Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 587: Further strengthening and accelerating the development of vocational education

Originally, the purpose of creating this company was not to make money. As long as the money spent by New Oriental Education Group was in line with his intentions, he had no reason to interfere.

Since they don't care about the rush of their office space, Ye Zishu naturally won't meddle in other people's business, anyway, his boss has already made his attitude clear.

Only with this kind of attitude towards education can he rest assured that he will hand over this career to them. There is indeed a reason why he attaches so much importance to education, especially vocational education.

Don't look at him worrying about the number of jobs now, but in the next decade or so, a large number of jobs may disappear, and simple manual labor will become more and more difficult to find employment.

Labor costs are not high now, and many jobs that could have been mechanized still use labor. When labor costs reach a certain value, the situation will reverse.

This is an inevitable law, especially in the field of industry and agriculture. In addition to technological competition, there is also serious cost competition. If you want to survive in this industry, you need to compete with companies all over the world.

Even if he has a lot of technology in his hands, it is impossible to change this trend, but he can extend this time later because he can afford a slightly higher labor cost.

Originally, one of the results of the development of science and technology is to increase production efficiency. The result of increased production efficiency is bound to be a reduction in the number of workers, and the value created by the unit of manpower is higher, so that employees can be paid higher salaries.

The development of vocational education is based on the needs of the rapid development of the domestic economy, and it is also based on the results of future considerations. No matter how much money is spent, this matter must be done well.

Regardless of the fact that New Oriental Education Group's revenue may reach hundreds of billions of yuan this year, Ye Zishu does not plan to spend this money, even though the company is not a non-profit organization.

A long time ago, he thought that every county should build a vocational school, but based on practical considerations, this idea was put on hold for the time being, and only a reduced version of the plan was implemented first.

If the revenue of New Oriental Education Group will increase and become more stable in the future, he believes that the plan can be continued at that time.

From this perspective, Leaf Book should support their investment in higher education, because doing so is very beneficial to this plan, and there is no reason not to support it.

However, he has his own ideas about vocational education. There is no doubt that there is a high demand for science and engineering talents in China, and it will continue to be high in the future.

However, there is a limit to the value created by industry, and agricultural development needs to rely on land.

At the same time, the consumption of agricultural products is also limited, and the pricing of agricultural products is also bounded.

These various restrictions prevent the total value of agriculture from being particularly high, no matter how high-tech and high-quality agricultural products are, this is true. Agriculture is destined to be a basic industry.

Therefore, if you want to be rich, you must get rid of the economic model that is completely dependent on agriculture. Industry has become the way to become a rich country, and the importance of industry has become more prominent.

However, he believes that industry also has boundaries. After reaching a certain level, it is difficult to improve. If the share of the entire economy reaches a certain level, it cannot be improved.

At this time, it is the turn of the service industry to appear. Compared with the industry, the service industry appears to be more empty. It is in line with the plan. The less necessary the product, the higher the pricing power.

In the future, if my country's economy wants to continue to improve, the service industry will be the top priority, and even the entire service industry will account for more than 50%.

The quality of the service industry determines the income level of service industry practitioners. If they are just simple restaurant waiters, their income will never be very high.

Although he feels that China has not yet reached the stage where it is necessary to promote the high-quality development of the service industry, he feels that it is necessary to make preparations in advance.

Since New Oriental Education Group wants to do a good job in education, it can't just run behind the situation, or it will never be able to reach the top level.

"I noticed that our current vocational education is still at the stage of industrial thinking. This idea is not wrong. At present, our country is indeed staying at this stage, which is a decision in line with our economic development level.

But I think this stage may not be as long as imagined. If it is fast, it may only be ten or so years, and if it is long, it will only be about twenty years.

At that time, the demand for high-end service industries in the entire economy and society will increase rapidly. We cannot wait until the society has a strong desire to pay attention to these areas.

Therefore, I think that from now on, you need to devote more energy to the training and research topics of service industry talents, especially high-end service industry talents.

To give a very simple example, for example, Wancheng Jiye is now aggressively building urban complexes, in which hotels are indispensable buildings. The lack of hotel management talents in our country is obvious to all.

In this case, with the rapid development of the domestic economy, relevant talents are becoming more and more stretched, such as finance, civil aviation, media, tourism, hotels, consulting, exhibitions, education, medical care, law and so on.

These are industries where we can see a lack of professionals at present, but in your relevant vocational education system, you have not paid enough attention.

