Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 528 Another great incidental research result

, the reborn tech upstart

In fact, Taiji Group still has many small businesses, and Ye Zishu doesn't bother to pay attention to them, because these businesses are either in the early stage of development, or they are unlikely to be very large.

For example, the online clinic launched by Taiji Group is a system based on the intelligent diagnosis and treatment system given by Ye Zishu and the clinical data they purchased.

After it went online, the response was mediocre, and Tai Chi Group did not deliberately promote it. The main reason is that people do not trust online diagnosis, and spending money on advertising and promotion is actually not very effective.

But the launch of this business is also positive, at least it is much more reliable than false propaganda on the Internet, so that Internet users can have a relatively reliable source of information.

Moreover, Tai Chi Group has no plans to commercialize this business, and plans to make this business free forever, which is a social responsibility that a large enterprise should fulfill.

At the end of this conversation, Ye Zishu turned on his computer, found a piece of technical information from it, and showed it to Pei Qing. This is the real compensation he gave this time.

Although we have found a lot of business for Taiji Group, it will take a long time for these businesses to develop and grow, and they cannot immediately benefit Taiji Group.

Pei Qing took Ye Zishu's computer and looked at the technical information carefully. At first, she felt that it was nothing, but the more she looked down, the more surprised she became, and even felt unbelievable.

In fact, this technology is not specially prepared by Ye Zishu, it is a subsidiary product of the study of human blood cells, but its value is worth tens of thousands of gold.

We generally think that human blood is just a human tissue that transports nutrients and oxygen for the human body, but ignores the more magical aspects of blood.

And his technical information is the active protein found in the blood that can promote the metabolism of the human body, which can delay aging and prolong life at the same time.

He did not add this substance in the technical information on artificial blood he gave to Taiji Group before, mainly because he still had a lot of concerns about it.

But when I think about it later, maybe the discovery and marketization of this substance can reduce more crimes in this society, and it can be regarded as immeasurable merit.

At the same time, it can also increase revenue for Taiji Group. It is not difficult to sell a product like this for 100,000 or 200,000 yuan, and it needs to be used continuously, not once.

Although he believes that this practice violates the fair distribution of medical resources, but in the current stage of society, this situation will inevitably occur, and even he has to compromise with reality.

There are so many rich people in the world, and this product needs to be injected every quarter. If there are about 10 million users around the world, it can bring hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue to Taiji Group every year.

There is no need for the profitable Taiji Group to make more money from ordinary people, and their routine medical services can also be operated at extremely low prices.

This kind of medical product will definitely be very expensive at the beginning, and only billionaires can easily afford it. Later, the price will be gradually reduced so that the middle class can barely afford it.

Then it will be further reduced, so that ordinary people who are slightly affluent can afford it. On the one hand, this process is to maximize profits, and at the same time, it is also to clear competitors out of the market.

On the other hand, it was because at that time, the income of the people in our country increased, and after the price was reduced, ordinary people could afford it, allowing ordinary people to enjoy the benefits of technology.

At the current domestic income level, even if the price is very low, many people still cannot afford it. If the price is too low, it will only make others cheaper. It is better to increase the price to obtain more income.

Pei Qing quickly read through the overview of this technical document, and said excitedly: "This is the rhythm of amplifying the move. When your medicine comes out, it will have a very big impact."

This product can not only make older people feel the youthfulness of the body, but also can actually improve life expectancy, but the extent of improvement is very limited.

According to the figures mentioned in the data, it will be improved by about 5 to 10 years.

And this number is still a luxury number for many people, especially for the rich, it is not much different from magic medicine.

The reason why Ye Zishu is willing to take it out is mainly because he feels that increasing the life span of 5 to 10 years will not have much social impact, but it will make the rich willing to pay for it.

"Of course I have assessed what impact it will have, but I think the good impact is much greater. Mastering this product is actually tying the rich to our side.

Many of your industries will inevitably have a great impact on your international counterparts. If your group fights alone overseas, the results may not be very good.

But with this product, we can create a more favorable competitive environment for you, at least you can participate in fair competition opportunities. "Leaf Book said.

So many billionaires are keen to invest in the medical industry. Apart from the fact that this industry can indeed make money, the most important reason is that they all want to find long-lived medical products.

Everyone is afraid of death, and the richer they are, the more they are afraid of death. They will have a strong interest in any medicine that can increase life expectancy.

