Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 493: State Assets Must Be Introduced

To be honest, Ye Zishu is actually very reluctant to worry about this. Agricultural investment is actually thankless, and there is no comparison with the money he made through the high-tech industry.

Earning is hard money, but judging from the current situation, he still has to take care of it. If these are left to the state to deal with, it's not that it can't be done, but that the policy has a serious lag.

When the Kirin Industrial Group actually produces grain on a large scale, the country may still evaluate and draw a conclusion before formulating relevant policies, and the implementation of the policies may not necessarily be smooth sailing.

At that time, there will be a large-scale unemployment of farmers and it will be difficult to maintain their livelihoods. He will feel very uncomfortable earning this money. Instead of doing this, he might as well do things ahead.

Although Taiji Group invests in agriculture on a large scale, it is bound to make them occupy a very high share in the agricultural field, as if they have a monopoly advantage.

But Ye Zishu would never let them do this. It involved the daily necessities of the common people. Even if he had a good eye for money, he would not dare to make a fuss about it.

On the contrary, it is also necessary to ensure that the common people can pay for these daily necessities relatively easily, without causing great pressure, and when there are speculations in the market, it is necessary to take the initiative to stabilize prices.

People who have achieved his level of business can no longer simply think about problems from the perspective of a businessman, but must think about problems from the perspective of the overall situation.

Otherwise, the ending he faces will definitely not be good. Only by handling some things from the perspective of the people's vital interests can he make his business more stable and make himself safer.

As for whether the meat products produced by them using biotechnology will have an impact on the existing animal husbandry, Ye Shu thinks it will not be great.

First, the supply of meat products in our country has been in a state of shortage, and there is still a lot of gaps, especially with the economic recovery, the consumption of meat products will show a rapid increase.

In the previous life, our country needed to import a large amount of meat products every year. At the same time, our country's animal husbandry industry was also very large. These data can support his judgment.

The second is that factory-grown meat and naturally-raised meat products can meet different user needs. Some people like to eat naturally-raised meat products.

Although in Yeshu's opinion, the meat products produced in factories are safer and may taste better, but the domestic people have such a hobby.

In the previous life, there were so many meat products in China, and there were even a lot of wild animals raised for meat, but some people still fell in love with real wild animals.

In fact, the meat quality of artificially raised animals has been improved to varying degrees.

On the contrary, it is more suitable for human taste and relatively healthier.

The only thing that worries Ye Zishu is whether Taiji Group can take on this task. They don't have much foundation in the cultivation technology of high-quality agricultural products.

Moreover, the training of high-quality agricultural products takes a lot of time. It is not an industrial product, and it can be effective in a short time, and there are still many uncertainties in the process.

However, Ye Zishu did not mention that he would help them. Let them try it first. In the early stage, they mainly promote the cultivation of common cash crops, and the technical requirements are not particularly high.

When he was really free, he would spend some time researching on the training of high-quality agricultural products, but his method was relatively simple and rude, and he would never use traditional cultivation methods.

With a virtual laboratory, he can quickly optimize the genes of crops, and even simulate whether the crops with recombinant genes are stable or have uncertain hazards for a long time.

After obtaining the optimized gene series, the gene fragments can be artificially synthesized directly, and the plant seeds can be produced directly from the factory, but it takes a long time in the seedling raising stage and the growth process.

According to his thinking, if there is a technological advantage, there is no need to carry out biological improvement in the traditional way, as long as the optimized gene can be expressed stably and there are no long-term hidden dangers.

The industrialized meat production that he intends to let Kirin Industrial Group engage in will also be genetically modified first, so that the meat tastes better and has higher nutritional value, and at the same time, the cost of factory training is as low as possible.

Of course, it is difficult to achieve the above points at the same time. At that time, the products will be divided into several grades and sold in the market at different prices.

During this period of time, he has been learning biological knowledge, and he has gained a lot, which makes him very confident in carrying out the above scientific research tasks.

Moreover, if Taiji Group wants to become the world's top pharmaceutical and medical enterprise, it must solve the problem of artificial organ cultivation, which will solve many human medical problems.

Although Ye Zishu does not advocate doing this, he still hopes to slowly repair damaged or diseased human organs through medical methods, which will be much better for the overall therapeutic effect.

But nothing is absolute. In many special cases, it is necessary to use the method of organ replacement to achieve the purpose of rapid treatment. After all, time sometimes waits for no one.

