Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 574 Have you heard of quantitative trading?

"Then what are you going to do?" Ye Zihua asked.

In his impression, Big Brother doesn't seem to have any financial companies, and the only one that touches something is Danque Financial Services Company, but this company is not a pure financial company.

It is just a financial platform, which is convenient for Internet users around the world to purchase services and products online. Even the money stored on the platform is placed in the bank as deposits to earn some interest.

This kind of work can be done by anyone with a little financial knowledge. The technology is better than financial operations, so there is no need for him to get involved.

"I'm going to set up an investment company this year. For financial investment, I may only have tens of millions of yuan in my hand at the beginning. It's not a big problem for you to practice your hands." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

When Ye Zihua heard that he only took tens of millions of yuan to play, he immediately felt relieved. Even if he lost money, he would not lose much. He was afraid that his elder brother would feel a lot of pressure if he came up to get tens of billions of yuan.

Seeing Ye Zihua's relaxed expression and knowing what he was thinking, Ye Zishu immediately said: "Don't think that if you have less money, you won't be stressed, this is all the money in my hand.

It is impossible for the money of my company to be used for high-risk investment. The money has a clear purpose, at least in the foreseeable time, it will not be done.

So don't take it easy, once I lose money, our family can only eat radish and pickles, you can weigh it yourself. "

Hearing Ye Zishu's warning, Ye Zihua couldn't help but want to spit out a mouthful of old blood. This was forcing him to increase the value of this asset. How dare he guarantee it.

Financial investment is inherently risky. If you can get a return casually, the streets will be full of rich people. This is impossible. What's more, he is still a second-hand sword, and his strength needs to be verified.

"You're embarrassing me. If you lose money, you seem to be responsible for the whole family." Ye Zihua couldn't help complaining.

Ye Zihua's meaning is very clear. If he loses money, his living expenses, as well as the living expenses of his siblings' parents, will all be reduced. This is much more stressful than losing money from strangers.

It's not that he is afraid of being criticized, but that his family members will feel that he is a half-baked financial student, and he will lose face, and all the books he read will be read in the stomach of a dog.

The eldest brother must know that learning finance does not necessarily mean investing, but other people in the family don’t understand it that way. Those who play with money can’t make money because they have incompetence.

Watching Ye Zi paint a helpless expression,

Ye Zishu immediately felt a lot more relaxed, but it was indeed a bit difficult for him who had not yet graduated from university.

When making this decision, he didn't intend to let Ye Zihua face the turbulent financial market alone. It was not to make money, but to give money to others because he thought he had too much money.

"Don't think it's difficult, I'm not asking you to do it alone, there will definitely be follow-up arrangements." Ye Zishu said.

"Really, you still have a financial investment team?" Ye Zihua asked.

Ye Zishu shook his head and said, "I really don't have this in hand, as far as the level of domestic financial investment is concerned, as a professional, you should know better than me.

It is not a big problem to do traditional banking, even insurance and funds are not a big problem, because they are not using their own money, and the loss is also the customer's money.

Under such circumstances, forming a financial investment team does not guarantee that the capital will increase in value, and are you sure that you, a student who has not yet graduated, can manage these old fritters? "

Although he really wanted to refute and didn't want his elder brother to say it so embarrassingly, but thinking about it carefully, this is really the case. Domestic financial companies are doing the work of guaranteeing income during drought and flood.

"Then what is your follow-up arrangement?" Ye Zihua asked.

"Since you asked, I won't hide it. I wonder if you know the investment method of quantitative trading?" Ye Zishu asked.

Seeing Ye Zihua shaking his head, he was obviously unfamiliar with this, which made Ye Shu realize that quantitative trading may be a new concept, or it may not have been introduced into China after decades.

The most basic condition for quantitative trading is the Internetization of securities trading. With the Internet before, it is impossible to engage in quantitative trading. It is not surprising that Ye Zihua has never heard of it.

"It's actually very simple. General quantitative trading is to use advanced mathematical models to establish automatic investment programs and automatically buy and sell stocks according to certain rules.

There are several key points here. The first one is that the machine is de-emotional and can handle stock transactions more rationally without being affected by subjective factors.

The second is advanced algorithm support. In the future, a large number of mathematical talents may enter the financial market and use advanced mathematical knowledge to engage in quantitative trading and investment.

The third is the ability to analyze big data, which is to find patterns from historical data, and to invest in securities assets with a high probability of profit from massive data.