Gu Yan

Taiji Group is different from small group companies, it is impossible to control them by virtue of their strength, the most is cooperation, which is very beneficial to Taiji Group.

Seeing that Pei Qing had finished reading Ye Zishu, she took the notebook over. There are a lot of technical materials in it, including demonstration data and production technology, which need to be kept separately.

In the past, when the conditions did not allow it, Ye Zishu usually gave all the information to Pei Qing, and asked her to make reasonable arrangements for the technical information, and the confidentiality work was entirely on her.

Now, due to the intelligent management system and more complete institutional construction, it is difficult for even Pei Qing to get access to complete information, and generally only obtain an overview technical description.

Ye Zishu will decompose the technical information and upload it to the Taiji Group's technical database, and then follow the confidentiality rules and assign it to different R\u0026D personnel. Every link cannot grasp the complete technical information.

After the sweet dates were given, Ye Zishu felt that this informal meeting was over. Today's weather is fine and the sun is shining brightly outside, so you can go outside for a walk.

So he stood up and said, "The weather is good today. Fortunately, you came early. In the rainy season, you can wring out water from dry clothes."

Pei Qing, who has been staying in the north before, may not be able to feel the climate of the rainy season in the south, but she has traveled far and wide in the past few years, but she knows what the rainy season in the south is like.

Clothes may not dry after a week in the air, so it is also a good choice to go for a walk while the weather is good now.

Pei Qing went downstairs and went outside. There was a field in front of the door. The paddy field was currently in a fallow period, and a lot of grass had grown on it.

The dry land in the distance is basically full of crops, mainly radishes and rapeseed, and the trees are starting to sprout, which is a bit of spring.

Ye Zishu didn't intend to take Pei Qing to visit Poyang Lake, but walked around the village while watching and chatting, which was equivalent to taking him to relive his childhood happiness.

Especially the hill behind the village is an infinite treasure for children. After a while, it will be the mushroom picking season, and the hill behind will become a paradise for wild mushrooms.

And when the azalea is in full bloom, although the mountain is not full of red, it also brings a touch of scenery to this small village. When he was a child, he liked to pick azalea.

Because this kind of flowers can be eaten, the taste is not bad, and the mouth is sweet, and there are many others, such as wild persimmons, the bitterness of which he still remembers.

He likes raspberries the most. When he was a child herding cattle, he liked to pick them. It is a rare snack for rural children. Similar to raspberries, there are mulberries.

When the two came to the cool place in the woods in summer, Ye Zishu specially explained some of the trees, which accompanied them almost throughout their childhood.

Because they would swing on these trees in summer, and then they stopped playing when they got older. They usually find a piece of flat to play chess, which is quite interesting.

The village is very small, and he took Pei Qing around in less than half a day. Pei Qing's dress was obviously different from that of country women, and it attracted many people to watch.

If she was thin-skinned, she would really be unable to bear the attention of so many people watching. Obviously Pei Qing was not among them. After so many years of experience, she had never seen any scene.

When he got home, his mother had already prepared lunch. In the morning, his father went to the lo-mei company to check it out. He should be home right away. As for Pei Qing's assistant and driver, they also followed them back.

I don't know where the two of them went shopping, and Ye Zishu didn't ask. Father hasn't come back yet, and everyone has to wait for dinner, so they can only watch TV first.

If there are no outsiders around, his house basically eats first come, first served, and you don't have to wait for everyone to arrive before serving the meal. If there are outsiders, you should pay attention to etiquette and behave according to some rules.

After a quarter of an hour, his father finally came back, and everyone started to eat. During the meal, his father talked about the situation of the lo-mei company.

At present, a lo-mei factory is being built. As the headquarters is located, it is natural to build a production factory. In addition, 5 lo-mei factories have also been built in other parts of the country.

This investment was borne by Kirin Industrial Group, and the small amount of funds of Lomei Company was simply not enough for this kind of investment.

Ye Zishu didn't care much about these things. Usually, if he wanted to know the progress, he would check it from the management system. His father was more concerned, and he would go over to see the situation when he had time.

In his opinion, there is a detailed project plan, if these professionals can't handle it, then it is really a problem of ability, and it needs to be replaced.

After lunch, Pei Qing and the others were about to leave. Taking advantage of half a day left, they happened to rush to inspect several other places. They were much busier than Ye Zishu, the boss.

After seeing Pei Qing and the others drive away, Ye Zishu went back to the study and began to prepare for today's work.

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