I know that your smart education platform has related courses, but these courses are automatically organized by artificial intelligence based on huge data, although they conform to the laws of pedagogy and have high value.

But these are mostly theories after all, and it takes a long transformation process to get students to work as soon as possible.

If we all rely on the intelligent education platform, there is no need for us to establish so many vocational education schools. These schools must have their existence. "Leaf Book said.

After hearing this, Yu Minhong did not refute his words, because what he said was very reasonable. For example, the real estate industry of Wancheng Jiye needs quality inspection, supervision, design, etc. In fact, these are also high-end service industries.

At present, in order to solve these talents, Wancheng Foundation has taken great pains and had to hire a large number of foreign senior service practitioners to join or cooperate.

At the same time, we have to cooperate with domestic architectural colleges or related foreign colleges to train relevant talents for our own use.

In this, the New Oriental Education Group does not play a particularly large role. Although some talents are handed over to them for training, the scale is very small.

Because they are also dabbling for the first time, they dare not say that the talents they cultivate are better than those cultivated by colleges and universities. They can only say that they are mostly exploring.

"Mr. Ye is right. In fact, we are also aware of this problem, but it is definitely not that urgent, and we have not responded adequately. It is our dereliction of duty." Yu Minhong said.

"I don't mean to blame you. After all, you have not been established for a long time. You lack both funds and background. Some negligence is a normal phenomenon.

I just remind you that it is not so easy to run vocational education well, and you still have a long way to go. The cultivation of high-end service industry talents must not be ignored.

In fact, it is not only the service industry, but also agriculture. Although farming is very simple, we have a long history of agricultural cultivation. In fact, if agriculture wants to develop, it will require high professional skills in the future.

From now on, being a farmer is no longer an identity, but a profession, and being a farmer is no longer a purely physical labor with your face to the loess, but a profession with high professional skills.

This is also the reason I told you before, why I want to establish a vocational school in every county, because there will never be too many professional talents.

If only homogeneous large-scale cultivation is carried out, then these people can only cause serious involution in a certain field, and want to solve the problem of involution in the future.

You must conduct detailed research on the agriculture, industry, and service industries of the whole society, and make an assessment of the needs of professionals produced and needed in the entire social economy.

In this way, the talents you cultivate must be full of flowers, and each industry can obtain the talents it needs, and these talents do not have to worry about serious involution due to too many people in the industry. "Leaf Book said.

Ye Zishu is most afraid of which industry makes money, and all talents will go to that industry. This seemingly market-oriented way of regulating human resources will actually result in a huge waste of human resources.

He is not opposed to market-based regulation of resource allocation, but he opposes the practice of relying entirely on the market for regulation. He feels that before market-based regulation, manual adjustment is required in the early stage.

As long as New Oriental Education Group fully analyzes the research data on the demand for talents in the entire economy and society in the early stage, and has a certain degree of predictability for the demand for future talents, it can minimize the waste of resources brought about by market regulation.

Leaf Book has never believed that the market is omnipotent. It is an irresponsible performance to push all problems to the market. How to balance the balance between regulation and the market so that both can play their respective roles is the benign economy key to development.

There are indeed many majors in colleges and universities in the previous life, but the talents cultivated by many majors are not down-to-earth, and cannot fully maximize the value of talents to social and economic life.

He hopes that the vocational education system of New Oriental Education Group can well solve the problems faced in previous lives, and earnestly do a good job in vocational education.

"If we follow Mr. Ye's intentions, our current plan is a bit conservative. We have noticed that Mr. Ye's industries are developing very fast, which will inevitably lead to the same for our country's economic development.

Therefore, in order to realize the ideal mentioned by Mr. Ye, I think it is necessary to further accelerate the construction of our vocational education system, including fixed investment, the introduction of high-end teachers, relevant social science research and so on. " Yu Minhong said.

"Since you feel the need to speed up, then follow your ideas, you should not be short of money now, and I have no intention of taking money from you.

As long as you earn revenue, it will be used by you for a long time in the future. As long as it is worthwhile, I will never say no to it.

But at the same time, I also want to see that your huge investment will produce the desired effect. The number and quality of talents you train will directly determine the quality and speed of my country's future development of agriculture, industry and service industries.

You have a great responsibility! "Ye Zishuyu said earnestly.

Yu Minhong felt his urgency for talents from these words, so he quickly said: "Mr. Ye, please rest assured, we will definitely do our best to run vocational education well."

Ye Zishu affirmed his words of similar assurance. As for the result, we can only see the follow-up.

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