relatively concentrated, and the power transmission pressure is very high. If you want to transmit all the power, the construction cost is also expensive.

Take the solar power plant they plan to build in Qinghai, which is expected to produce 10 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year. At present, there is no transmission network that can undertake such a huge transmission task.

If it is an ordinary high-voltage transmission, it is necessary to build dense transmission lines from the energy source to all parts of the country, and the cost is much higher than the construction of gas pipelines.

Therefore, there must be a new power transmission technology to transmit this electric energy at a lower cost, higher efficiency, and lower loss. This is also the significance of his establishment of Kirin Electric Industry Group.

According to his thinking, it is difficult to enter the conventional power transmission network market, at least he does not have the confidence to pry open the door, so he can only settle for the next best thing.

It is hoped that a special power transmission network can be built to transport electric energy from energy production bases to energy consumption areas in the central and eastern regions, with the goal of further reducing terminal energy costs.

He didn't have much hope at first, but he just wanted to give it a try. If he didn't pass, he didn't have much to lose. If he passed, he would take advantage of it.

In the end, he didn't expect to pass it, but it made him feel unreal, and then he began to think about how to really solve the power transmission problem.

He mentioned two methods before. The first is to use UHV transmission technology, which can not only increase the transmission power, but also reduce the energy consumption caused by resistance.

The second is to use a new type of transmission line to reduce the resistance of the transmission line and increase the carrying capacity of the transmission line, which can further reduce the transmission pressure.

If Kirin Electric Industry Group only provides technology and equipment to third-party power grids, it may only adopt the first method alone, because it is the easiest to achieve.

Now that he has a need, he feels that the first method alone is not enough. It is not because he is worried about the loss in the power transmission process, but because he is worried that the power transmission power is not enough to deliver the power from the energy base in time.

As mentioned above, the use of traditional wires for power transmission requires the construction of dense transmission lines to centrally transmit the power of the energy base, otherwise this arduous power transmission task cannot be completed at all.

Previously he just wanted to reduce the resistance of the transmission line as much as possible,

The carbon nanometer special structure transmission line he proposed can indeed do this.

The advantage is that the resistivity is an order of magnitude lower than that of silver, but it does not mean that the power transmission efficiency will be high, because the special structure of carbon nanometers is limited by the physical properties of carbon itself, and the number of electrons per unit volume is not high.

The more electrons per unit volume, the higher the power transmission efficiency. Everyone knows this. In order to make up for the lack of free electrons per unit volume, the electron mobility can only be increased.

Carbon nano-structured materials have unique advantages in electron mobility, which can effectively make up for the shortcomings of insufficient free electrons per unit volume, making their overall power transmission efficiency reach the level of metal wires.

In other words, the use of carbon nanomaterials with a special structure for power transmission can only reduce power consumption in the end, and there are not many advantages in other aspects.

If it is only sold to others, Yeshu thinks that such a product is enough. After all, reducing power consumption is to save costs for customers, not to mention reducing it by an order of magnitude, which already has enough market competitiveness.

After all, as a material seller, it is natural to hope that the other party will buy as many materials as possible. If the power transmission efficiency is very high, the purchase of materials will not be so much. This is a normal businessman's thinking logic.

But when it comes to him, the situation is different. For himself, he naturally hopes to use fewer transmission lines to complete the huge power transmission task.

So he is no longer satisfied with the existing power transmission materials, but wants to come up with better materials to solve the fundamental problem once and for all.

And this kind of material is a superconducting material. Now there are low-temperature superconducting materials and high-temperature superconducting materials. Superconducting is not a new concept.

It’s just that high-temperature superconductors are said to be high-temperature. Compared with normal temperature, they still need to maintain a very low temperature, and maintaining low temperature means increased energy consumption, and the cost will naturally increase.

It is also decades later that the so-called superconducting power transmission is still in the laboratory stage, because there is no possibility of large-scale application at all, and the benefits it brings cannot cover its own disadvantages.