Therefore, quantitative trading investment does not mean that everyone makes money, but uses computers to control the degree of loss of individual stocks to achieve a state of overall profitability. "Leaf Book explained.

Hearing what he said, Ye Zihua immediately understood that in the final analysis, it was all about playing with computers, this big brother should be very good at it.

"Big Brother, what do you mean we will also establish a quantitative trading investment team?" Ye Zihua asked.

I thought I could get a positive answer, but Ye Shu shook his head and said, "Although the method of quantitative trading and investment is good, in my opinion, it is still quite primitive.

I have advanced artificial intelligence in my hands, the technology is more advanced, and the investment is more precise. Although the logic is similar, the technical level is vastly different.

Although we claim that it is a quantitative transaction, there is a big difference. This is our own secret and should not be told to any third party.

Because using artificial intelligence trading, the investment success rate is much higher. It can not only use big data and algorithms to support stock selection, but also have to be a little bit human.

The stock trading market is not a rational market. Emotions play an important role in it. Understanding and guiding emotions is one of the keys to successful trading. "

Ye Zihua's attention is no longer on artificial intelligence itself, but on the ability to deal with human emotions, which is beyond the artificial intelligence imagined in his mind.

"Why does it sound so sci-fi?" Ye Zihua asked in surprise.

"This is not science fiction, but a fact. It's just because artificial intelligence is of great importance, and the public is only announcing intelligent programs to avoid causing huge panic." Ye Shu said.

No wonder the third party was asked not to know that artificial intelligence is involved in securities investment. Instead, it declared quantitative trading, because everyone can still understand quantitative trading.

It is even possible to let Danque Financial Services Company sell the quantitative trading system to the outside world. It is estimated that financial institutions all over the world will not be stingy with their own pockets.

Of course, the quantitative trading system that is sold is definitely just a technical framework. As for how to lick investment strategies into it, it does not belong to the scope of services.

If you make money, it’s okay, everyone will be enthusiastic about this system. If you lose money, it is very likely that Danque Financial Services Company will take the blame. It is safest to only provide technology, not details, and keep a certain distance from customers. way.

Because in the face of artificial intelligence, these so-called quantitative transactions are just like children playing house, and it is basically not difficult to target these trading models.

"Isn't that just for me to watch alone?" Ye Zihua asked curiously.

In his opinion, if anyone else is needed, all he needs to do is sit in the office and drink tea, and there is no need to hire manpower, and all the work can be done by artificial intelligence.

"You think it's quite beautiful." Ye Zishu couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Then who else should I hire? Anyway, I feel like a trader is redundant." Ye Zihua said.

"In your eyes, do you only have traders in financial investment? There is a lot of work to be done, among which information analysis is the most important. Detailed analysis of political, financial, economic and other data is required.

Although artificial intelligence is powerful, it is not just a program. If it wants to exert greater power, it must provide more information support, otherwise it will be blind. "Leaf Book said.

"Could it be that artificial intelligence can't obtain information by itself? I think it shouldn't be difficult in the Internet age." Ye Zihua asked.

"This is not difficult. In fact, artificial intelligence can do routine information analysis by itself, but it may not be fully competent for long-term trend analysis.

Investment is also divided into short-term investment and medium-to-long-term investment. Short-term investment mainly depends on the real-time changes in the financial market, and uses the method of fast in and fast out to carry out small arbitrage.

Although the value-added rate of each arbitrage is small, the total income is still considerable when the amount increases. This is also one of the main investment methods of artificial intelligence.

Medium and long-term investment requires a comprehensive analysis of various information, more accurate trend judgments, and layout in advance, so that when the time comes, you can close the network.

Moreover, some information cannot be found on the Internet. You need to have strong information collection capabilities and build a global information collection network. This will be one of your main tasks.

In fact, if it is just information analysis, artificial intelligence may do better than you, and even the judgment of medium and long-term trends is much more reliable than you. "Leaf Book said.

Hearing this, Ye Zihua understood that his main job was actually to build an information collection network, and it felt a little unreliable to ask a financial professional to do such a job.

"Don't feel too much pressure. You don't need to do the information collection yourself. As a business manager, eight points depend on management and two points depend on professionalism. Your main job is to do a good job in management.

At present, it is only for private equity investment. In the future, it is very likely that you will also engage in general funds and insurance, and even banks. Your financial knowledge in these areas will be useful. "Leaf Book said.

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