Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 537: Three Satellite Systems

At night, instead of going back to the study to work, he lay down on the bed early and went directly to the virtual library to look for satellite technical materials.

Every time he came to the virtual library, he felt a sense of awe, and at the same time, a sense of danger, but in front of him, no matter how much he had concerns, he had to continue to use it.

No matter whose masterpiece this virtual library is, at least at the current level of technology, it will not be too dangerous, because at the level of earth civilization, there is no use value.

Even he sometimes thinks that there is no need to threaten the civilization of the earth at all, because if life is really important, life can be created by itself with the technology here.

As for the territory, it is nonsense. The universe is so big, there will never be a lack of planets as livable as the earth, not to mention that when the technology reaches a certain level, even a waste planet can become a livable planet.

In the universe, the most worthless thing is the land, and even he doesn't know which one is valuable in the universe. As long as resources are capable, they are everywhere in the universe, and life can also be as brilliant as a galaxy.

It's a pity that no one gave him the answer to all these, and he can only guess with his own "crazy imagination" in the free time, and may never get the answer.

The space technology book area covers a large area, and there are many space technology theories and application technologies in it. Ye Zishu can only look for backward technologies based on the level of the earth.

There are three types of satellite technology he hopes to find this time. One is the technology related to the positioning satellite system, which is also an indispensable infrastructure in a modern society.

The second category is remote sensing satellites, the purpose of which is to provide support for the production of electronic maps. With remote sensing satellites, it is not necessarily possible to make good maps, but there will definitely be flaws.

The third category is communication satellites. This kind of satellite is not particularly needed at present, but he believes that it is necessary to develop the technology first, and when it is needed, it can be used immediately.

You don’t even need to wait for the future. If you launch it into the sky now, it will also have a certain commercial use. If it is not to avoid competition with your own communication companies, you can use it to grab the business of global communication companies.

Even if it does not compete with these communication companies, it has a wide range of uses, such as shipping and places that cannot be reached by ground communication facilities, can provide communication services for users.

Although these satellite technologies are low-end technologies in the space technology area, there are still many books with ready-made integration technologies, including the technical details required for integration.

There are also many individual technologies,

Many options are provided for those who need it. If the time is urgent, you can directly choose the integrated technology, and generally you don’t have to worry about any accidents.

If you have enough time and have research ideas, you can learn to screen individual technologies first, and then integrate them into a complete satellite by yourself. The effect may be better than the integrated technology.

But in doing so, if the technology is not mastered, various problems will appear in the integrated satellite. The integration is not a simple combination, and the technical content is still not low.

Although Ye Shu already has a good foundation in precision equipment technology, he doesn't do much research on space, at least he doesn't have time to study this in the short term.

He is busy enough with the ground affairs, so he has no spare time to care about the space affairs, at least he has to wait until the ground affairs are basically satisfactory to him before he can focus on the research of space technology.

So he searched directly from many integrated technologies, which is currently the most time-saving and labor-saving method, and he doesn't have to worry about unpredictable problems caused by poor technology.

But even if it is a ready-made integrated technology, he still needs to find out from many solutions, and choose the satellite technology that is most suitable for the current domestic scientific and technological level, and at the same time can meet the needs for a long time.

It takes a lot of time for him to browse the technical overview and parameters, and he does not plan to read all of these technical overviews, but he will not read down if he thinks it is more suitable for him.

Fortunately, luck is good, or the technology level here is relatively low, which is not particularly difficult for his industry. Anyway, for positioning and navigation satellite technology, he only read twelve copies and found what he wanted.

The highest accuracy of this set of positioning and navigation satellites can reach the millimeter level, and it can maintain this accuracy around the clock. If the maintenance time is short, the effect will not be great.

Another ability that he values ​​more is that he is very sensitive to altitude. The level of positioning and navigation in his previous life is very good, but not so good for altitude positioning.

This function has many practical needs, especially in the military field. In fact, the civilian field does not have a strong demand for this function, unless it encounters a complex overpass traffic network that makes people dazzled.

There are many other functions, so I won’t go into details here. If you insist, this system can also handle ultra-low frequency signals, which is actually very useful.


