Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 577 Temporary Tea Party

While the two were chatting, the heads of the major subsidiaries came over one after another, and they all went to Wang Changtian's office to drink tea. After everyone arrived, Ye Zishu simply suggested a tea party.

This suggestion has naturally won the support of everyone. Compared with formally sitting in a conference room for a meeting, drinking tea and chatting is much more relaxing, and the topic can also be discussed.

Looking at Zhang Guoli, Chen Xiaoxu, and Liu Qiannan who hadn't seen each other for a long time, Ye Zishu suddenly felt a lot more friendly, spoke more casually than usual, and the atmosphere became more enthusiastic.

First of all, they asked about the operating conditions of each company. Generally speaking, it was similar to what Wang Changtian described just now. Zhang Guoli didn't complain as soon as he came up, but first talked about his achievements.

One is that the production volume of film and television dramas has increased a lot compared to before. They have been operating in China for a long time, and the market has been expanding.

Coupled with the launch of the digital advertising platform this year, the linkage between the domestic TV industry and the film and television industry is completely different, and the interests of all parties have been greatly improved.

Although most of this part was taken away by Phoenix Special Effects Company, Shengshi Film and Television Company will have a huge development in the field of TV dramas compared to previous years.

The content output has received more support from the domestic entertainment industry. The reason for this is that the number of TV series purchased outside the TV station has increased sharply, which has further reduced the number of films made by the TV station's internal directors.

If these directors want to make more films, they can only further marketize them, and the best film and television company in China is Shengshi Film and Television Company, and there is almost no second choice.

On the other hand, the Phoenix Special Effects Company puts too much pressure on the domestic entertainment industry. If they are not united internally, their living space will be further compressed.

Therefore, many entertainers in the entertainment industry had to gather around Shengshi Film and Television Company, hoping to use the model of more people and more power to fight for their own living space.

Shengshi Film and Television Company, which is not bad at all, has received the support of so many forces, and the increase in the number of films produced is a natural thing, and the quality has also improved a lot compared to before.

Since they cannot compare with Phoenix Special Effects in terms of quantity, no matter how hard they try, they have no competitive advantage in this regard.

Then we can only give full play to the advantages of human beings, make breakthroughs in content innovation and content quality, and hope to gain a competitive advantage by relying on this advantage.

This situation is what Ye Zishu is particularly willing to see. If live-action film and television dramas want to stand out from the encirclement, they must start from this aspect, and it can also promote better and faster development of domestic film and television dramas.

And this kind of promotion will not stop just because a little achievement is achieved, because artificial intelligence is also constantly learning and catching up with them, thus generating lasting innovation momentum.

People are like this, sometimes you don’t know where your limit is unless you force yourself. When money in the entertainment industry is easy to make, the quality will often decline instead.

In fact, this is true in any field. When the money is easy to make, no company is willing to pay attention to the product itself. Only when facing hand-to-hand combat will it continue to stimulate innovation.

In addition to film and television dramas, Shengshi Film and Television Company has also done a lot of work in the film field. Before, none of their films were screened in China, and they only focused on overseas markets.

Now they have also begun to turn their attention to the domestic market, and have begun to produce films to meet the needs of the domestic film market. Regardless of whether they make money or not, at least they have played a role in cultivating talents.

In addition, they have also begun to try to produce international films by themselves. The animated films that Wang Changtian mentioned earlier are their own original creations.

In order to prevent the films they created from destroying their original good international image, when promoting them, they also deliberately highlighted that the previous films were directed, produced or written by Ye Shu to distinguish them.

In this way, even if they fail, they can still say that Ye Zishu did not hold any position in this movie, which can reduce some loss of reputation.

Ye Zishu felt a little dumbfounded about their petty thinking, but their attitude is worthy of recognition, at least they are not completely obsessed with making money, and they value the hard-won reputation.

This will prompt them to pay more attention to quality when shooting future films, for fear that they will feel that it doesn't matter, and if they fail, they can just make another one, and the cost is not high anyway.

The second is that their achievements in copyright operations are getting bigger and bigger. Wang Changtian has already mentioned it before, so I won’t talk about it here. Anyway, they made up for their loss of income in the international market.

In response to the difficulties encountered, Ye Zishu also promised in person that he would take the time to continue to provide them with scripts, but also stated his own requirements, so that they can grow up as soon as possible.

The music market of Shengshi Records has been mentioned a lot before, so I won't say more here, and focus on their offline business, which is the field they are currently working hard to develop.

At present, they have established 30 overseas companies around the world, implement a relatively independent operating system, and have 582 artists and groups, which can be regarded as initial results.

