Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 521 Impossible to go to the mixed music scene again

In fact, at the beginning, Ye Zishu also thought about whether to reverse the domestic academic atmosphere, and establish its own academic research system in China to promote the development of domestic scientific research.

It's just that he thinks it's very difficult to do so. Even if he produces a lot of research results and writes a huge number of scientific papers, it will be difficult to change in a short time.

It is too difficult to reverse the deviation of the science center for hundreds of years by himself, and it is impossible for him to spend a lot of energy on writing papers all the time.

In addition, there is the problem of national self-confidence. The current domestic environment is to look westward. This is not an isolated phenomenon, but a common phenomenon.

Just his own efforts and shouting will not have much effect at all. Instead of doing these meaningless things, it is more effective to develop the domestic economy in a down-to-earth manner and create several advantageous industries.

If there is no accident, the establishment of Tianwen Medical College this time will also hardly cause huge waves in China, and the medical textbooks and related papers he wrote will not attract much attention.

There are several reasons. The first one is his own reason. Regardless of the amount of technical vehicles he has produced, he is actually far away from the academic world and does not have much contact with him.

This means that although he has made great achievements, he does not have much academic prestige. The papers he publishes may not be paid much attention to other researchers except his own researchers.

The second is that he intends to write these medical papers in Chinese. As for whether someone will translate the papers into other languages, he has no control, anyway, he will not do so.

There are a lot of medical achievements produced this time. If they are published in top foreign journals immediately, foreign developed countries will definitely benefit much more than domestic ones. He wants to allow more research time in China.

He didn't even intend to publish it in a journal, but planned to let Phoenix Technology Company build an online academic journal website, and hang it on this website for free for domestic academic circles to learn from.

He took the opportunity of this interview to bring up this matter. It would be better if it attracted the attention of more scholars in the medical field. If it does not attract many people's attention, there is no loss.

Others may be vague about Ye Zishu's scientific research ability, but as a reporter under his banner, he has heard a lot about Ye Zishu's scientific research ability.

Although these things cannot be proven, the number and speed of patent applications for his industries are really contrary to common sense, and there must be many strange things in it.

The reporter was very happy to hear that he wanted to make a difference in the medical field next,

First, domestic medical technology is indeed relatively backward.

Second, the development speed of the domestic medical industry is also relatively slow. Some complicated diseases need to use foreign medical products, which are very expensive and put a lot of pressure on ordinary people.

"I am very happy to hear that you plan to enter the medical and pharmaceutical field. Your participation will definitely improve the medical level of our country by several steps." The reporter said happily.

He didn't know if the reporter was sycophanting, or if he really had confidence in his academic ability, but these were not important, because the result would definitely be as satisfactory as the reporter.

"You have confidence in me, which makes me very happy, but it will definitely be hard to convince the public. Whether our efforts will be effective depends on the actual development of the domestic medical industry in the next few years." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

The medical industry is a huge industry in the modern industry. Due to the limitation of our country's economic level, the medical market may not be particularly large for the time being.

In fact, when Taiji Group enters the medical field, it has already made preparations for not making money or losing money for a long time. It is hoped that the foundation will be laid in the early stage, and the previous losses will be covered when the economy recovers in the future.

Taiji Group's main source of income is still in the international market, hoping to make up for the operating losses in the domestic market through the income from the international market.

For this kind of business strategy, only he dares to do it, and he is confident in establishing a medical industry at the level of at least one trillion yuan in China, and may reach a medical industry of more than ten trillion yuan in the future.

"On the way here, I heard that the county will undergo earth-shaking changes. Are you involved in this?" The reporter asked.

Ye Zishu nodded, and said: "I did contribute a little bit, mainly because the local government is proactive, so that my companies can rest assured to establish some industries here.

As mentioned earlier, I don’t actually participate in the actual operation of the company. I mainly focus on scientific research. Many industrial layouts are the behavior of the company itself.

Of course, as a native, I personally would like to see the great development of my hometown. The folks don’t have to travel thousands of miles or leave their hometown to work, but can work at their doorstep and live the life they want. "

"Mr. Ye has this wish, and it must be realized, but do you think it is possible to promote the economic development model of this county?" the reporter asked.

According to common sense, the county where he lives must be different from other counties. No matter how he abides by the laws of economic development and business principles, he must take care of his hometown more than other places.

