Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 475 Various leaderboards are competing for the right to speak

The entire Shengshi Cultural Group's revenue last year was still very impressive. Except for Shengshi Records, other industries that are already on the right track have achieved great development.

Just wanting to take out the extra money to hand over, it is a bit reluctant for them, their new business media business and Internet cafe business are still in the investment stage.

Especially in the media business, they are already prepared for long-term losses. Unless they have their own TV station, it is only a small amount of money to rely on paper media to make money.

In order to expand their media influence, they added a lot of media business last year. There are three newspapers alone, focusing on financial news, international news and domestic news.

There are also three kinds of magazines, which are financial magazines, fashion magazines and literary magazines. For this part, Ye Zishu has no control at all, and they are all figured out by themselves.

They adopt a low-price strategy for the operation of newspapers, and at the same time they must ensure that the quality of the content is high, otherwise such a newspaper will be meaningless to run.

The low price is mainly to expand their influence. After all, that is the purpose of their newspapers. In addition, they are private newspapers, so they are naturally at a disadvantage.

Magazines are not the same, the price is relatively high, but the content quality requirements are higher, and the overall cost performance is still acceptable, Ye Zishu didn't say much.

However, he still put forward his own opinion. All content must not be taken out of context, exaggerated, let alone false content, and do not arbitrarily extend ideas beyond the chain of evidence.

This is mainly to reflect the seriousness of these newspapers and magazines. If it is like the tabloids on the roadside, there is no need to run it. He does not lack this money, so there is no need to use sensationalism to expand the readership.

Of course, these requirements also hope that they can strictly discipline themselves to avoid problems that cannot be dealt with after all. After all, the domestic situation is different, so it is very necessary to be cautious in words and deeds.

At present, the average daily circulation of their three newspapers is only about 1 million, which is not very large, but he is still quite satisfied. It is not easy to achieve this level in such a short period of time.

The rest will take time to operate, but they have an idea, that is, they want to publish the rankings of domestic companies and the richest people, so as to increase the influence of the media group.

Ye Shu was very hesitant about their idea. Doing so would indeed cause a huge sensation in the country, and even focus the national attention on their media.

But he will inevitably be implicated, whether it is the corporate rankings,

Whether it's the rich list, he will be ranked first, and he can't escape even if he wants to.

If his property is not so conspicuous, he can use some means to hide himself, but at his size, it is no longer easy to hide.

He also doesn't want such rankings to be questioned as soon as they come out. It would be better not to do so. Not only will it not help them expand their influence and authority, but it will damage their original image.

But if it keeps procrastinating, it's not an option. If they don't do this market, others will naturally do it. There will always be someone with a keen eye. Isn't the Hurun ranking in the previous life an example.

If you don't do it, it will be cheaper for others, and it will still be difficult for you to hide yourself. It is impossible for him to spend money to reduce his property status, and he is not that boring yet.

Anyway, his money comes from an aboveboard way, and he does not rely on relationships to earn wealth. There is also an essential difference from traditional industries. Whether it is jealousy or imitation, it is difficult for others to do it.

In fact, with his size, it is impossible to hide it from the government. It can only be hidden from ordinary people. Even some economists can figure it out.

From this point of view, he didn't allow them to launch these rankings, he was just deceiving himself and others, he could only hide it for a while, but he couldn't hide it for a lifetime.

The downside of being exposed is that it causes unnecessary controversy. He is not worried about ordinary people's hatred of the rich, because the gap between them is too big, it is difficult to have such an idea, and it is easy to have such emotions if the gap is not big.

Instead, he is worried about changes in relevant domestic policies. You must know that in order to stabilize the achievements of reform and opening up, the old man went to the south for inspection the year before last.

As a result, in less than two years, a super rich man like him was born in the soil of socialism. It is impossible not to arouse some people's worries.

At that time, there will be more noises, which may affect the development of some of his industries. He is still unable to evaluate the specific impact.

There are benefits, of course. The most obvious change is that he is no longer unknown when he returns to his hometown. He is not greedy for this vanity, but makes many people realize his value.

This point is of great significance to many of his investments. The resistance to the development of the underlying industries will be much smaller, and everyone will only scramble for him to invest.

I used to do high-end industrial industries, and I didn’t care much about these, but Wancheng Foundation will soon be in the expansion period, and land resources are in the hands of governments at all levels.

