Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 519: It's All Others Can't Play

"Aren't you afraid of offending a large group of people by saying these words?" The reporter asked in surprise.

It can be said that except for his industry, most industries are in the state he said. These words are no different from opening a map gun.

The current social atmosphere is to pay attention to "snakes have snakes, rats have rats", as long as they can get money, everyone thinks it is worthy of praise, but people who say like him are rare.

Of course, this situation is also due to the fact that they are all about the same level. The eldest brother doesn't talk about the second brother, so naturally they don't tease each other.

Hearing what the reporter said, Ye Zishu smiled and said, "I just want to remind these people that they can make money not because of their great ability, but because of the current special social environment.

Now there is a problem with the atmosphere in the society. I want to tell these people that their money is in blood, which is not so honorable. "

When the reporter heard this, he originally asked the question in a joking manner, but now he was a little afraid that he would continue talking. This was already a blatant satire of many people.

The reporter knew very well that he was an employee under his banner, and the boss's unscrupulous use of map guns might make it difficult for them to do their jobs in the future.

Naturally, he saw the reporter's expression, so he said, "Your mentality is not a good one. If you are a reporter who is afraid of offending others, then you can only be a sounding board."

When the reporter heard Ye Zishu say this, he was really helpless. Not only did he describe other businessmen as useless, but he even didn't let him go. How does this make him continue the conversation?

The reporter was silent for a while, maybe trying to organize his words, and then said: "There is no way to do this, after all, if they want to develop high-end, they don't have the strength.

There is no similar industrial development method like yours in the whole country or even the world. Everyone needs a process of accumulation. "

Ye Zishu also agreed with this statement. He didn't expect him to think of this in such a short period of time. It seems that this financial reporter is not an embroidered pillow, and he is indeed a bit dry.

"The things you said are indeed objective facts, and the above words are just a reminder to them, don't think about making progress after making money, just greedy for personal pleasure.

If it's just like this, don't blame others when people look down on them, and people like them will also be abandoned by the rapidly developing society. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing this, the reporter was immediately relieved.

It's like rounding up what was said before. Although it is still so harsh, it has been eased a lot.

"Then how much time do you think is left for them?" the reporter asked.

Originally, Ye Shu thought that this topic would be skipped, but he didn't expect him to think of this question, and this question is not very easy to answer.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and said, "The exact time is definitely impossible to predict, but I think it will be ten or so years at most."

"How did you come up with this time?"

"This is more complicated. Generally, this conclusion is drawn from the perspective of the speed of economic and social development. Let's look at this issue from an economic perspective first.

As the economy of the whole country develops and grows, the per capita salary will definitely get higher and higher. The affordable cost of low-end industries is actually very fragile, and the marginal effect brought about by a large population is less and less empowering for low-end industries.

And I think that in the next 10 years or so, the total volume of my country's economy is likely to achieve huge growth, and the per capita income level will also increase rapidly.

At present, if the domestic low-end industries do not respond well, they can only be ruthlessly eliminated, and it is even impossible to survive by relying on industrial migration.

This has to be explained from the perspective of technology. At present, intelligent technology is becoming more and more advanced. It will not be long before companies that master the core technology of intelligent technology will make these low-end industries have no place to live.

Secondly, from a social point of view, population growth will no longer increase significantly as in the past, and the demographic dividend will disappear rapidly as the economy continues to develop.

Low-end industries need to rely on the support of a huge human resource environment. When this environment does not exist, there will naturally be no basis for development. "Leaf Book said.

In fact, what Ye Zishu wants to say is that within 10 years, he is confident that the domestic economic aggregate will become the number one in the world, but he still doesn't say what he said.

It's not that he is afraid of being slapped in the face, as long as he is given an environment to develop, he has this confidence. It's just that he is afraid of stimulating other countries. At this stage, there is no need to be quick with his tongue.

As for the intelligent science and technology he mentioned, he didn't go into details. The low-level ones are ordinary unmanned factories, and the high-level ones are intelligent robots.

These technologies are likely to be born from his companies. He has not yet made a final decision on whether to provide them to the outside world at that time. It depends on what kind of social governance method he will choose at that time.


