Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 622 Seeing Guo Dongsheng Again

It took seven days to rush through the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian. The layout of these three provinces is also very interesting. Jiangsu mainly focuses on outerwear and underwear.

But Zhejiang is mainly based on underwear products. After reading Ye Zishu, I don’t know where they got their designs. There are so many kinds of underwear, it is estimated that they are not easy to sell in China.

These are all aimed at foreign markets. Because they use seamless sewing and special materials, the prices are generally more expensive. The cheapest underwear costs several hundred yuan, and underwear products of several thousand yuan can be found everywhere.

Supplemented by socks, hats, household textiles and craft textiles, such a separate layout is conducive to the professionalization of practitioners and avoids the phenomenon of being extensive but not refined.

Fujian mainly produces footwear and bags, supplemented by personal textile decorations, so the number of factories is relatively small, because they lack market confidence in such products.

The two factories in Shanghai mainly provide components for clothing, shoes and hats, such as zippers, famous brands, decorations, etc. The technical content is actually not as high as that of the three provinces.

The reason why it is placed here is because there is an export product processing zone here, which can save taxes and fees. After a lot of clothing, shoes and hats are manufactured, the exported products will be reprocessed here, and then directly cleared here for export.

For products sold in the mainland, these auxiliary parts are directly pulled over for local processing, and then directly shipped to all parts of the country for sale.

However, he believes that this situation may change in the near future. In the past, the country was very concerned about earning foreign exchange through export. After all, there is not much foreign exchange, and a lot of things need to be imported from abroad.

But now his industries earn a considerable amount of foreign exchange through exports every year, but there are not many things to import, basically they only buy raw materials from outside.

As its industries become more and more perfect and the proportion of the industry becomes larger, the demand for foreign exchange will become lower and lower, at least from an industrial perspective, the demand will not be particularly large.

So it doesn't make much sense to need so much foreign exchange. In order to digest foreign exchange, it can only be used to buy many consumer-level products, as well as resources and minerals.

When he was in Huanyu Group, he asked Wang Chuanfu to properly invest in key foreign minerals, such as lithium, nickel, aluminum and other minerals, when Huanyu Group had funds.

Of course, this is just his idea. If Huanyu Group is unwilling to do this, then he will let Kirin Industry Group focus on investing in these in the future. After all, their Basic Industry Group has a lot of smelting business.

Anyway, the more mineral resources, the better. If the funds are really too much to spend, even hoarding these mineral resources is worthwhile. World inflation is an irreversible trend, and resources will only become more and more expensive in the future.

The most important thing is that if they hoard a large amount of basic resources in their hands, they will have a lot of confidence to speculate in metal futures products in the future, and they don't have to worry about other people's work.

Like energy products, he uses technical means to produce them through Kirin Energy Industry Group, so he doesn't have to worry about getting stuck in the future.

He is afraid that various other mineral resources will rise sharply under the influence of capital, so he always thinks that it is very necessary to hoard these products, at least enough for the whole country for a year, and the more the better.

If the money earned does not import a large amount of consumer goods or industrial and agricultural products from the other party, then it can only import mineral resources on a large scale, and it cannot be kept in hand and not spent. That is a real waste.

Only by spending the money earned can others have the money to buy our products. If you can’t get in and get out of business, you won’t be able to do business for a long time. What’s more, the current currency is a credit currency, and there is a risk of devaluation at any time.

Based on this consideration, he believes that the stimulus to exports in the future may not be as intense as it is now, but he does not know when it will change.

The last stop was Shanghai. He came here just to inspect the textile industry group's companies and factories here. The main purpose was to see the situation of Wancheng Jiye here.

When Wancheng Foundation was established, its headquarters was actually in the capital, but now their main business is in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. After all, the economy here is developing faster, and real estate has more development value.

In addition, there is the central region of the Yangtze River. Due to the large-scale investment of Kirin Industrial Group here, the future economic development potential is also huge. There are naturally many benefits to deploying in these places in advance.

So their headquarters in the capital is basically an empty shell, and the actual operating entities are various subsidiaries. Guo Dongsheng simply put his office headquarters in Shanghai.

When Ye Zishu saw Guo Dongsheng, he felt that what his sister Guo Dongmei said was already very euphemistic. The 1.8-meter tall man looked less than 120 kilograms, which was much worse than what he had seen the last time he met.

The first thing Ye Zishu said when he saw him was: "Have you gone for a physical examination, it feels like a serious illness."

In fact, it doesn't matter if you are thinner, what you are afraid of is getting sick because of it, if so, Ye Zishu will feel guilty, after all, he is working for himself.