So if he wants to build a superconducting transmission line, it must be a room temperature superconducting material, and the critical temperature must be at least above 45 degrees Celsius, otherwise it cannot be used as a conventional transmission line.

The benefits of superconducting power transmission are naturally clear at a glance. First, the power consumption will be greatly reduced, and second, the space for power transmission will be saved. There is no need to build too many wiring facilities, and the construction cost will be greatly reduced.

It's just that he didn't think of taking out the room temperature superconducting material so early, because it is simply a black technology level for the current level of technology.

He can't judge exactly what the consequences will be. This is the reason why he is unwilling to come up with an overly advanced technology. Too advanced is sometimes not a good thing.

Sitting in his seat, he was thinking a lot, just trying to figure out what impact would be produced after the advent of conventional superconducting materials, and assessing whether the parts that might bring him disadvantages could be afforded.

After thinking for a long time, he felt that this matter is not impossible. After all, superconducting materials have already come out, so it is not impossible to do it, but it needs to be kept at a low temperature, which limits the scope of use.

But for the high-precision field, the loss of maintaining low temperature is completely affordable, which shows that after the emergence of room temperature superconducting materials, it will have a certain impact on the high-precision field, but it is not enough to cause fundamental changes.

Moreover, regardless of the production cost of the room-temperature superconducting material he produced, the terminal sales price is definitely not cheap, otherwise the value of this technology cannot be reflected.

This has raised the threshold for the use of room temperature superconducting materials in daily life and general industry, and the impact on the existing general industry and daily life is not too great.

The other changes brought about by taking out superconductivity are also great. Now that room temperature superconducting materials have been taken out, the difficulty of realizing maglev trains will be greatly reduced.

However, the superconducting materials used in maglev trains and the superconducting materials used in power transmission are definitely not the same, because their critical magnetic field requirements are inconsistent.

What he means is that since a room-temperature superconducting material has been produced, he does not mind producing more room-temperature superconducting materials, which can broaden the use of superconductivity in some special fields, such as the maglev train mentioned above.

Before, he planned to let Huanyu Group only get involved in the research and development of rail super high-speed trains. The emergence of room temperature superconducting materials can completely bypass the rail super high-speed trains and directly start the research and development of ultra-high-speed maglev trains.

As for whether the maglev train will have a limited load capacity, whether it will be difficult to deal with operational failures, and whether it will be difficult to brake, etc., in his opinion, it is not a problem.

He valued the advantages of the maglev train, not only its high speed, but also its very low energy consumption, which can reduce operating costs, and may even be much cheaper than the high-speed rail fares in his previous life.

If high-tech is produced, but ordinary people cannot use it, it means that the popularity is very low, and it has no real meaning other than making a gimmick.

It seemed that after doing this, many plans were about to change. Suddenly he realized that it was not so simple to obtain the permission that he thought was difficult to obtain so easily.

On the one hand, the scale of investment in these industries is very large, which is essentially different from simply providing technology, and these investments can indeed generate economic value and increase the economic scale of our country.

Now there are many people who know that he has a lot of money in his hands. Before that, Taiji Group was just a golden lump, but now Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company have also become golden lumps.

From the national level, of course, it is hoped that these funds will be invested in the country as much as possible to promote the rapid development of various domestic industries and make the economy develop faster.

More importantly, these investments of his are different from ordinary investments, so there is no need to worry about the overheating of the investment and the low rate of return on funds, because these are high-tech industries, and the rate of return is not low.

On the other hand is


He needs to come up with more skills, because he is the kind of character that either does not do it or does it and does it best. It is not ruled out that someone can analyze his character.

In this way, he can make full use of his personality, coupled with his current talent, to accelerate the upgrading of domestic science and technology and improve the overall domestic science and technology level.

If these purposes are really there, and their expectations are met as expected, it is completely worthwhile to give him these permissions, and even the rewards are far greater than the benefits given.

No matter how he makes money, it is on this one-third of an acre of land. The economy has developed, and the benefits brought by taxes alone are far greater than the benefits brought by controlling these industries.


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