Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter five hundred and fiftieth is ready to

The whole morning was spent in Phoenix Special Effects Company, and their current status generally satisfied him, especially many things that he didn't remind, they could think of and did well.

At noon, I had lunch in the cafeteria of Phoenix Special Effects Company, and found that the food here is slightly better than that of Qilin Industrial Group, at least there are more types of fruits.

For companies that can make money, the benefits that employees receive are much better. Kirin Industrial Group is still in the stage of pure investment, so it is natural to save some if there is no income.

Ye Zishu does not object to such a difference, at least it can let employees realize that the company develops well and the benefits they get are better, otherwise they can only get basic benefits.

After lunch, Ye Zishu drove directly to the airport. When he arrived at the airport, there was not much time before the plane took off. Fortunately, the "super VIP service" here is very good.

The car just went through the necessary security checks, and then drove directly into the airport, and then handed over to the ground crew to load the car into the cargo hold of the plane, and he just took the boarding pass and boarded the plane.

Arriving at the first-class cabin, there were already many people sitting in it. Ye Zishu looked for his seat, and sat down without looking around, and lay down directly, ready to sleep.

This time he learned to be smart. He wore a peaked cap to prevent people from recognizing him. Although it would not cause him too much trouble, he still felt a little disturbed.

The effect of this is very good. Where he is lying down to sleep, he is actually studying in a virtual space. During the whole process, only the flight attendant covered him with a blanket, and no one disturbed him.

It was already around 4:30 p.m. when the plane landed in the capital. After getting off the plane, Ye Zishu didn't know where to go. Only then did he realize that in the huge capital, he didn't know where his home was.

Although he owns a lot of houses, each house is not his home. Even the staff house of Phoenix Software Company, where he lived several times before, is not actually his home.

It wasn't until sitting in the car that Ye Zishu decided to live at Phoenix Software Company. It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon, and there was no need to go to his office here.

Along the way, looking at the buildings and scenery on both sides of the road, I found something different, but I couldn't tell the details, maybe I haven't been here for more than half a year, maybe there have been changes that even he can hardly detect.

When the car drove into the community, he saw Pei Qing's car parked next to the parking space. He didn't notify anyone, including Pei Qing, when he came this time.

When you come to your door,

Ye Zishu thought for a while, and knocked on Pei Qing's door first. After waiting for a while, Pei Qing opened the door and shouted happily, "Why did you come back suddenly, without saying anything in advance!"

"I came here this time to participate in the thesis defense and graduation ceremony, mainly for personal matters." Ye Zishu laughed.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing pretended to be angry and said, "I know you don't have me in your heart, which made me happy just now."

"You can't say that, I haven't entered this house yet, so I'll greet you first!" Ye Zishu smiled shyly.

"Really? Why does it feel like you're here for dinner?" Pei Qing said angrily.

"It's fine if you don't cook dinner, I'll go to the cafeteria to eat later." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Okay, come in quickly. You're not talking about me, are you? You sit in the living room for a while, and I'll cook for you. If I knew you'd come back, I'd prepare in advance.

Now here's just some noodles and eggs, I'll give you some noodles for a meal, what do you think? "Pei Qing pulled him into the room and said.

"Very good, I haven't eaten noodles for a long time, I miss it a little bit." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Pei Qing didn't care whether the words were true or not, anyway, she was very happy to hear it, so she went straight to the kitchen to make arrangements, while Ye Zishu sat in the living room, turned on the TV, and watched the news channel.

In June, Ye Zishu still didn’t feel obvious when he stayed in his hometown. In fact, many major events happened, such as the establishment of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the crash of Flight 2303, and the approval of key documents such as "Key Points for the Implementation of Economic System Reform in 1994".

This is also why those big business tycoons have to move desperately to big cities even if they grow big in small places. In addition to getting more policy support, it is in these big cities that the news is more well-informed.

Although he is not very closed to the news, after all, he stays in his hometown and is busy with technical matters, so he doesn't pay enough attention to these political news and major accidents.

Now a lot of practical work is handed over to others, and the Kirin Industrial Group, which is the only one he manages, does not have much influence on society at present, and there is not much he needs to worry about.

It is also in this state that he can stay in the countryside and do his own business with peace of mind. Otherwise, how could he be so leisurely? From this perspective, the current state of operation and management of his enterprises is successful.

