Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter four hundred and seventy first investment without return

In fact, these businesses alone do not cost much money, but the purpose of Ye Zishu is not only these, but to establish a small but sophisticated high-tech industrial system.

This system is different from the civilian industrial system, which pays more attention to whether the cost can be accepted by the market. Like the aerospace industry and the military industry, the first consideration is whether it is leading, and the second is whether the cost is affordable.

To give an example, if he really wants to come up with a complete set of positioning and navigation satellite systems, and wants to ensure that he will not fall behind in the next few decades, the technical requirements for many components are currently unattainable.

In addition, my country's industrial industry is still far behind compared to advanced countries. He thinks it is unlikely to get involved in the production and manufacturing of finished products.

The only way to promote the development of the entire industry is to stand behind the relevant state-owned enterprises and provide them with a complete set of technology, equipment and parts support.

In this way, his company does not need to be made public, which is very beneficial to the development of his other industries, otherwise there may be trouble.

In order to be able to isolate risks, Baihu Technology Company will basically have no intersection with any other industries under his umbrella, which is why he hopes to build a complete set of high-tech industries.

Thinking of this, it is actually difficult for him to accurately estimate how much money he needs to invest, but with so much money in hand, he plans to use 200 billion yuan to develop Baihu Technology Company.

Even if it is inexhaustible, it can be used as the reserve fund of Baihu Technology Company, and he will not have to keep injecting capital into this company in the future.

He believes that it is very difficult to use up the high probability, mainly because he provides the technical information, which reduces a lot of capital investment. The number of launched satellites is definitely limited at present, and the total number does not exceed 50.

As for the high-tech industrial system, it does not cost much, because the market scale is limited, the industrial system is complex but the scale is not very large, and the emphasis is on small but precise.

After removing this fund, he still has 600 billion yuan in hand. The first thing that comes to his mind is Wancheng Foundation, but Wancheng Foundation already has a huge investment, and it seems that he does not need additional funds.

He suddenly thought of the movie theater chain that he wanted to build a long time ago, but he hadn't made any moves. Before that, he really had no money and the technical requirements were not up to standard.

Now that he has money, this area should be started, but it is a bit overwhelming to do theater alone. What he wants to do is the urban complex model of Wanda in his previous life.

In fact, this is the main business of Wancheng Foundation this year. Now that the construction industry chain is basically completed, their Lujiazui Financial Center project will officially start construction after the Spring Festival.

The relocation and earthwork work has been going on before, and after a year, these basic works have been completed long ago, just waiting for their construction industry chain to be established.

Ye Shu did not personally participate in their architectural design, but invited internationally renowned architectural design firms to participate in the design. Ye Shu only glanced at their design plan.

Suggestions were put forward for some of the problems found. In fact, architectural design schemes are also subject to building materials. Since there are new building materials, many schemes need to consider the use of these new materials.

There is also comfort. Many architectural designs in the south did not consider heating issues. Ye Zishu put forward his own views on this and asked Wancheng Foundation to make corresponding arrangements when designing buildings.

Another point is to deal with the unmanned express delivery service that may appear in the future. It is necessary to provide each household with a separate express delivery platform, so that they can receive the express delivery when they are not at home, instead of throwing it directly at the door.

It seems that these considerations are a bit redundant now, but their buildings have a very long service life, and if they all see that they may be behind in the future, they will really be behind even more.

At that time, the comfort of living and new buildings will be incomparable, which will lead to a great discount in the value of these buildings, which is not conducive to the maintenance and appreciation of industries such as Wancheng Foundation.

If it is not a structural problem of the main body, other problems can be modified according to the needs of the times.

Therefore, many of the questions he raised are the optimization of the main body structure in order to meet the needs of the future era.

Closer to home, these investments of Wancheng Foundation are to give priority to the development of large cities with relatively developed economies and cities with economic development potential.

It is easy to understand the big cities with a developed economy. There are only a few cities in the country, and only Ye Zishu knows about the cities with huge economic development potential.

Because whether the potential is huge depends not only on whether the national policy supports it, and whether the location has advantages, but also whether he is willing to buy properties in these cities.

Like the three provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei, where the economic advantages are not obvious, after the industrial investment of Kirin Industrial Group, the speed of development in the future will not be slower than that of coastal cities, and the layout in advance can save more costs.

At the same time, it can further promote the speed of urban development in these areas and lay a solid foundation for the further development of Kirin Industrial Group. The two complement each other.

Therefore, at present, Wancheng Foundation does not have the energy and capital to focus on the development of small places, such as county towns and some prefecture-level cities with backward economies.