If fully unmanned production can be realized, the current labor relations will definitely be completely disintegrated. The stage of society is completely different from the present, and it cannot be explained clearly in a few words now.

"Since low-end industries may find it difficult to survive due to rising labor costs, does the service industry have more room for development in the future, and is it a feasible path for these capitals to transform into the service industry?" the reporter asked.

This kind of thinking may be the choice of most capitals. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, the service industry is linked to people, and no matter how advanced the technology is, it cannot get rid of the participation of people.

This means that the service industry is less sensitive to technology, and all capital involved will bear the same cost.

As for the increase in labor costs, at worst it can be passed on to consumers, and this overall increase is also accepted by the society.

It’s just that they don’t know how far technology can develop in the future. If there really are advanced intelligent robots that can provide services that are no different from humans, or even better, this kind of thinking will appear ridiculous.

Ye Zishu didn't intend to go into too much detail, but just said: "Your idea is also human, and under normal circumstances, this is a good idea for transformation.

However, there are several problems here. First, industrial transformation is not so easy to do. Some industries seem simple, but if you really want to participate, you will find that it is not so simple.

Therefore, there is a risk of failure in transformation, especially from the industrial field to the service industry, the span is a bit large, and the probability of transformation failure is very high.

Second, the capital squeeze effect is very obvious. When a large amount of capital is invested in a field, it will inevitably increase the operating cost of this field in a short time, and the benefit will decrease instead.

This process will reshuffle many capitals. Only the capital that survives can share some benefits, and the capital that does not survive can only be wiped out.

Third, the estimation of future technology may be seriously insufficient. When a large number of service robots appear, the right to speak in the industry may not necessarily be in their hands. "

Originally, Ye Zishu also wanted to talk about the fourth point, that is, labor relations may undergo huge changes by then, resulting in social governance that may be completely different from what it is now.

Insignificant capital like theirs may not have any room for survival, and it is even possible that the capital at that time and the capital now are not the same concept at all.

It's just that he feels that if he speaks out, it may bring him huge troubles. At present, the domestic focus is still on attracting capital, and saying this may scare a lot of capital.

After listening to his words, the reporter found that the transition to the service industry he said is not so easy. It is gratifying for the successful ones, but most of them may still end in failure.

Moreover, the service industry seems to have no threshold, but in fact it is not. The advanced companies will inevitably occupy a competitive advantage, and the latecomers may not necessarily be able to reap the benefits.

"It seems that it is more reliable to achieve industrial transformation in this field!" The reporter finally said with emotion.

Ye Zishu did not agree this time, because this road is not so easy, especially in the presence of his subsidiaries, the situation may be very different.

At present, it has little impact on these low-end industries, and can even promote the development of many domestic industries, but this is only temporary, and no one can tell what will happen in the future.

Seeing that Ye Zishu didn't speak, after he finished his tea, the reporter asked again: "What investment plan or personal plan do you have next?"

"Your question is more like asking for information. Logically speaking, I shouldn't disclose the direction of my investment, because it is very likely that I will add a lot of competitors to myself." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, the reporter also felt that this question was a bit unreasonable, but since he said it, he also wanted to hear how Ye Zishu answered it. As for whether to publish it or not, that's another matter.

"You can also choose not to answer." The reporter said with a smile.

"If it is an ordinary industry, naturally I don't want to disclose the news in advance and increase competitors, but the industry I am involved in is not so easy to enter.

Generally speaking, the direction of investment is naturally to solve practical economic and social problems, such as the real estate industry and textile industry just mentioned.

In fact, I still have many investment plans, but these investment plans are more technical, such as high-speed rail and maglev trains, airlines and other advanced transportation investment.

There is also the energy shortage problem that our country is facing with the economic development, and the problems brought about by the global climate with the rapid economic development, so it is necessary to invest in the new energy industry to promote the development of green energy.

In addition, our country has a large population, urbanization is inevitable, and land resources are even more scarce. We also want to use technological means to solve these contradictions.

In addition, if we want to achieve advanced industrialization, we must be inseparable from the support of advanced materials. The research and development and large-scale production of advanced materials will also be one of the directions of our investment. "

Ye Zishu said so much eloquently, and the reporter immediately felt the meaning of what he said above. None of these investment directions can be played by domestic capital now.

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