Valley B

This meant that Wancheng Foundation had to deal with various governments. If he had the title of the richest man, Wancheng Foundation would be able to carry out many businesses more easily.

Also, if he wants to build a retail terminal channel industry, he also needs the support of the local government. Even if he does not support it, it is best not to make trouble, otherwise the operation will be very difficult.

The most important thing is that he was able to create such a huge wealth in such a short period of time, and he did not rely on cheap labor like other enterprises.

The value of him will attract special attention. There may be a slight possibility in many industries that were difficult to enter in the past. After all, a person like him is simply the reincarnation of the God of Wealth.

There must be many people who hope to accelerate the speed of domestic economic development through his hands, and hope to speed up the growth of the local economy at worst. This is certain.

The domestic desire for prosperity is very strong, but the current situation in our country is like this. We can only start from low-end industries and slowly accumulate capital and technical strength, hoping to become a dragon in the future.

And his existence obviously broke the law of economic development, bypassed the old M's global industrial division of labor, and had the possibility of overtaking in curves.

From this point of view, he has strategic significance and can also guarantee that he himself is absolutely safe, which is why he is not worried about his own safety.

He is different from ordinary businessmen. He is not only a super rich man, but also a super scientist. No matter what his status is, his meaning is extraordinary and he will never be hit by the bright side.

The combination of these two factors makes it even more difficult to evaluate. He needs to carefully weigh the pros and cons. In his position, making decisions based on personal feelings is very harmful. Thinking about problems from the perspective of interests is more rational.

Rationality is the quality that a mature decision-maker should have, otherwise it will only bring great harm to his huge industry, and the interests of employees living around the industry will also be damaged.

Now that he saw their annual report, Ye Zishu reconsidered this issue. He knew that delaying it would not be a big problem, but if it was delayed for a long time, it would definitely cause problems.

The world will not completely revolve around his will. If he wants to procrastinate, others may not necessarily procrastinate. The current situation has also undergone great changes, and the experience of previous lives cannot be counted.

Sitting in his seat and thinking for a long time, Ye Zishu finally wrote down his decision in an email to Shengshi Media Group.

Although emotionally speaking, he doesn't want to make public, he just wants to quietly develop the industry according to his ideas, and doesn't want to involve too much with the outside world.

After all, he is still an otaku. This is a living habit brought from his previous life. Even if he is a rich man now, this kind of thing in his consciousness is difficult to change.

But in his position, he can't completely rely on his own temperament. He still needs to proceed from actual interests and make decisions that maximize benefits.

In the e-mail, Ye Zishu agreed with them to create such a ranking list, but only asked them to be objective and fair, and not to report selectively because of interests, which violated industry ethics and also violated his original intention of starting the media.

He hopes that the rankings can correctly guide the development of the domestic economy, because the rankings themselves have the meaning of a weather vane, and it is the direction for many people to achieve their wealth goals.

He can be sure that when others see what his fortune is, many people will also rush in, expecting to get a share of it, and he has no intention of stopping it, because stopping it is useless.

But he will not be polite when competing. If you want to be rich in the mall, you have to rely on your ability.

Finally, he put forward a suggestion, which is to increase the ranking list of social influence index, targeting enterprises and individuals respectively, and evaluating the social influence of each enterprise and individual.

Although he knows that a large group of people will be offended by such a ranking, companies and individuals with high rankings will naturally be very happy, because it shows that they have a positive meaning to society.

The companies and individuals who are ranked behind are probably going to hate it to the bone, indicating that the size of their companies does not match their positive social influence.

These two rankings must choose the top-sized companies and top-wealth individuals. Ye Zishu recommends selecting the top 1,000 as the ranking.

For this reason, he also specially designed a strict calculation method for them, and tried to make such a ranking list more representative and able to explain some problems through the perspective of multi-dimensional analysis.

In addition, if the strength allows, launch the global corporate rankings and the richest rankings, so that you can grasp a certain degree of global discourse power, and the level is much higher than simply tossing around in the country.

The right to speak is a very abstract concept. Generally speaking, countries with strong economic strength will naturally have a much greater right to speak. Although our country is currently insufficient in strength, we cannot completely stop fighting.

In the matter of fighting for the right to speak, there is no such thing as courtesy, because there are huge interests behind it, and it belongs to the field that has to be contested.

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