And the theater chain he wants to build must cover the whole country, extending as far as the county town at the lowest, so that people all over the country have the opportunity to enjoy the latest movie entertainment content.

In addition, he also wants to establish a retail terminal network covering the whole country, including department stores, supermarkets, clothing and home appliances, catering and entertainment, and so on.

These retail terminal networks need a carrier, and he believes that the best carrier is an urban complex, and Wancheng Foundation can only achieve this level at present.

At present, their funds are not enough to carry out more business. Like the new city development he mentioned before, it was just a thought at the time, and now it seems a bit naive.

Not to mention the difficulties encountered in the policy, the mere demand for funds is not what Wancheng Foundation can afford. Of course, they are not ineffective.

In the past year, in addition to improving the construction of the construction industry chain, the company's organizational structure and the training and construction of the talent team, it has purchased land in many cities across the country.

However, they did not have much funds last year, so they were not so conspicuous in the country. It is estimated that the name of Wancheng Foundation will be known to many people this year.

The money in Wancheng Jiye's own hands can be carried out according to their original plan. Ye Zishu does not intend to intervene, but goes deep into the construction of comprehensive retail channels in the county, and plans to use the funds in his hands to complete it.

It's not that this is very profitable, but that the money must be spent. Only when it is spent can it flow into the hands of ordinary people, drive consumption, and promote the development of the domestic economy.

Domestic economic development is now unlikely to rely on consumption to increase, and can only rely on investment to increase. No matter from which point of view, the current investment in fixed assets is still very cost-effective.

The reason why I think of county towns and other ordinary prefecture-level cities is that in addition to the need to build retail terminal channels mentioned above, the most important thing is to let funds flow to the lower levels.

Anyway, for him, if there is no accident, there will only be more funds available next year than this. It seems that spending money indiscriminately is actually very beneficial to the country's economic development.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are no economically powerful local snakes in various places, it is not difficult for Wancheng Foundation to penetrate into the county area. After there are economically powerful local snakes in various places, many things will be difficult to handle.

There are only more than 2,800 county-level divisions in the country. In the initial stage, it is calculated based on the investment of 100 million yuan in a county, which will cost more than 280 billion yuan.

After the first batch of construction is completed and successfully opened, Wancheng Foundation will become a local leader in various counties, and it will become easier to make larger-scale investments.

In fact, Ye Zishu believes that a city with a population of more than 10 million will become unlivable. He doesn't know if he can fight against the general trend, but he still wants to try.

Try to make the country's economic development more balanced, and try to let more people not need to leave the land where their ancestors lived for generations to work outside, and can find a decent job at home.

He invested in the three provinces in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River for this purpose, and will further extend to the inland in the future, especially for industries that are not very sensitive to location conditions. He will definitely give priority to the inland.

Therefore, he plans to invest a total of 300 billion yuan in the county economic complex, with a minimum of 100 million yuan, and then increase the investment scale appropriately according to the population situation, with a maximum of no more than 300 million yuan.

Because the initial investment scale is too large and the risk is too high, if the relationship with the local area is not very good, he can still afford a loss of 100 to 200 million yuan, and he will not feel very painful.

The remaining 300 billion yuan is to be invested in ordinary prefecture-level cities. There are more than 300 prefecture-level cities in the country. Excluding the cities that Wancheng Jiye originally wanted to invest in, select 300 from the remaining prefecture-level cities. Each prefecture-level city invests 1 billion yuan.

The exact amount of investment still depends on the population size of the urban area. Ye Zishu does not intend to intervene in this regard. In this regard, the research of Wancheng Foundation should be more thorough than him.

The money seems to have been invested, but in fact most of the money will go back to Wancheng Foundation, because they can provide support for the entire construction industry chain.

Except for the salaries for employees, the purchase of necessary external raw materials and equipment, and the purchase of land, most of these funds are circulated internally, but the wealth created is real.

If this year's plan goes well, the performance of Wancheng Foundation next year will be very impressive, which will promote the development of their entire construction industry chain at a faster speed.

After thinking about it, Ye Zishu wrote out the fund use plan on his laptop, and at the same time wrote down the details he could think of.

Before the Spring Festival in February, they will hold a high-level meeting, which is not only a summary of the past year, but also a discussion on some plans for this year. At that time, the things written now can be shown to these high-level leaders.

The heads of the companies who received the money can be happy, which can promote the development of the industry they are responsible for, and the heads of the companies that pay the money can also understand where their money is spent, so they won't be confused.

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