Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 624: Pei Qing's Good Mood

Ye Zishu had just returned to Xi'an, and before he had time to visit the R\u0026D department of Baihu Technology Company, Pei Qing called, and before he could say something, laughter came over.

Seeing her during this period of time, she was proud of the spring breeze. During this period of time, the Taiji Group could be said to be in the limelight, and the "Qi" that had been silting up in her heart was finally released.

In fact, Pei Qing didn't care about these things before. If it wasn't for a coincidence, Ye Zishu wanted to let a reassuring person take charge of the health care product industry and provide funds for the development of his own industry. Pei Qing was still an ordinary white-collar worker.

At that time, Pei Qing was actually not that complicated. She just carried out the boss's wishes, earning more money for the boss, and helping the boss solve financial problems.

It's just been a few years since they became presidents, and their mentality has changed a bit from before, especially when they can make a lot of money, it's hard not to change the situation.

This is not Pei Qing's problem. Anyone in Pei Qing's position will not always maintain the same mentality. People must be strong. It has nothing to do with identity and status, but the degree of strength and the goal are different.

When the Taiji Group was able to make a lot of money, pursuing industry status became one of the Taiji Group's pursuits. Obviously, the previous Taiji Group's wealth status and leadership were seriously mismatched.

Pei Qing is pretty good, she didn't touch porcelain and set off firecrackers everywhere. In her previous life, in order to expand her influence, some people kept participating in activities and making amazing remarks in order to gain attention.

And Pei Qing just put more thoughts on the company's management, since the current business can't bring the Tai Chi Group a status boost, then enter into a more influential field.

It's just that Ye Zishu suffered a lot from the realization of this goal. Although Ye Zishu had plans for medical treatment and other businesses, he was still a little uncomfortable being urged by Pei Qing.

Of course, Pei Qing's doing this is also due to him drawing big cakes at every turn. Only he can realize the big cakes he drew in a short period of time. If he doesn't help, it will take ten or twenty years, or even more. It will be realized slowly over a long period of time.

"Seeing that Mr. Pei is in a very good mood, it seems that something good has happened." Ye Zishu said into the phone.

"Actually, I don't need to tell you, you can guess what it is." Pei Qing said with a smile.

Hearing what she said, Ye Zishu stopped going around in circles and asked Pei Qing directly about the situation. Taiji Group had a lot of new business during this period, and he also wanted to see how the market was going.

The first is the sales of gene sequencing equipment and technical services. The original Human Genome Project took 13 years and cost 3 billion US dollars to complete.

Now it only needs to purchase the gene sequencing equipment and services of Taiji Group, and it only takes ten days to complete, which is many times faster than before.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Taiji Group naturally bought the equipment at a very high price, and the technical service charges were also much more expensive, but it still saved costs compared to before.

These are secondary. To complete the human genome test before, many countries around the world who are capable of participating in this project need to join in, and everyone has to cooperate sincerely to see the results.

Now that there are such efficient and accurate sequencing equipment, although many countries have not said that they will withdraw from this plan, they have purchased equipment in private and are planning to build one themselves.

In particular, the Taiji Group announced the establishment of a human gene bank plan, and many countries feel that it is necessary to follow up, and to carry out this plan, a large amount of equipment support is required.

Therefore, during this period of time, Taiji Group’s gene sequencing equipment and technical services have been selling quite well, and most countries have basically purchased their equipment and technical support in full.

In just 10 days or so, their business income in this area reached 4 billion US dollars. If they hadn't had a lot of inventory before, it is estimated that these countries would have to line up to buy.

It's just that this business is not very stable. Now they spend huge sums of money to purchase equipment and services as a practical need. After the equipment and services are delivered, the subsequent sales results will not be very satisfactory.

Although not entirely without demand,

But it will fall into a relatively stable state, and the annual global revenue of this business may only be several billion US dollars.

To make this business explode again, Taiji Group needs to launch more gene application technologies, so that gene-related equipment can enter the people's side, such as paternity testing, genetic disease prediction and prevention, and so on.

This is very difficult, and the technical difficulty of paternity testing is not very high. Taiji Group should be able to handle it with its existing technology.

But the prediction and prevention of genetic diseases is very difficult, because the human body is complex, and although genes occupy the core position, they are not the only ones.

Some diseases are likely to occur from a genetic point of view, but they often do not occur as a whole, and vice versa.

Therefore, it is not necessarily accurate to predict diseases from the perspective of genes. If the accuracy rate is too low, then the prospect of this application will be extremely limited. The facts of previous lives have also proved this point.

In addition, there are related equipment and instruments for the treatment of genetic diseases. The medical equipment and equipment given by Ye Zishu last time did not include equipment for the treatment of genetic diseases.

Because it is too difficult to do this, not to mention repairing the genes in the whole body of a living person, it is very difficult to repair the genes in a cell.

In fact, these are nothing, no matter how difficult it is, there is a solution, and what he thinks is whether these defective genes are really defective? If the repair technology is introduced, will this technology be abused.

