Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter five hundred and fiftieth IX performance triumphantly

Before going out, Ye Zishu also checked the situation of Huanyu Group through the system, and the overall progress was very smooth, especially the transportation vehicles, which were their priority work items.

Although it seems that there will be more market for passenger cars, it is not the case, because the largest market is overseas, and there are too many uncertainties, so it may not be possible to make a lot of money.

However, transportation vehicles are different. With the rapid development of my country's economy, the demand for transportation vehicles has been increasing year after year. It was better before. His industries are mainly software and electronic products.

The transportation volume of this kind of products will not be particularly large, and the growth rate of the transportation market is not very high, but it is different now. The large-scale investment of Wancheng Foundation will lead to a boom in the transportation market.

Construction materials are relatively heavy goods and require strong transportation capacity. In addition to water transportation, land transportation will be one of the important transportation capabilities.

In addition, Wancheng Foundation is a brother company, and the market is predictable. Prioritizing the production of transportation vehicles will allow Huanyu Group to obtain a stable source of funds in advance.

According to their work progress, at the end of September or the beginning of October, various types of transport vehicles will come off the assembly line one after another, which is also the first type of vehicle they will go off the assembly line.

The second is passenger vehicles, which may be rolled off the assembly line by the end of this year or January next year. This is also an arrangement based on the rapid development of my country's passenger transport market.

Although the economy has developed rapidly in recent years, the common people have not yet bought a family car casually. There are only a few types of travel, and there are certain restrictions on various means of transportation.

Airplanes are relatively expensive, and ordinary people generally don't take them. The coverage of trains is small, and ships are very slow. Only passenger cars can cover every small county.

In addition, domestic urbanization is getting faster and faster, and the demand for public transportation such as buses is also increasing. Due to various factors, the passenger car market has become one of the important target markets of Huanyu Group.

The last is the family car market, so when arranging work matters, this one is placed in a relatively late position, and it may not be offline until around March next year.

Regardless of their arrangement, it actually exceeded his expectations. He thought that these cars would be rolled off the assembly line in the middle of next year, but the actual situation was much faster than he thought.

The reason is also very simple, that is, so many researchers they have reserved in advance have played an important role, and now the money is not particularly bad, and the speed is not much worse than the construction of the motorcycle industry chain.

Of course, behind all this, there is also the help of many industries that Xuanwu Technology Company has built in advance, and Kirin Industry Group is also actively providing support for them.

"I think there must be a serious vacancy in your storage in the early stage, and it is a waste to keep it. If possible, you can manage this part of the assets comprehensively and conduct business externally.

At any time, warehousing and logistics will be an indispensable part of cargo transactions. For this part of assets, you can independently establish a comprehensive operating company. "Leaf Book said.

"I don't think it's too urgent for the time being. I want to see how the proportion of these assets we use ourselves, and then properly commercialize them externally. It will be safer." Lei Jun suggested.

Hearing that Lei Jun is so stable, Ye Zishu was a little surprised. Looking at Lei Jun's still immature face, he actually had a feeling of time and space intertwined. It seems that the training in the past few years has made him grow a lot.

"Then let's do what you want. Do you think it is possible to use drones to solve the last mile delivery problem?" Ye Zishu asked.

The related technical reserves needed for drones are available in his companies. It is not difficult to manufacture drones, and it is not even difficult to manufacture smart drones.

But he is not sure about the feasibility of this plan. In his previous life, there were many e-commerce companies hyping drone delivery, but he has never actually seen it with his own eyes.

Lei Jun heard his words, thought for a while, and said: "I think it is not easy to do this with drones, because this system definitely needs the support of wireless networks.

At present, 3G mobile Internet has not yet been built on a large scale.

With the current wireless network, it is definitely impossible to support the long-distance delivery service of drones.

Even with 3G mobile Internet, it is difficult to guarantee the security and stability of the network. I think it is necessary to build our own satellite communication network to further ensure the signal stability of drones.

In addition to these infrastructures, legal issues may also be involved. As a purely domestic company, we do not necessarily allow drones to fly around in the sky.

What's more, in other countries, whether they allow our drones to perform delivery services also requires a long discussion process.

It is important to know that once drones are used in large numbers for terminal delivery services, there will be thousands of drones flying over every city, which will cause serious interference to the airspace.