But Ye Zishu thought about it, and said: "The economic development of any place cannot be completely replicated, otherwise there would be no poor places in the world.

Valley Pipit

To develop the local economy, it is still necessary to adapt measures to local conditions, and the local government needs to have a strong aggressiveness. If even the government is unwilling to contribute, businessmen will definitely have many concerns when investing.

To develop the local economy, the first thing is to create a clean and efficient government governance system, so that the cost of industrial and commercial operations can be greatly reduced.

The second is to have a certain ability to predict economic development. This is a test of the government's ability to govern, because many measures will not be effective immediately, and it is necessary to endure loneliness.

You also know that my country's economic development is actually extremely unbalanced. The economic conditions of the first-mover regions are good, the political governance capabilities are also strong, and the industrial layout is also relatively early.

If the late-developing regions want to develop, if they just copy the industrial model of the advanced regions, it will be difficult to catch up with the development of the first-developing regions, and the competitive advantage is not obvious.

If the late-developing areas want to develop, they must be predictive of industrial development, and they must plan ahead of the early-developing areas. Waiting for the industrial development to mature, the economy will naturally rise.

Finally, the local government needs to establish a long-term development concept. The policy needs to be continuous, otherwise sensitive businessmen will be at a loss, and it will be difficult for people to invest in the local area for a long time. "

"Then do you have anything to say about domestic economic development?" the reporter asked.

"This problem is a bit big for me. Generally speaking, I am very optimistic about the development of the domestic economy. You can feel it from our dialogue.

When the overall economic development is good, there will also be problems of unbalanced economic development, which is what we must work hard to solve in the process of economic development.

In addition, whether the ability of social governance can keep up with the needs of the fast-growing economy will also be a major challenge that governments at all levels will face. If it is handled well, the economy will naturally develop faster, otherwise it may have some impact on the economy.

Here I would like to add that the speed of global technological development in the next ten years will be much faster than the previous dozens or hundreds of years.

How to seize this critical period is an issue we need to consider, while creating a good environment for the development of new industries cannot be ignored.

We know that there have been several revolutions that have greatly promoted the development of the world economy. In the next ten or twenty years, there will be one or two industrial revolutions, which will have a huge impact on the world's political and economic structure. "

Ye Zishu didn't say there was any revolution. This plan is mainly to remind some people that it is best to understand and understand, and he doesn't care if it doesn't work. Anyway, these revolutionary technologies must come from his companies.

"Finally, I asked many fans to ask you, do you plan to re-enter the music scene in the future?" the reporter asked.

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu shook his head and said: "Since I have chosen to quit, there is no need to re-enter. To be honest, music is not my field of special expertise.

The reason why I chose this industry at the beginning was mainly because of the need to earn the first pot of gold. Now that I don't lack funds for development, there is no need to compete with others for jobs.

What's more, no matter how good the music is, it is difficult to benefit many people. In contrast, I think being a scientist or an entrepreneur plays a greater role. "

"Although your decision disappointed many fans who love you, they should be able to understand your decision." The reporter said with a smile.

"Everyone has their own ideals, and my ideal is obviously not to become the greatest musician. I hope that everyone can identify their ideals in life earlier and work hard for them." Ye Zishu said.

The interview has ended here, it is already eleven o'clock in the evening, his parents have already gone to bed, and rural areas usually go to bed early and get up early.

After the interview, the photographer who had been sitting next to him stood up, and then asked Ye Zishu to take a few photos to illustrate the article.

After these things were done, Ye Zishu asked the two of them to rest, and Ye Zishu went back to the room to wash up, and then lay on the bed to continue studying.

Although he is also learning medical knowledge now, in order to cooperate with the compilation of medical textbooks, he pays more attention to systematization than before when studying.

The previous study focused more on practicality and selective learning according to actual needs, which is very different from compiling a whole set of textbooks.

Early the next morning, he got up to wash up, and then went downstairs to see the interview team got up, and his parents had already prepared breakfast.

This was much earlier than usual, mainly because the interview team was going back this morning, so his parents got up early, and the breakfast was much richer than usual.

After breakfast, Ye Zishu sent them to the entrance of the village, watched the car go away until it disappeared from sight, then slowly returned home, went to the study to continue working.

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