Last year, it was mainly investment, with no benefits. This year, it has seen some improvement, especially after Ye Zishu provided the intelligent music creation system, it has undergone a fundamental change.

From then on, Shengshi Records Company no longer lacks music works, selects the best works from them, and gives them to its artists to sing, so that artists have many works by themselves.

In addition, due to the growing influence of Kunpeng Technology's music platform, it has more obvious advantages in publicity and promotion, and Shengshi Records has benefited a lot from it.

Many talented newcomers who have been excavated have attracted the attention of many fans after this operation, and Shengshi Records' own variety show has fueled the flames, and the effect is surprisingly good.

Since May of this year, it has gotten rid of the previous state of pure investment and has begun to make profits. This year, there is a high probability that it will get a lot of income from offline business.

In addition to the offline music market, they have also accelerated the pace of overseas production of variety shows this year, adopting a model of cooperation with local TV stations, and achieved a lot of results.

In fact, even if they do not cooperate with local TV stations, they can also enter overseas through the streaming media platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company, which is actually what they do.

Now they have made an interesting attempt to put exploratory variety shows on streaming media platforms, through which detailed analysis data can be obtained.

Adjust and improve based on these data, until the program matures, it will cooperate with TV stations and promote it to the world as much as possible, so as to earn more income.

The most typical example is the music talent show they produced before. After continuous improvement, it became more mature, and then moved this set of models to the world.

For example, it was called "M Country Idol" on the old M side. Since it was broadcast, it has achieved very good ratings and has become a phenomenon-level variety show.

In other countries, this type of talent show has also achieved great success, which has brought huge profits to Shengshi Records.

They plan to wait until the champions of each country are born, and then let these champions gather together to hold global idols, so as to push the show to a new level.

In addition to further expanding the influence of this variety show and enhancing the popularity of this brand, doing so is actually a question of exploring the boundaries of music culture.

As a global record company, they very much hope to explore a common music creation path, so that music can break through cultural and national boundaries, and become a cultural product that can be easily accepted by all mankind.

Of course, this is just an incidental purpose. Since it is an exploration, it means that there may be no results. It is based on the mentality that they will not suffer no matter whether there is any result.

In fact, around the theme of the talent show, subdivided operations can be carried out. For example, since singing can be drafted, why can't other performances be drafted?

Following this concept, they have also produced other talent show variety shows, but they cannot simply copy the routine, otherwise it will affect the already well-run brand.

Ye Zishu affirmed their achievements in the field of variety shows, and at the same time gave some suggestions for them to try.

For example, set up a variety show called "Global Cultures", and each episode invites outstanding cultural representatives from a country or cultural region to show their unique cultural charm.

Human beings not only have a natural sense of closeness to their own culture, but also have a strong curiosity about foreign cultures. This is also a point worthy of attention. At the same time, it can also eliminate cultural barriers and play a positive role in promoting mutual understanding and respect among global cultures. .

Whether it is in terms of national interests or his personal interests, he hopes that the world will develop harmoniously and avoid falling into cultural conflicts and war conflicts.

Only a stable environment can promote sustainable economic and cultural development, enable his industry to have a larger market in the world, and my country's economic development will be faster.

Therefore, when developing the global cultural industry, it is necessary not only to spread its own culture, but also to spread the excellent culture of other civilizations to the world.

It is not a rational idea to survive in the long river of human history and form its own civilization.

Propagating other excellent cultures is also to allow all human beings to absorb these excellent cultural elements, so as to make human beings as a whole better.

Of course, this goal is a bit big, and the possibility of realization is not very high. At least the short-term effect is not great, and it is only treated as a long-term beautiful vision.

Through his suggestions and viewpoints, the person in charge of the site understood his ideas on the development of the cultural industry, especially for Zhang Guoli, which was a good inspiration.

If their films want to be successful in internationalization, they must have a deeper understanding of international culture, and then incorporate their own culture or the culture of other countries from it, so as to achieve the purpose of communicating with the world.

Ye Zishu also doesn't want his films to be full of ideological and cultural prejudices. His previous animated films and live-action films all followed this principle.

It's not that when he chooses movies, he only depends on the box office. He hopes that the international movies produced by Shengshi Film and Television Company can uphold this principle.

As for their subsidiaries around the world, there is no such requirement. It is completely understandable for people to shoot movies from their own perspective. Who is not proud of their own culture?

As long as you avoid the appearance of content that violates the common values ​​​​of the world, even if you want to do it, you can show it in the form of a fantasy film to avoid letting yourself fall into a passive position.

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