Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 477: Vocational Education Moving Ahead Against Difficulties

In the end, Ye Zishu read the annual report of New Oriental Education Group. Last year, the total revenue was 5 billion yuan, and the main income came from the employee training of his industries.

Last year alone, the number of employees trained by New Oriental Education Group was as high as 2.5 million, mainly from Xuanwu Technology Company and Wancheng Foundation Company.

Among them, the number of employees trained by Xuanwu Technology Company through them is close to 2 million, most of whom are workers on assembly lines, and a small part belong to workers on manufacturing lines such as machinery, electronic components, and precision equipment.

The former has a shorter training period and lower training costs for a single worker, while the latter has higher technical requirements and a longer training period, so the unit price is naturally much higher.

The remaining nearly 500,000 people are basically training commissions from Wancheng Foundation, mainly for training employees in the construction industry chain, and the number of basic employees is very high.

In addition, there are some intermediate construction engineers, such as construction supervision, construction site management and other related types of training.

The rest of the income comes from other industries. The number of people is not very large, and the total number does not exceed 50,000. Many of them are still in a state of training, because these are basically high-skilled jobs.

In order to be able to cope with so many training businesses and to ensure the quality, they all adopt the method of recruiting teachers with high salaries. The labor cost is very high, and the operating income does not make much money.

In addition to Ye Zishu’s previous investment, New Oriental Education Group is actually losing money as a whole, with a book loss as high as 6 billion yuan. The actual operation is basically balanced, because 5 billion yuan of which comes from his investment.

In addition to these industrial training needs, their other training businesses have also been going on, such as their old business of going abroad for English education.

Although these businesses are relatively easy to make money, the scale is still very limited, and Ye Zishu is not particularly interested in these jobs, so he doesn't pay special attention to them.

To be honest, this kind of behavior is to send the talents that I have cultivated with great difficulty abroad. It is hard to say how many people will come back in the future.

But Ye Shu didn't stop them from doing this, because it wasn't something that wouldn't happen if they didn't do it, some things wouldn't be changed by personal will.

What he can do is to develop the country's economy as much as possible, make the people rich, and make the country strong. This is the fundamental way to really solve the problem.

This is also the reason why he is not particularly interested in the top universities in China. He always thinks about cultivating talents by himself, because the exodus of top talents in the 1990s was too common.

That's why he said in his last interview that he hoped that education funds would be more inclined to other universities, and not to take special care of the top universities in front of him.

He hopes that under his education system, the number of top universities will not be particularly large, and they will mainly be engaged in cutting-edge scientific research, rather than simply training engineers.

The training of engineers can be carried out in vocational schools. The vocational schools he saw when he returned to his hometown are the embodiment of this idea. Engineers are senior technicians after all, and do not need top qualifications.

Ordinary high school graduates, as long as they have solid basic scientific knowledge, can acquire skills in a certain field through systematic training, coupled with rich work experience, it is not impossible to become a senior engineer.

Even if you can't become a senior engineer, it's not too difficult to become an intermediate engineer. Social jobs are inherently hierarchical. With his approach, everyone can find their own competent position according to their own abilities.

In the end, Ye Zishu saw that their book cash was 100 million yuan, and couldn't help but smile wryly. Could it be that he wrote this figure just to let him transfer money?

100 million yuan can only pay for the salaries of their huge team of teachers. This is because it is already the end of the year, and many trainings have stopped. Only the teachers need to be paid basic salaries, and there is no need to pay working hours.

They completed the construction of 100 vocational schools last year, and some schools have started to operate in the second half of the year.

But there are also a considerable number of schools that will not start operating until this year.

The main reason is that it is not easy to form a team of teachers. The cultivation of these talents is not like the training of ordinary workers, which has higher requirements for teachers.

Although it is a vocational school, they still hope to build it according to the configuration of ordinary colleges and universities, and each school must be equipped with professor-level scholars to preside over the teaching work of the school.

It is still difficult for them to recruit people with a professorial level. This is not a question of money. Most people feel ashamed to go to such a school no matter how much money they give.

Except for scholars who really have the ideal of teaching and educating people, everyone else actually cares about fame and fortune. Among them, "name" is obviously more important, because being famous will benefit, and the two have a close relationship.