We all know that the lower the frequency of the electromagnetic signal, the less likely it is to be blocked, which is very useful for positioning equipment inside buildings and deep in the ocean.

After confirming the use of this satellite positioning and navigation technology, he didn't look any further, but he marked all the ones he had seen, so as not to repeat them next time.

Then I started looking for remote sensing satellite technology. The technical requirements of this set are actually simple, that is, it must have a high enough resolution, and it is best to be able to capture ground targets below one centimeter and be clearly visible.

The second is to have the ability to shoot quickly. You must know that the earth is small, but it is also very big. If the shooting speed is too slow, it will take too long to scan the entire earth.

Especially when high precision and high definition need to be taken into account, the technical difficulty is even higher. He believes that such remote sensing satellite technology is more advanced than navigation technology.

At the beginning, I read a few materials, but I was not satisfied. Then I skipped many books and looked at more advanced technologies. After confirming that it was difficult to manufacture with the current industrial capacity, I went back to search.

This binary search technique is a very common algorithm in the software field, and it is just right to use it when this level of technology has a certain sort.

But even so, it took a long time to find a satisfactory set of technology. Seeing that it was almost morning outside, it was time for him to get up.

Just when he doubted whether there was a complete set of technology that met his requirements, he finally found a complete set of technology that could meet his requirements, but the technical standard was higher than what he required.

It looks beautiful, but in fact, high technical standards mean that manufacturing is more difficult, and it takes longer to turn technical data into reality, but he thinks that if he works hard, he should be able to do it.

So he simply stopped searching and directly determined this set of technology, with a high standard, as a technical reserve for his industries, which is not entirely a bad thing.

As for the communication satellite, he doesn't have time now, so he plans to give up. After copying the two sets of satellite system technology, he will come back and look for it when he has time.

After exiting the virtual library, the outside sunlight had already shone into his window, and Ye Zishu had to get up, otherwise his mother would come over and nag him.

This is the bad thing at home. Anyone who does not wake up and eat on time will be disciplined. If it is not for the actual age, it will be very annoying.

It's just that he knows that it is a kind of happiness to have his parents nagging in his ears, even if no one even nagging, he will appear lonely and desolate, which is also a kind of happiness trouble.

After getting up and washing up, she went downstairs to have breakfast. Ye Ziqi and Ye Ziqin were already eating breakfast with bowls. Seeing Ye Zishu going downstairs, Ye Ziqin teased, "I thought you were going to sleep until noon, big brother."

But Ye Ziqi looked at Ye Zishu strangely. She knew Ye Zishu went to bed early yesterday, but she still stayed in bed, feeling a little abnormal.

Seeing Ye Ziqi's eyes, Ye Zishu explained: "Maybe because I didn't sleep much a while ago and I was a little tired, so I slept a little long last night."

This reason is also reasonable. In order to catch up with the progress, Ye Zishu's sleep time is getting shorter and shorter, and even went to bed at three or four in the morning.

After breakfast, Ye Zishu went straight back to his study to work, Ye Ziqi also moved to his study to read and do homework very consciously, only Ye Ziqin watched TV heartlessly in the living room.

According to Ye Ziqin, she found that there were more TV dramas suddenly, and there were no longer endless advertisements like before, which made her a little bit uncomfortable.

She didn't know why there was such a sudden change, but Ye Zishu knew very well that it was due to the effect of the intelligent film and television creation system, which suddenly increased the output of TV content.

In the past, the sales of TV dramas were all a one-shot deal. How much money the TV station paid to buy the exclusive copyright or the first round of broadcasting rights, so that the production unit can pay back the cost as soon as possible without taking the risk of failure.

But doing so may also lead to misjudgment. When there is a popular TV series, the production unit does not make much money, but the TV station makes a lot of money.

Of course, if the TV station makes a wrong judgment and buys a TV series at a high price, and the market does not respond well, the TV station will also bear the risk of failure.

This gambling-like cooperation method was still adopted by Shengshi Film and Television Company, but after Phoenix Special Effects Company produced TV series on a large scale, it felt that it was not appropriate to do so.

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