"It's okay. My sister has already urged me to go for a physical examination. It's just that I have been traveling around during this time. After a period of rest in the future, the meat will grow back." Guo Dongsheng said with a smile.

Last time Ye Zishu and Guo Dongmei talked about changing the guard, but Guo Dongsheng didn't fully agree to it. He had no objection to changing the guard. After all, he was cultivating his younger sister, and a brother would definitely be willing to do it.

It's just that the current job is quite tiring. He feels sorry for his younger sister. He is afraid that her sister will be more tiring than himself when she comes over. It's better to stay until the end of the year. After the foundation is laid, it will be much easier for Guo Dongmei to come here.

And after the foundation here is established, Guo Dongmei will come to take up the post, and she can also check for omissions and fill in vacancies, and correct problems in management or industrial layout.

This year, Wancheng Foundation is in the process of rapid expansion, and many things are actually not managed so meticulously. If it were not for the assistance of the intelligent management system, it would have been messed up long ago.

This is also the reason why Guo Dongsheng has to travel around. He feels that he does not feel at ease if he does not go there personally to understand the local situation. This is a sign of lack of confidence in the management and operation of the enterprise.

At least the people under his opponent are not completely at ease. You must know that each project here is often measured in units of 100 million. If the management is slightly negligent, a large amount of money may be lost, and the quality may also be worrying.

He followed Ye Zishu very early, and he knew Ye Zishu's temperament. When dealing with work and products, he should not be clever and take advantage of loopholes, but must really improve the quality of the products.

Especially for these buildings, once there is a quality problem, it is a matter of human life, which will not only ruin their reputation, but also feel very sad about this hurdle.

The most important thing is that they couldn't explain to Ye Zishu. Ye Zishu paid enough money, but the quality of the project they produced was not good enough.

In addition to engineering issues, the problem of the industrial chain is also very serious. Due to the lack of funds, the scale of the industrial chain was not large, and even many industries did not invest, but stayed in the laboratory.

Now the funds are relatively sufficient, coupled with the rapid increase in the number of projects, not only the existing industrial chain needs to expand production capacity, but also to build many new production plants.

The investment in this area actually accounts for 50% of the total investment of Wancheng Foundation, and the remaining 50% is either paid in the form of personnel salaries, or purchased basic raw materials from outside, such as steel and other products.

The funds for the construction of these industrial chains are paid by the real estate business to the companies in these industrial chains in the form of advance payment, and then the physical products are paid for after the products are produced.

Anyway, it is an industry within the group system, and the payment of funds in advance is not afraid of cheating money and running away. It is just that the relationship is relatively clear in terms of finance, and more complicated financial settlement is required.

"Let me show you." Ye Zishu said.

After speaking, he asked Guo Dongsheng to take his left hand, and he checked his pulse himself. Apart from his physical fatigue, there was really no major problem, and he finally relaxed a lot.

"Tai Chi Group's health products, you can buy and eat some, it is very good for your body." Ye Shu said.

"I'm already eating, otherwise I can't bear it. Now I only have 6 hours of sleep left in a day, and the rest of the time is busy with work." Guo Dongsheng said with a smile.

These words are actually a bit like asking for credit, but Ye Zishu didn't say anything, after all, he really paid a lot for this, even if he didn't ask for credit, he should have the credit.

"You, I still have to go home and have a look when I have time. Last time I saw that my aunt was bored at home alone, and I also talked about your marriage. I think it's better for you to get married as soon as possible.

In this way, if you give birth to a big fat boy earlier, your aunt can help you take care of it, and you will have a wife to accompany you, so you won't be so lonely. "Leaf Book said.

"My sister told me that, to be honest, I don't reject it. Anyway, people will always get married in their lifetime, but it's not easy to find someone who suits them." Guo Dongsheng said with a smile.

"That's why I asked you and your sister to transfer jobs. There are a lot of beautiful women over there, and they have a strong cultural atmosphere. As long as they have a decent character, they are generally not bad." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Guo Dongsheng was the president of Shengshi Records Company before, and he actually knows what's going on there, but the company didn't have so many artists before, and the scale wasn't as big as it is now.

Of course, at that time, they ran the company with an entrepreneurial mentality, and didn't care about these men and women. Just like him at Wancheng Jiye, there must be many outstanding women, but because of work, he didn't call much.

Ye Zishu didn't know Guo Dongsheng's inner thoughts. If he knew, he would think that he was too strict with him. He did say not to mess with men and women in the company.

But he doesn't object to the company's employees falling in love. A normal male-female relationship is actually conducive to the stability of employees. It's just that if it's too messy, he doesn't like it, and it is prone to many moths.

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