This is what he is worried about. The purpose of gene repair is to help patients solve their pain, but in practical application, it often deviates from the track.

For example, in the medical and aesthetic industry, in the past, everyone had to cut the flesh for plastic surgery and add various fillers. The resulting appearance and figure required constant maintenance, and even had serious side effects.

If it is solved directly from the genetic level, it will fundamentally change a person's appearance, and it seems that these beautiful genes can be passed on to the next generation.

It looks beautiful, but is it really the case? Human beings as a group can survive in the crisis-ridden nature until now, definitely not because of uniformity, but because of the variety of genes.

If genes can be repaired or even changed at will, will there be a theory of genetic excellence? It is very likely that capitalists are willing to take money in order to fool more people, no matter how ridiculous the remarks are.

Regarding the genetic testing business, Ye Zishu not only asked their scientific researchers to continue to cultivate, but also asked Pei Qing and their management to calm down.

But at this point, Pei Qing talked about the system and equipment related to gene cracking that Ye Zishu promised before. Ye Zishu directly shirked that he didn't have time, and he might not have time next year.

As mentioned earlier, their cosmetics and skin care products business is doing very well, especially after some people use it for a week, the effect becomes more and more obvious, which leads to a continuous increase in the sales of their skin care products.

Although daily sales vary, they have been more than 2 billion yuan recently, and the number of global users has exceeded 40 million. It is estimated that in one or two months, it is possible to exceed hundreds of millions.

In overseas markets, Taiji Group’s skin care products are sold in sets, not disassembled and sold as in China. The prices are relatively expensive, with a minimum of 4,000 yuan and a maximum of 12,000 yuan.

Fortunately, the various products in their set of skin care products are very effective, but they have not caused dissatisfaction among consumers, but they are a little distressed at the price.

Even if you buy a suit with the lowest price, it will cost about half a month's salary, or even a month's salary for many countries that are not particularly rich.

Under normal circumstances, such a set of skin care products can only be used for three months, even if you save money, it can only be used for four months, but you get what you pay for.

Compared with other high-priced skin care products with various gimmicks, Tai Chi Group's series of skin care products are undoubtedly high-quality products with relatively moderate prices.

Although the sales of their cosmetics have increased with the sales of skin care products, the proportion has continued to decline, mainly because they do not have much special features.

However, they are also actively thinking of ways. For example, they are also cooperating with Kirin Industry Group to replace the previous false eyelashes with real eyelashes, which will look more natural.

There are also plans to change lipsticks and lip balms from the previous conventional substances to protein substances, which are not only healthier, and there is no problem in eating them, but also have a certain maintenance effect on the lips.

Can products like foundation be replaced with special protein powder, not to mention special effects, at least it will not cause additional damage to the skin.

In short, in order to continue to strengthen their shortcomings, Taiji Personal Care Company is making more efforts to this end. This attitude is worthy of recognition.

In terms of medical equipment, it can be said that there are mixed results. In the field of medical equipment for medical institutions, the current achievements are not to say that there is no such thing as lack of success.

At the beginning, many institutions thought that the price of Taiji Group's equipment might be cheaper, and came to inquire about the price one after another. When they learned that their prices were not only not cheap, but also slightly more expensive than similar products in the same industry.

This makes many organizations unwilling to purchase. If it can't be cheaper, even if the product is better, they would rather use the previous equipment, which is more cost-effective.

When some medical institutions need new medical equipment, they are very willing to purchase medical equipment from Tai Chi Group, but the purchase volume is not very large, it is more like buying past tests.

In contrast, the sales of their personal medical equipment are relatively hot. In just about ten days, 1 million units were sold.

Some people don't really believe that this device has a very good ability to diagnose diseases, and they still want to buy it mainly because of the smart wearable function of this device, which can help many people deal with some things.

Many people bought a kind of personal terminal in the past. Hearing what Pei Qing said, Ye Zishu didn't know how to evaluate this kind of behavior. He could only lament that there are so many rich people.

You must know that overseas prices are not cheap, and those who can buy without hesitation must be those who are not short of money. If you only value smart wear, it is not worth it. The real value of this device is actually a personal disease diagnosis.

But he is not in a hurry, so many people have already bought it, and he does not believe that all of them are healthy. As long as someone follows the advice of the personal diagnostic device and goes to see a doctor, they will definitely find the real magical effect of this device.

Ye Zishu asked Pei Qing to pay close attention to it. Once there is a similar incident, it must be used as an advertisement. Otherwise, the total sales volume will not be particularly high based on the smart wearable function, after all, where the price is.

As for the poor condition of the medical equipment used in their medical institutions, Ye Zishu told her to calm down, not only to continue to actively sell products to medical institutions, but also to make another plan.

That is to explore the feasibility of establishing their own self-service medical institutions around the world. Since they are unwilling to buy, then enter the market and compete with them.

It's just that Ye Zishu doesn't know whether this way will work. It needs to test the market carefully. If it is feasible, it will expand on a large scale and make medical institutions like them regret going.

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