Gu Nong

Even with artificial organ cultivation technology, it is necessary to develop replacement organ products that can be used urgently in emergency situations. After all, it takes time to cultivate organs, and in many cases, patients simply cannot wait.

Ye Zishu provided Taiji Group with a lot of references, but then again, if you want to achieve certain results in agriculture, you must invest a lot.

Now they have undertaken the task of building a huge medical system, and their funds have been exhausted. In addition to some industries that must be invested in themselves, they have no money to invest in agriculture.

After Pei Qing told the situation, Ye Zishu thought about it for a long time. This question is really a bit tricky, and it can't be dragged on any longer.

Such ordinary vegetables would definitely not use the plant cultivation technology he provided before. The cost is too high, and the price of the produced agricultural products is too high, so the market will not be very good.

At most, ordinary greenhouses are used for planting, and some crops are even planted in the open air. At least at this stage, it is appropriate and necessary to do so.

When the common people really care about inorganic food in the future, it will not be too late to adopt more advanced planting technology. We must first solve the problem of whether we can eat it, and then solve the problem of whether we can eat it well.

But even so, if you want to organize so many farmers, not to mention investing in greenhouses, the cost of organization is not a small number.

They are not making small noises, but the coverage is very huge. It may be necessary to reach cooperation with tens of millions of farmers in a year, and it will inevitably cost a huge amount of money to establish a huge production and marketing system.

If Tai Chi Group does not undertake the task of building a medical system, their funds are still fully sufficient, but the current situation is that the construction of a nationwide medical system cannot be delayed.

Where does the money come from? The result of Ye Zishu's thinking is to introduce national capital. He is not very willing to do this. If someone is willing to invest, he welcomes it before it is too late.

However, private capital is not strong now, and it is impossible for them to invest their limited capital into the bottomless pit of agriculture.

Even if all links are done to the best, it depends on God's answer. The reason why agriculture is difficult is that the uncertainty is too high. In contrast, the uncertainty of industry and commerce is much lower.

It should have relied on state-owned capital, and the country itself has the obligation to develop the country's agricultural construction, and the responsibility it bears is much greater than that of Taiji Group, which is a private enterprise.

In addition to this, there is another consideration, that is, if Taiji Group really independently builds an advanced development model covering agriculture across the country, it has actually formed a monopoly advantage.

Although Ye Zishu does not intend to use this monopoly advantage to make huge profits, it cannot alleviate the outside world's fear of this situation. The introduction of state capital is to avoid this situation.

At that time, a situation of three-party restriction will be formed. The farmers participating in the cooperation are responsible for the actual production work, Taiji Group is responsible for the production and sales of agricultural products and channel construction, and the state-owned assets are responsible for supervision.

In this way, none of the three parties can control the whole situation alone, so that all parties can rest assured that the entire business will be handed over to Taiji Group for management, and the entire agricultural system will be more stable.

As for whether the Kirin Industrial Group's monopoly on food production will cause suspicion, Ye Shu is not worried. The two are completely different things.

After all, Kirin Industrial Group is just a company, how could it possibly confront the country head-on, and the interests involved here are very simple, so it is easier for the country to deal with.

After thinking about this, Ye Zishu said to Pei Qing: "Since you may have a shortage of funds, you should introduce state capital, thus forming a tripartite system consisting of you, farmers, and state capital.

You provide agricultural planting technology and the construction of production and sales channels, state-owned assets are responsible for supervising the operation of the entire system, farmers control the actual production of agricultural products, and the three parties are responsible for their own parts.

Later, you will formulate a detailed agricultural development plan, and then send it to the relevant agricultural departments, and let them see what they say.

If you haven't come up with a feasible plan by the middle of this year, you are making other plans, and time waits for no one, unless everyone doesn't want to develop and just waste time here.

I think that there is a high probability that all parties will take active actions. The food issue involves national stability, and the food security issue can be solved once and for all, so it cannot be overemphasized.

Secondly, this plan can solve the problem of low income of farmers and make agricultural planting a little more profitable. If more high-quality crops come out in the later stage, agricultural production will make many farmers have a good time. "

Although Pei Qing was surprised that Ye Zishu took the initiative to make a profit, which was rarely seen in the past business process, she was in favor of this decision with both hands.

In addition to being able to solve part of the funding problem, the most important thing is that with the participation of countries, many difficult problems have become easier.

At least to mobilize the active cooperation of the local government is not easy for the Taiji Group, and the agricultural development plan must have the cooperation of the local government, otherwise it will be difficult to succeed.

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