Finally, there is the issue of consumer acceptance, which can be gradually guided. Generally, there should be no objection to the service we provide, after all, the service speed is faster.

It's just how to ensure that the drone can return safely after flying out. It is difficult to guarantee that we will not encounter boring people during the flight and hijack our drone. "

"Although the problems you mentioned exist objectively, I think it is still possible to make attempts in this area. Even if it is not used for logistics terminal distribution, it can also be sold as a separate technology product.

UAVs can be used in aerial photography, film and television photography, agricultural seeding and other fields. The civilian market is still very broad. You can cooperate with Qinglong Technology Company and other enterprises to participate in the research and development of this project.

As for the problems you mentioned that may exist in the logistics and distribution process of drones, you can conduct actual verification, and find solutions if there are problems. It is definitely not enough to just think about it in the office. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Lei Jun agreed to the matter, and after agreeing to go back, he will hold a joint meeting with Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company to discuss this project.

After talking about this topic, Ye Zishu asked about the development of their entire business. June will pass soon, and the semi-annual report will be released. They should be prepared for these data.

According to Lei Jun's brief introduction, according to the data collected so far, the situation is very good. In less than half a year, the business performance is much higher than that of the previous year.

The revenue scale in the first five months has exceeded the 1 trillion yuan mark, which surprised Ye Zishu. Although this figure has factors of exchange rate changes, it is still a remarkable achievement.

According to this data, it is very likely to exceed 2.4 trillion yuan for the whole year. If the exchange rate factor is ignored, it has almost quadrupled, and it is still in the case of a relatively large base.

In addition to Phoenix Software Company and Seagull Interactive Entertainment Company, which have contributed a lot, the new performance growth points come from Suzaku Software Company, Honghu Software Company and Jiufeng Software Company.

Suzaku Software is mainly engaged in industrial software. In addition to general industrial software, they are also involved in customized industrial software. Both businesses have achieved great development this year.

Last year, the company's software was basically only for internal use. This year, it has launched export versions, which are still much more advanced than many industrial software today.

Whether the industrial software is advanced or not directly determines the strength and efficiency of industrial enterprises. For such software, enterprises are willing to invest in the purchase, after all, the value generated is very considerable.

Originally, they thought that the launch of the customized chemical industry software service business would not develop very quickly. After all, industrial companies are more cautious in this regard, but they did not expect the effect to be very good.

Because they publicize that all industrial equipment software of Xuanwu Technology Company is provided by them, and now the signboard of Xuanwu Technology Company is well-known internationally.

Many industrial companies also want to find out about this high-tech manufacturing company that has sprung up suddenly, so they are willing to try to cooperate with Suzaku Software.

Suzaku Software has collected enough industrial equipment and actual production data before, coupled with the support of advanced programming tools, and the advanced Phoenix programming language as the basis.

Therefore, it is very handy to provide customized industrial software services, and we have established a relatively harmonious cooperative relationship with many companies that originally had the attitude of trying.

Jiufeng Software launched export-oriented commercial software last year, but last year consumers have not yet adapted to their various commercial software systems, even if it is advanced, it still needs a process.

This year, the advanced nature of their various business software has finally been recognized by the market, and at the same time, there are a large number of supporters, which makes their business develop very fast.

The situation of Honghu Software Company is similar to that of Jiufeng Software Company. Relying on Phoenix Technology Company and the well-established global regional headquarters, it quickly expanded its business to the whole world.

It is entirely by relying on the advanced software technology to directly break out of the originally well-defended enterprise software market. This is really not something that can be prevented by strong customer relationship maintenance.

I have mentioned many times before that the advanced nature of the enterprise management software used by the enterprises under the leaf book, although the export-oriented products are not as advanced as those used internally, the degree of software perfection is not much different.

The main gap is the degree of intelligence, but it is still much stronger than other enterprise software providers, and it can even be said that there is no comparison. It saves a lot of management costs for enterprises and improves their management efficiency.

In addition to selling off-the-shelf enterprise software, it also provides customized software services to the outside world, which is also the strength of Honghu Software Company, so it is naturally not difficult.

The combined operating income of these three companies in the first five months has exceeded the 300 billion yuan mark, which is about three times the annual revenue of last year, and the development speed is still very fast.

As for other businesses, especially the Internet business, the speed of development is also very fast, but there are not many profitable projects. It is still in the stage of accumulating users, but the loss range is shrinking.

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