At present, the professor-level scholars they have recruited are mainly moved by their ideals. They feel that New Oriental's educational philosophy is likely to be realized, although it seems a bit idealistic.

Valley clock

Of course, New Oriental Education Group will not treat them badly in terms of remuneration, which is much higher than that of domestic public universities. At the same time, it also promises to support these talents to carry out relevant research and provide them with financial support.

Although the purpose of vocational schools is to train engineers, there are also related subject researches, not just classes, so it is impossible to train senior engineers.

Last year, the construction of 100 schools was completed, with a total enrollment of 30,000 people, and an average of only 3,000 students per school, which could not meet their enrollment expectations.

According to their expectations, there are at least 5,000 students in each school, but the failure to meet expectations is due to their low popularity, not to mention the quality of students.

Any student who can be admitted to a junior college will not go to their school. After all, they are privately run. This alone has been rejected by many students and parents.

But New Oriental Education Group is not discouraged. In order to improve students' ability to learn professional knowledge, they set up a one-year preparatory course to supplement the basic knowledge of these students.

Seeing their plight, Ye Zishu thought about whether he should take out the health care products that had been sealed up before to improve the students' concentration, so as to increase the learning ability of these students.

Students who can go to high school will definitely not have a low IQ, at least above the average line. The reason why they can't come out on top is due to many reasons.

First of all, the IQ does not belong to the outstanding type, and this leaf book can't help it. IQ is basically innate, and it is also very random, and there is no universal law.

Unless Ye Zishu comes up with a black-tech product to abruptly improve the IQ of human beings, but he has no such plan at present. He is so cautious about health care products that improve concentration, let alone this kind of black-tech product.

Before he was unsure of the consequences, he was more cautious. Coupled with the current domestic economic level, taking it out would only lead to social injustice.

At least he thinks it is important to maintain relative fairness at this stage, and will not consider whether to take it out until everyone becomes rich later, or when human science develops to a bottleneck period.

The second is the problem of learning methods. Learning actually has a knack. Unless you are a person with top IQ, most of the IQs are actually similar.

In this regard, he feels that he can still do something. Artificial intelligence can be used to help these students master learning skills step by step by using guided learning methods.

Even if students are not proficient in using it, under the guidance of artificial intelligence, they will unconsciously follow more reasonable learning habits and methods, so that students can learn things.

Moreover, this learning method is one-on-one, which can provide customized teaching for each student, and will not bring huge psychological pressure to students.

Finally, there is the problem of concentration. Some people are naturally attracted to complicated things, and some people just like to focus on one thing, and the chores around them are difficult to attract his attention.

He himself belongs to this kind of person. He can do his own thing without distraction, and can automatically block the interference from the outside world. In the 10 years before he went to university, he only focused on learning knowledge, which is the embodiment of concentration.

Once he thinks that doing something is meaningful and worthy of his all-out effort, he will keep doing it. The previous ten years of study are what he thinks is the most meaningful thing, and now he has benefited a lot.

For students with such problems, the health care products he used to improve concentration can play a role. Although there is a gap with students who have concentration, they can still play a good role.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu sent an email to Pei Qing, asking them to produce small batches of health care products that improve concentration and provide them to the students of these schools for free.

In fact, free is not a good way, everyone may not cherish it, but if it is not free, quite a few students will not be able to afford it.

Even if it is sold at a low price, it will cause some controversy. There are also some stingy students who are unwilling to bear the extra cost, so they simply pay it for free. Anyway, with such a small number of people, they can still afford it.

What is considered now is not the issue of profitability, but to erect the school's signboard to increase the confidence of the outside world in New Oriental Vocational School.

This confidence comes from two aspects. The first is that they can really learn something in school. This is what students can really feel. Students have confidence in school education, which will spread to their families and society.

The second is employment income, which has a great boost to confidence. Most people study to find a good job and earn a good income. There are definitely very few people who want to learn knowledge to climb the peak of human science.

Finally, Leaf Book considers funding for New Oriental Education Group


The question is, last year we gave 5 billion yuan, but this year we made some money, and the stalls are gradually spreading out, so the 5 billion yuan is a little too little, so we simply increased the funding to 10 billion yuan.


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