Watching various interpretations of reforms on TV, Ye Zishu felt more and more meaningless the more he watched, because anyone with a little analytical ability could see them.

Of course, around the exploration of this reform, the companies under him have actually been preparing for a long time, and they will definitely get a lot of benefits from it.

For example, "transforming the operating mechanism of state-owned enterprises and actively exploring effective ways to establish a modern enterprise system", Honghu Software has done a lot of research in this regard.

In the past, due to lack of resources, they only used brother enterprises and their own management as a template to build an enterprise management system under the modern enterprise system.

Because at that time, their primary purpose was not to sell their own management system, but to establish a matching information management system to match their own and the management systems of their brother companies.

Later, Ye Zishu improved the efficiency of production tools a lot. The same group of people had to do a lot more work, and they were also constantly recruiting people.

So we began to carry out targeted research and analysis on different enterprise management and organization models, and formed different models of enterprise information management systems, and these are the products we hope to sell to the outside world.

If state-owned enterprises want to change their operating mechanism and establish a modern enterprise system, they must either be on par with those foreign international companies, or they are ready-made examples of their companies.

No matter where the enterprise management system is borrowed from, Honghu Software has prepared many modern enterprise information systems for this purpose, and there is always one that suits their needs.

Modern enterprise management, especially the management of giant enterprises, is an indispensable means with the help of modern technology. In contrast, the advantages of Honghu Software Company in this area are too obvious.

The so-called practice brings true knowledge. There is no company in the world that has millions of employees and is well-managed. In terms of corporate system and management technology, there should be no company that can compare with many of his companies.

There is also the item "accelerate the reform of fiscal and taxation, finance, foreign trade, and foreign exchange systems, and initially establish the basic structure of a new macro-control system", many of which are closely related to the interests of his companies.

Baihe Software Company has been actively promoting its financial software system and taxation system for a long time, but the effect is not as good as Ye Shu expected.

Like these software systems, it is impossible for the software system to guide the institutional reform. It must be the software system that adapts to the institutional reform. As long as the institutional reform does not move, they will not be able to move.

He hoped that Baihe Software Company could seize this opportunity and develop their two businesses instead of relying solely on the Skynet system to support the increase in business income.

As for other financial, foreign trade, and foreign exchange system reforms, he must not be able to participate in the core matters, but to cooperate with the reform of these systems, it is necessary to use a lot of information system management methods.

In the field of software and hardware, there is no company in China or even in the world that can match it. As long as there are no major accidents, these businesses should be in the hands of his companies.

During this period, the country has not yet reached the point of preventing monopoly. Instead, it hopes that more enterprises with international competitiveness will develop to increase the country's economic vitality and enhance the country's ability to participate in internationalization.

However, the companies that are truly internationally competitive at present are basically from his companies. In this case, the country will only have greater expectations of them.

In fact, in this era, the desire to expect the rapid development of the country's economy is even stronger than in the 21st century. Ye Zishu also has obvious feelings in it.

I didn't have a deep feeling for this in the countryside before, because the countryside has always been a place where my country's economic development is slow, and the pace always falls a few beats.

Since entering university, even though his contact with the outside world is limited to business dealings, he can still clearly feel the strongly developed emotions.

This feeling actually affects some of his decisions. According to the plan he made before he went to college, he never thought that the pace would go so fast.

However, in this atmosphere, the impulse to develop rapidly cannot be restrained. As long as there is a little money in hand, they can't help but use it to develop new industries and increase the speed of domestic economic development.

According to the previous plan, he is still in the software field so far, and he will definitely not get involved in electronic semiconductors so soon, let alone these businesses involved in Kirin Industrial Group. It is estimated that he will wait until 1989, or even more than ten years later.

We live in an era where actions are not completely determined by the individual's head. Under the torrent of the era, no matter whether it is an individual or an organization, they will unconsciously fall into it.

There are many other reform goals, such as supporting price reform, reform of rural economic system, reform of government institutions, reform of social security system and housing system, etc.

Almost all of these have some connection with his business, and even he is not sure how certain things will affect his business.

I just hope that his companies can have more positive impacts on these things and jointly build this country well. As for the others, let time tell.

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